ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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286 Angel <strong>of</strong> Light<br />

being much greater than Elijah didn’t say a word! Death<br />

to pride <strong>of</strong> considering yourself better than others.<br />

12. vs 50­54 After the death was complete<br />

a. Curtain (veil) in Temple ripped—open heaven, revival,<br />

<strong>and</strong> vision from God (veils taken away)<br />

b. Earth shook <strong>and</strong> rocks split—authority over the<br />

earths natural laws<br />

c. Tombs open <strong>and</strong> dead raised—authority to raise the<br />

dead<br />

d. The honor <strong>of</strong> men comes—(vs 27:54) the heathen<br />

said “Surely he was the son <strong>of</strong> God.”<br />

Honoring what God honors is also humility: God has sanctified<br />

these things<br />

1. Sabbath Gen 2:3 we all need one day <strong>of</strong> the week to rest<br />

2. God’s name Lev 22:32 we must make sure <strong>and</strong> use it reverently<br />

3. The first born son Num 3:13 they received a double portion inheritance<br />

<strong>and</strong> the father’s blessing.<br />

4. Priests 2 Chron 5:11 We all are priests in God’s eyes as Christians.<br />

We must live holy out <strong>of</strong> fear <strong>and</strong> reverence <strong>of</strong> God who had<br />

made us priests.<br />

5. God’s house 2 Chron 36:14 We must keep God’s dwelling place<br />

holy.<br />

6. The Christ John 10:36 Jesus was holy <strong>and</strong> perfect before God.<br />

7. Christians John 17:18 we are made holy before God.<br />

8. Unbelieving spouse <strong>and</strong> children 1 Cor 7:14 Christian spouses<br />

<strong>and</strong> parents can st<strong>and</strong> on this promise.<br />

9. Food by the word <strong>of</strong> God <strong>and</strong> prayer 1 Tim 4:5 (further study 2<br />

Tim 2:14­26)

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