Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd

Veterinary Guide - Bio Pathica Ltd


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• Taken together with:<br />

Apis-Homaccord ® . With edemas.<br />

Cactus compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Cardiotonic.<br />

Cralonin ® . Cardiotonic.<br />

Gastricumeel ®<br />

Regulates gastro-intestinal movement.<br />

Nux vomica-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Regulates gastro-intestinal movement.<br />

Collapse, states of<br />

(Ectodermal or hemodermal impregnation<br />

or degeneration phases)<br />

Belladonna-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Veratrum-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

• Taken together with:<br />

Cactus compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Cardiotonic.<br />

Cralonin ® . Cardiotonic.<br />

Traumeel ® LT/T ad us. vet.<br />

Traumatism.<br />

Collapse, states of; Phlebitis<br />

(Hemodermal or neurodermal deposition,<br />

impregnation or degeneration<br />

phase)<br />

Cactus compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Cralonin ®<br />

• Taken together with:<br />

Cerebrum compositum N. Cerebral.<br />

Phosphor-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Hemorrhages.<br />

Traumeel ® LT/T ad us. vet.<br />

Post-traumatic.<br />

Commotio cerebri<br />

(Neurodermal impregnation phase)<br />

Traumeel ® LT/T ad us. vet.<br />

• Taken together with:<br />

Cerebrum compositum N<br />

With behavioral problems.<br />

Vertigoheel ® . With sickness.<br />

Complex, MMA<br />

(see MMA syndrome)<br />

Concretions, urinary<br />

(see Urolithiasis)<br />

Concussion, cerebral<br />

(see Commotio cerebri)<br />

Conjunctivitis<br />

(Ectodermal inflammation phase)<br />

Belladonna-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Traumeel ® LT/T ad us. vet.<br />

Topically: Oculoheel ® Eye Drops<br />

• Taken together with:<br />

Mucosa compositum ad us. vet.<br />

In recuperation.<br />

Constipation<br />

(Endodermal deposition phase)<br />

Gastricumeel ®<br />

Nux vomica-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

• Taken together with:<br />

Atropinum compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Spasms.<br />

Chelidonium-Homaccord ® N<br />

Disorders of the liver function.<br />

Hepar comp. Heel. Liver disorders.<br />

Spascupreel ® . Spasms.<br />

Constitutional<br />

(Depending on the pathogenetic<br />

symptoms of the medicine)<br />

Gastricumeel ®<br />

Nux vomica-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Phosphor-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Schwef-Heel ®<br />

Continuous egg laying, birds<br />

Hormeel ® QP ad us. vet.<br />

Convalescence, prolonged<br />

(Impregnation phase)<br />

Echinacea compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Coenzyme compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Nux vomica-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

• Taken together with:<br />

Cactus compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Cardiotonic.<br />

Cralonin ® . Cardiotonic.<br />

Coprostase<br />

(see Constipation)<br />

Cornea, opacity of the<br />

(Ectodermal inflammation, deposition<br />

or impregnation phase)<br />

Galium-Heel ® (N)<br />

Lymphomyosot ® N<br />

Ubichinon compositum<br />

Corneal ulcer<br />

(Ectodermal inflammation phase)<br />

Belladonna-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Mucosa compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Traumeel ® LT/T ad us. vet.<br />

Coronary circulation disorders<br />

(see Circulatory disorders)<br />

Coronary insufficiency<br />

(see Cardiac insufficiency)<br />

Cough<br />

(Mainly endodermal inflammation or<br />

impregnation phase)<br />

Engystol ® ad us. vet.<br />

+ Bronchalis-Heel<br />

Drosera-Homaccord ®<br />

• Taken together with:<br />

Atropinum compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Convulsive.<br />

Phosphor-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Chronic.<br />

Schwef-Heel ® . Irritating.<br />

Spascupreel ® . Convulsive.<br />

Cough, kennel<br />

(Various phases)<br />

Belladonna-Homaccord ® ad us. vet.<br />

Drosera-Homaccord ®<br />

Echinacea compositum ad us. vet.<br />

Engystol ® ad us. vet.<br />

+ Phosphor-Homaccord ad us. vet.<br />

Count, high cell<br />

(see also Mammary gland; Mastitis)<br />

(Ectodermal inflammation phase)<br />

Lachesis compositum N ad us. vet.<br />

Traumeel LT/T ad us. vet.<br />

Crop, inflammation of the<br />

(see Ingluvitis)<br />

Cushing’s syndrome<br />

(Ectodermal or mesenchymal degeneration<br />

phase)<br />

Coenzyme compositum ad us. vet.<br />

+ Galium-Heel ® (N)<br />

+ Ubichinon compositum<br />

Hormeel ® QP ad us. vet.<br />

Lymphomyosot ® N<br />

• Taken together with:<br />

Apis-Homaccord ®<br />

In case of edema.<br />

Cutis compositum<br />

Stimulates skin functions.<br />

Galium-Heel ® (N)<br />

Stimulates the non-specific defense<br />

mechanisms in chronic diseases.<br />

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