Вип. 26 (2011)

Вип. 26 (2011)

Вип. 26 (2011)


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Записки з романо-германської філології. – ВИП. <strong>26</strong>. – <strong>2011</strong> р.<br />

desire not to be imposed upon, noting that negative face could be impinged upon<br />

by imposing on someone.<br />

In English “job interview” the strategies of positive politeness are oriented<br />

to identifying the means that indicate:<br />

‣ mutual understanding, community of interests with the help of tactics of<br />

consent (That’s what I thought, too; Absolutely, I take … seriously) and the tactics<br />

of implication (As you know; We should remember; we all know people like<br />

that);<br />

‣ relevance of information for the listener (I see that you speak very good<br />

English; I noticed from your job description that it requires a lot of interaction<br />

with the marketing department. So I thought this would be a good stepping stone<br />

to a marketing position);<br />

‣ awareness of private information (I hear you are a diver yourself);<br />

‣ liking, solidarity, mutuality (I think audiences will come to see this action<br />

and adventure thriller; You are right on the money; That’s good; Great); sharing<br />

interests, needs and desires of the interlocutor (I bet – children can be a handful!).<br />

Strategies of negative politeness are expressed with the means that demonstrate<br />

the distance between interlocutors, enable to reduce coercion and justify the<br />

unwillingness to act according to somebody’s rules as well as mitigate refuse,<br />

minimizing moral losses and offences. The most common expressions of negative<br />

politeness include:<br />

‣ questions and utterances with rather high level of politeness (I would like<br />

to ask...; Would you mind telling us what your greatest weakness is? Could you<br />

perhaps just give us some specifics on what you were doing? );<br />

‣ indirect speech turns (for example, the phrase „It’s been very interesting<br />

talking to you, Dr Vila. However, we still have one more person to interview” is<br />

in fact the refusal in employment, but is perceived by the candidate as a polite<br />

excuse that doesn’t hurt his feelings much);<br />

‣ means of hedging and mitigation (With the risk of sounding arrogant, I<br />

don’t think; I was just wondering whether you’re ready to...; I’ve got a short list<br />

of questions if you don’t mind …; Well, may be you have a point; );<br />

‣ means of depersonalization (We could use somebody around here who thinks<br />

like an entrepreneur; We’re looking for someone who’s prepared; If you’re someone<br />

who can take the ball and run with it, you’d be a great addition),<br />

‣ means of generalization, formulated as a rule or maxim (do you think that<br />

the customer is always right? Well, that’s one way of handling it).<br />

The Gricean maxims are based on his cooperative principle, which states,<br />

‘Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it<br />

occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are<br />

engaged,’ and is so called because listeners and speakers must speak cooperatively<br />

and mutually accept one another to be understood in a particular way. The principle<br />


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