12 Steps to Whole Foods


Starting Your Morning Off Right 298 12 Steps to Whole Foods © Copyright Robyn Openshaw

CHAPTER 11 Creating Delicious Whole-Food Treats Your Goal: This is our most-fun step yet, replacing processed-food treats in your diet with more nourishing ones made with whole foods. The goal is to enjoy! What You’ll Need: You need nothing new this month, although you may want to have some higher-nutrition, unrefined sweeteners on hand: agave nectar, stevia, molasses, and raw coconut palm sugar (see Appendix A for explanation of bad and good sweeteners). This is also your chance to eat chocolate! So, get some raw chocolate powder or at least less expensive (but not as nutritious) non-alkalized, unsweetened cocoa powder. This is an exciting month of experimenting with treats you will enjoy that are easy to make, provide good variety, and are nourishing as well as delicious (such as the peanut butter cookies below; see page 309). The GreenSmoothieGirl cookie mixes are great neighbor, teacher, and coworker gifts for the holidays, so you’re not contributing to your friends being ill in the winter. All of these recipes can help you get through the winter holiday season without processed junk food and the resulting lowered resistance to viral bugs. And, an occasional treat will help you not feel “deprived” while staying on your path to good health. I like to keep some nutritious cookies or candies in my freezer for any occasion calling for a treat. © Copyright Robyn Openshaw 12 Steps to Whole Foods 299

Starting Your Morning Off Right<br />

298 <strong>12</strong> <strong>Steps</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Whole</strong> <strong>Foods</strong><br />

© Copyright Robyn Openshaw

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