ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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Appendix 265<br />

Cleansing, Blessing, dedicating home <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong><br />

This section is very inspired by the teachings <strong>of</strong> John Kilpatrick on the<br />

mystery <strong>and</strong> power <strong>of</strong> a blessing.<br />

This section on cleansing, blessing, <strong>and</strong> dedicating property is intensely<br />

powerful. I have been so blessed to see such a revival <strong>and</strong> presence <strong>of</strong><br />

God in my home. This will be an added level <strong>of</strong> protection to your dwelling<br />

place <strong>and</strong> help make it a dwelling place for God. This too can be<br />

copied <strong>and</strong> given to someone that needs to see a cleansing <strong>of</strong> their<br />

home.<br />

First, remove anything that has to do with the occult, connected to a<br />

false god, pornographic (or has nudity or sex), has ungodly violence in<br />

it, or if it has foul language (pr<strong>of</strong>anity or using God’s name in vain).<br />

This will require going room by room, through boxes, drawers, attics,<br />

basements, garages, <strong>and</strong> every area <strong>of</strong> the home. This may take some<br />

time. Then you can proceed.<br />

Walk completely around property line praying <strong>and</strong> applying the blood<br />

<strong>of</strong> Jesus by faith. Stop at corners <strong>and</strong> bury communion at each corner<br />

consecrating the l<strong>and</strong> as God’s property <strong>and</strong> drive a wooden stake (can<br />

write scriptures on it) with that communion at each corner. Last, pour<br />

out some anointing oil on the l<strong>and</strong> separating it to be used for God’s<br />

service. Try to end up in the back yard last so there won’t be distractions.<br />

Now you can speak this over your property.<br />

Opening Prayer <strong>of</strong> dedication<br />

Lord, I now dedicate this l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> home to you, Almighty God. May it<br />

be for the glory <strong>of</strong> God, our Father, from whom comes every good <strong>and</strong><br />

perfect gift. We dedicate this l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> home. To the honor <strong>of</strong> Jesus,<br />

his son, our Lord <strong>and</strong> Savior. May it be the praise <strong>of</strong> the Holy Spirit, the<br />

comforter, whose presence is welcome to Tabernacle here. To you,<br />

Holy Spirit, we also dedicate this property.<br />

Blessing to speak<br />

May the Lord bless you home, l<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> vehicles to be a sanctuary <strong>of</strong><br />

rest, renewal, <strong>and</strong> refreshing. May you be a haven <strong>of</strong> God’s perfect<br />

peace <strong>and</strong> the manifest atmosphere <strong>of</strong> heaven. The Lord grant you to<br />

be a place <strong>of</strong> unity, harmony, <strong>and</strong> submission to authority. May the<br />

sounds <strong>of</strong> joy <strong>and</strong> laughter be heard in you as people continually love<br />

<strong>and</strong> enjoy each other in you. The Lord bless you to be a place <strong>of</strong> un­

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