ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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218 Angel <strong>of</strong> Light<br />

pid way to find a mate, but asking Jesus who to marry is a<br />

smart way.<br />

5. Don’t put a B<strong>and</strong>­Aid on things: Kids need to hear the truth.<br />

The only way to get victory over peer pressure is to die to caring<br />

what others think. Many youth pastors <strong>and</strong> parents try to<br />

supplement instead <strong>of</strong> allowing a death process to take place.<br />

I will give an example. If there are no good television shows,<br />

turn it <strong>of</strong>f. We cannot begin to compromise. Instead <strong>of</strong> allowing<br />

a little compromise, we all need to be willing to die to television<br />

altogether. Many say that since secular music is so bad<br />

we must give our kids some kind <strong>of</strong> supplement. Well, I agree<br />

up to a point. Really we should teach our kids to be willing to<br />

give up all forms <strong>of</strong> entertainment if necessary, not just find a<br />

supplement. What will happen if there is not supplement?<br />

They must learn to die to what is sinful <strong>and</strong> not need a supplement.<br />

There is a very dangerous addiction that is forming<br />

to entertainment in our kids. If they do not break it, it may take<br />

them down a dark road that leads to hell. My daughter had a<br />

dream <strong>of</strong> a group <strong>of</strong> kids that were watching a horror movie <strong>of</strong><br />

death <strong>and</strong> occult practices. They kept saying “tonight we are<br />

going to do this to.” Entertainment is sowing demonic seeds<br />

into our youth. It is darkening their minds. Not only that but<br />

there is a passive mind that is developed through entertainment.<br />

Kids are learning to not have to think, but rather to let<br />

someone else think for them. How dangerous is that! I believe<br />

the antichrist will use television <strong>and</strong> mind control to control the<br />

masses <strong>of</strong> the earth. That is my opinion. People need strong<br />

disciplined souls, not passive minds that sit around <strong>and</strong> watch<br />

television for hours! We are doing our kids a disservice if we<br />

allow things that are not good for them.<br />

6. As I stated above: Pray <strong>and</strong> fast for your kids. They face the<br />

devil at school. I believe it is better to home school now. This<br />

is my opinion. How can we expect our kids to have a renewed<br />

minds, when we send them to a place that brain­washes them<br />

into anti­Bible teachings. Be patient with them as they make<br />

mistakes. Speak blessing over them that will guide their feet<br />

into their destiny. Don’t ever curse them! Get them in a<br />

church <strong>and</strong> youth group that is in the fires <strong>of</strong> revival!<br />

These are some things you can do. Remember rebellion is a<br />

spirit. Bind the demons attacking them daily. This may be the<br />

hardest word you have ever heard, but after a child moves<br />

into adulthood <strong>and</strong> they refuse to repent <strong>of</strong> sin in their lives<br />

(I’m not talking about struggling with minor things, but I am<br />

talking about things like sex outside <strong>of</strong> marriage, disrespecting

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