ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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Witchcraft in the Church 71<br />

frame or foundation <strong>of</strong> the house, while Jezebel is like the outward<br />

decoration <strong>of</strong> the house. These two spirits are very subtle, hidden, lethal,<br />

<strong>and</strong> incredibly intelligent. That is why they have the position they<br />

have. These two spirits do everything they can to stay hidden. They<br />

fear to be revealed, but Jezebel will be revealed before Ahab. This is<br />

because, there can be no Jezebel in true power without an Ahab. So if<br />

Ahab is successful in remaining hidden, the rebellious stronghold will<br />

be rebuilt on this foundation at a later time, even if it has been temporarily<br />

destroyed. We can see the characteristics <strong>of</strong> an Ahab in some<br />

things we see in 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 Kings concerning the literal Jezebel <strong>and</strong> Ahab<br />

that lived thous<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> years ago. I want to use some characteristics <strong>of</strong><br />

them to describe men <strong>and</strong> women today that are under their control.<br />

Describing those under the control <strong>of</strong> Jezebel <strong>and</strong> Ahab<br />

An Ahab will quickly abdicate his throne to his wife. Here are some<br />

things to look for concerning an Ahab. An Ahab is usually a lazy glutton<br />

that does not want to give up his fleshly lusts to truly serve God.<br />

He is a blame­shifter always stating it was someone else’s fault what<br />

has happened. This has come down from the original Ahab <strong>and</strong> Jezebel,<br />

Adam <strong>and</strong> Eve. Ahab men have an issue with lust. Queen Jezebel<br />

was probably a beautiful woman, <strong>and</strong> Ahab, a man <strong>of</strong> lust. That is why<br />

Ahab was so willing to forsake the comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> God <strong>and</strong> marry an evil<br />

heathen gentile. The main three sins <strong>of</strong> Ahab were marrying Jezebel,<br />

rebuilding Jericho (which caused human sacrifice to happen as Heiel<br />

lost his two sons), <strong>and</strong> worshipping Baal. He went so far as to build<br />

Temples <strong>and</strong> groves to Baal (1Kings 16:31­33). Ahab was a pushover<br />

for a pretty face <strong>and</strong> lacked godly self­control sexually. Ahab men will<br />

have issues with porn, masturbation, lust, child molestation, <strong>and</strong> if<br />

possible adultery or fornication. They will justify this as if God underst<strong>and</strong>s<br />

it. It is usually a major stronghold in their lives <strong>and</strong> the area<br />

satan controls them the most. An Ahab will condone an abortion with<br />

his wife if she wants it. Jezebel loves baby sacrifice. It is common<br />

knowledge that the goddess Ashtoreth (Baal’s wife also called Astarte<br />

or the Queen <strong>of</strong> heaven) required baby sacrifice. Jezebel is a blood<br />

thirsty murdering spirit. She kills the prophets. She will quickly try to<br />

hurt true men <strong>of</strong> God with sl<strong>and</strong>er <strong>and</strong> use that to kill their ministry.<br />

When the literal palace <strong>of</strong> the Queen Jezebel <strong>of</strong> the Bible’s ruins were<br />

uncovered, there were jars found that had inscriptions on them stating<br />

“These make me tender <strong>and</strong> delicate.” The jars represented the babies<br />

that were sacrificed to keep her young. This is a common occult belief<br />

today. Occultists believe if you kill a baby, you can steal its youth. That<br />

is why some makeup will have ground up baby remains from an abortion<br />

in it. It is an occult belief to keep your youth. I would sure be careful<br />

ladies! I wouldn’t want that on my face. I am sure a curse <strong>and</strong> de­

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