Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd


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Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. Injection Solution 5.0 ml<br />

Drops<br />

Echinacea compositum forte S Injection Solution 2.2 ml<br />

Composition:<br />

Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. injection solution: 1 ampoule of 5.0 ml contains:<br />

Echinacea angustifolia D3 0.5 ml; Aconitum napellus D4 0.1 ml; Sulfur D8 0.1 ml; Lachesis<br />

mutus D10 0.1 ml; Bryonia cretica D6 0.1 ml; Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus<br />

D6 0.1 ml; Phosphorus D8 0.1 ml; Arnica montana D6 0.1 ml.<br />

Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. drops: 10 g contains: Echinacea D3 1 g; Aconitum<br />

napellus D4 0.2 g; Sulfur D8 0.2 g; Lachesis mutus D10 0.2 g; Bryonia D6 0.2 g; Hydrargyrum<br />

bichloratum D6 0.2 g; Phosphorus D8 0.2 g; Arnica montana D6 0.2 g.<br />

Echinacea compositum forte S: 1 ampoule of 2.2 ml contains: Echinacea angustifolia<br />

D3 0.44 ml; Aconitum napellus D5, Sanguinaria canadensis D6, Sulfur D10, Baptisia<br />

tinctoria D6, Lachesis mutus D12, Bryonia cretica D8, Eupatorium perfoliatum D8, Pulsatilla<br />

pratensis D10, Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus D8, Thuja occidentalis D10, Influenzinum-Nosode<br />

D15, Phosphorus D10, Cortisonum aceticum D15, Streptococcus<br />

hemolyticus-Nosode D20, Staphylococcus-Nosode D20, Phytolacca americana D8, Pyrogenium-Nosode<br />

D200, Zincum metallicum D12, Gelsemium sempervirens D8, Hepar<br />

sulfuris D12, Rhus toxicodendron D6, Arnica montana D6, Arsenicum album D10, Argentum<br />

nitricum D10, Euphorbium D8 22 µl each.<br />

Indications:<br />

Stimulation of the body’s defense systems, in fever and inflammations, like abscesses,<br />

furuncles, phlegmons, gingivitis, sinusitis, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, cystitis, pyelitis,<br />

vaginitis, purulent fistulae, osteomyelitis, otitis, skin diseases, mastitis, bovine respiratory<br />

disease, swine influenza, cat flu, delayed recovery period.<br />

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to one of the active ingredients or excipients or to<br />

plants of the daisy (compositae) family. As a matter of principle, Echinacea should not<br />

be used in progressive, systemic diseases such as tuberculosis, leukemia or leukemialike<br />

diseases, inflammatory diseases of the connective tissue (collagen disease), autoimmune<br />

diseases, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, HIV infections or other chronic viral diseases.<br />

(Echinacea compositum forte S): Because of the constituent Sanguinaria (bloodroot) do<br />

not use during pregnancy and lactation. In case of existing liver conditions or history<br />

thereof or simultaneous use of hepatotoxic substances use only after consultation with<br />

the physician.<br />

Side effects: (Echinacea compositum forte S): Hypersalivation may occur after administration,<br />

in which case use of the product should be discontinued. In very rare cases<br />

gastrointestinal complaints or skin reactions can occur - also some days after use. In<br />

individual cases, hypersensitivity reactions (up to the anaphylactic reaction) are possible<br />

in persons who are known to be hypersensitive to composites (e.g. Arnica, Echinacea).<br />

Temporarily, reddening, tumefaction and pain may occur on the puncture site. Skin<br />

rash and itching (pruritus), and in rare cases facial swelling, shortness of breath (dyspnea),<br />

dizziness and a fall in blood pressure, have been observed after treatment with<br />

products containing Echinacea extracts. Allergic reactions or hypersalivation may occur<br />

on account of the homeopathic active substance Hydrargyrum bichloratum (mercury).<br />

The medication should then be withdrawn and a doctor should be consulted.<br />

Interaction with other medications: None known.<br />

Waiting period: None.<br />

Instructions for use, route and duration of administration:<br />

Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. is to be administered by s.c. or i.v. injection.<br />

According to species, the daily single dosage is as follows:<br />

Horse, cattle, swine: 5 ml<br />

Piglet: 2–3 ml<br />

Sheep, goat: 2 ml<br />

Large dog: 3–4 ml<br />

Medium dog: 2 ml<br />

Small dog, cat: 1–2 ml<br />

Puppy: 0.5–1 ml<br />

Small pets: 0.5 ml<br />

In cases with acute symptoms, the indicated dosage can be repeated after a period of<br />

24 hours.<br />

Echinacea compositum ad us. vet. drops are to be administered orally.<br />

According to species, the daily dosage is as follows:<br />

Horse, cattle: 3 x 60 drops<br />

Swine: 3 x 40–60 drops<br />

Large dog: 3 x 40 drops<br />

Medium dog, sheep: 3 x 30 drops<br />

Small dog, cat: 3 x 20 drops<br />

Small rodent, cage bird: 3 x 5 drops<br />

If necessary, depending on the severity of the case, the indicated dosage can be repeated<br />

for a maximum of five consecutive days.<br />

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