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Chapter 15 FRUIT BORERS Wu Junxiang Li Yiping

Chapter 15<br />

<strong>FRUIT</strong> <strong>BORERS</strong><br />

Wu Junxiang<br />

Li Yiping<br /><br />

Chapter 15 Fruit Borers<br />

Lecture Outline<br />

Wheat blossom midges<br />

Cotton boll borer and Oriental Tobacco<br />

Budworm<br />

Soybean borers<br />

Fresh fruit borers<br />

Dried fruit borers<br />

Monitoring and Management

Wheat Blossom Midges<br />

( 小 麦 吸 浆 虫 )<br />

Wheat blossom midges = wheat midges<br />

Diptera, Cecidomiidae<br />

• Orange wheat blossom midge<br />

Sitodiplosis mosellana<br />

• Contarinia tritici

Orange wheat blossom midge<br />

Sitodiplosis mosellana

Contarinia tritici

1. Distribution<br />

‣ Cosmopolitan pests, distributed in Asia,<br />

Europe and North America;<br />

‣ Sitodiplosis mosellana favors warm<br />

environment. Mainly occur in wheat<br />

growing areas of valleys of Yellow River and<br />

Huai River in 31-35°N. in China.<br />

‣ Contarinia tritici prefers cool environment.<br />

Mainly distributed in wheat growing areas<br />

of alp and altiplano.

Oligophagous pests. Severely damage wheat, barley,<br />

highland barley wild oat ( 青 稞 ), rey, oat and some<br />

weeds;<br />

2. Damage<br />

Larvae damage to wheat flowers and sucking of the<br />

sap of milking wheat kernels causes wheat plants to<br />

produce non-rich grains. Generally, the amount of<br />

damage is abundant. When severe damage occurs, the<br />

loss is almost 100%.<br />

幼 虫 危 害 小 麦 花 器 和 吸 食 正 在 灌 浆 的 小 麦 籽 粒 的 浆 液 , 造 成 瘪 粒 而<br />

减 产 , 受 害 严 重 时 几 乎 毁 产 。

Sitodiplosis mosellana

Taken by Junxiang Wu in Xushui, Hebei , 2003

Taken by Junxiang Wu in Xushui, Hebei , 2003

3. Life Cycle<br />

1 generation/year;<br />

Overwinter and oversummer as grown<br />

larvae with round cocoon in soil;<br />

Diapause larvae can prolong diapause<br />

for a long time. Longest prolonged time is<br />

more than 7 years, even 12 years to<br />

Sitodiplosis mosellana or less than 4-5<br />

years to Contarinia tritici.

Life Cycle of wheat midges

3. Life Cycle<br />

A close relationship occurs between the<br />

stages of the wheat midge and development of<br />

wheat found in valley areas of Yellew River<br />

and Huai River:<br />

Overwintered larvae come out from cocoon<br />

to surface of soil during shooting stage of<br />

wheat;<br />

Larvae pupate when wheat enters booting<br />


3. Life Cycle<br />

Adults largely emerge and oviposit during<br />

heading stage.<br />

Peak of egg hatching is concurrent with<br />

blossoming and grouting stage of wheat;<br />

Larvae become grown and leave wheat<br />

heads to drop into soil to oversummer and<br />

overwinter with round cocoons when wheat<br />

become mature.

4. Behaviors<br />

Adults fear strong light and high temp,<br />

so most frequent activity in early morning<br />

and nightfall;<br />

Eggs lay on wheat heads individually;<br />

adults prefer to choose heads without<br />

blossoms to oviposit; very few eggs found<br />

on blossomed heads;<br />

Newly hatched larvae intrude from gap<br />

between inner glume and outer glume to<br />

suck sap of grouting kernels

5. Environmental Factors<br />

1) Climate conditions<br />

Rainfall or soil humidity is the most<br />

important factor influencing population #.

5. Environmental Factors<br />

2) Varieties and developmental stages of wheat<br />

Generally, an obvious insect resistance is found<br />

in wheat varieties with long awns, abundant hairs,<br />

upright stems, densely-ranked spikelets and hard<br />

glumes. Conversely, it is in a contrary manner.<br />

More damage is caused when the wheat heading<br />

stage coincides with the adult stage of wheat blossom<br />

midge. If these stages do not coincide, only a slight<br />

injury appears.<br />

一 般 地 , 芒 长 多 刺 、 挺 直 、 小 穗 排 列 紧 密 、 颖 壳 厚 、 的 品 种 具 有 明<br />

显 的 抗 虫 性 。<br />

若 小 麦 抽 穗 后 尚 未 扬 花 前 的 时 期 与 麦 红 吸 浆 虫 成 虫 盛 发 期 相 吻 合 ,<br />

则 受 害 重 , 反 之 受 害 就 轻 。

5. Environmental Factors<br />

3) Rotation and culture<br />

4) Soil and topography<br />

5) Natural enemies<br />

宽 腹 姬 小 蜂 : parasite rate 75% or more;<br />

Predators: ants, spiders, ladybird<br />

beedles and insect-eating<br />

eating thrips, , etc.

Cotton Bollworm &<br />

Oriental Tobacco Budworm<br />

Cotton Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera<br />

(called also 棉 实 夜 蛾 );<br />

Oriental Tobacco Budworm Helicoverpa<br />

assulta ( 烟 青 虫 , called also 烟 夜 蛾 );<br />

Lepidoptera, Noctuidae

Cotton Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera

Oriental Tobacco Budworm<br />

Helicoverpa assulta

1. Distribution<br />

Cotton Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera:<br />

Asia, Oceania, Africa and Europe;<br />

range from 50°N. to 50°S.;<br />

Nationwide distribution in China;<br />

Constant pest in Northern cotton growing<br />

areas; occasional pest in southern cotton<br />

growing areas;

Oriental Tobacco Budworm<br />

Helicoverpa assulta :<br />

‣ Asia, Oceania;<br />

‣ Nationwide distribution in China; Most<br />

severe damages in tobacco growing areas<br />

along valleys of Yellow River and Huai<br />

River<br />

1. Distribution

Tuvalu, 1991<br />

( 图 瓦 卢 —— 西 太 平 洋 岛 国 )

2. Damage<br />

Cotton bollworm is a polyphagous pest.<br />

More than 200 host plants in 30 families<br />

recorded. Cotton, tomato and corn severely<br />

damaged;<br />

Oriental tobacco budworm is an<br />

oligophagous pest, only feed on tobacco,<br />

pepper, etc.

2. Damage<br />

The larvae initially feed on the leaves<br />

and then bore into the square/bolls and<br />

seeds, thrusting their heads into the bolls<br />

and leaving the rest of their bodies outside.<br />

The entry holes are large and circular at<br />

the base of the boll. One larva can damage<br />

about 10 square/bolls in a lifetime,<br />

maximum 18.

3. Life Cycle<br />

3-7 generations per year; 3 in Liao River<br />

and Xinjiang, 2nd causing the most damage;<br />

4 in Yellow River and part of Yangtsz River,<br />

2nd causing the most damage, next 3rd; 5 in<br />

most of Yangtsz River, 3rd and 4th causing<br />

the most damage; 6-7 in areas south of<br />

25°N., 3 rd , 4 th and 5th causing severe<br />

damage.<br />

Overwinter as pupa in soil-cells under<br />


3. Life Cycle<br />

In cotton growing area of Yellow River<br />

valley, adults of overwintered generation<br />

appear in late April to early May. Larvae of<br />

1st generation mainly feed on wheat, peas,<br />

alfalfa, spring corn and tomatoes, etc.; enter<br />

soil to pupate in early-mid Jun. A large<br />

amount of 1st generation adults appear in<br />

mid-late Jun., which is the square stage of<br />

cotton. Larvae of 2nd generation cause the<br />

most severe damage to cotton.

3. Life History<br />

Adults of 2 nd generation appear<br />

copiously from late Jul. to early Aug. Most<br />

oviposit on cotton; a few move to tomato or<br />

corn fields to oviposit. Third generation<br />

adults appear from late Aug. to early Sep.<br />

Most of them lay eggs on cotton; some lay<br />

eggs on summer corn, tomatoes, peppers and<br />

sorghum. Larvae of 4th generation mature<br />

from late Sep. to early Oct. and enter soil of<br />

5-15cm depth to overwinter.

4. Main habits<br />

Adults:<br />

Are still in shadows during daytime; are<br />

active in nightfall and night;<br />

Strong tropism to nectar, light and poplar<br />

branches;<br />

Lay eggs individually on tender tips and<br />

leaves of plants that are growing well<br />

and have many squares.

4. Main habits<br />

Larvae:<br />

Newly hatched larvae feed on growing<br />

points and young leaves; 2nd instar larvae<br />

feed on squares; 3 rd to 6 th instar larvae feed<br />

on green bolls in addition to squares and<br />

flowers;<br />

Often move between plants;<br />

Cannibalism in 3rd instar larvae or older;<br />

Grown larvae<br />

pupate in soil-cells

4. Factors Influencing Population<br />

Optimal temp.25-28℃, RH 70%+;<br />

Multi-planting system is favorable<br />

for cotton bollworm;<br />

B.t cotton;<br />

Natural enemies.

Soybean Borers<br />

( 豆 类 食 心 虫 )<br />

Soybean borers feed on flowers and<br />

pods of soybean during late growing.<br />

• Soybean pod borer Leguminivora<br />

glycinivorella ( 大 豆 食 心 虫 )<br />

• Limabean pod borer Etiella zinckenella<br />

( 豆 荚 螟 )<br />

• Legume pod borer Maruca testulalis ( 豆<br />

野 螟 )

1. Soybean Pod Borer<br />

Leguminivora glycinivorella<br />

( 大 豆 食 心 虫 )<br />

Called also 大 豆 蛀 荚<br />

蛾 , 小 红 虫 , 豆 荚 虫 ;<br />

Lepidoptera;<br />

Olethreutidae<br />

( 小 卷 蛾 科 )

2. Limabean pod borer<br />

Etiella zinckenella<br />

( 豆 荚 螟 )<br />

Called also 豆 蛀 虫 ;<br />

Lepidoptera;<br />


3. Legume pod borer<br />

Maruca testulalis<br />

( 豆 野 螟 )<br />

‣ Chinese byname is<br />

大 豆 卷 叶 螟 , 豇 豆<br />

钻 心 虫 and 大 豆 螟<br />

蛾 ;<br />

‣ Lepidoptera;<br />

‣ Pyralidae.

3. Legume pod borer<br />

Maruca testulalis<br />

( 豆 野 螟 )

Borers of Pome and Stone Fruits<br />

( 仁 果 、 核 果 类 食 心 虫 )

1. Common Species<br />

• Peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii ( 桃 蛀 果 蛾 ,<br />

桃 小 食 心 虫 , 简 称 “ 桃 小 ”)<br />

• Yellow peach moth Dichocrocis punctiferalis<br />

( 桃 蛀 野 螟 , 桃 蛀 螟 , 桃 蠹 螟 , 桃 斑 蛀 螟 )<br />

• Craphlitha molesta ( 梨 小 食 心 虫 , 桃 折 梢 虫 , 梨<br />

小 蛀 果 蛾 , 东 方 果 蠹 蛾 , 梨 姬 食 心 虫 , 桃 折 心 虫 ,<br />

简 称 “ 梨 小 ”)

1. Common Species<br />

• Pear fruit moth Myelois pirivorella ( 梨 云 翅 斑<br />

螟 , 梨 大 食 心 虫 , 简 称 “ 梨 大 ”)<br />

• Spilonota albicana ( 白 小 食 心 虫 , 简 称 “ 白 小 ”)<br />

• Grapholitha inopinata ( 苹 小 食 心 虫 , 简 称 “ 苹<br />

小 ”)<br />

• Argyresthia assimilis ( 苹 异 银 蛾 )<br />

• Codling moth Laspeyresia pomonella ( 苹 果 蠹<br />

蛾 )

Peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii

Yellow peach moth<br />

Dichocrocis punctiferalis ( 桃 蛀 野 螟 )

Craphlitha molesta ( 梨 小 食 心 虫 )

Nephopteryx pirivorella ( 梨 云 翅 斑 螟 )

Spilonota albicana ( 白 小 食 心 虫

Grapholitha inopinata ( 苹 小 食 心 虫 )

Argyresthia assimilis ( 苹 异 银 蛾 )

2. Distribution and Damage<br />

Peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii( 桃 蛀 果 蛾 )<br />

Northern fruit growing areas;<br />

Oligophagous pest. Mainly damage apple,<br />

Chinese cherry ( 海 棠 ), pear, apricot,<br />

hawthorn ( 山 楂 ), Chinese date ( 枣 ), spine date<br />

( 酸 枣 ) in Rosaceae( 蔷 薇 科 ) and Rhamnaceae<br />

( 鼠 李 科 ).

2. Distribution and Damage<br />

Apple, Chinese date and hawthorn most<br />

severely damaged.<br />

Needlepoint-like boring holes on the fruit<br />

surface and teardrop-like sap, which becomes<br />

white when dry, are often found outside holes<br />

on damaged apple fruits. Larvae feed inside<br />

fruits causing many zigzagging tunnels and<br />

fill these tunnels with dung. This damage is<br />

called “ 豆 沙 馅 ”.<br />

危 害 苹 果 , 果 面 有 针 尖 大 小 蛀 入 孔 , 孔 外 溢 出 泪 珠 状 汁 液 , 干 涸 呈<br />

白 色 絮 状 物 。 幼 虫 在 果 内 窜 食 , 虫 道 纵 横 弯 曲 , 并 留 有 大 量 虫 粪 , 呈<br />

“ 豆 沙 馅 ” 害 状 。

Peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii damage

Peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii damage

2. Distribution and Damage<br />

2. Yellow peach moth Dichocrocis<br />

punctiferalis ( 桃 蛀 野 螟 )<br />

Nationwide distribution in China. Most<br />

severe damage occurs in peach growing areas<br />

from Hebei to south valley of Yangstz River.<br />

Polyphagous pest; prefer peach, guava ( 石<br />

榴 );<br />

Heavy dung-like granules piled outside<br />


Yellow peach moth<br />

Dichocrocis punctiferalis<br />


Craphlitha molesta ( 梨 小 食 心 虫 ) damage

3. Life History and Habits<br />

1) Peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii<br />

1-2 generations/year in most of apple<br />

growing areas;<br />

Overwinter as grown larvae underground<br />

with flat-round cocoons within 1m from<br />

stems;<br />

Overwintered larvae begin to come out<br />

from soil to pupate early-mid May, peak in<br />

late May to early Jun.

3. Life History and Habits<br />

Adults of overwintered generation appear<br />

in succession after late May;<br />

Most eggs lay on fruits individually and<br />

often found near pit of calyces ( 花 萼 );<br />

Larvae of 1st generation become grown<br />

and leave fruit to drop into soil from early<br />

Jul. to early Sep.<br />

Larvae of 2nd generation leave fruits from<br />

mid-late Aug. until Oct., then overwinter.

3. Life Cycle and Habits<br />

2) Yellow peach moth Dichocrocis punctiferalis<br />

2-4 generations/year in North, such as 2 in<br />

Liaoning, 3-4 in Shaanxi;<br />

Overwinter as grown larvae with cocoons in<br />

cracks of warped barks;<br />

Overwintered larvae begin to emerge in mid<br />

May, peak of eclosion in late May<br />

Adult peaks of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generations<br />

occur in early Jul., early-mid Aug. and early-mid<br />

Sep. respectively.

3. Life Cycle and Habits<br />

Adults fly and mate at night and have stronger<br />

tropism to black light and sugar-vinegar liquor;<br />

Adults of overwintered generation lay most eggs<br />

on fruits of peach, plum ( 李 ) and apricot; other<br />

generations on peach, guava ( 石 榴 ) and chestnut ( 板<br />

栗 );<br />

Final grown larvae transfer and overwinter in<br />

late Sep.

3. Environmental factors<br />

Peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii:<br />

‣ Overwintered larvae come out from soil<br />

to pupate: ground temp. over 20ºC and 10%<br />

water content in soil;<br />

‣ Diapause under both long photoperiod<br />

and short photoperiod;<br />

‣ 金 冠 severely damaged; next 红 元 帅 ; 国<br />

光 and 祝 less.

3. Environmental factors<br />

Yellow peach moth Dichocrocis punctiferalis<br />

Strong adaptability; moth occurs in fruitgrowing<br />

areas of all China.<br />

Lower temp. in winter is a limiting factor.<br />

Death rate of overwinter larvae is about<br />

44.4%-80%, especially more in immature<br />

overwinter larvae.

Dry-fruit Borers<br />

( 干 果 类 害 虫 )<br />

Dry-fruits include persimmon ( 柿 子 ),<br />

Chinese date ( 枣 ), walnut ( 胡 桃 , 核 桃 )、<br />

chestnut ( 板 栗 ), etc.

Common Insect Pests<br />

• Kakivoria flavofasciata ( 柿 蒂 虫 )<br />

• Atrijuglans hetaohei ( 核 桃 举 肢 蛾 )<br />

• Curculio davidi ( 栗 实 象 甲 )

Stathmophora massinisa ( 柿 蒂 虫 )<br />

Called also 柿<br />

实 蛾 or 柿 食 心<br />

虫 ;<br />

Lepidoptera;<br />

Heliodinidae<br />

( 举 肢 蛾 科 )

Atrijuglans hetaohei ( 核 桃 举 肢 蛾 )<br />

又 名 核 桃 黑 ; Lepidoptera; Heliodinidae

Curculio davidi ( 栗 实 象 甲 )<br />

‣ Called also 栗<br />

象 鼻 虫 , 板 栗 象<br />

甲 and 栗 象 ;<br />

‣ Coleoptera;<br />

‣ Curculionidae<br />

( 象 甲 科 )

Monitoring<br />

and<br />


1. Survey Methods<br />

Wheat blossom midges:<br />

Basic number of oversummer and<br />

overwinter population;<br />

Dynamics of larvae development and<br />

pupating in spring;<br />

Adult # during heading stage;<br />

Larvae # on wheat heads.

1. Survey Methods<br />

Cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera<br />

Basic number of overwinter pupa;<br />

Adult #;<br />

Number of larvae and eggs;<br />

Number of natural enemies.

1. Survey Methods<br />

Peach fruit moth Carposina sasakii<br />

‣ Number of overwinter larvae;<br />

‣ Overwinter larva dynamics of coming<br />

out from soil in spring;<br />

‣ Adult # and dynamics;<br />

‣ Egg-fruit rate.

2. Control Techniques<br />

1) Wheat blossom midges<br />

In integrated pest management, from a<br />

long-term view, the tactics of wheat blossom<br />

midge control should be to put choosing and<br />

breeding resistant varieties and improving<br />

cultural techniques as basic measures, with<br />

chemical control as an additional measure.<br />

防 治 小 麦 吸 浆 虫 的 策 略 , 从 长 远 考 虑 应 以 选 育 抗 虫 品 种 和 改 进 耕 作<br />

栽 培 技 术 为 基 本 措 施 , 辅 以 必 要 的 化 学 药 剂 防 治 , 实 行 综 合 治 理 。

2. Control Techniques<br />

Cultural control<br />

Rational crop rotation;<br />

Resistant varieties.<br />

Chemical control<br />

Economic threshold: 4.5 million/hm 2<br />

(only reference);<br />

Optimal time: pupating peak and adult<br />

emerging peak.

2. Control Techniques<br />

2) Cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera<br />

Cultural control<br />

Deeply plowing and irrigation in winter<br />

to decrease overwinter pupa;<br />

Plant resistant BT cotton;<br />

Biological control<br />

Release trichogrammatids 2-3 times at<br />

the beginning of egg peak.

2. Control Techniques<br />

Trap-killing Adults<br />

Black light;<br />

High pressure mercury light;<br />

Poplar branches;<br />

Sexual lure.<br />

Chemical control<br />

Spray insecticides before 3 rd larvae

2. Control Techniques<br />

To control the cotton boll borer of 2nd generation,<br />

the insecticide solution should first be sprayed on<br />

tender upper leaves and main tips of plants and then<br />

on tender lower leaves and peripheral tips of plants.<br />

This method is called “ 点 点 划 圈 ”. To control the<br />

cotton boll borer of 3rd and 4th generations, first<br />

spray plant peripheral tips and young squares<br />

around plants and then spray the main tips of plants.<br />

This method is called “ 划 圈 点 点 ”.<br />

防 治 2 代 棉 铃 虫 时 , 主 要 喷 洒 在 棉 株 上 部 嫩 叶 和 顶 尖 上 ,“ 点 点 划<br />

圈 ”; 第 3、4 代 要 喷 洒 在 群 尖 和 幼 蕾 上 , 四 周 打 透 ,“ 划 圈 点 点 ” 。

2. Control Techniques<br />

3) Control of fruit borers<br />

Cultural control<br />

Deeply plowing soil in winter;<br />

Plant trapping crops such as sunflower<br />

and cross sorghum to lure adults of yellow<br />

peach borer to oviposit. Spray insecticides<br />

after ending of ovipositing;<br />

Bundle weeds on trunks to trap overwinter<br />


2. Control Techniques<br />

Biological control<br />

Applying nematode pathogens into soil<br />

can control fruit-borer larvae living<br />

underground. To control larvae having left<br />

fruits, release egg trichogrammatids and<br />

protect parasitoids such as 甲 腹 茧 蜂 and 齿 腿<br />

姬 蜂 or use white muscardine fungi.<br />

将 昆 虫 病 原 线 虫 施 入 土 壤 , 可 控 制 地 下 阶 段 生 活 的 蛀 果 害 虫 。 释 放<br />

赤 眼 卵 蜂 , 保 护 甲 腹 茧 蜂 、 齿 腿 姬 蜂 等 寄 生 蜂 , 利 用 白 僵 菌 防 治 脱 果 幼<br />

虫 等 。

2. Control Techniques<br />

Physical control<br />

Black light trapping;<br />

Sugar-vinegar liquor<br />

trapping;<br />

Sexual lure.<br />

Cover-bag on fruits<br />

Extirpate fruits with<br />

borers in time;<br />

Scratch old and warped<br />


2. Control Techniques<br />

Chemical control<br />

Key time to spray insecticides:<br />

Moth peaks;<br />

Egg hatching peaks.<br />

Economic threshold:

Lepidopteran larvae consume<br />

1/6 of the world's daily agricultural<br />

production.<br />

Cited from<br /><br />


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