ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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Chapter Five<br />

Avoiding Deception<br />

It is God’s grace that can keep us from deception—which we are all<br />

able to fall into. Look at Eve for example. She was perfect, without sin,<br />

<strong>and</strong> in a perfect environment when she was deceived. Satan at one<br />

time was Lucifer. He was in heaven <strong>and</strong> without sin. He was also in a<br />

perfect environment, yet fell into pride that led to rebellion. So if they<br />

could fall, how much more so could we as fallen creatures with sinful<br />

natures, living in such a sinful world, attacked by satanic spirits like we<br />

are! It will take great humility <strong>and</strong> staying very close to Jesus to avoid<br />

deception in the days to come. Things will look different than the norm.<br />

Even that which is <strong>of</strong> God will have a different look. If we see it through<br />

the eyes <strong>of</strong> our flesh or judge it in a carnal mind, we will surely persecute<br />

what is <strong>of</strong> God <strong>and</strong> those that are true messengers <strong>of</strong> the Most<br />

High. Karen Wheaton works with some precious young people in Alabama.<br />

She said at a Br<strong>and</strong>ed by <strong>Fire</strong> conference in Pensacola Florida<br />

that she was concerned one time about some things she saw. She said<br />

her young people were caught up in worship <strong>and</strong> began to dance in a<br />

way that reminded her <strong>of</strong> things she has seen in passing (flipping<br />

through the channels) on MTV. It looked like head banging in a way.<br />

She said it concerned her, <strong>and</strong> she asked the Lord “what should I do!”<br />

She was saying to herself, “I know these kids <strong>and</strong> their pursuit <strong>of</strong> God,<br />

but look at them worship! It doesn’t look the way I am used to. It<br />

doesn’t look like the way my mother used to do things, or I have done<br />

things. It doesn’t look like the way I have worshipped in the past on<br />

TBN!” The Lord spoke to her <strong>and</strong> said, “Remember Karen, satan has<br />

never created anything.” So she realized that all she has seen in the<br />

world was not created by satan, but was in fact, perverted worship. So<br />

she backed <strong>of</strong>f <strong>and</strong> let them worship God without inhibition. Friend, we<br />

may see things that on the surface look weird, but it is <strong>of</strong> God! We<br />

have to judge through true discernment.<br />

A true story<br />

She saw this man in church <strong>and</strong> was concerned. Having been around<br />

witchcraft in her past she had a weird feeling around this man. He<br />

seemed spiritual <strong>and</strong> blended in the church. Even though this was true,<br />

she felt something wasn’t right with this man. She sensed something<br />

evil about him. She had walked by him <strong>and</strong> his face seemed to contort<br />

into the image <strong>of</strong> a snake around the eyes. It was as though something<br />

was leaping out at her. During a service this man would participate in<br />

the gifts <strong>of</strong> the Spirit, or so it seemed. One Sunday during morning<br />

worship the power <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit came in very strong. She was sit­

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