Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd


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Thiaminum hydrochloricum (Thiamin Hydrochloride, Vitamin B 1 )<br />

Cofactor of enzymatic functions (oxidative decarboxylation).<br />

Coenzyme compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Discus compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Ubichinon compositum<br />

Thlaspi bursa pastoris (Capsella bursa-pastoris, Shepherd’s Purse)<br />

Abnormal hemorrhaging from the sexual organs, hematuria in cases of chronic cystitis<br />

accompanied by formation of urinary gravel.<br />

Hormeel ® S<br />

Thuja occidentalis (Tree of Life)<br />

Constitutional preparation, especially in diseases with a tendency towards proliferative<br />

processes, such as warts, condylomas, papillomas, polypi, chalazions, malodorous perspiration;<br />

difficulty in finding words, and other speech disorders, hemicrania, particularly<br />

in the left frontal eminence. Constitutional preparation, neuralgia, neuritis,<br />

hemicrania (particularly in the left frontal eminence), consequences of chronic soakings.<br />

Antibacterial action. Constitutional preparation with particular action on the skin<br />

and the urogenital organs.<br />

Cerebrum compositum N<br />

Cutis compositum<br />

Echinacea compositum forte S<br />

Galium-Heel ®<br />

Galium-Heel ® N<br />

Psorinoheel ® N<br />

Thymus suis<br />

Hepar comp. Heel<br />

Tormentilla (Potentilla erecta, Tormentil)<br />

Irritation of the mucosae within the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenteritis. Possesses<br />

astringent, hemostyptic, and bacteriostatic properties.<br />

Diarrheel ® SN<br />

Veratrum-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Veratrum-Homaccord ®<br />

Toxicodendron quercifolium (Rhus toxicodendron, Eastern Poison Oak)<br />

Rheumatic symptoms in the joints, tendons, synovial sheaths, and/or ligaments. Chronic,<br />

subacute rheumatism in the muscles or joints, frequently under emission of a creaking<br />

sound from the joints. Ankylosis progressing in severity to peresis, particularly after<br />

lying on wet ground or following a chill after sweating. Back pain, above all such result-<br />

ing from overtaxation. Initial movements precipitate great agitation and aggravate<br />

lameness, whereas continued exercise alleviates the condi tion. The animals improve<br />

once in movement. Conditions are worsened by overtaxation, as well as through exposure<br />

to cold temperatures or wet surroundings.<br />

Echinacea compositum forte S<br />

Zeel ® ad us. vet.<br />

Zeel ® T<br />

Trichinoylum (Triquinoyl)<br />

Regeneration of blocked respiratory enzymes, promotes detoxication.<br />

Ubichinon compositum<br />

Ubichinonum (Ubiquinone)<br />

Active factor of the intermediary metabolism; promotes detoxication; strengthens the<br />

defensive mechanism.<br />

Ubichinon compositum<br />

Ureter suis<br />

Disturbances of renal excretion, nephrolithiasis, nephrosis.<br />

Solidago compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Urethra suis<br />

Chronic irritative conditions in the urethra and urogenital system, urethral stricture.<br />

Solidago compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Urtica urens (Stinging Nettle)<br />

Rheumatism, gout, eczema, urticarial, irritating dermatosis, uric acid diathesis, diuretic,<br />

nephrolithiasis.<br />

Populus compositum SR<br />

Uterus suis (Uterus)<br />

Sterility in females. Organic alteration or functional disturbances of the endometrium.<br />

Cystic, glandular hyperplasia of the mucosae. Pyometra, uterine prolapse.<br />

Ovarium compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Ovarium compositum<br />

Vaccininum myrtillus (Blueberry/Bilberry)<br />

Catarrhal diseases, enteritis, cystitis, dysthyreosis.<br />

Ubichinon compositum<br />

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