Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd


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Piper cubeba see Cubeba<br />

Pix liquida (Pine Tar)<br />

Irritating eczema.<br />

Sulfur-Heel ®<br />

Placenta suis (Entire Placenta)<br />

Disturbed peripheral circulation, for revitalization. Promotes regeneration of tissue.<br />

Cerebrum compositum N<br />

Cutis compositum<br />

Ovarium compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Ovarium compositum<br />

Zeel ® ad us. vet.<br />

Zeel ® T<br />

Platinum metallicum<br />

Gynäcoheel ® N<br />

Plumbum aceticum<br />

Reneel ® NT<br />

Podophyllum peltatum (May Apple)<br />

Pancreopathy with spurting, painless diarrhea; cholecystopathy, colitis, hemorrhoids,<br />

adjuvant in dedifferentiation phases, anticarcinomatous action.<br />

Diarrheel ® SN<br />

Leptandra compositum<br />

Ubichinon compositum<br />

Populus tremuloides (American Aspen)<br />

Cystitis, urinary disorders in prostatic adenoma (1st stage).<br />

Populus compositum SR<br />

Potentilla erecta (Tormentil) see Tormentilla<br />

Psorinum-Nosode (Nosode of Scabies)<br />

Deficient organic reactivity, chronic skin diseases, e.g. acne, eczema, seborrhea, pruritus.<br />

Psorinoheel ® N<br />

Pulsatilla pratensis (Wind Flower)<br />

For homeopathic use, the fresh plant is collected in the blossom period. The extract<br />

contains Anemonin, Iso-Anemonin and anemonic acid and Saponin. It exerts an<br />

estrogen-like action with effects on the circulatory system, the mucosae and the<br />

psyche.<br />

Pulsatilla possesses particular affinity for the pelvic organs such as the uterus, ovaries,<br />

and udder. Through initiating intensive hyperemia in these organs, it is used for disturbances<br />

in lactation shortly after birth. It works regulating on the estrus cycle when<br />

there is a tardy and weak onset of heat-symptoms (silent heat), and these alterations<br />

of an apparently hormonal origin are indicative for symptomatology and will be normalised<br />

by its use in lower potency.<br />

This remedy also takes a great influence on the retraction or involution of the uterus<br />

and promotes uterine clearance (pyometra, endometritis). Thus it not only regulates<br />

the endocrine insufficiencies of the puerperium, it also exerts its influence, probably by<br />

its effect on the neural system, in the catarrhal inflammation of the mucosae with<br />

chronic discharge or yellowish-green secretion (expectoration) of a cream-like consistency,<br />

of a non-aggressive nature, especially in the palpebral conjunctiva, nasal cavities,<br />

paranasal sinuses, and/or the bronchial system, with sneezing and a dry spasmodic<br />

cough. In the digestive tract, gastritis with frequent vomiting, watery or mucid yellowish-green<br />

diarrhea with colicky pain are present. Also dyspepsia and meteorism can<br />

occur. Pulsatilla is the remedy of the mucosae in the stage of inflammation.<br />

In the locomotory system, its symptoms comprise painful limbs and rheumatic discomfort<br />

within the joints and peripheral nerves (neuralgias) as a result of venous stasis.<br />

The veins of the lower limbs are visibly congested. Amelioration of all symp toms by<br />

moderate exercise in fresh air. The Pulsatilla-type is calm and gentle and sensitive. Notable<br />

in all animals is their lack of thirst. Aggravation at rest, in the evening and at<br />

night. In lower potency, Pulsatilla displays clearly organotropic action, whereas the<br />

higher potencies are more psychotropic in nature (Lactatio falsa).<br />

Coenzyme compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Discus compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Echinacea compositum forte S<br />

Euphorbium compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Gastricumeel ®<br />

Hormeel ® QP ad us. vet.<br />

Hormeel ® SN<br />

Hormeel ® S<br />

Lachesis compositum N ad us. vet.<br />

Mucosa compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Mucosa compositum Heel<br />

Ovarium compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Ovarium compositum<br />

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