ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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Appendix 293<br />

stored through the revivals <strong>of</strong> the 1950’s the healing ministry in<br />

power, <strong>and</strong> I believe we are on the verge <strong>of</strong> seeing the deliverance<br />

ministry restored as well.<br />

7. Laodicea—was a rich city famous for wealth <strong>and</strong> medical studies.<br />

Eye salve was made here <strong>and</strong> was known for its healing power. It<br />

was also a city <strong>of</strong> pleasure. This speaks <strong>of</strong> the last day lukewarm<br />

church. Jesus said “Because <strong>of</strong> the increase <strong>of</strong> wickedness, the<br />

love <strong>of</strong> most will grow cold, but he who st<strong>and</strong>s firm to the end will<br />

be saved.” Matthew 24:12<br />

a. The seven day theory is interesting. From Adam to Abraham<br />

was 2,000 years (two days), from Abraham to Jesus was<br />

2,000 years (another two days), <strong>and</strong> from Jesus till now has<br />

been 2,000 years (another two days that total six altogether).<br />

Jesus will return for the thous<strong>and</strong> year millennial reign <strong>and</strong><br />

rest on this seventh day. Could we be on the brink <strong>of</strong> his return?<br />

We see things like the restoration <strong>of</strong> Israel in 1948<br />

which is nothing short <strong>of</strong> a miracle from God. We see Iraq<br />

<strong>and</strong> Israel on the news daily as in the forefront like we see<br />

Babylon <strong>and</strong> Israel in the forefront in the book <strong>of</strong> Revelation.<br />

We see the darkness <strong>of</strong> the world <strong>and</strong> the end time revival.<br />

b. Two things to be in the end times: great glory <strong>and</strong> great darkness<br />

(Isaiah 60:1­4; Zech 8:23).<br />

c. Revelation 3:7­13 we must overcome this end time darkness<br />

by staying in revival <strong>and</strong> not allowing compromise that will<br />

cause our love to grow cold.<br />

Here are three enemies to the fire <strong>of</strong> revival in our lives:<br />

1. Unforgiveness—there will be a lot <strong>of</strong> hurtful things in the end<br />

times to face<br />

2. Compromise with the world <strong>and</strong> sin<br />

3. Pride, rebellion, <strong>and</strong> fear<br />

8. We will face fear <strong>and</strong> overcome: It will take great boldness, faith,<br />

<strong>and</strong> peace to overcome fear. 2 Timothy 1:6 overcoming intimidation<br />

(fear).<br />

a. Boldness <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit: Acts 4:29 be filled with the Holy<br />


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