ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship

ANGEL LIGHT - Fire and Ice Ministries River of Life Fellowship


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Warfare <strong>and</strong> Deliverance—New Insight 161<br />

the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God. Satan has literally blinded people from the truth. I<br />

witness to people all the time. It is not as hard as you would think. If<br />

you are uncomfortable witnessing, not knowing what to say <strong>and</strong> how to<br />

approach it, I would suggest Ray Comfort’s teaching on the subject. He<br />

has an incredible book called Hell’s Best Kept Secret I highly recommend.<br />

He also sells teaching DVD’s <strong>and</strong> other materials that are incredible<br />

on www.way<strong>of</strong>themaster.com. I took my church through it <strong>and</strong><br />

they are becoming bold witnesses for the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God. But even if<br />

we are bold <strong>and</strong> on fire, there is still something that blinds the minds <strong>of</strong><br />

unbelievers. Before I move on I want to say something else. We need<br />

to be baptized in the Holy Spirit <strong>and</strong> <strong>Fire</strong> <strong>and</strong> receive a fresh anointing<br />

if we want to be witnesses for Jesus. With this empowerment comes<br />

boldness, faith, <strong>and</strong> anointing. That is why Jesus said, “You will receive<br />

power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; <strong>and</strong> you will be my witnesses<br />

in Jerusalem, <strong>and</strong> in all Judea <strong>and</strong> Samaria, <strong>and</strong> to the ends <strong>of</strong><br />

the earth” in Acts 1:8. We need the Holy Spirit upon us in power. I<br />

heard a man <strong>of</strong> God one time talk about how he would try to witness<br />

<strong>and</strong> preach to people on the streets, <strong>and</strong> they wanted to beat him up,<br />

but his mother­in­law would do the same <strong>and</strong> they would cry. He asked<br />

her why. She told him he needed the anointing! So he sought it, <strong>and</strong><br />

the Lord gave it to him. But even with an anointing, something is still<br />

hindering the acceptance <strong>of</strong> Christ. I went to talk to a man I worked<br />

with one time. He was around a few other co­workers <strong>and</strong> I mainly<br />

wanted to give him a pamphlet on getting right with God I have written.<br />

I knew this man <strong>and</strong> have already talked to him about Jesus. He has a<br />

strong Baptist background <strong>and</strong> grew up in church. He simply was not<br />

totally sold out in his walk <strong>and</strong> I questioned if he is on his way to<br />

heaven or not. This concerned me. So I was trying to give him a pamphlet<br />

on getting the sin out <strong>of</strong> our lives <strong>and</strong> truly being Christ’s disciple.<br />

As I approached him with pamphlet in h<strong>and</strong>, he was talking to another<br />

co­worker. Suddenly he went into a trance. He was staring blankly at<br />

the wall as if in a daze. I knew a spirit within him was trying to block<br />

him receiving this pamphlet. I quietly took authority under my breath<br />

<strong>and</strong> had to hit him on the arm about three times saying his name. He<br />

snapped awake out <strong>of</strong> it <strong>and</strong> took the pamphlet. I tell this story to give<br />

an example. When I have been witnessing I have seen friendly people<br />

get into almost rages, some have literally shook in fear, others turned<br />

very red in the face as they seemed they were about the explode with<br />

anger, people have turned <strong>and</strong> quickly walked away (even before I said<br />

anything to them), <strong>and</strong> others I have seen get very confused <strong>and</strong> not<br />

make any sense while I was talking with them. It makes the warfare<br />

over souls all the more real. Something inside them was rising up<br />

against me. I have also felt an unseen force trying to choke me, strong<br />

intimidation, or mental confusion try to hit me while witnessing. These<br />

were demons trying to block me from preaching the gospel. This has<br />

all happened at secular work places or on the streets. Most people in

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