ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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A Word to Parents 223<br />

this honor. Sometimes it is harder to live for Jesus, dying to self everyday,<br />

than to lay your life down <strong>and</strong> go to heaven.<br />

A Martyr’s Heart<br />

A person who lays down his/her life for the gospel has already done so<br />

in his/her heart. Let me tell you how the first apostles <strong>of</strong> Christ died.<br />

Those that have laid down their lives for the gospel inspire me! God is<br />

looking for those that want to glorify his son in the earth. The true message<br />

<strong>of</strong> the gospel will be accompanied by great power. The Lord confirms<br />

his word with signs (Mark 16:20). The Lord will raise up those<br />

that preach the cross <strong>and</strong> make room for the miraculous in their ministry.<br />

A martyr is first a martyr in his heart before he dies in the body. What<br />

will it be like for you, if one day you are in heaven <strong>and</strong> there is a young<br />

man is sitting next to you who is named Titus? You ask him to tell you<br />

his story <strong>and</strong> he says, “Sure, I had a difficult life. I grew up in Rome.<br />

My family all served Jesus. We heard <strong>of</strong> him through a man that was<br />

going door to door telling people about Jesus. One <strong>of</strong> my neighbors<br />

was healed <strong>of</strong> tuberculosis as this man prayed for him. It was a few<br />

years later that my mother was captured by the Roman guards. They<br />

poured oil on her <strong>and</strong> I watched her be burned alive on a wooden stake<br />

because Jesus was her God. When my father came back home from<br />

business, he heard the news <strong>and</strong> wept bitterly. The guards came <strong>and</strong><br />

took him away as well. I was forced to watch him be put in a coliseum,<br />

<strong>and</strong> I watched as lions ate my dad. The guards then took me <strong>and</strong> beat<br />

me trying to get me to renounce Jesus, but I couldn’t do that! He was<br />

everything to me. I was then placed in that same coliseum the next<br />

day. I saw doors being opened on every side. Lions came out <strong>of</strong> every<br />

door. I was never so afraid in all my life. I died that day <strong>and</strong> was carried<br />

by angels to be with Jesus here. Now that I have told you my<br />

story, what is yours?” Oh friend, we need to have a story. Not all <strong>of</strong> us<br />

have the honor <strong>of</strong> dying for the gospel in the body as a martyr, but we<br />

must have a story <strong>of</strong> totally selling out to Jesus. Sometimes it is harder<br />

to live for Jesus than to die for him. What the Lord is looking for is<br />

obedience <strong>and</strong> death to self. We must be fully committed to him in<br />

obedience to the call even if it costs us our lives. I heard a Middle<br />

Eastern woman that is a pastor’s wife say, she was not afraid <strong>of</strong> the<br />

terrorists because they could only kill her once. I love that.<br />

160,000 people where martyred in 1996 for the cause <strong>of</strong> Christ. Persecution<br />

is rising with each year. How ready are the American Christians<br />

to this kind <strong>of</strong> persecution? I would have to say many would ab<strong>and</strong>on<br />

the faith if it came down to their life. The eleven disciples all gave their

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