ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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The End Times 233<br />

days <strong>of</strong> the early church! (Haggai 2:9, Joel 2:23). The Lord will return<br />

for a church without spot or wrinkle that conquers in these end times!<br />

The darkness coming<br />

Humanism the forerunner <strong>of</strong> the antichrist<br />

King James Version <strong>of</strong> the Bible used in this teaching<br />

Humanism is a great threat <strong>and</strong> preparation for the antichrist to arise.<br />

We talked about what will precede Christ’s coming. Now let’s talk<br />

about what will precede the rise <strong>of</strong> the antichrist. This is taken directly<br />

from Derek Prince’s Teaching Letter number 3 “Humanism—forerunner<br />

for Antichrist.”<br />

“One essential requirement for victory is to identify the nature <strong>of</strong> the<br />

forces that are at work in any given situation. In recent months as I<br />

have been meditating on the developments in the world—<strong>and</strong> especially<br />

in the USA <strong>and</strong> Israel—I believe that God has shown me the<br />

identity <strong>of</strong> the evil, deceptive power that satan plans to use to consummate<br />

his purposes for the end <strong>of</strong> this age. It is HUMANISM.<br />

I had always thought <strong>of</strong> humanism as a comparatively harmless error.<br />

When I consulted a dictionary, I was taken aback by its definition:<br />

“The denial <strong>of</strong> any power or moral value superior to that <strong>of</strong> humanity;<br />

the rejection <strong>of</strong> religion in favor <strong>of</strong> a belief in the advancement <strong>of</strong> humanity<br />

by its own efforts.”<br />

I realized that humanism is not spiritually neutral. On the contrary, it is<br />

a deliberate denial <strong>and</strong> rejection <strong>of</strong> God’s power <strong>and</strong> authority. It is an<br />

anti­religious religion. For this reason, it can be—<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>ten is—taught<br />

in educational systems, such as that <strong>of</strong> the USA, which prohibit the<br />

teaching <strong>of</strong> religion in its usual sense.<br />

I decided to trace humanism back through history, starting with Nebuchadnezzar’s<br />

dream <strong>of</strong> an image with a head <strong>of</strong> gold, chest <strong>and</strong> arms<br />

<strong>of</strong> silver, belly <strong>and</strong> thighs <strong>of</strong> bronze, <strong>and</strong> legs <strong>of</strong> iron. Daniel interpreted<br />

this as foreshowing four Gentile empires which would arise in succession.<br />

The head was Babylon; the chest <strong>and</strong> arms were Media­Persia;<br />

the belly <strong>and</strong> thighs were Greece; the legs were Rome (Daniel 2:31­<br />


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