Вип. 26 (2011)

Вип. 26 (2011)

Вип. 26 (2011)


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Записки з романо-германської філології. – ВИП. <strong>26</strong>. – <strong>2011</strong> р.<br />

tual tautology: paraphrases the question, having changed logical emphasis (what is<br />

required is taking practical action, instead of speculation), that can be considered<br />

as useless prolixity. Such violation characterizes the candidate as the person who<br />

doesn’t meet the job requirements and lacks professional experience.<br />

Summarizing, we must admit that the analysis of communicative strategies<br />

of the discourse “job interview” based on the theory of “positive and negative<br />

politeness” and the Gricean cooperative principle enables the researcher to observe<br />

communicative behavior of its participants. The observance of conversational<br />

Maxims of Quality, Quantity, Relevance, and Manner proves the desire to meet<br />

the global aim of communication in ideal conditions: the job requirements match<br />

the candidate’s qualities and experience. Flouting and violation of the mentioned<br />

Maxims are worth more attention and further research, as it leads to generating<br />

implicatures, which reveal true intentions and hidden aims of interlocutors, such<br />

as for example, give negative response, represent himself in the irrelevant role<br />

or deliver undesirable information having kept “the face”.<br />


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