ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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A Word to Parents 217<br />

they have done so out <strong>of</strong> rebellion not ignorance. So they will<br />

lose that privilege.<br />

3. I am careful about who they are around. The Bible says<br />

bad company will corrupt good character. I am very careful<br />

about whose house they go over to especially to spend the<br />

night. I don’t allow them to have friends that I don’t approve<br />

<strong>of</strong>. Please be so careful who they hang around <strong>and</strong> where they<br />

are going! Remember Elaine Lee <strong>and</strong> all she went through<br />

because her parents didn’t put a stop to it before it got to that<br />

level <strong>of</strong> involvement in satanism. Her parents let her hang<br />

around a satanist <strong>and</strong> never stopped that relationship. She<br />

ended up forced into satanism <strong>and</strong> a life <strong>of</strong> great pain that<br />

could have been avoided if her parents would have stopped it.<br />

4. Dating: the combination <strong>of</strong> having to wait until you are at<br />

least eighteen to get married, <strong>and</strong> putting hormone raging<br />

teenagers alone is a stupid thing to do. My gr<strong>and</strong>mother married<br />

at fifteen. Now kids have to wait <strong>and</strong> wait. I guess in<br />

some ways it is okay, but at the same time, if you combine<br />

that with hormones <strong>and</strong> the current dating <strong>of</strong> America, it is a<br />

bad combination. Before the fifties someone would “court” another<br />

if they were interested in marrying them. The “courtship”<br />

was time with the families <strong>and</strong> with friends. It was not one on<br />

one dating like we see today. This kept them from fornication<br />

<strong>and</strong> also gave them time to meet <strong>and</strong> develop a relationship<br />

with the family they were possibly marrying into. I have talked<br />

with my girls. As long as they are under my ro<strong>of</strong>, they do as I<br />

say, but I know they have a free will concerning who they<br />

marry. I have talked with them about praying <strong>and</strong> hearing<br />

from God about the man they are to marry! I have also explained<br />

that if God is in it, me <strong>and</strong> their mother will be for it as<br />

well, <strong>and</strong> we will. There are so many divorces now! So I have<br />

encouraged my girls to not date until they hear from God<br />

about who they are going to marry. Dating only results in<br />

spending money, getting emotionally attached to someone<br />

they shouldn’t be, possible fornication, possibly marrying the<br />

wrong person, <strong>and</strong> then if they do break up….hurt feelings<br />

<strong>and</strong> becoming enemies with the former boyfriend <strong>and</strong> his<br />

friends. How is this a good thing? They can have friends that<br />

are <strong>of</strong> the opposite sex, but my wife <strong>and</strong> I do not approve <strong>of</strong><br />

dating until the right person comes along (or at least someone<br />

we are comfortable with). Also, we are mainly strict about<br />

them not being alone with the opposite sex. This may seem<br />

strict to some, but in my opinion dating as we know it is a stu­

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