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<strong>WORKSHOP</strong> <strong>DESCRIPTIONS</strong><br />

Session One<br />

Leading your Church in Missional Prayer Ministry CAMP 228<br />

Presenter: Ron Frizzell<br />

Imagine the implications for a city where the Church truly begins to pray for Heaven to encounter every<br />

dimension of community life. Foundations would be shaken, strongholds broken, and transformation would<br />

overtake the city. The Church is to be a House of Prayer (Jer. 33:3, 2 Chr. 7:14). Learn how missional prayer<br />

will purify the heart, mobilize the Body, and transform the community as we seek His plan and take our first<br />

steps right where we are.<br />

Help! We Don’t Have a Youth Pastor CAMP 243<br />

Presenter: James Smith<br />

An interactive and participatory session to guide and help you shepherd students as a community of believers.<br />

It will be applicable to any church of any size with any pastoral staff arrangement. We will help provide you<br />

with the foundational knowledge, desire and skills to develop meaningful relationships and mentoring<br />

relationships for teenagers in your local church.<br />

Servant Evangelism CAMP 300<br />

Presenter: Brad Kochis<br />

The intentional combination of authentic Christ-following and connecting with our culture. Through Servant<br />

Evangelism the church, or individual, engages kindness at a profoundly simple level to help move others toward<br />

Jesus. It's not a program or a method, and it's more than an event. It's living our lives in a way that daily leads<br />

to Kingdom impact. Tired of looking for programs? Want to embrace something simple yet profound in its<br />

impact? This is for you!<br />

Building the Engaged Church: Empowering Laypersons to Serve from their Strengths CAMP 302<br />

Presenter: Larry Hammond<br />

How to use "Strengthsfinder" to identify individuals‟ talents and strengths to improve communications, team<br />

productivity, personal satisfaction, and engagement in your local church. Also, understand and appreciate the<br />

differences in each other and how together we can accomplish much more than individually.<br />

Ministering to Men through Sports CAMP 303<br />

Presenter: Dan Hanson<br />

Four Quarters (SAVE): 1. a time of SHARING; 2. AQUIRING understanding; 3. VISITING in small group<br />

breakout sessions; 4. EVALUATING the unique place God has positioned you for His service.<br />

Reaching Postmodern Youth (and Adults) with the Message of Christian Holiness CAMP 304<br />

Presenter: Matt Price<br />

A brief look at scriptural perspectives on heart holiness, what holiness does in adolescents‟ lives, and adapting<br />

a message of heart holiness that communicates to a postmodern culture within a missional framework for<br />

ministry.<br />

Breaking the Missional Code CAMP 306<br />

Presenter: Mike Dennis<br />

An interactive presentation aimed at developing a missional strategy for your church.

Transitioning an Established Church to a Missional Church CHPL 113<br />

Presenter: Wes Humble<br />

Learn to recast the vision, clarify the vision, articulate the vision, and advance the vision. The critical<br />

component to change is not necessarily the vision, but the buy-in by those involved in the church. We will work<br />

to change the internal culture of our church to understand and embrace the unique mission Christ has given us<br />

to reach our community with the Good News.<br />

Practical Evangelism Tools for Your Community CHPL 202<br />

Presenter: Rusty Robbins<br />

Practical tools that can be used by pastors and laymen to take the love of Jesus out into the communities where<br />

real life happens.<br />

Effective Bi-Vocational Pastoring CHPL 232<br />

Panel: T.J. McNew, Tom Shobe, Willie May<br />

Being a bi-vocational pastor provides great joys and great challenges. Learn from the experiences of a panel of<br />

pastors navigating this journey. Gain insights on how to be more effective in fulfilling your call through<br />

prioritizing ministry objectives, living with balance, maximizing your time, developing and empowering lay<br />

leadership, etc. Plenty of Q&A time.<br />

Associate Pastors Only: Strengthening the Lead Pastor/Associate Pastor Relationship CHPL 233<br />

Presenter: David Bennett<br />

An interactive session of what lead pastors appreciate and struggle with in building a relationship and<br />

partnership with an associate pastor<br />

Creating a Discipleship Culture FA 105<br />

Presenter: Dan Huckins<br />

While we have learned how to grow churches, it seems for many of us we have not figured out how to make<br />

disciples, particularly of the youngest generations. This workshop will discuss what we are learning about<br />

developing a culture (not another program) where disciples are naturally made and sent out as missionaries in<br />

our local ministry arena.<br />

Biblical and Theological Foundations for Women in Ministry JSB 106<br />

Presenter: Tracy Ogden-Johnson<br />

Helping pastors lead the way in recognizing the call God has placed<br />

on some women's lives, and finding ways to encourage, affirm, and help them come to terms with that call in<br />

their own lives. Pastors will be the ones to come alongside women as they process God's call for themselves.<br />

(for men and women)<br />

Preparing to Pastor: Issues New Pastors Face JSB 108<br />

Presenters: Mervin Smith & Harold Berrian<br />

Are you near the beginning of your pastoral ministry journey? Learn from two veteran pastors turned district<br />

superintendents; as they share wisdom from their own experiences, and the experiences of many pastors they<br />

have shepherded over the years.<br />

Preaching Holiness to a Postmodern Culture JSB 133<br />

Presenters: Mark Fuller & Rob Paugh<br />

For a modernist, preaching holiness to a postmodern world is like learning a new language. But the rewards<br />

are well-worth the effort. At Grove City Church, God is transitioning a 50 year old mega-church into a<br />

postmodern model. Sr. Pastor Mark Fuller (a modernist) and staff member Rob Paugh (a “bilingual”<br />

postmodern) together are learning how to communicate the timeless message of holiness in ways that the<br />

emerging generations can both understand and embrace in life-changing ways. This seminar will provide<br />

practical handles for managing this critical transition through the preaching ministry of your church.

How to Create & Use Video Clips in Worship Services JSB 143<br />

Presenter: Ben Lee<br />

Make the leap from complicated PowerPoint presentations to dynamic video clips; Identify the practical<br />

applications of videos in ministry; How to inexpensively and effortlessly capture, edit, and produce videos for<br />

ministry; Ideas on integrating videos to transform ministry: music videos, editing songs, use and edit movie<br />

clips, testimony/interview videos, etc.; How to find and use videos on the internet; Q & A<br />

Session Two<br />

Lead Pastors Only: Strengthening the Lead Pastor/Associate Pastor Relationship CAMP 228<br />

Presenter: Tim Thurston<br />

An interactive session of what associate pastors appreciate and struggle with in building a relationship and<br />

partnership with a lead pastor<br />

Ready to Retire? Preparing for Retirement CAMP 243<br />

Presenter: David Johnston<br />

The best retirement preparation starts early and takes into account three streams of income: social security,<br />

pension, and personal finances. Rev. Johnston is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene. He leads<br />

the MVNU Church Finance Seminar and has assisted pastors and churches for many years with financial<br />

issues.<br />

Release the Children to BE Jesus CAMP 303<br />

Presenter: Deb McKay<br />

Children have a natural desire to help others. Every day, there are opportunities in front of them. As parents<br />

and church leaders, we have the responsibility to train our children to BE Jesus in a hurting world. We‟ll look<br />

at philosophy, training tools, and ideas of specific actions that children can take and celebrate!<br />

Ready or Not Here We Come: Latino Ministry in a Changing Culture CAMP 300<br />

Presenters: Mark Ledford, Mike Durst, Zeke De La Cruz<br />

What do we do with people of other colors, languages, and cultures? Mark is lead pastor of a bi-lingual<br />

congregation in Westerville having significant Kingdom impact on the Hispanic community. Do you have a<br />

burden to reach people in your area who do not look, speak, or think like you? Mark and his team will share<br />

struggles, strategies, challenges and victories of following God's unmistakable call to make radical changes for<br />

the sake of reaching other people groups for the Kingdom.<br />

Public Communication Practices to Embrace and Avoid CAMP 304<br />

Presenter: Dan Behr<br />

Vocal techniques and presentation methods to make the Good News come alive to a media savvy congregation<br />

Planting a Church on a Shoestring CAMP 306<br />

Presenter: Bill Wiesman<br />

If we're to fulfill the great commission to “Make Christlike Disciples in our Jerusalem” we must find methods<br />

not dependent upon finances. A number of churches have begun without finances being a major part of the<br />


Assimilating Newcomers into the Body CHPL 202<br />

Presenter: Gene Tanner<br />

No one grows because they want to. Everyone wants to. There must be a process and clearly defined path for<br />

new people to assimilate into the body. They will walk a path as long as we give them one. Too many churches<br />

leave people on their own and hope they “jump-in.” No one gets on a bus if they don't know where it's going?<br />

This is about an execution plan. Too many churches have a mission statement without an execution plan. If<br />

there is no plan, then the mission statement has been reduced to merely a logo.<br />

Go Big with Small Groups CHPL 232<br />

Presenter: Woodie Stevens<br />

Gain insight into how to develop, grow and multiply small group ministries in your local church. Dr. Stevens<br />

has extensive pastoral and leadership experience. He currently serves as director of Nazarene Sunday School<br />

and Discipleship Ministries International.<br />

Conflict Management and Resolution in the Local Church CHPL 233<br />

Presenter: David Downs<br />

A discussion of the most common areas of local church conflict; Biblical conflict resolution principles; and the<br />

Nazarene Manual as it relates to conflict management and resolution.<br />

Ephesus and the Life Cycle of a Church FA 105<br />

Presenter: John Nielson<br />

Examines the life cycle of the 50 years on the church at Ephesus, and history overlaid with sociological<br />

understandings of the life cycle of organizations (the 3rd generation syndrome) with application to a<br />

denomination or local congregation.<br />

Resources for Preaching Forgiveness to a Broken World JSB 106<br />

Presenter: Henry Spaulding<br />

The church is constituted by an act of forgiveness and as such offers to the world the hope of renewal and<br />

reconciliation. We will explore the theological, practical, and homiletical resources for helping your church<br />

become a source for reconciling forgiveness.<br />

From Church Board to Leadership Team: Transitioning from a JSB 108<br />

Work Board to a Vision-Leading Team.<br />

Presenters: Keven Wentworth & JC Slone<br />

Release your board from the tedious business of the church. Free them to cast vision and empower them to set<br />

direction. A fresh approach to ministry leadership with board members guiding teams of volunteers based on a<br />

clearly-defined and unifying mission<br />

Quality Worship in a Smaller Church JSB 133<br />

Presenter: Richard North<br />

It doesn't have to be big to be good. What is quality corporate worship? Discovering resources you didn't know<br />

you had. Making the most with what seems like the least. Helpful tips and insights for using technology, media,<br />

and the arts<br />

Developing Ministry Teams: Equipping and Empowering the Congregation for Service. JSB 143<br />

Presenter: Willie Dishon<br />

Explore the characteristics of mature discipleship, the shared ministry of all God‟s people, the value and traits<br />

of healthy teams in that shared ministry, and the pastor‟s understanding of his role in this development process.<br />

Dr. Dishon contributed the chapter „People Development‟ in the book Foundations of Church Administration,<br />

which will be released in 2010.

Recreational Alternatives<br />

* Golf - Chapel Hill Golf Course<br />

* Amish Country tour (Loading at Pioneer parking lot at 12:15 p.m.)<br />

Session Three<br />

Ministry in Appalachia CAMP 228<br />

Presenter: Bob Fulton<br />

Explore some of the history and culture that makes ministry in Appalachia filled with unique challenges and<br />

opportunities.<br />

Ready to Retire? Preparing for Retirement CAMP 243<br />

Presenter: David Johnston<br />

The best retirement preparation starts early and takes into account three streams of income: social security,<br />

pension, and personal finances. Rev. Johnston is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene. He leads<br />

the MVNU Church Finance Seminar and has assisted pastors and churches for many years with financial<br />

issues.<br />

Dealing with Personal Roadblocks in Ministry CAMP 300<br />

Presenter: Wade Brill<br />

Many pastors deal with unhealed wounds. We need a solid understanding of how these wounds result in<br />

emotional upheaval, distorted perceptions and maladaptive behaviors that in turn hinder ministry, by impeding<br />

the pastor's ability to grow in the nature and likeness of Jesus.<br />

Building the Engaged Church: Empowering Laypersons to Serve from their Strengths CAMP 302<br />

Presenter: Larry Hammond<br />

How to use "Strengthsfinder" to identify individuals‟ talents and strengths to improve communications, team<br />

productivity, personal satisfaction, and engagement in your local church. Also, understand and appreciate the<br />

differences in each other and how together we can accomplish much more than individually.<br />

Nazarene Organic Church Network CAMP 303<br />

Presenter: Darrell MacLean<br />

NOCN is a voluntary association of individuals, churches, and districts who embrace the DNA of launching<br />

Nazarene Organic Churches throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada. Organic churches are led by<br />

people willing to risk it all to move out of the comfort of an established church and take the church back into the<br />

world, into the community, into the homes down the block.<br />

Leadership for Church Cultural Change CHPL 202<br />

Presenter: Gene Tanner<br />

Leading during change is a monumental leadership challenge. We will look at indicators where change may or<br />

may not be needed; understand the “Bell-lifecycle of a church”; hand out the checklist for change; and teach<br />

the four critical steps in leading a church through change. It is impossible to accomplish successful change<br />

without all four in place. The culture of your church does not change by merely working harder at your old<br />

culture.<br />

Life Balance & Self Care of the Ministry Leader CHPL 232<br />

Presenter: Scott Couchenour<br />

Addressing four basic habits present in people who avoid burnout: Spin, Swing, Align, & Center. Participants<br />

will take a few action steps during the workshop, and have enough info to take the action further on their own.<br />

Humorous, pointed, engaging, and truthful - with an appropriate mix of theory and practical application. Scott<br />

is a Life Coach. He has extensive experience with pastors, and a passion to help people who serve others.

How to Develop a Marriage and Family Life Coaching Ministry CHPL 233<br />

Presenter: Ron Hitchcock<br />

The Life in Motion Relationships Inventory helps churches develop a missional view of marriage and family-life<br />

by equipping members to serve as coaches to dating, engaged, married couples and parents. The church must<br />

be able to answer these questions: "What is good about marriage?" and "How can I develop a lifelong<br />

marriage and family life?". The church is uniquely equipped to serve as a change agent to reestablish the<br />

purpose of marriage and family. Healthy relationships are one of the most effective ways to present the Gospel<br />

to unchurched couples who have lost faith in marriage.<br />

Mini Capital Campaigns: Solutions for Raising $5,000-$50,000 JSB 106<br />

Presenter: Rick Garmon<br />

Strategically designed for churches that need to remodel or build, but do not have the financial resources<br />

necessary. Capital campaigns are as diverse as the projects they fund, but the fundamentals of a successful<br />

campaign are consistent throughout all sizes. While professional consultation is recommended for larger<br />

campaigns, this workshop gives practical, useful tools for conducting a smaller campaign, and provides<br />

resources to facilitate nonthreatening teaching and preaching tools to enhance financial growth. The presenter<br />

is on staff with the Church of the Nazarene Foundation.<br />

Biblical Theology from the Pulpit JSB 108<br />

Presenter: Mike Van Zant<br />

Biblical theology is a crucial tool for effective preaching and sermon preparation. Discover the essence of<br />

doing Biblical theology, and avenues of using it from the pulpit.<br />

Working through our Emotional Weaknesses as Pastors CAMP 304<br />

Presenter: Scott Mapes<br />

"Monk" has brought OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) out in the open, but it is only one of the psychoemotional<br />

pitfalls that can result from the stresses of ministry. Scott will share from his life-long journey with<br />

OCD in the pastorate, and pass along helpful insights related to emotional health in ministry<br />

Preaching from Jeremiah JSB 133<br />

Presenter: Alex Varughese<br />

Key texts from the book of Jeremiah and suggestions for developing sermons. Dr. Varughese edited Discovering<br />

the Bible, and wrote the New Beacon Commentary on Jeremiah.<br />

Empowering Parents and Mentors in Ministry to Teenagers JSB 143<br />

Presenter: Tracy Waal<br />

Even in 2010, parents are still the most influential and important relationships in a teenager's life. We need to<br />

partner with parents by encouraging, equipping and empowering them to take a leadership role in the spiritual<br />

development of their teen. Ministry to and with the whole family must be priority for a healthy ministry to<br />

teenagers.<br />

Recreational Alternatives<br />

* Golf, continued...<br />

* Amish Country tour, continued...

Session Four<br />

No Man Left Behind! CAMP 243<br />

Presenter: Marshall Duke<br />

48% of the US population is male, but the typical congregation is 39% male. Every church should have a vision<br />

to reach and nurture each man in their community to become a Christ-like disciple. A paradigm will be offered<br />

to be effective in making that vision a reality.<br />

Working Through our Emotional Weaknesses as Pastors CAMP 302<br />

Presenter: Scott Mapes<br />

"Monk" has brought OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) out in the open, but it is only one of the psychoemotional<br />

pitfalls that can result from the stresses of ministry. Scott will share from his life-long journey with<br />

OCD in the pastorate, and pass along helpful insights related to emotional health in ministry<br />

Caring for Children in Stressful Times CAMP 303<br />

Presenter: Jane Kennard<br />

Recently, a seven-year-old attempted suicide while his father was serving yet another tour in Iraq. Most<br />

certainly this is a rare occurrence, but heightened stress levels experienced by children are not. What are the<br />

indicators of stress in children? What pushes kids toward stress modes? What does it mean to care for<br />

“stressed out” youngsters? What are the effects of military deployment on families and children?<br />

Funding Ministries Outside the Offering Plate CAMP 304<br />

Presenter: Bob Crew<br />

Few churches realize the potential for ministry funding that is available through traditional planned giving<br />

tools and strategies. While the not-for-profit world at large has long tapped into these resources, the local<br />

church has not. Will help you understand the possibilities and show you strategies to capture ministry funding<br />

over and above what comes in the offering plate. Mr. Crew serves with Stewardship Ministries of the Church of<br />

the Nazarene<br />

Go Big with Small Groups CAMP 306<br />

Presenter: Woodie Stevens<br />

Gain insight into how to develop, grow and multiply small group ministries in your local church. Dr. Stevens<br />

has extensive pastoral and leadership experience. He currently serves as director of Nazarene Sunday School<br />

and Discipleship Ministries International.<br />

Compassionate Ministry as a Focus, Not a Program CHPL 113<br />

Panel: Mike Vallangeon, Kevin Peterson & Abe Brandyberry<br />

Through successes and failures of a panel of ministry leaders, gain insights into how compassionate ministries<br />

and caring for the 'least of these' can be seen as a way of life in the local church, instead of another program or<br />

event on the calendar. Plenty of Q & A time.<br />

Assimilating Newcomers into the Body CHPL 202<br />

Presenter: Gene Tanner<br />

No one grows because they want to. Everyone wants to. There must be a process and clearly defined path for<br />

new people to assimilate into the body. They will walk a path as long as we give them one. Too many churches<br />

leave people on their own and hope they “jump-in.” No one gets on a bus if they don't know where it's going?<br />

This is about an execution plan. Too many churches have a mission statement without an execution plan. If<br />

there is no plan, then the mission statement has been reduced to merely a logo.

Lead Pastors Only: Strengthening the Lead Pastor/Associate Pastor Relationship CAMP 228<br />

Presenter: Tim Thurston<br />

An interactive session of what associate pastors appreciate and struggle with in building a relationship and<br />

partnership with a lead pastor<br />

Creating Environments that Engage People and Enhance Ministry CHPL 232<br />

Presenter: James Couchenour & Jeff Kempton<br />

Over the past decade church people have invested $75 billion in church facilities, yet the percentage of people<br />

attending church has dropped. This workshop will present research on what the unchurched population<br />

considers “sacred space”, and what it means for our church facilities. We will discuss real-life feedback from<br />

unchurched people and how they perceive our buildings. We‟ll also talk about a 4-step process to determine<br />

what type of facility is most effective in your ministry context. Finally, we‟ll share nuts & bolts for a successful<br />

expansion of your ministry space. This interactive presentation will give you practical knowledge to maximize<br />

the impact of your facility investment.<br />

Conflict Management and Resolution in the Local Church CHPL 233<br />

Presenter: David Downs<br />

A discussion of the most common areas of local church conflict; Biblical conflict resolution principles; and the<br />

Nazarene Manual as it relates to conflict management and resolution.<br />

Preaching from 1, 2, 3 John FA 105<br />

Presenter: Rick Williamson<br />

Will briefly highlight ten significant preach-able passages and/or themes in the letters ("sweet spots"); as well<br />

as five frequently mis-used or problematic texts ("mine fields"). A few sample sermon outlines provided. Dr.<br />

Williamson is writing for the New Beacon Commentary on 1,2,3 John.<br />

"Is it Time to Call our Lawyer?": Tricky Legal Issues in the Church JSB 106<br />

Presenter: Lee Skidmore<br />

We‟ll deal with top legal issues currently facing the local church; including sexual molestation issues and<br />

reporting procedures, immigration, and keeping current with incorporation updates. Mr. Skidmore is an<br />

attorney who is actively involved in many levels of leadership within the Church of the Nazarene.<br />

Quality Worship in a Smaller Church JSB 108<br />

Presenter: Richard North<br />

It doesn't have to be big to be good. What is quality corporate worship? Discovering resources you didn't know<br />

you had. Making the most with what seems like the least. Helpful tips and insights for using technology, media,<br />

and the arts<br />

From Church Board to Leadership Team: Transitioning from a JSB 133<br />

Work Board to a Vision-Leading Team.<br />

Presenters: Keven Wentworth & JC Slone<br />

Release your board from the tedious business of the church. Free them to cast vision and empower them to set<br />

direction. A fresh approach to ministry leadership with board members guiding teams of volunteers based on a<br />

clearly-defined and unifying mission<br />

The Emerging Church Movement JSB 143<br />

Presenter: Steve Ruby<br />

Examine the influence emergent thinking is having on the Church in ecclesiology, theology, and ministry<br />

cultural context. Assess the contribution and criticism of the movement to date. Develop a healthy, balanced<br />

perspective regarding current emergent dialogue, as well as a biblical and practical response to it.

Session Five<br />

Servant Evangelism CAMP 300<br />

Presenter: Brad Kochis<br />

The intentional combination of authentic Christ-following and connecting with our culture. Through Servant<br />

Evangelism the church, or individual, engages kindness at a profoundly simple level to help move others toward<br />

Jesus. It's not a program or a method, and it's more than an event. It's living our lives in a way that daily leads<br />

to Kingdom impact. Tired of looking for programs? Want to embrace something simple yet profound in its<br />

impact? This is for you!<br />

How to Create & Use Video Clips in Worship Services FA 105<br />

Presenter: Ben Lee<br />

Make the leap from complicated PowerPoint presentations to dynamic video clips; Identify the practical<br />

applications of videos in ministry; How to inexpensively and effortlessly capture, edit, and produce videos for<br />

ministry; Ideas on integrating videos to transform ministry: music videos, editing songs, use and edit movie<br />

clips, testimony/interview videos, etc.; How to find and use videos on the internet; Q & A<br />

Reaching Postmodern Youth (and Adults) with the Message of Christian Holiness CAMP 302<br />

Presenter: Matt Price<br />

A brief look at scriptural perspectives on heart holiness, what holiness does in adolescents‟ lives, and adapting<br />

a message of heart holiness that communicates to a postmodern culture within a missional framework for<br />

ministry.<br />

Worship in Children’s Ministry CAMP 303<br />

Presenter: Kim Bobb<br />

This fun workshop will teach you the motions to tons of our kid's favorite worship songs! You will enjoy this<br />

high energy look into how kids worship and what we can do to help them encounter God in a BIG way! We will<br />

also take a peek at how to plan Kids Church lessons that really work to communicate God's Word.<br />

“Are We on the Same Team?”: Building a Relationship with Your Public Schools CAMP 306<br />

Presenter: David Hire<br />

Dr. Hire is superintendent of Coshocton City Schools. He will address questions pastor's have such as: Who do<br />

I talk to? What can we do to serve the school? If public schools are a microcosm of the needs in my community,<br />

what can we learn by involvement with the school? Are schools open to our church ministering to the needs of<br />

their students and staff? What is fact and fiction concerning interaction between church and school? What are<br />

the boundaries? Where does separation of church and state come in? What policies are state/federally<br />

mandated that local school administrators have no control of?<br />

How to Develop a Marriage and Family Life Coaching Ministry CHPL 202<br />

Presenter: Ron Hitchcock<br />

The Life in Motion Relationships Inventory helps churches develop a missional view of marriage and family-life<br />

by equipping members to serve as coaches to dating, engaged, married couples and parents. The church must<br />

be able to answer these questions: "What is good about marriage?" and "How can I develop a lifelong<br />

marriage and family life?". The church is uniquely equipped to serve as a change agent to reestablish the<br />

purpose of marriage and family. Healthy relationships are one of the most effective ways to present the Gospel<br />

to unchurched couples who have lost faith in marriage.<br />

Ministry in Appalachia CAMP 228<br />

Presenter: Bob Fulton<br />

Explore some of the history and culture that makes ministry in Appalachia filled with unique challenges and<br />


Life Balance & Self Care of the Ministry Leader CHPL 232<br />

Presenter: Scott Couchenour<br />

Addressing four basic habits present in people who avoid burnout: Spin, Swing, Align, & Center. Participants<br />

will take a few action steps during the workshop, and have enough info to take the action further on their own.<br />

Humorous, pointed, engaging, and truthful - with an appropriate mix of theory and practical application. Scott<br />

is a Life Coach. He has extensive experience with pastors, and a passion to help people who serve others.<br />

Biblical and Theological Foundations for Women in Ministry JSB 106<br />

Presenter: Tracy Ogden-Johnson<br />

Helping pastors lead the way in recognizing the call God has placed<br />

on some women's lives, and finding ways to encourage, affirm, and help them come to terms with that call in<br />

their own lives. Pastors will be the ones to come alongside women as they process God's call for themselves.<br />

(for men and women)<br />

Compassionate Ministries - Reaching Your Communities through “Felt Needs” JSB 108<br />

Presenter: Althea Taylor<br />

Mobilizing your church for holistic mission. Learn methods to do an assessment of the needs and assets in your<br />

community and how to partner with existing organizations and churches toward effective ministry. The steps to<br />

beginning a compassionate ministry. Rev. Taylor is coordinator for Nazarene Compassionate Ministries<br />

USA/Canada.<br />

Biblical Theology from the Pulpit JSB 133<br />

Presenter: Mike Van Zant<br />

Biblical theology is a crucial tool for effective preaching and sermon preparation. Discover the essence of<br />

doing Biblical theology, and avenues of using it from the pulpit.<br />

"Is it Time to Call our Lawyer?": Tricky Legal Issues in the Church CAMP 243<br />

Presenter: Lee Skidmore<br />

We‟ll deal with top legal issues currently facing the local church; including sexual molestation issues and<br />

reporting procedures, immigration, and keeping current with incorporation updates. Mr. Skidmore is an<br />

attorney who is actively involved in many levels of leadership within the Church of the Nazarene.<br />

Creating Environments that Engage People and Enhance Ministry JSB 143<br />

Presenter: James Couchenour & Jeff Kempton<br />

Over the past decade church people have invested $75 billion in church facilities, yet the percentage of people<br />

attending church has dropped. This workshop will present research on what the unchurched population<br />

considers “sacred space”, and what it means for our church facilities. We will discuss real-life feedback from<br />

unchurched people and how they perceive our buildings. We‟ll also talk about a 4-step process to determine<br />

what type of facility is most effective in your ministry context. Finally, we‟ll share nuts & bolts for a successful<br />

expansion of your ministry space. This interactive presentation will give you practical knowledge to maximize<br />

the impact of your facility investment.<br />

Recreational Alternatives<br />

* Golf - Chapel Hill Golf Course<br />

* Motorcycle Ride (Organizing at Pioneer parking lot at 1:30)<br />

* Velvet Ice Cream Factory Tour (Loading at Pioneer parking lot at 1:45)

Session Six<br />

Developing Ministry Teams: Equipping and Empowering the Congregation for Service. CHPL 202<br />

Presenter: Willie Dishon<br />

Explore the characteristics of mature discipleship, the shared ministry of all God‟s people, the value and traits<br />

of healthy teams in that shared ministry, and the pastor‟s understanding of his role in this development process.<br />

Dr. Dishon contributed the chapter „People Development‟ in the book Foundations of Church Administration,<br />

which will be released in 2010.<br />

Leading your Church in Missional Prayer Ministry CAMP 228<br />

Presenter: Ron Frizzell<br />

Imagine the implications for a city where the Church truly begins to pray for Heaven to encounter every<br />

dimension of community life. Foundations would be shaken, strongholds broken, and transformation would<br />

overtake the city. The Church is to be a House of Prayer (Jer. 33:3, 2 Chr. 7:14). Learn how missional prayer<br />

will purify the heart, mobilize the Body, and transform the community as we seek His plan and take our first<br />

steps right where we are.<br />

Dealing with Personal Roadblocks in Ministry CAMP 300<br />

Presenter: Wade Brill<br />

Many pastors deal with unhealed wounds. We need a solid understanding of how these wounds result in<br />

emotional upheaval, distorted perceptions and maladaptive behaviors that in turn hinder ministry, by impeding<br />

the pastor's ability to grow in the nature and likeness of Jesus.<br />

Preaching from 1, 2, 3 John CAMP 302<br />

Presenter: Rick Williamson<br />

Will briefly highlight ten significant preach-able passages and/or themes in the letters ("sweet spots"); as well<br />

as five frequently mis-used or problematic texts ("mine fields"). A few sample sermon outlines provided. Dr.<br />

Williamson is writing for the New Beacon Commentary on 1,2,3 John.<br />

“Are We on the Same Team?”: Building a Relationship with Your Public Schools CAMP 306<br />

Presenter: David Hire<br />

Dr. Hire is superintendent of Coshocton City Schools. He will address questions pastor's have such as: Who do<br />

I talk to? What can we do to serve the school? If public schools are a microcosm of the needs in my community,<br />

what can we learn by involvement with the school? Are schools open to our church ministering to the needs of<br />

their students and staff? What is fact and fiction concerning interaction between church and school? What are<br />

the boundaries? Where does separation of church and state come in? What policies are state/federally<br />

mandated that local school administrators have no control of?<br />

Preaching from Jeremiah CHPL 233<br />

Presenter: Alex Varughese<br />

Key texts from the book of Jeremiah and suggestions for developing sermons. Dr. Varughese edited Discovering<br />

the Bible, and wrote the New Beacon Commentary on Jeremiah.<br />

Ephesus and the Life Cycle of a Church FA 105<br />

Presenter: John Nielson<br />

Examines the life cycle of the 50 years on the church at Ephesus, and history overlaid with sociological<br />

understandings of the life cycle of organizations (the 3rd generation syndrome) with application to a<br />

denomination or local congregation.

Resources for Preaching Forgiveness to a Broken World JSB 106<br />

Presenter: Henry Spaulding<br />

The church is constituted by an act of forgiveness and as such offers to the world the hope of renewal and<br />

reconciliation. We will explore the theological, practical, and homiletical resources for helping your church<br />

become a source for reconciling forgiveness.<br />

Compassionate Ministries - Reaching Your Communities through “Felt Needs” JSB 108<br />

Presenter: Althea Taylor<br />

Mobilizing your church for holistic mission. Learn methods to do an assessment of the needs and assets in your<br />

community and how to partner with existing organizations and churches toward effective ministry. The steps to<br />

beginning a compassionate ministry. Rev. Taylor is coordinator for Nazarene Compassionate Ministries<br />

USA/Canada.<br />

Breaking the Missional Code JSB 133<br />

Presenter: Mike Dennis<br />

An interactive presentation aimed at developing a missional strategy for your church.<br />

The Emerging Church Movement JSB 143<br />

Presenter: Steve Ruby<br />

Examine the influence emergent thinking is having on the Church in ecclesiology, theology, and ministry<br />

cultural context. Assess the contribution and criticism of the movement to date. Develop a healthy, balanced<br />

perspective regarding current emergent dialogue, as well as a biblical and practical response to it.<br />

Recreational Alternatives<br />

* Golf, continued...<br />

* Velvet Ice Cream Factory Tour, continued...<br />

* Motorcycle Ride, continued...

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