ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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Warfare <strong>and</strong> Deliverance—New Insight 165<br />

Our position in Christ<br />

Christians need to realize what is available to us. Many Christians suffer<br />

from oppression from the enemy in various forms because they<br />

truly don’t underst<strong>and</strong> the power <strong>of</strong> the blood, our authority as Christians,<br />

the armor <strong>of</strong> God, or they simply allow satan to run over them.<br />

The first thing to point out is how important it is to die to sin. If you<br />

have had a lust problem, ask forgiveness, ask the Lord to help you die<br />

to it, <strong>and</strong> then use self control to stop looking with lust. We have to<br />

strongly lay down our lives at the cross <strong>and</strong> die to all sin, sinful behavior,<br />

or bad habits. This is the first real step in deliverance. To take this<br />

step someone will have to be willing to die to self <strong>and</strong> then pursue<br />

dying to self. The next thing we must know is the power <strong>of</strong> the cross.<br />

The blood <strong>of</strong> Jesus is so powerful we can use it for far more than seeing<br />

our sins washed away. His blood still flows today in abundance for<br />

all we need. The blood is a spiritual agent that will wash away sin <strong>and</strong><br />

can be applied to a person, place, or thing by FAITH. I always pray for<br />

the blood to cover me <strong>and</strong> my family daily <strong>and</strong> with my mind I imagine<br />

it literally covering us <strong>and</strong> all we own. The blood brings such peace,<br />

protection, <strong>and</strong> God’s presence to a believer, but at the same time is<br />

like acid to demons. In the book <strong>of</strong> Job in the first chapter, if shows us<br />

that Job shed blood everyday for his family. Satan had to recognize the<br />

way the blood (which symbolized Jesus’ blood to come) put a hedge <strong>of</strong><br />

protection around Job <strong>and</strong> all he had <strong>and</strong> helped bring God’s blessing.<br />

The next thing to learn is using the name <strong>of</strong> Jesus. Jesus said in Mark<br />

16:17 “In my Name” they will cast out demons, etc...The name <strong>of</strong> Jesus<br />

has all authority in heaven <strong>and</strong> earth. We have that name available<br />

to us today as Christians. You can lift up your voice <strong>and</strong> take authority<br />

over demons saying, “In the name <strong>of</strong> JESUS I bind you <strong>and</strong> comm<strong>and</strong><br />

you to go now!” They have to obey you because you are a Christian<br />

using Christ’s name! The next thing to learn is the armor which I will<br />

deal with in detail later in this book, but I will say here the shield <strong>of</strong> faith<br />

has to be used! Many drag it behind them. It takes faith to put it up<br />

between you <strong>and</strong> satanic forces, but it is a real object in the spirit realm<br />

<strong>and</strong> has real effects. I usually imagine a real shield on my arm between<br />

me <strong>and</strong> satanic forces while in battle. The next thing I would mention is<br />

underst<strong>and</strong>ing your authority as a Christian. This has nothing to do<br />

with good or bad days. This has nothing to do with feelings. When you<br />

are born again, you receive an authority over demons <strong>and</strong> the satanic<br />

forces that would attack you or your family. This is an immediate thing.<br />

Just like a police <strong>of</strong>ficer receives his badge. Immediately he has authority.<br />

It doesn’t matter if he has a bad day or doesn’t feel like he does<br />

the next day, the authority <strong>of</strong> that badge is there no matter what. Demons<br />

know this <strong>and</strong> try to convince Christians they do not have authority.<br />

So as a cop can make comm<strong>and</strong>s to criminals, you can make<br />

comm<strong>and</strong>s to demons—<strong>and</strong> they must obey you. If they are stubborn,

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