ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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288 Angel <strong>of</strong> Light<br />

sacrifice (to Ashtoreth­Jezebel), <strong>and</strong> luxurious living. It was<br />

lulled asleep into a false sense <strong>of</strong> security.<br />

b. It was defeated by King Cyrus <strong>of</strong> the Medo­Persian Empire.<br />

There is a prophecy by Isaiah in 45:1­2 that Cyrus would do<br />

this. History records as the Persian army approached Babylon<br />

in the middle <strong>of</strong> the night that the river Euphrates the Babylonians<br />

depended upon for protection had mysteriously dried<br />

up. They pressed on to the two­leaved huge gates <strong>of</strong> brass<br />

<strong>and</strong> iron that kept the entrance secure. It was ripped <strong>of</strong>f its<br />

hinges as if a huge h<strong>and</strong> ripped it <strong>and</strong> threw it aside. As the<br />

Persians entered the city, there was no military resistance by<br />

the Babylonians because they had celebrated a religious holiday<br />

<strong>and</strong> were all drunk <strong>and</strong> asleep. Jezebel was recorded<br />

drunk in Rev 17. I believe the enemy in the heavens will be<br />

defeated in the same way in these end times by God’s army.<br />

The Principalities have a false sense <strong>of</strong> security <strong>and</strong> satan will<br />

be cast out <strong>of</strong> the skies Revelation 12:9­13. The Persians had<br />

victory in one night.<br />

3. Babylon a symbol <strong>of</strong> satan’s spiritual kingdom:<br />

a. It had a king—the coming rise <strong>of</strong> the antichrist<br />

b. Babylon will be a spiritual kingdom <strong>of</strong> great rebellion that involves<br />

a tight network <strong>of</strong> world rulers, principalities, powers,<br />

<strong>and</strong> satanists.<br />

c. The Illuminati is in place to support the rise <strong>of</strong> the antichrist.<br />

d. The Natural governments <strong>of</strong> the world, the united nations, <strong>and</strong><br />

the European Union are only puppets for the true spiritual satanic<br />

power behind them.<br />

e. The stage is being set for mass attacks against Israel <strong>and</strong><br />

Christians. We must be ready for these days ahead by staying<br />

close to Jesus <strong>and</strong> in his word. We all must have an intimate<br />

relationship with the Holy Spirit <strong>and</strong> know the word <strong>of</strong> God for<br />


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