ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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A Wake­Up Call to Christians 211<br />

justifying your sin. You want to please the Lord, but are struggling.<br />

Those that are like this, you are forgiven, <strong>and</strong> you are holy before God<br />

as you confess your sins. This is so important to get established in<br />

your heart. While I was young in ministry I had typical battles most<br />

people do with sin. We all stumble in many ways <strong>and</strong> all have a battle<br />

with sin the Bible says (1John 1:8), but my heart was to live holy <strong>and</strong><br />

please the Lord. Many times I would be under such attacks <strong>of</strong> condemnation<br />

that my heart literally was heavy. I had such a hard time<br />

witnessing or doing anything for Jesus in those times, because in my<br />

heart, I believed that I was unrighteous <strong>and</strong> didn’t deserve to be used<br />

<strong>of</strong> God. This is why the breastplate is so important. Your heart is protected<br />

from this condemnation during the war. We all struggle at times,<br />

especially when young in the Lord. If anyone acts like they never do,<br />

they are prideful liars. If you stumble, pick yourself up, confess your<br />

sin, <strong>and</strong> then by faith believe you are the righteousness <strong>of</strong> God in<br />

Christ. Don’t let the enemy condemn you <strong>and</strong> render you ineffective for<br />

the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God. Even Paul battled while he was an apostle <strong>and</strong><br />

being used mightily <strong>of</strong> God. We read about it in Romans 7:21­25 which<br />

reads,<br />

“So I find this law at work. When I want to do good, evil is right there<br />

with me. For in my inner being, I delight in God’s law; but I see another<br />

law at work in the members <strong>of</strong> my body, waging war against the law <strong>of</strong><br />

my mind <strong>and</strong> making me a prisoner <strong>of</strong> the law <strong>of</strong> sin at work within my<br />

members. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this<br />

body <strong>of</strong> death?<br />

Thanks be to God—through Jesus Christ our Lord.”<br />

There was a war against sin <strong>and</strong> righteousness going on in this great<br />

man <strong>of</strong> God even while he was pioneering churches <strong>and</strong> being a great<br />

missionary. We all battle the desires <strong>of</strong> sinful nature, the influence <strong>of</strong><br />

the evil world we live in, <strong>and</strong> the demonic forces daily until Jesus<br />

comes. We must die daily to self <strong>and</strong> live for Jesus.<br />

The belt <strong>of</strong> truth is a foundational piece. Many Bible scholars believe<br />

that the Roman armor that Paul used to illustrate this spiritual armor<br />

used the belt to hold everything else in place. It was therefore a foundational<br />

piece so to speak. There were straps to the boots; the breastplate<br />

was hooked to the belt, the sword, <strong>and</strong> even a way to lock the<br />

shield in place if necessary. This is probably true. It is so vital that we<br />

study <strong>and</strong> know the word <strong>of</strong> God for ourselves. When we are established<br />

in sound doctrine <strong>and</strong> scriptural knowledge, it is all the harder to<br />

be deceived. We must have this center piece <strong>of</strong> our armor.

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