Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd


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Colocynthis (Colocynth, Bitter Cucumber) see Citrullus colocynthis<br />

Colon suis (Large Intestine)<br />

Stimulates the detoxicating and secretory processes, intestinal stasis, intestinal tenesmus,<br />

colitis mucosa et ulcerosa.<br />

Hepar comp. Heel<br />

Condurango (Condurango Bark) see Marsdenia condurango<br />

Conium maculatum (Hemlock)<br />

Vertigo upon each change of position, tremor, speech disorders, weak mem ory. Glandular<br />

swelling, as in lymphatic and cancerous conditions, vertigo, remedy for senile<br />

conditions.<br />

Ubichinon compositum<br />

Vertigoheel ®<br />

Conyza canadensis see Erigeron canadensis<br />

Cortisonum aceticum (Cortisone)<br />

Impairment of the cortex of the suprarenal gland, pituitary gland and connective tissue.<br />

Echinacea compositum forte S<br />

Crabro vespa<br />

Ovaritis, particularly on the left side, depression before menstruation.<br />

Gynäcoheel ® N<br />

Crataegus (Hawthorn)<br />

Above all, Crataegus regulates the cardiovascular system and raises myocardial tonus.<br />

Enhances coronary circulation through facilitating dilation of the coronary vessels, thus<br />

increasing blood-flow through the myocardia. Has a calming, antispasmodic effect;<br />

exerts a positive influence on disturbed nervous impulses of the heart.<br />

Cactus compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Cralonin ®<br />

Valerianaheel ®<br />

Cubeba<br />

Urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis.<br />

Populus compositum SR<br />

Cucurbita pepo (Pumpkin)<br />

Urinary disorders, 1st stage of prostatic adenoma.<br />

Populus compositum SR<br />

Cuprum aceticum (Copper Acetate)<br />

It is the proper agent for treating spasmodic diathesis of the striated as well as the<br />

smooth musculature. The most characteristic symptoms are dry, convulsive cough with<br />

marked respiratory distress. Severe gastro-intestinal colic with sanguineous, greenish<br />

diarrhea which may lead to a state of exhaustion. Nausea and regurgitation may occur,<br />

which abates on drinking cold water. Epileptiform conditions with convulsions of the<br />

non-striated muscles have also been observed within the limbs. Aggravation when<br />

frightened, with touch and when warm.<br />

Atropinum compositum ad us. vet<br />

Discus compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Drosera-Homaccord ®<br />

Cuprum sulfuricum (Copper Sulphate)<br />

Cramp of the smooth and striped musculature, uremia.<br />

Solidago compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Spascupreel ®<br />

Cutis suis (Skin)<br />

Stimulation of the dermal function, dermatoses, eczema, rhagades, decubitus ulcers<br />

and other skin impairments.<br />

Cutis compositum<br />

Cyanocobalaminum (Vitamin B 12 )<br />

Damage to the liver parenchyma, disturbance of the detoxicating hepatic function,<br />

disturbance of the fat and carbohydrate metabolism.<br />

Hepar comp. Heel<br />

Cyclamen purpurascens, europaeum (Cyclamen, Sowbread)<br />

Similar to Pulsatilla, Cyclamen shows an affinity for the female sexual organs, yet here,<br />

the sexual cycles occur earlier and with greater intensity. There is a tendency to develop<br />

painful mastopathy. Secretion of milk in conditions of Lactatio falsa.<br />

Hormeel ® QP ad us. vet.<br />

Hormeel ® SN<br />

Hormeel ® S<br />

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