ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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Warfare <strong>and</strong> Deliverance—New Insight 169<br />

Many things are self explanatory that I have written in the manual as<br />

you read it in the appendix.<br />

Up front you can ask the person to control their actions. They do not<br />

have to go crazy with manifestations. Most <strong>of</strong> the time they can <strong>and</strong> do<br />

have some level <strong>of</strong> control over themselves. I do believe, as a deliverance<br />

worker, you do not have to put up with manifestations or talk very<br />

much to demons. I would suggest, if at all possible, you never talk to<br />

demons. Pray for the gifts <strong>of</strong> discerning <strong>of</strong> spirits (to know what spirits<br />

are in someone) <strong>and</strong> the words <strong>of</strong> knowledge (so you can obtain the<br />

information you will need from the Holy Spirit). I suggest praying for<br />

these gifts so that you can get all the information you need from the<br />

Holy Spirit <strong>and</strong> not have to talk to demons. Demons are liars, manipulators,<br />

<strong>and</strong> very hard to work with. Also, even if the person getting delivered<br />

does not have control over their souls yet, <strong>and</strong> demons simply<br />

take over, you as the deliverer are in charge by the Holy Spirit. You can<br />

tell that demon to sit down <strong>and</strong> shut up! They do not have a right to<br />

scream, hurt the person they are in, bite, kick, or run. Of course this is<br />

all easy to say, but when it is going on getting control can be a challenge.<br />

I know that <strong>and</strong> have had trouble at times myself. So please<br />

know I underst<strong>and</strong> it is easy to write this <strong>and</strong> not so easy to actually<br />

put into practice. We all need to be humble <strong>and</strong> receive God’s grace,<br />

but you can put a stop to demons manifesting if you will. Stay in<br />

charge. Don’t ever be intimidated. If the person starts manifesting <strong>and</strong><br />

you are taking control <strong>of</strong> the situation, there may be times that call for<br />

others to restrain a person until control is gained. In these circumstances,<br />

as gently as possible, a person can be pushed on the floor<br />

face down <strong>and</strong> held. Someone face down is in a position to do very<br />

little hurt to themselves or others. No matter the position, the demons<br />

will try to hurt the person they are in by, for example, slamming their<br />

head on the ground, etc… Please be aware <strong>of</strong> this <strong>and</strong> keep pillows<br />

<strong>and</strong> blankets around for various purposes. Also keep trash cans<br />

around for vomiting (you would be surprised how many stains can be<br />

cleaned up with just Dawn liquid <strong>and</strong> a h<strong>and</strong> brush). Demons might try<br />

to take someone’s clothes <strong>of</strong>f! This could be embarrassing for everyone.<br />

Be ready to have them quickly covered <strong>and</strong> the opposite sex<br />

leave. The location used could be a Christian home or a church Sunday<br />

school room. Just make sure it is anointed <strong>and</strong> sealed <strong>of</strong>f from<br />

demons being able to call in reinforcements. You need to sever the<br />

connection the demons have with the wickedness in the heavenlies<br />

or their strongman first thing! This is <strong>of</strong> major importance.<br />

Otherwise they will continue to draw strength from their strongman<br />

throughout the whole deliverance. This can delay <strong>and</strong> even prevent a<br />

deliverance at times (Luke 11:14­28). Be careful to work with people<br />

you know are true Christians that live holy. Satan could try to manipu­

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