OMLTA/AOPLV - Ontario Modern Language Teachers

OMLTA/AOPLV - Ontario Modern Language Teachers

OMLTA/AOPLV - Ontario Modern Language Teachers


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<strong>OMLTA</strong>/<strong>AOPLV</strong><br />

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2<br />




Happy New Year! Meilleurs vœux! I wish you all a happy, healthy and<br />

peaceful New Year.<br />

Just before publishing the fall edition of Communication<br />

our President, Susan Forester accepted a<br />

position as Education Officer with the Field Services<br />

Branch of the Ministry of Education. Unfortunately,<br />

this means that she can no longer hold the<br />

position of President. Therefore, according to the<br />

<strong>OMLTA</strong> constitution, the First Vice President will<br />

assume this role until the Annual General Meeting<br />

in March 2011.<br />

For the past months prior to accepting her position at the Ministry, Susan<br />

dedicated her time to the <strong>OMLTA</strong> organization. Along with our members and<br />

partners, we express our deep gratitude to her and wish her well in her future<br />

career path. Please see below the message that she wrote for our teachers in<br />

September.<br />

Since I am assuming the role of President, I would like to take this opportunity<br />

to introduce myself to the members. My name is Faten Hanna and I have<br />

been involved with the organization for six years. During my time here, I<br />

have worked in a variety of capacities, such as Editor of Communication for<br />

three years, also I was the Chair of last year's Spring Conference, so I hope<br />

continued on page 2<br />


This year‘s Projet à Québec was another huge success. Arriving in Quebec City on<br />

July 19, 2010, 39 participants spent the next 12 days living, eating, learning and<br />

enjoying life in French. Mornings were spent in class with instructors Mel Shea<br />

and Julie Theberge, learning about the rich French culture of the Québécois. Songs,<br />

poems, vocabulary and idiomatic expressions were shared by these two animated<br />

instructors. As well, they shared new teaching strategies, ideas, and pedagogy with<br />

these teachers, who gave up two weeks of their summer vacation to renew their<br />

passion for the French language. continued on page 3<br />

Inside this issue:<br />

Projet a Quebec 3<br />

Message from the Past President 6<br />

Celebrating our 125thanniversay 8<br />

Concours 9<br />

CEFR for <strong>Language</strong>s 11<br />

International <strong>Language</strong> Contests 16<br />

<br />

<br />




GUAGES<br />



continued from page one<br />

that I have met many of you or at least you will remember seeing me. I look forward to continuing the<br />

wonderful work started by Susan and to serving the organization in the coming months.<br />

C‘est dans cet esprit d‘avancement et de développement, j'en profite pour vous souhaiter Paix, Santé et<br />

Bonheur. Que l‘année 2011 soit généreuse pour chacun d‘entre vous et tous ceux qui vous sont chers.<br />

Have a healthy and peaceful new year<br />

Faten Hanna<br />

Interim President<br />

<strong>OMLTA</strong>-<strong>AOPLV</strong><br />


Some unexpected changes at the administrative level of <strong>OMLTA</strong> resulted in a delayed release<br />

of this issue. We hope that you will enjoy it and look forward to releasing the winter issue<br />

shortly. We wish all members of the <strong>OMLTA</strong> executive the best of luck in their new positions<br />

and look forward to working with them to promote the teaching of second languages in <strong>Ontario</strong>.<br />

We would also like to express congratulations to Susan Forrester in her new position at<br />

the Ministry of Education.<br />

Kim Lundquist, Editor<br />

Pina Viscomi, Editor, International <strong>Language</strong>s<br />

Heather Henke, Photographer


Continued from page one<br />

Les après-midis étaient remplis de<br />

tours des sites historiques et culturelles<br />

de la ville de Québec. De l‘hôtel<br />

de ville au musée des beaux-arts,<br />

de la Citadelle au musée de l‘Amérique<br />

française, à Tadoussac qui se<br />

trouve où la rivière Saguenay rencontre<br />

le fleuve St Laurent, la plupart<br />

des tours étaient guidés par un guide<br />

fantastique, qui partageait joyeusement<br />

sa ville avec nous. When not<br />

actively participating in organized<br />

activities, participants had the opportunity<br />

to explore the city on their<br />

own, finding wonderful works of<br />

art, entertaining street buskers,<br />

lovely shops and to the delight of<br />

most, fabulous food!<br />

There is so much to see<br />

and do during these<br />

free periods that it was<br />

impossible to cram<br />

everything in during<br />

these two weeks.<br />

The bonding and feelings of accomplishment<br />

were completely unexpected<br />

by some of the participants.<br />

THE FIRST100...<br />


They did not realize that this commitment<br />

of two weeks would forever<br />

change their lives.<br />

They have found new<br />

friendships, new<br />

sources for ideas and<br />

most importantly,<br />

they no longer feel<br />

alone as sometimes,<br />

the only French teacher in their<br />

school. They now have a<br />

support system they can turn to<br />

when the going gets tough and they<br />

feel isolated. Without fail, all 39<br />

participants were invigorated and<br />

renewed by these two incredible<br />

weeks. They are happily awaiting<br />

the beginning of school so that they<br />

can share their<br />

with their students<br />

their love of the French<br />

language and culture.<br />

Hopefully, Projet a<br />

Quebec will continue<br />

to be offered each year,<br />

allowing more and<br />

more French as a second<br />

language teachers an opportunity<br />

to form this<br />

same support system as<br />

our first 100 participants<br />

have found.<br />

by Janet Smith<br />

Page 3<br />



Hear it first hand….letters from our participants.<br />

Je me sens vraiment privilégiée d‘avoir participé au programme de Projet à Québec l‘été dernier. Je<br />

n‘oublierai jamais cette expérience! Puisque le français n‘est pas ma langue maternelle, je cherche toujours<br />

des occasions à apprendre et à améliorer mon français. Le Projet à Québec m‘a donné l‘opportunité<br />

de pratiquer la langue française et de la vivre. Maintenant, je me sens beaucoup plus à l‘aise en parlant<br />

le français et j‘aurai plus de confiance comme enseignante de la culture québécoise. On a étudié<br />

des chansons, visité des musées, appris des expressions et coutumes québécoises, et discuté de stratégies<br />

pour incorporer tous ces éléments dans la salle de classe. Ce qu‘on a appris n‘est pas facile à apprendre<br />

en <strong>Ontario</strong> en lisant des livres ou des articles. Il faut vraiment vivre dans un milieu français<br />

pour apprécier et apprendre tous les aspects de la culture. Ce projet nous a donné cette possibilité.<br />

Puisque plusieurs enseignants de français langue seconde sont des anglophones, comme moi, il y a un<br />

besoin de programmes comme ceci pour donner plus de confiance en classe. Je voudrais vous remercier<br />

de votre soutien dans ce programme et j‘espère que ce programme va toujours continuer à offrir<br />

une occasion de vivre la langue française. C‘est vraiment un programme inoubliable et extrêmement<br />

utile pour les enseignants de FLS.<br />

Kerri Braido<br />

Algoma District School Board<br />

Sault Ste Marie<br />

letters continued on next page<br />

V OLU ME 1, ISS UE 2 Page 4

Letters from the participants cont’d from page 4<br />

Projèt à Québec 2010 était une expérience inoubliable! En arrivant à l’aéroport de Toronto, j’ai rencontré<br />

immédiatement des profs de français qui faisait partie de la groupe de 40 personnes qui ont<br />

été choisi pour le programme. Le premier jour était<br />

ouvert pour s’installer à la résidence de l’université de Laval et pour rencontrer le groupe entier avec<br />

les organisateurs. On a commencé un peu timidement, mais après les premiers trois jours les<br />

représentants acceuillants de Perspectives et d’<strong>OMLTA</strong><br />

nous ont fait sentir à l’aise l’un avec l’autre. Les jours après, on a collaboré ensemble chaque matin<br />

pour améliorer notre français et pour partager des idées d’apprentissage. Cependant chaque aprèsmidi<br />

on a voyagé au centre ville pour aller aux<br />

musées, la citadelle et pour parler avec les gens locaux. C’était tellement rafraîchissant de parler tout<br />

le temps en français du matin au nuit car à l’école je suis encerclée d’anglais. On est aussi allé à<br />

Tadoussac pour voir les baleines, et je pense<br />

que c’était là où no<br />

tre groupe a vraiment commencé à devenir une vraie famille. J’ai l’intention de garder connaissance<br />

avec les amis que j’ai rencontré à la belle province. Je recommande fortement ce programme à tous<br />

ceux qui veulent une bouffée d’air frais!<br />

Danielle Black<br />

Page 5<br />


Message from Susan Forrester,<br />

Past President, <strong>OMLTA</strong><br />

Bonne rentrée à tous les professeurs de langues vivantes! As an educator, you may agree with me that<br />

the Monday of Labour Day weekend is a more appropriate date than December 31st to be wishing our<br />

colleagues "Happy New Year" or "Bonne année!". Many of us have traditional celebrations to mark the<br />

end of summer and the beginning of a new school year. I have often found that, after spending countless<br />

hours during those last precious days of summer preparing lessons, and assessments, and then putting<br />

the final touches on the classroom to create a welcoming and inspiring environment for my new<br />

students, by Labour Day Monday I am too exhausted to kick up my heels. The <strong>Teachers</strong>' New Year's<br />

Eve celebrations do often entail an evening with colleagues - gathered around the photocopier...because<br />

it has jammed from overuse. This may eventually be followed by some relaxing or social time, but only<br />

after laying out clothes, shoes, backpacks, and supplies for our own children. Of course, the traditional<br />

countdown to midnight is out of the question because we would be too tired to work the next day, and<br />

the true countdown is ten seconds before the first bell on Tuesday morning. When we finally turn down<br />

the sheets on <strong>Teachers</strong>' New Years Eve, heads spinning with unanswerable questions about the youngsters<br />

we will greet the next day and spend most of our waking hours with during the next ten months,<br />

and crawl into bed hoping sleep will come soon, we close our eyes, counting not sheep, but sharpened<br />

pencils, and hoping for once not to have the recurring Labour Day nightmare that we are teaching half<br />

naked or in the wrong classroom.<br />

This year marks a very special point in the history of the <strong>OMLTA</strong> as we celebrate our 125th anniversary<br />

at the 2011 spring conference: The Road We‘ve Travelled…The Road Ahead / On a fait du chemin…la<br />

Route continue at the Doubletree Hilton – Toronto Airport from March 24-26, 2010. You will want to<br />

register early for this to have the best choice in workshops, so stay tuned to our website for updates.<br />

As we think about the 125 year history of this organization, let's take a moment to reflect on the history<br />

of FSL in <strong>Ontario</strong> and Canada. On the website of the Office of the Commissioner of Official <strong>Language</strong>s<br />

you will find a timeline marking highlights in the 41 year history of Official <strong>Language</strong>s Act. In his<br />

statement on the introduction of the Official <strong>Language</strong>s Bill in 1968, Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau<br />

said:<br />

"All Canadians should capitalize on the advantages of living in a country which has learned to speak in<br />

two great world languages. Such a country will be able to make full use of the skills and energy of all its<br />

citizens. Such a country will be more interesting, more stimulating and, in many ways, richer than it has<br />

ever been. Such a country will be much better equipped to play a useful role in the world of today and<br />

tomorrow." Source: Trudeau, Pierre Elliott. Statement by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on the resolution<br />

preliminary to introduction of the Official <strong>Language</strong>s Bill. Ottawa: Office of the Prime Minister, 1968. 6 pp., retrieved<br />

on August 14, 2010 from http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/primeministers/h4-4066-e.html.<br />

Trudeau went on to say that "There is no easy way to competence in a second language...", and this has<br />

been the focus of language educators and researchers across the Canada in recent years through the exploration<br />

of the Common European Framework of Reference. I urge you to become informed about this.<br />

You will find articles in Communication as well as on our website in the section "2009 Fall Conference<br />

Workshop Handouts".<br />

The quest to create a truly bilingual nation continues, as earlier this year the federal government renewed<br />

its commitment to supporting linguistic duality. Prime Minister Stephen Harper writes in support<br />

of the Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008–2013: Acting for the Future/ La Feuille de route<br />

pour la dualité linguistique 2008-2013 : agir pour l'avenir:<br />

"Our federation was born of a desire by English- and French-speaking Canadians to share a common<br />

future, and it was built on respect for the language and culture of all Canadians. Linguistic duality

is a cornerstone of our national identity, and it is a source of immeasurable economic, social, and political<br />

benefits for all Canadians." Source: http://www.pch.gc.ca/pgm/slo-ols/pubs/08-13-LDL/101-<br />

eng.cfm<br />

"Notre fédération est née de la volonté des Canadiens d'expression française et des Canadiens d'expression<br />

anglaise de partager un avenir commun. Elle a été édifiée dans le respect de la langue et des<br />

cultures de toutes les Canadiennes et tous les Canadiens. Pierre angulaire de notre identité nationale, la<br />

dualité linguistique est une source inestimable d'avantages économiques, sociaux et politiques pour<br />

tous les Canadiens." Source: http://www.pch.gc.ca/pgm/slo-ols/pubs/08-13-LDL/101-fra.cfm<br />

While this $1.1 billion commitment encompasses areas beyond the teaching of elementary and secondary<br />

FSL, it provides much needed support in these programs. The main objectives in this domain<br />

are:<br />

Student participation: Recruitment and retention of students in second-language education programs<br />

up to secondary school graduation;<br />

Provision of programs: Maintenance, development, enrichment and/or evaluation of programs and<br />

innovative teaching approaches for second-language learning;<br />

Student Performance: Acquisition of measurable second-language skills by students; and,<br />

Enriched school environment: Enrichment of second-language learning through curricular and extra-curricular<br />

initiatives.<br />

You can read the details in the "Roadmap for Canada's Linguistic Duality 2008-2013" on the Heritage<br />

Canada website http://www.patrimoinecanadien.gc.ca/pgm/lo-ol/pgm/mev-als-eng.cfm. I encourage<br />

you to share the objectives of this federal plan in your local community so that everyone is aware of<br />

the goals and works together to help achieve them.<br />

Le Congrès du printemps 2010 a été un grand succès grâce au travail de Heidi Locher, Faten Hanna et<br />

son équipe, Dann Crandall, Mark Strobl, Sandra Dennis, Karla Torrente-Lepage et Wanda West-<br />

Gerber.<br />

Jayne Evans et son équipe préparent notre Colloque d‘automne 2010: « Les langues: Une merveille<br />

mondiale » à Niagara Falls. Quel endroit merveilleux pour un congrès ! You won’t want to miss<br />

this opportunity to have a ―working holiday‖ in such a beautiful location. Visitez notre site web pour<br />

les details. Parmis les dizaines d‘ateliers intéressants, nous accueillerons les chercheurs de WestCan<br />

pour nous informer à propos du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues.<br />

Pendant le mois de juillet, 39 enseignants de partout en <strong>Ontario</strong> ont participé dans notre « Projet à<br />

Québec ». On tient à remercier Janet Smith, la coordinatrice, et Kim Lundquist qui ont organisé et mené<br />

le projet cette année, ainsi que l'équipe de Perspectives, qui a planifié les voyages, et le ministère de<br />

l'éducation pour les fonds. Cherchez un article dans ce numéro de Communication pour plus de détails.<br />

On espère pouvoir continuer avec "Projet" l'année prochaine. Contactez-nous si ceci vous intéresse.<br />

It gives me great pleasure to introduce our editor of Communication, Kim Lundquist. Kim is an FSL<br />

teacher in Simcoe County and has been a board member of the <strong>OMLTA</strong> for two years. During this<br />

time she has worked on the advocacy and professional development committees. She was Chair of the<br />

fabulous 2009 Fall Conference at Blue Mountain, and spent July assisting with ―Projet à Québec‖. Upon<br />

her return to <strong>Ontario</strong>, she was busy with the summary report of the "Projet" and creating the Fall<br />

edition of Communication. Kim is a true professional, dedicated and passionate about the teaching of<br />

modern languages, and we all benefit from the hours of labour she puts into Communication and other<br />

<strong>OMLTA</strong> initiatives. As you begin this new year, on behalf of the OMTLA, I would like to wish you<br />

all the best for a successful 2010 - 2011! Meilleurs voeux pour une bonne année scolaire!

125th<br />


The Road We've Travelled...<br />

The Road Ahead<br />

On a fait du chemin... la route continue.<br />

SPRING 2011 <strong>OMLTA</strong>/<strong>AOPLV</strong> CONFERENCE<br />


Concours d’Art Oratoire by Jenn Rochon<br />

On Saturday, May 8 th , 2010, over 70 FSL teachers from all over <strong>Ontario</strong> officiated at the Concours d‘Arts<br />

Oratoire held at Glendon College in Toronto, a joint effort of Canadian Parents for French (<strong>Ontario</strong>) and<br />

the <strong>OMLTA</strong>. A total of 31 school boards from across <strong>Ontario</strong> were represented by 349 students Grades 4<br />

to 12, competing in four categories: Core, Extended, Immersion and FSL+ (determined by the student‘s<br />

hours of FSL instruction). At the end of the day, the winners at the secondary level went home with money<br />

and, for some, a chance to compete at the National Concours in Ottawa in late May.<br />

The Provincial and National Concours are the culmination of a process that begins at the start of the school<br />

year, at the classroom level. <strong>Language</strong> contests can be a great motivator for students and a fantastic opportunity<br />

to integrate ―l‘art oratoire‖ into your curriculum.<br />

The first step is to organize class and school contests. For rules regarding length and presentation, contact<br />

your board or CPF <strong>Ontario</strong>. Students are presented with the project (voluntary or required?) and<br />

themes are discussed. A timeline is developed for drafts and final versions. Around December, contests<br />

are run at the class level and winners are chosen. <strong>Teachers</strong> should then ensure that the FSL hours of instruction<br />

for the winners are on record at this time.<br />

The next step is to choose judges and organize the school level contest. This can be run around the beginning<br />

of March and would divide students into levels: Grades 4-6, Grades 7-8, Grades 9-10 and Grades 11-<br />

12. If your school has more than one FSL stream (for example, core and immersion), the students would<br />

also be placed into those categories. The participants can practice by presenting to other classes. <strong>Teachers</strong><br />

will need to coordinate certificates and prizes as well as arrange for people to be invited, including parents,<br />

administrators and other classes. Once the school winners are chosen, teachers forward the names to participate<br />

in the board level contest.<br />

Board-wide contests typically occur in mid-March. Your FSL consultant or coordinator can provide you<br />

with details. The winners of the board contests compete at the Concours Provincial at Glendon in May.<br />

The secondary winners at the provincial level do win monetary prizes and the first place Grade 11-12 winners<br />

proceed to the National Concours in Ottawa:<br />

Grades 9-10<br />

1st - $500<br />

2nd - $250<br />

3rd - $125<br />

Grades 11-12<br />

1st - $1000<br />

2nd - $500<br />

3rd - $250<br />

Participants at the National level compete for a$20,000 scholarship to the University of Ottawa.<br />

The experience is highly enriching for students, but the Concours Provincial also offers a wonderful PD<br />

opportunity for teachers. FSL teachers are always needed as officials at the contest. For more information<br />

or to volunteer as an official at the 2011 Concours, contact Jennifer Rochon at:<br />

Jennifer.rochon@tdsb.on.ca.<br />

For more information about organizing speaking contests, rules and regulations, or the history of Concours,<br />

consult the Canadian Parents for French (<strong>Ontario</strong>) website at www.cpfont.on.ca or contact CPF <strong>Ontario</strong><br />

directly at 905-366-1012.<br />

Page 9<br />


Place Group Grade Category First Name Last Name Speech Board<br />

1st 9-10 10 Core Julia Romanski La Loi de Murphy Independant Schools<br />

2nd 9-10 9 Core Mishaal Umar L'Imagination Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School<br />

Board<br />

3rd 9-10 9 Core Alexander Kubisheskie Pape Jean-Paul 2 Niagara Catholic District School Board<br />

1st 9-10 10 Extended Curtis Quan L'Art Ottawa-Carleton District School Board<br />

2nd 9-10 10 Extended Kristina Ioudine Les Phobies Toronto Catholic District School Board<br />

3rd 9-10 10 Extended Bill Lin Une Ceinture noire:<br />

mythes et réalités<br />

1st 9-10 9 Immersion Hanna Hadzihasano<br />

vic<br />

Les Films<br />

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board<br />

Toronto District School Board<br />

2nd 9-10 9 Immersion Emma Buller L'Exploration spatiale Toronto Catholic District School Board<br />

3rd 9-10 9 Immersion Liam Bekirsky Le Coca-Cola: notre emblème<br />

de l'athlétisme<br />

Peel District School Board<br />

1st 9-10 9 FSL+ Benjamin Day L'Eau Toronto Catholic District School Board<br />

2nd 9-10 9 FSL+ Estelle Ah-Kiow Au plaisir de lire! Peel District School Board<br />

3rd 9-10 10 FSL+ Xinning Zheng Le Stress chez les jeunes Ottawa-Carleton District School Board<br />

1st 11-12 11 Core Charles Park La Liberté de la religion York Region District School Board<br />

2nd 11-12 11 Core Michael Choe Le Chemin de la vie Independant Schools<br />

3rd 11-12 11 Core Alfred Chen La Tension religieuse:<br />

pourquoi existe-t-elle?<br />

Toronto Catholic District School Board<br />

1st 11-12 11 Extended Chuqiao Wang La Détermination Ottawa-Carleton District School Board<br />

2nd 11-12 11 Extended Varuni Balasubramaniam<br />

L'Adolescence<br />

Toronto District School Board<br />

3rd 11-12 12 Extended Emily Rowe L'Âme sœur de la société Ottawa Catholic School Board<br />

1st 11-12 12 Immersion Madeline Dodds Les Soins de santé américains:<br />

y a-t-il un remède?<br />

2nd 11-12 11 Immersion Natania Abebe Les Aliments génétiquement<br />

modifiées<br />

Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School<br />

Board<br />

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board<br />

3rd 11-12 11 Immersion Taylor Morris L'Importance des Jeux<br />

Paralympiques<br />

Peel District School Board<br />

1st 11-12 11 FSL+ Jenna Scalia Les Enfants autochtones Ottawa Catholic School Board<br />

2nd 11-12 12 FSL+ Farouk Benali La Critique de notre génération<br />

3rd 11-12 12 FSL+ Rachael Buxton L'Influence des médias sur<br />

l'estime de soi<br />

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board<br />

Niagara Catholic District School Board


<strong>Teachers</strong>’ perspectives on CEFR’s action-oriented approach for FSL classrooms by<br />

While the official discourse promotes bilingualism in Canada, there is still widespread dissatisfaction<br />

and major concerns with French as a second language (FSL) programs across the country. Core<br />

French students account for 90% of all FSL learners, yet only 3% of these students study French beyond<br />

grade 9 (CPF, 2008). Students report feeling a lack of progress in these programs, an inability to<br />

express themselves in French or understand French and a desire to focus more on the development of<br />

communicative skills (Lapkin, Mady & Arnott , 2009). In an attempt to remedy the situation and improve<br />

FSL outcomes the <strong>Ontario</strong> Ministry of Education commissioned a province-wide study to examine<br />

the role the Common European Framework of Reference for <strong>Language</strong>s (CEFR) might play in improving<br />

language learning outcomes in FSL programs (Majhanovich, Faez, Smith, Taylor, Vandergrift,<br />

2010). The CEFR was developed by the Council of Europe in order to provide ―a common basis for the<br />

elaboration of language syllabuses, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. across Europe‖<br />

(CEFR, Council of Europe, 2001, p.1). The CEFR uses ―can do‖ statements to describe L2 proficiency<br />

as L2 use across five activities (listening, reading, spoken interaction, spoken production and<br />

writing) at six levels: A1 and A2 (basic user), B1 and B2 (independent user) and C1 and C2 (proficient<br />

user) (Council of Europe, 2001). The CEFR is grounded in a theory of ‗communicative competence‘<br />

(Canale & Swain 1980, Canale, 1983, Bachman, 1990)—a theory that has been around since the<br />

80s. Descriptive rather than prescriptive, it does not recommend any particular teaching method,<br />

though its action-oriented approach lends itself to task-based methods (Little, 2006). What is unique<br />

about the CEFR is its action-oriented approach to pedagogy rather than its theoretical underpinnings.<br />

¹ My colleagues, Suzanne Majhanovich, Shelley Taylor, Maureen Smith, Larry Vandergrift and I are grateful to the <strong>Ontario</strong><br />

Ministry of Education for providing funds for this project.<br />

V OLU ME 1, ISS UE 2 Page 11

Participants in the Ministry sponsored study included teachers and students from nine school boards across<br />

<strong>Ontario</strong>. Ninety-three teachers attended informational professional development (PD) sessions where they<br />

were introduced to the CEFR and CEFR-based resources. <strong>Teachers</strong> were introduced to the CEFR by using the<br />

‗global scale‘ and ‗self-assessment grid‘ (Council of Europe, p. 26-27) which is the most common approach in<br />

introducing the CEFR. The resources included activity kits for the four initial proficiency levels of the CEFR.<br />

Each kit contained a series of task-based activities related to the ‗can-do‘ descriptors from appropriate levels of<br />

the CEFR grids for each of the communication skills (listening, reading, speaking interaction, speaking production<br />

and writing). A teacher‘s guide with the descriptor for that level was also included in each kit. They<br />

were distributed to all participants to use with their students in activity centres or, in some cases, in teacher-led<br />

activities. These CEFR-based activity kits were developed by a team of experienced teachers. The 93 teachers<br />

participating in the study were then asked to draw on the kits and create their own resources to incorporate<br />

CEFR-based instruction into their regular FSL program and teaching. At the end of the PD session, these<br />

teachers completed a web-based pre-study questionnaire. Fifty-four teachers incorporated task-based activities<br />

into their classrooms and completed a web-based, post-study questionnaire. A representative number of the<br />

teachers also participated in focus group discussions and follow-up interviews.<br />

The pre and post- study questionnaires sought to explore the participants‘ attitudes, teaching practices, and<br />

perception of the CEFR‘s action-oriented approach for FSL classrooms. Quantitative analysis of the questionnaire<br />

data as well as qualitative analysis of the focus- group discussions and interviews revealed that Core<br />

French and French Immersion teachers were predominantly very positive about the potential of communicative<br />

teaching inspired by the CEFR‘s action-oriented/task-based approach in FSL classrooms. The teachers appreciated<br />

the communicative-orientation, learner-centeredness and reflective approach of the CEFR. They also<br />

reported that it is useful in the areas of planning, instruction and assessment and that it promoted real language<br />

² The kits were developed by a team of experienced teachers led by Helen Griffin of the Thames Valley District School Board and<br />

Karyn Bruneel of the Huron Perth Catholic District School Board.<br />

V OLU ME 1, ISS UE 2 Page 12

use and learner autonomy and increased their students‘ motivation and self-confidence. These factors are<br />

strong predictors of increased success in second language (L2) education programs. The qualitative data revealed<br />

that the teachers felt that CEFR-based instruction promoted language use in the classroom in ways that<br />

traditional ways of teaching were not able to achieve. They also recognized links between the descriptors and<br />

the performance expectations in the <strong>Ontario</strong> curriculum. There were a few cases of skepticism, especially<br />

among teachers who viewed the CEFR as an ‗add-on‘ to their already demanding curriculum content. Also,<br />

there was some resistance to the idea of change, which is typical of introducing changes into educational programs.<br />

<strong>Teachers</strong> had a relatively short time to familiarize themselves with the CEFR‘s action-oriented/task-based<br />

approach, the proficiency levels and the activity kits and to incorporate this approach into their FSL teaching.<br />

Therefore, not unexpectedly, they expressed the need for more extensive in-servicing to help them better understand<br />

the CEFR and how to incorporate its ethos into their teaching. Overall, teachers did not feel well<br />

enough prepared to incorporate the CEFR into their teaching, given the limited information and resources that<br />

they had received. Introducing the CEFR by simply using the ‗global scale‘ and ‗self-assessment grid‘ is not<br />

sufficient in helping teachers understand its approach (Little, 2006). What does this mean for pre-service and<br />

in-service teacher preparation programs?<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong>Teachers</strong> need to be familiar with various dimensions of the CEFR.<br />

They need to receive information and concrete examples of how to teach students to reflect critically on<br />

their learning.<br />

<br />

They need to learn how to gradually provide students with opportunities to be responsible for their own<br />

learning and to accept that responsibility.<br />

² The kits were developed by a team of experienced teachers led by Helen Griffin of the Thames Valley District School Board and<br />

Karyn Bruneel of the Huron Perth Catholic District School Board.<br />

V OLU ME 1, ISS UE 2 Page 13

<strong>Teachers</strong> cannot be expected to navigate the labyrinth of the Council of Europe website links on<br />

their own time to learn what the CEFR entails and how to exploit it in their FSL teaching.<br />

Teaching and learning resources that foster the communicative learning outcomes specified by the CEFR need<br />

to be developed in order to expose teachers to the concrete examples and approaches mentioned above. In sum,<br />

a well defined and well designed professional development program is necessary to prepare teachers to implement<br />

CEFR into their FSL classrooms. That is the task that researchers Faez, Taylor, Smith and Majhanovich<br />

have set themselves in concert with David Little in their WesternCAN initiative. It is no small task, but one<br />

that will benefit FSL teachers and students alike, and one that may help to reconcile the official discourse on<br />

French-English bilingualism in Canada with actual high school graduation figures of ‗functionally bilingual‘<br />

students.<br />

References:<br />

Bachman, L. F. (1990). Fundamental considerations in language testing. Oxford, UK: Oxford University<br />

Press.<br />

Canadian Parents for French (CPF). (2008). The state of French-second-language education in Canada 2008.<br />

Ottawa, ON. Retrieved April 24, 2009, from http://www.cpf.ca/eng/pdf/resources/reports/fsl/2008/<br />

FSL2008.pdf<br />

Canale, M. (1983). On some dimensions of language proficiency. In J. Oller (Ed.), Issues in language testing<br />

research (pp. 333-342). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.<br />

Canale, M. & Swain, M. (1980). Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to second language teaching<br />

and testing. Applied Linguistics, 1(1), 1-47.<br />

Council of Europe. (2001). Common European Framework of References: Learning, teaching, assessment.

Provincial <strong>Language</strong> Contest Reports<br />

<strong>Ontario</strong>’s Best and Brightest Second <strong>Language</strong> Students Shine<br />

auf Deutsch, en español and em português!<br />

This past spring, over a six week period, three provincial language contests took place, welcoming over 200<br />

excited students to Toronto. All of these events were supported by the <strong>OMLTA</strong> through the donation of cash<br />

prizes and plaques for the winners.<br />

These contests are run by dedicated teams of volunteer teachers and community members. The volunteers behind<br />

each of these events are encouraged by the interest and enthusiasm of students, community organizations<br />

and teachers, and all three of these events will undoubtedly continue to grow and thrive in the coming years!<br />

To get involved, you‘ll find the contact information for each committee at the end of the article. Machen Sie<br />

mit! ¡Participen! Participem!<br />

<strong>Ontario</strong> High School German Contest<br />

The 2010 <strong>Ontario</strong> High School German Contest was held on Saturday, April 10 at North Toronto Collegiate<br />

Institute. It was a special celebration, as the participants and organizers celebrated the 20 th anniversary of reunified<br />

Germany and the 40 th anniversary of the contest! Thirty-three students from six schools in three school<br />

boards across <strong>Ontario</strong> took part in this year‘s amazing event.<br />

The top two finishers each won an all-expenses paid trip to Germany and enrolment in a three-week ―PAD‖<br />

language and culture course this summer, all of which was provided by the Consulate of the Federal Republic<br />

of Germany (Toronto). Gifts and donations from the <strong>OMLTA</strong>, the <strong>Ontario</strong> Association of <strong>Teachers</strong> of German,<br />

the University of Toronto Department of Germanic <strong>Language</strong>s and Literature, the Goethe-Institut Toronto,<br />

Mercedes-Benz Canada and many other kind organizations helped bring the total of gifts and prizes awarded<br />

this year to nearly $5,000, including nearly $2,000 in cash. The committee extends its thanks to all of its wonderful<br />

supporters!<br />

It was an honour to welcome the Consul General for the Federal Republic of Germany, Sabine Sparwasser, to<br />

the celebration banquet. Other special guests included Dr. Stefan Soldivieri (University of Toronto) and Friedrich<br />

Bröckelmann (Fachberater, ZfA – German Schools Overseas program).<br />

Herzlichen Glückwünsch to the winners:<br />

1. Winkae Fung - University of Toronto Schools<br />

2. Walker Horsfall - The Woodlands School (Peel DSB)<br />

3. Soohyun Park - University of Toronto Schools<br />

4. Shanna Shi - University of Toronto Schools<br />

5. Karen Williams - The Woodlands School (Peel DSB)<br />

Students participate in listening, reading, writing, and grammar components, in addition to an oral interview.<br />

The contest is geared towards students in their third year of study, but many students have been successful –<br />

and even won! – the contest after just two years of instruction. Students with additional background in German<br />

(i.e., exchange participants, Saturday School instruction, or who speak German at home) are also welcome to<br />

participate in separate categories.<br />

The committee looks forward to the 41 st edition of the <strong>Ontario</strong> High School German Contest, to be held on<br />

Saturday, April 9, 2011 at North Toronto Collegiate Institute in Toronto! Do not hesitate to take part next<br />

year: e-mail the Committee at james.steele@tdsb.on.ca with any questions and check out the <strong>Ontario</strong> Association<br />

of <strong>Teachers</strong> of German Web site at http://www.oatg.org for full details. Machen Sie mit!<br />

Contest Committee: Lesley Chisholm (Host Chair), Andrea Irvine, Anne Popovich, Sandra Schrattenholzer,<br />

Jimmy Steele (Chair), Nicola Townend<br />

<strong>Ontario</strong> Secondary Schools Spanish Contest<br />

Under this year‘s motto of ¡Llegar a la cumbre con el español!, 138 students from thirty-eight schools in nine<br />

school boards across the province assembled at Glendon College on Thursday, May 6 th for a full-day of exciting<br />

activities. This was the third edition of this dynamic event. Over $4,000 in cash and prizes were awarded to<br />

20 sensational students, the top five in each of the four different categories: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced,

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Native Speaker. In addition, sixteen students received Honourable<br />

Mentions for their outstanding achievements. Major sponsors for the event included Glendon<br />

College, York University, the <strong>OMLTA</strong>, Multimedia Nova Corporation, Gabriela Veisburg of<br />

Scotia Bank, Turespaña - Toronto Office, Librería Las Américas, Girol Spanish Books, Tralco-<br />

Lingo, and Editorial Las Mayas, among others.<br />

After a full day of testing in listening, reading, and grammar quizzes, plus an oral interview, the<br />

participants enjoyed tango and salsa lessons, took part in interactive games run by staff at<br />

Glendon‘s Centro de Recursos del Español and much more. Special guests for the final prize giving<br />

ceremony included Jorge Luengo from the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain (whose office<br />

also sponsors the annual <strong>OMLTA</strong> summer study bursary for an <strong>Ontario</strong> Spanish teacher to study in<br />

Spain), Germán Rodríguez from the Consulate of Argentina in Toronto, Toronto District School<br />

Board Trustee Josh Matlow, and many more.<br />

Felicidades to the contest‘s winners:<br />


1. Julia Romanski - University of Toronto Schools<br />

2. Hrayr Bleyan - William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

3. Olesia Cernei - Harbord C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

4. Liron Danovich - William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

5. Katherina Liao - Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />


1. Kajori Chakravorty - University of Toronto Schools<br />

2. Juliana Richniak - University of Toronto Schools<br />

3. Lina Abdelhamid - École secondaire Jeunes sans Frontières (CSD Centre-sud-ouest)<br />

4. Peter Servinis - Bayview Glen<br />

5. Valeriya Goncharova - Georges Vanier S.S. (Toronto DSB)<br />


1. Luisa Lizoain - University of Toronto Schools<br />

2. Ashwin Baskaran - Woburn C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

3. Rooth Vimalanathan - R.H. King Academy (Toronto DSB)<br />

4. Milani Sivapragasam - Bayview Glen<br />

5. Mark Krass - University of Toronto Schools<br />


1. Luis Juan - Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

2. Sebastian Velasco - Jarvis C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

3. Diana Marín - York Memorial C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

4. Dorian Carias Flores - Jarvis C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

5. Patricia García - Earl Haig S.S. (Toronto DSB)<br />

This year, many more Toronto area schools participated in the event, and as evidenced by the list<br />

of winners, they also dominated the competition. Next year, the committee looks forward to and<br />

encourages greater participation from across <strong>Ontario</strong>.<br />

Save the date: the 4 th edition of the <strong>Ontario</strong> Secondary Schools Spanish Contest will take place at<br />

the University of Toronto, St. George Campus in downtown Toronto on Cinco de mayo: Thursday,<br />

May 5, 2011. We hope that the campus‘ close proximity to Union Station will encourage

many more out-of-town schools to make the jump to Toronto for the event.<br />

Congratulations to all involved! Do not hesitate to take part next year: e-mail the Committee at<br />

james.steele@tdsb.on.ca with any questions and check out the OSSSC Web site at http://<br />

www.spanishcontest.ca for full details. ¡Vengan y participen en gran número en 2011!<br />

Contest Committee: Leidy Barrs, Silvia Blejman, Ana Cano Chang, Liliana De Irisarri, Helen Elliott<br />

(Chair), Barbara Hirsch, Sandra Hryhor, Irena Jares, Carrie McLaren, Felipe Nilo, Lisa Picerno, Amanda<br />

Robalino, Andrea Schaaf, Sarah Starkman, Jimmy Steele, Paul Zafra<br />

<strong>Ontario</strong> Secondary Schools Portuguese Contest<br />

The first ever <strong>Ontario</strong> Secondary Schools Portuguese Contest took place on Monday, May 17 th at York<br />

University. Under the leadership of a team of seven dedicated secondary school teachers and university<br />

staff, the event was a great success. The goal of the event is to promote the Portuguese language and<br />

cultures and histories of the Lusophone (Portuguese-speaking) world among students of Lusophone heritage<br />

and students of Portuguese as a Second/Third <strong>Language</strong>.<br />

Thirty-three students from five schools in three school boards participated in rigorous language tests,<br />

putting their listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills to the test, along with their knowledge of the<br />

cultures of Portuguese and Lusophone world.<br />

For this inaugural year, the committee thanks York University and its Department of <strong>Language</strong>s, Literature<br />

and Linguistics for their excellent support. The <strong>OMLTA</strong> and the Toronto District School Board also<br />

provided generous financial contributions, which allowed costs to be covered fully and sensational<br />

cash prizes to be awarded to the top nine students! Other major sponsors and supporters include<br />

Presidência do Governo Regional dos Açores (Direcção Regional da Cultura), Instituto Camões, Canada<br />

Pure Waters, Vista-Global Productions, Portuguese Book Store, Sol Português and Voice Newspapers,<br />

University of Toronto Department of Spanish and Portuguese, St. Basil-The-Great S.S. (Toronto Catholic<br />

DSB), York University Portuguese Association, and Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo<br />

de Portugal.<br />

Special guests at the prize giving ceremony included Dr. Maria João Dodman and Rita Rolim from<br />

York University. The morning‘s welcome address was presented by the Dean of Faculty of Arts at<br />

York University, Robert Drummond.<br />

Congratulations and parabéns to the first ever winners of the contest:<br />


1. Stacy Costa - Central Commerce C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

2. Thina Tia - Central Commerce C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

3. Alexandra Cruz - Don Bosco C.S.S. Saturday program (Toronto Catholic DSB Continuing Education)<br />

1. Sheila Ventura - Don Bosco C.S.S. Saturday program (Toronto Catholic DSB Continuing Education)<br />

2. Michael Rodrigues - Dante Alighieri Academy (Toronto Catholic DSB)


1. Sheila Ventura - Don Bosco C.S.S. Saturday program (Toronto Catholic DSB Continuing Education)<br />

2. Michael Rodrigues - Dante Alighieri Academy (Toronto Catholic DSB)<br />

3. Ricardo Moreira - Dante Alighieri Academy (Toronto Catholic DSB)<br />


1. Jonathan Costa - Central Commerce C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

2. Abel Cruz - Central Commerce C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

3. Patricia Roque - Dante Alighieri Academy (Toronto Catholic CDSB)<br />

Honourable Mentions:<br />

Ana Correia - Archbishop Romero C.S.S. (Toronto Catholic DSB)<br />

Sarah Garcez - Central Commerce C.I. (Toronto DSB)<br />

Tania da Silva - Dante Alighieri Academy (Toronto Catholic DSB)<br />

Portuguese is taught in day school and recognized credit course programs in Saturday Schools across<br />

<strong>Ontario</strong>, including in Toronto, Mississauga, Cambridge, Kitchener, and Ottawa. <strong>Teachers</strong> who are<br />

interested in taking part in the contest are welcomed to get in touch with the contest committee. Next<br />

year‘s event may potentially take place on a Saturday, in order to allow for greater participation from<br />

students outside of the Greater Toronto Area. If you are interested in taking part, feel free to e-mail<br />

the committee: jennie.lopes@tcdsb.org or james.steele@tdsb.on.ca. The contest website will be<br />

available soon at http://www.osspc.org.<br />

Até a próxima edição do Concurso de Português das Escolas Secundárias do Ontário em Maio de<br />

2011!<br />

Contest Committee: José Pedro Ferreira, Jennie Lopes (Co-Chair), Anabela Melo, Tanya Pedro,<br />

Diana Pereira-Cibrão, Steven Silva, Jimmy Steele (Co-Chair).<br />

For further information:<br />

<strong>Ontario</strong> H.S. German Contest james.steele@tdsb.on.ca http://www.oatg.org<br />

<strong>Ontario</strong> S.S. Spanish Contest james.steele@tdsb.on.ca http://www.spanishcontest.ca<br />

<strong>Ontario</strong> S.S. Portuguese<br />

Contest<br />

james.steele@tdsb.on.ca<br />

jennie.lopes@tcdsb.org<br />



V OLU ME 1, ISS UE 2 Page 20

Portuguese Winners and Committee<br />




Page 21<br />



OHSGC Contest Committee: Lesley Chisholm (Host Chair), Andrea Irvine, Anne Popovich, Sandra<br />

Schrattenholzer, Jimmy Steele (Chair-not in photo), Nicola Townend<br />

<strong>OMLTA</strong> IS PROUD TO<br />




ARE A<br />



V OLU ME 1, ISS UE 2 Page 22


I wish that I had stayed in French has<br />

become a common statement among<br />

young adults entering the workforce. This<br />

oft heard statement of lament raises an<br />

important question for French teachers<br />

and educators: What is the best way to<br />

make French programs available and<br />

feasible for students who are faced with a<br />

highly competitive university market<br />

Four years ago, Galt Collegiate Institute<br />

in Cambridge, took on the challenge of<br />

attempting to create a French program<br />

that would be highly demanding academically<br />

and that showed the long-term benefits<br />

of completing these rigorous requirements.<br />

Michael Green and Kristen Watson,<br />

teachers at G.C.I., are both products of<br />

French Immersion Programs themselves<br />

and as a result they are both passionate<br />

about making sure their program is relevant,<br />

cohesive, creative, and meets all the<br />

requirements set out by the ministry.<br />

The Extended French program started at<br />

Galt Collegiate Institute in 2006 due to a<br />

boundary shift and equalization of the<br />

population for the board. Galt is a community<br />

with an entrenched support for<br />

French programs and over the past four<br />

years, the program has grown from 28<br />

students to over 140, expanding to two<br />

classes in grade 9 to meet the demands.<br />

How did this happen? The difficulties and<br />

challenges of launching a new program at<br />

any school are numerous, but they have<br />

helped shape what has become a very<br />

successful program. At the beginning,<br />

there was only one teacher to cover all<br />

the courses for the first two years (FEF,<br />

CGE, GLC/CHV). In the third year, another<br />

teacher was hired as the program<br />

was expanding and because of the value<br />

of diversity in teaching. Still needing<br />

more resources for the growing program,<br />

the Co-op Department partnered with the<br />

French Program to find placements in<br />

French classrooms to allow the students<br />

to continue their studies. Further, the<br />

development of the Speaking Course at<br />

the grade 11 year came into fruition, as it<br />

became a necessary credit to obtain the<br />

Extended French certificate.<br />

Continued below<br />

6 Tips to make your High School French Program Go...<br />

With this partnership, the Extended<br />

French program was able to grow so that<br />

it could know offer 10 credits with the Co<br />

-op and Speaking course. This was an<br />

exciting accomplishment because it allowed<br />

the program to accommodate the<br />

Ministry needed requirements for French<br />

Immersion. The administration and parents<br />

were approached about this thrilling<br />

possibility and with their overwhelming<br />

support G.C.I. became a French Immersion<br />

school this past fall.<br />

The journey to make any program or<br />

class work is usually filled with triumphs<br />

and struggles. Here are 6 helpful tips that<br />

we learned:<br />

1) Make connections in your community<br />

through school visits, co-op, field trips,<br />

and even hosting café<br />

nights.<br />

2) Get your parents involved.<br />

Trustees listen to<br />

parents.<br />

3) Make it easy to get an FI<br />

certificate by offering as<br />

many compulsory courses in French<br />

(History, Geography, Careers and Civics)<br />

so that way students do not feel that they<br />

are missing out on art, business and other<br />

electives.<br />

The G.C.I. Extended French<br />

program has grown from 28 to<br />

over 140.<br />

4) Work with administration to understand<br />

the benefits of the program. For<br />

example, G.C.I. has<br />

changed from 40% academic<br />

and 60% applied<br />

to 60% academic and<br />

40% applied. Further,<br />

our student captains over<br />

the past two years have<br />

been French students.<br />

5) Talk about your program everywhere<br />

you go. Attend conferences, talk to people<br />

at the board level and in the community,<br />

as they will be great sources of ref-<br />

erence an influence.<br />

6) Network, network, network! Talk to<br />

your feeder school teachers, your board<br />

consultant and other teachers from other<br />

schools who are teaching the same classes.<br />

Submitted by Michael Green and Kristen<br />

Watson<br />


IN FRENCH!‖<br />



Page 23<br />


<strong>OMLTA</strong> / <strong>AOPLV</strong> AWARDS<br />

Do you know an educator “gem” who should be recognized for an<br />

award?<br />

Think hard! I’ll bet you do!<br />

Every year, the <strong>OMLTA</strong> recognizes educators who have made a tremendous contribution to <strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Language</strong> education.<br />

We invited you to submit nominations for these awards which will be presented on the morning of Saturday, March<br />

26, 2011 at the <strong>OMLTA</strong> Spring Conference. We received many wonderful referrals and we look forward to presenting<br />

these awards in a few months. Please continue to consider worthy educators who will qualify in the future!<br />

Nominations forms may always be found at www.omlta.org, in the ―Membership‖ section.<br />


The recipient of such an award should be or have been an excellent teacher, should possess qualities of leadership and<br />

have been in the profession as an elementary, secondary or post-secondary teacher or active administrator in the field of<br />

<strong>Modern</strong> <strong>Language</strong>s for at least twenty years. The recipient should normally have been an active member of the <strong>OMLTA</strong>/<br />

<strong>AOPLV</strong> working on its committees, participating in its programmes, engaged in curriculum development and/or other<br />

fields of scholarship.<br />


The nominee must be a current member of <strong>OMLTA</strong>/<strong>AOPLV</strong>, and a full time teacher at the elementary, secondary or university<br />

level (ie., not an administrator or consultant, unless also a full time teacher.) The nomination must be signed by<br />

two members of the <strong>OMLTA</strong>/<strong>AOPLV</strong> and must be sponsored by evidence of outstanding professional contribution and<br />

leadership qualities. The evidence must be based on activities or accomplishments performed over a period of at least<br />

three years preceding the nomination. Evidence may be in the form of an anecdotal description of contributions to the<br />

profession demonstrating leadership qualities in a modern language programme.<br />


Honourary membership may be awarded to recognize a person who, while not a member of the <strong>OMLTA</strong>/<strong>AOPLV</strong>, has<br />

rendered significant service to the spheres of interest of the Association.<br />

Please take the time to consider a worthy colleague for nomination next year!<br />

Linda Hendry, Past-President, <strong>OMLTA</strong><br />

V OLU ME 1, ISS UE 2 Page 24


Foreign <strong>Language</strong> Fun<br />

http://www1.center.k12.mo.us/edtech/SB/templates.htm<br />

Spanish and French nametags and activities.<br />

First Day Teaching Ideas – New Students: What should you do on the first day of French class?<br />

http://french.about.com/od/teachingresources/a/firstday.htm<br />

First Day of School Activities for French class<br />

http://www.ehow.com/list_6394692_first-school-activities-french-class.html<br />

Fun French Activities for School<br />

http://www.ehow.com/way_5269467_fun-french-activities-school.html<br />

Smart board Templates<br />

http://www1.center.k12.mo.us/edtech/SB/templates.htm<br />

Foreign <strong>Language</strong> Study – Is Elementary School the Right Time to Start?<br />

http://www.buzzle.com/articles/foreign-language-study-is-elementary-school-right-time-to-start.html<br />

Read the article. In an ever-shrinking and tumultuous world, speaking a foreign language is becoming<br />

more and more desirable, but should the U.S. begin to require the study of a foreign language in elementary<br />

schools?<br />

Foreign <strong>Language</strong> Lesson Plans<br />

http://www.lessonplanspage.com/LAJH.htm<br />

You need to scroll down then under Foreign <strong>Language</strong>, you will find over 30 lesson plans including This<br />

Spanish I unit will be popular with your clothes-crazy teens & This is a dates and weather expressions in<br />

French idea<br />

Foreign <strong>Language</strong>s: An Essential Core Experience<br />

http://www.utm.edu/departments/french/flsat.html<br />

V OLU ME 1, ISS UE 2 Page 27

Who’s Who at the <strong>OMLTA</strong><br />

Meet: HEIDI LOCHER<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Heidi has been our administrative assistant since the Spring Conference of 2008. In this<br />

time, we have come to rely upon her tremendous, organizational skills, her friendly and<br />

prompt responses and her incredible memory for detail, as we navigate our way through<br />

fall and spring conferences. Heidi is the first voice you will hear when placing calls to the<br />

<strong>OMLTA</strong> and the contact during special <strong>OMLTA</strong> projects.<br />

During conferences, Heidi can be found at the registration desk, helping delegates and presenters<br />

prepare for their sessions. Feel free to stop by and say hello. She is always happy<br />

to meet the people she talks with on the phone.<br />

Heidi has studied German and is looking forward to developing her language skills during<br />

her time with <strong>OMLTA</strong>. She is the mother of three children.<br />

We need your voice!<br />

Please submit articles<br />

on French and International<br />

<strong>Language</strong>s<br />

teaching!<br />

www.omlta.org<br />

Contact Us:<br />

Heidi Locher<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

17!-218 Silvercreek Parkway N.,<br />

Suite 123<br />

Guelph, ON<br />

N1H 8E8<br />

1-519-763-2099<br />


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