12 Steps to Whole Foods


Replacing White Flour with Whole Grains 274 12 Steps to Whole Foods © Copyright Robyn Openshaw

CHAPTER 10 Starting Your Morning Off Right Your Goal: To start every day off right with hydration and needed minerals, and then good nutrition for breakfast. You’ll get off of morning stimulants and sugar cereals and onto the sustained energy of whole foods. What You’ll Need: You’ll want to order some fine-granulated Original Himalayan Crystal Salt for cooking and salt stones for making “sole” (see www.tiny.cc/zekBn for the most reputable source). No new tools are needed this month. Even before breakfast, you should know some important information and create a critical new habit. This habit has the potential to hydrate your body as well as address your body’s ability to absorb and utilize minerals more effectively. You likely wake up dehydrated in the morning. The proof of that is extremely yellow urine (a well hydrated person has very light or clear urine). In my family, the first thing we do upon waking is drink a pint of water. But the next thing I’m going to tell you may sound strange: I also add 1 tsp. of high-mineral crystal salt solution, or sole (pronounced “so-lay”), into half of that pint of water. Let me explain, by first detailing how important water is, starting at the minute you wake up, and then by telling you about salt. Why Drink Water upon Waking? F. Batmanghelidj, an Iranian medical doctor, was a true pioneer, ahead of his time, and probably the main researcher behind changing attitudes toward water. Now, one or two fringe voices are telling us water’s not such a big deal, so go ahead and count your soda as “fluids” for the day. Beware of these voices; they have no real evidence, that critical “reliability” standard in research. Your body is 70% water, and some parts are as high as 90% water, so the need to flush the body with its primary element is common sense. Though Dr. B.’s theories have gained much traction since the 1980s thanks to his doggedness, so many of us are still calling “liquids” or “fluids” our hydration, and we’re not drinking much water. Dr. B. © Copyright Robyn Openshaw 12 Steps to Whole Foods 275

Replacing White Flour with <strong>Whole</strong> Grains<br />

274 <strong>12</strong> <strong>Steps</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Whole</strong> <strong>Foods</strong><br />

© Copyright Robyn Openshaw

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