AWHO as a Multi State Co-operative Housing Society


AWHO as a Multi State Co-operative Housing Society Chandra Nath ∗ May 5, 2014 ∗ He is an Independent researcher engaged in research in information security, privacy, law & justice. 1

<strong>AWHO</strong> <strong>as</strong> a <strong>Multi</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong><br />

<strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

Chandra Nath ∗<br />

May 5, 2014<br />

∗ He is an Independent researcher engaged in research in information<br />

security, privacy, law & justice.<br />


<strong>Co</strong>ntents<br />

I Introduction 3<br />

II <strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong>s 3<br />

III The Tragedy that befell <strong>AWHO</strong> 3<br />

IV How <strong>AWHO</strong> became a Military Autocracy & Tyranny 4<br />

V <strong>Multi</strong>-state Home Buyer consumer co<strong>operative</strong> 5<br />

VI How <strong>AWHO</strong> Home Buyer w<strong>as</strong> Stripped off Self Governance 6<br />

VIIThe 97th amendment to the <strong>Co</strong>nstitution 6<br />

VIII<strong>AWHO</strong> <strong>Co</strong>ncept of <strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong> 7<br />

IX Proof of the Pudding 8<br />

X The AG: The Benevolent King Emperor 8<br />

XI Violated the Rochdale Principles 9<br />

XIIPublic Authorities 9<br />

XIIIThe Tragedy in the Making 9<br />

XIVThe New Benevolent King Emperor 10<br />

XV Absence of <strong>Co</strong>rruption 11<br />

XVIOpen governance 11<br />

XVII<strong>Co</strong>nclusion 12<br />


<strong>AWHO</strong> AS A MULTI STATE<br />


I<br />

Introduction<br />

Rights of the members of the <strong>Society</strong> were violated by men who had neither<br />

the vision to understand the pioneers of the co-<strong>operative</strong> movement<br />

like Rochdale nor the frame of mind to respect the rights of<br />

the citizen under the rule of law. When writing about <strong>AWHO</strong>, the statement<br />

made by US President Reagen instantly springs to mind:“The nine most terrifying<br />

words in the English language are: ’I’m from the government and I’m<br />

here to help.” 1<br />

II<br />

<strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong>s<br />

<strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong>s represent a third sector of the economy, different from private<br />

enterprises and from public sector entities. Although some examples of concrete<br />

actions are provided, it is not possible to give very specific details on<br />

all the issues covered. Nevertheless, co<strong>operative</strong>s stand for transparency and<br />

accountability.<br />

1.<strong>Co</strong>nsumer_co<strong>operative</strong><br />







III<br />

The Tragedy that befell <strong>AWHO</strong><br />

The member of a consumer co<strong>operative</strong> is an individual person acting <strong>as</strong> a<br />

consumer. Therefore the aim of consumer co<strong>operative</strong>s is to meet the needs<br />

and <strong>as</strong>pirations of consumers. The accountability of managers of a consumer<br />

1<br />


co<strong>operative</strong> is to the consumers themselves and not to shareholders. Democratic<br />

accountability is direct because every individual member h<strong>as</strong> a right<br />

to participate in the general <strong>as</strong>semblies. <strong>Co</strong>nsumer co<strong>operative</strong>s are enterprises<br />

owned by consumers, managed democratically, aiming at fulfilling the<br />

needs and <strong>as</strong>pirations of the members. 2<br />

IV<br />

How <strong>AWHO</strong> became a Military Autocracy<br />

& Tyranny<br />

Had the <strong>AWHO</strong> top br<strong>as</strong>s been educated on this fundamental idea, they<br />

would have developed <strong>AWHO</strong> differently. Instead, they developed a real estate<br />

business owned and operated by the Adjutant General, a PSO at Army<br />

headquarters and “selling real estate” to a captive market of soldiers and<br />

veteran. In doing this, Adjuant General used the man in uniform <strong>as</strong> employees<br />

of <strong>AWHO</strong>, not because it w<strong>as</strong> consistent with the idea of co<strong>operative</strong><br />

but because he h<strong>as</strong> the military law to fall back on in getting things done<br />

e<strong>as</strong>ier, the only model he knew and w<strong>as</strong> constrained by his long military<br />

experience and thinking! <strong>Co</strong>nsidering that a large work force in the military<br />

retire very early, he could have used these members of the <strong>Society</strong> who<br />

had economical interest in the <strong>Society</strong> to the advantage but AG thought<br />

of military discipline for his work force of the serving soldier/officer instead<br />

of the co<strong>operative</strong> principles. Had it been done using the co<strong>operative</strong> way,<br />

the self-interest of the member community would have kept <strong>AWHO</strong> on the<br />

rails <strong>as</strong> far <strong>as</strong> the protection of rights of the members were concerned. The<br />

serving soldier instead worked for reinforcing the autocracy and tyranny of<br />

the AG rather than the democratic principles on which co-<strong>operative</strong>s were<br />

concieved by Rochdale! Misusing serving soldiers and officers were neither<br />

desirable nor advantageous for the tax payer ctizen. As it turned out, it<br />

did not prove advantageous to the <strong>AWHO</strong> members either. Philosophically<br />

speaking, the behemoth of <strong>AWHO</strong> turned out to be a military Formation<br />

equivalent to a division or <strong>Co</strong>rps commanded by the General Officer <strong>Co</strong>mmanding<br />

of the rank of a Lieutenant General, who also happenned to be the<br />

Adjutant General, a PSO at Army Headquarters. The Chief wanted AG to<br />

head <strong>AWHO</strong> and AG wanted an army of soldiers and officers who are under<br />

military law for their own selfish re<strong>as</strong>ons. None of the men in uniform raised<br />

an alarm when the <strong>AWHO</strong> w<strong>as</strong> turnng to be an autocratic, tyrannical and<br />



<strong>Co</strong>nsumer<strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong>s08.pdf<br />


centrally controllled military bureaucratic organization rather than a vibrant<br />

democratic consumer member controlled consumer co-<strong>operative</strong> concieved by<br />

Rochdale <strong>as</strong> the above paper describes.<br />

V<br />

<strong>Multi</strong>-state Home Buyer consumer co<strong>operative</strong><br />

<strong>AWHO</strong> is a multi-state Home Buyer consumer co<strong>operative</strong> built to fulfill the<br />

<strong>as</strong>pirations of the veteran and serving soldier home buyer to own a home<br />

and NOT a “public enterprise” governed by the “public servant” to be built<br />

with public money (or for that matter Regimental Funds) for “charitable<br />

purposes” to be dispensed at the benevolence of the ”KING EMPEROR”<br />

the Adjutant General. <strong>AWHO</strong> in its enthusi<strong>as</strong>m for “charitable purposes”<br />

for the veteran and the soldier managed to get exemption from Income Tax<br />

stating that it w<strong>as</strong> “Regimental Funds” which is a stark lie and cheating<br />

the tax payer, the government and the <strong>AWHO</strong> Member. Every ruppee that<br />

w<strong>as</strong> surrupticiously made <strong>as</strong> profit of <strong>AWHO</strong> came from the pocket of the<br />

<strong>AWHO</strong> member ( veteran and the soldier) and NOT from the Regimental<br />

Funds. <strong>AWHO</strong>, a society keeping 100% of the profits which it should not<br />

have made in the first place. When greed overcame the <strong>AWHO</strong>, it kept the<br />

profit figures secret from the members lest they shuld object. This itself is<br />

strange because<br />

1. If members are not members of the <strong>Co</strong>nsumer co<strong>operative</strong>, why is a<br />

“public servant”, the Adjutant General, in the business of real estate<br />

business?<br />

2. By declaring members are not members but just allottees, members<br />

were denied all the rights and privileges of members like<br />

(a) Being eligible for highest office of governance<br />

(b) Being eligible to vote for the Board of Management.<br />

(c) Having authority to supervise the functioning of <strong>AWHO</strong><br />

(d) Supervisory control of the finances of <strong>AWHO</strong>.<br />

(e) Not even eligible to see the audited accounts of the <strong>as</strong>sets and<br />

liabilities and profit report of <strong>AWHO</strong><br />

(f) democratically approving the rules before their intoduction.<br />


VI<br />

How <strong>AWHO</strong> Home Buyer w<strong>as</strong> Stripped<br />

off Self Governance<br />

In one stroke, the members were removed from all governance of the <strong>Society</strong>.<br />

This a m<strong>as</strong>ter stroke of genius of the Adjutant General who w<strong>as</strong> just another<br />

founding member. And he appoints himself <strong>as</strong> life time appontment of the<br />

Chairman of <strong>AWHO</strong>. Of course, when the AG changes due to posting or<br />

retirement, the Chairman, <strong>AWHO</strong> also p<strong>as</strong>ses on to the new AG. This w<strong>as</strong><br />

surreptitiously p<strong>as</strong>sed off <strong>as</strong> meeting the resuirements of the periodical and<br />

recurring election of Chairman of the <strong>Society</strong> and the members of the Board<br />

of Management. With this deception, the military coup d’etat of the democaratiacally<br />

governed <strong>Society</strong> w<strong>as</strong> complete! Worse still, the Home Buyer<br />

co<strong>operative</strong> w<strong>as</strong> taken over by the real estate builder, the Adjutant General<br />

of Army Headquarters! Thus <strong>AWHO</strong> became a builder controlled <strong>Society</strong><br />

with no semblance of Home-buyer/consumer <strong>Society</strong> but yet able to enforce<br />

rules of the <strong>Society</strong> on the Home buyer/consumer! <strong>AWHO</strong> thus became just<br />

a facade of a <strong>Society</strong> but actally a 100% the real estate builder interest controlled<br />

with none of the members wiser <strong>as</strong> to what h<strong>as</strong> hit them in the name<br />

of “Welfare of the Soldier”!<br />

VII<br />

The 97th amendment to the <strong>Co</strong>nstitution<br />

The 97th amendment to the <strong>Co</strong>nstitution of India specifically defines a multi<br />

state co-<strong>operative</strong> society with objective not confined to a state registered<br />

under any law for the time being in force relating to such co-<strong>operative</strong> society.<br />

The salient features of the Amendment to the <strong>Co</strong>nstitution are:<br />

1. Insertion of new article 43 B in Part IV of the <strong>Co</strong>nstitution providing<br />

for the <strong>State</strong> obligation to promote voluntary formation, autonomous<br />

functioning, democratic control and professional management of the<br />

co<strong>operative</strong> societies;<br />

2. Incorporation of co<strong>operative</strong> societies on the principles of voluntary<br />

formation, democratic member control, member economic participation<br />

and autonomous functions;<br />

3. <strong>Co</strong>nduct of election of a co<strong>operative</strong> society by an independent authority;<br />

4. Fix term of five years of office bearers of the co<strong>operative</strong> society;<br />


5. Supersession of Board of co<strong>operative</strong> society for a period of not exceeding<br />

six months;<br />

6. Independent professional audit of the co<strong>operative</strong> societies;<br />

7. <strong>Co</strong>nvening of the General Body meeting of every co<strong>operative</strong> society<br />

within a period of six months of the close of the financial year;<br />

8. Access to every member of the society to the books, information and<br />

the accounts of the co<strong>operative</strong> society;<br />

9. Filing of the returns by every co<strong>operative</strong> society within six months of<br />

the close of every financial year;<br />

10. Free, fair, impartial and timely elections of co<strong>operative</strong> societies by the<br />

<strong>State</strong> Election <strong>Co</strong>mmission or by any other appropriate and independent<br />

body <strong>as</strong> may be provided by <strong>State</strong> law;<br />

11. Audit of the co<strong>operative</strong> societies to be carried by the auditors from<br />

the government approved panel of auditors or firms;<br />

12. Maximum number of 21 Directors to be applicable to all co<strong>operative</strong><br />

societies irrespective of their size; and<br />

13. The Legislature of a <strong>State</strong> make provisions for cooption of members of<br />

the Board of persons with experience in Banking, management, finance<br />

and specialization in any other field relating to the objects and activities<br />

of the co-<strong>operative</strong> society <strong>as</strong> Member of the Board of such <strong>Society</strong>.<br />

14. <strong>Co</strong>-opted members shall not exceed two in number.<br />

15. Election of the Board will be conducted by the <strong>State</strong> election commission<br />

with the members voting.<br />

16. <strong>Co</strong>-opted members not to be eligible to be elected <strong>as</strong> office-bearers of<br />

the Board.<br />

The idea is to ensure democratic control of the <strong>Society</strong> by Members.<br />

VIII<br />

<strong>AWHO</strong> <strong>Co</strong>ncept of <strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong><br />

In c<strong>as</strong>e of <strong>AWHO</strong>, every letter and the spirit of the co<strong>operative</strong> is thwarted<br />

<strong>as</strong> follows:<br />


1. No general body will meet,<br />

2. No elections to Board.<br />

3. Only coopted members (Ex-officio <strong>as</strong> <strong>AWHO</strong> calls it) that too exceeding<br />

2 (actually nearly 8 or 9) will be eligible to be Members of the Board<br />

and that too all nominated or usurped on their own <strong>as</strong> against the<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nstitution of India amendment which says coopted members are not<br />

even eligible to become office bearers of the Board!<br />

It is total topsy turvy of the <strong>Co</strong>nstitutional provisions (violated with<br />

deliberate abandon) for the governance of the co<strong>operative</strong> perhaps because<br />

the <strong>Society</strong> w<strong>as</strong> registered under the wrong Act: Registration of Societies Act<br />

1860 instead of the proper multi state co<strong>operative</strong> law and the constitutional<br />

amendment p<strong>as</strong>sed by the Parliament of independant India.<br />

IX<br />

Proof of the Pudding<br />

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. No wonder that <strong>AWHO</strong> h<strong>as</strong><br />

violated the letter and spirit of the constitution and 97th Amendment and<br />

h<strong>as</strong> turned out to be the monstrous tyranny by the very co-opted members (<br />

who are there NOT because they are experts in the objects and activities of<br />

the co-<strong>operative</strong> society <strong>as</strong> required by the <strong>Co</strong>nstitution of India) and ruled<br />

by them through secret and unpublished rules (many of which are against<br />

the <strong>Co</strong>nstitution of India and statutes ) totally against the interests of the<br />

members.<br />

X<br />

The AG: The Benevolent King Emperor<br />

The Benevolent King Emperor (Adjutant General) and his appointee MD,<br />

<strong>AWHO</strong> have turned out to be “not so benevolent” and turned out instead<br />

tyrants who ruled <strong>as</strong> they ple<strong>as</strong>ed, ruled by secret unpublished rules, cheated<br />

the members of their rights, their money, the quality of service provided<br />

and the quality of construction, quality of the architectural items of the<br />

houses and the schedule all without paying compensation to the consumers<br />

<strong>as</strong> required by the law. No thought or actual experiment were required to<br />

come to the conclusion that the “The Benevolent King Emperor” does not<br />

work in 21st century where democracy had replaced most of the empires.<br />


XI<br />

Violated the Rochdale Principles<br />

Thus <strong>AWHO</strong> h<strong>as</strong> violated the Rochdale Principles of <strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong>s b<strong>as</strong>ed<br />

on the values of selfhelp, selfresponsibility, democracy, equality, equity and<br />

solidarity. In the tradition of their founders, co<strong>operative</strong> members believe<br />

in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring<br />

for others. And <strong>AWHO</strong> went against each one of these principles. At first<br />

glance,this may seem a set of theoretical ide<strong>as</strong> difficult to implement in practice<br />

but the co<strong>operative</strong> movement h<strong>as</strong> developed tools to bring these values<br />

to real life.(<br />

report/<strong>Co</strong>nsumer<strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong>s08.pdf )<br />

XII<br />

Public Authorities<br />

How can public authorities better take into consideration the specific nature<br />

of co<strong>operative</strong>s? It h<strong>as</strong> to be <strong>as</strong>sumed that:<br />

1. Public authorities respect the <strong>as</strong>pirations of individual citizens and the<br />

democratic process through which they establish co<strong>operative</strong>s; by definition,<br />

in a democratic society public authorities do not undermine the<br />

will of civil society;<br />

2. Public authorities share some of the same goals <strong>as</strong> co<strong>operative</strong>s such <strong>as</strong><br />

sustainable development, growth and employment and therefore their<br />

actions are complementary.<br />

If these two <strong>as</strong>sumptions are correct, the logical conclusion is that public<br />

authorities should not only create a favorable legal, economic and social<br />

environment for co<strong>operative</strong>s but they should also actively promote the creation<br />

and activity of co<strong>operative</strong>s. Creating a co<strong>operative</strong> society should<br />

be <strong>as</strong> simple, cheap and unbureaucratic <strong>as</strong> any other type of enterprise but<br />

unfortunately sometimes it is not the c<strong>as</strong>e.<br />

Representative of “We the People” did this by coming up with the 97th<br />

Amendment to the <strong>Co</strong>nstitution of India. <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>operative</strong> <strong>Society</strong> h<strong>as</strong> now<br />

come part of the constitution of india after p<strong>as</strong>sage of this constitutional<br />

amendment.<br />

XIII<br />

The Tragedy in the Making<br />

But our own Military Br<strong>as</strong>s controlling the <strong>AWHO</strong> w<strong>as</strong> neither aware of<br />

the constitution of India nor w<strong>as</strong> aware of its implication to “we the people”.<br />


Instead of respecting the constitutional amendment, it h<strong>as</strong> violated the letter<br />

and spirit of this constitutional amendment including:<br />

1. Rochdale Principles of co-<strong>operative</strong>s.<br />

2. Statutes handed down by the British for disciplined demcratically governed<br />

society registered under Registration of Societies Act of 1860.<br />

3. <strong>Co</strong>nsumer <strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong> Laws of the land.<br />

4. Domain laws of <strong>Co</strong>nsumer protection.<br />

5. Domain laws of real estate business.<br />

6. <strong>Co</strong>nstitution of India and its 97th amendment<br />

XIV<br />

The New Benevolent King Emperor<br />

And all this in the name of “welfare” of the veteran and the soldier and in the<br />

best interests of the “Benevolent King Emperor”, Chairman & BoM, <strong>AWHO</strong><br />

, MD, <strong>AWHO</strong>, and the Board of Governors, <strong>AWHO</strong> and its President, the<br />

Chief of Army Staff!<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mes now the New Benevolent King Emperor, President, User <strong>Co</strong>mmittee<br />

appointed by the MD, <strong>AWHO</strong>. The military h<strong>as</strong> sworn to protect the<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nstitution of India from enemies foreign and domestic. At le<strong>as</strong>t that is<br />

what he had sworn with “We the People” of India <strong>as</strong> silent witness to the<br />

proceedings.<br />

Long live the trust the lowly members repose on the new Benevolence<br />

of the King Emperor. And we live in a democratic republic of India in this<br />

21st century where royal prerogative is thing of the p<strong>as</strong>t but then that is<br />

just incidental to the mindset of the subjects of the Royalty which can be <strong>as</strong><br />

subjugated <strong>as</strong> the subjects of the Royalty of the 12, 13 and 14th centuries of<br />

Europe and Asia!<br />

Long Live the new Benevolent King Emperor and the trust we, the “subjects”<br />

repose on HIM. There is re<strong>as</strong>on why the election to the management<br />

of the the Owners <strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong> can not be left to the owners and the re<strong>as</strong>ons<br />

are well known to <strong>AWHO</strong> and the Chairman, <strong>AWHO</strong>. They had screwed<br />

up the <strong>AWHO</strong> <strong>Co</strong><strong>operative</strong> <strong>Society</strong> and they can not rest till they screw up<br />

the governance of the Owners <strong>Society</strong>, too! How can the t<strong>as</strong>k be left to the<br />

owners of the dwelling units? It is against all the laws of the land, but then,<br />

who is bothereed of the laws in <strong>AWHO</strong>, any way.<br />


XV<br />

Absence of <strong>Co</strong>rruption<br />

The absence of corruption - conventionally defined <strong>as</strong> the use of public power<br />

for private gain - is one of the hallmarks of a society governed by the rule<br />

of law, <strong>as</strong> corruption is a manifestation of the extent to which government<br />

officials abuse their power or fulfill their obligations under the law. Forms of<br />

corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, improper influence by public<br />

or private interests, and misappropriation of funds or other resources. 3<br />

“Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light<br />

the most efficient policeman.” OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY -<br />

CHAPTER V The Louis D. Brandeis<br />

By total lack of transparency and refusal to answer any serious communication<br />

with the <strong>Society</strong>, <strong>AWHO</strong> working exactly <strong>as</strong> a “private sole proprietor”<br />

ensures that the members whose money is used on trust is not allowed to<br />

have even an inkling of the corruption, misuse and mismanagement in construction<br />

of the houses.<br />

XVI<br />

Open governance<br />

Open governance is essential to the rule of law. It involves engagement,<br />

access, participation, and collaboration between the government and its citizens,<br />

and plays a crucial role in the promotion of accountability. Requesting<br />

information from public authorities is an important tool to empower citizens<br />

by giving them a way to voice their concerns and demand accountability<br />

from their governments. Open government is far more than transparency,<br />

and encomp<strong>as</strong>ses elements such <strong>as</strong> clear, publicized, and stable laws; administrative<br />

proceedings that are open for public participation; official drafts of<br />

laws and regulations that are available to the public; and the availability of<br />

official information. 4 . Inspite of all this, we have our <strong>Society</strong>, which h<strong>as</strong><br />

been declared an “instrumentality of the state” 5 fighting tooth and nail for<br />

total lack of transparency, no right to information to the members and no<br />

right to reply. There must indeed be a lot they(<strong>AWHO</strong>) want to conceal<br />

from us the members!<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5 vide Delhi High <strong>Co</strong>urt ruling xxxxxxxxxxx<br />


XVII<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nclusion<br />

Let me close with another quote from President Reagen:<br />

“Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite<br />

at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”<br />

You can e<strong>as</strong>ily say that about <strong>AWHO</strong> considering that they could charge<br />

an escalation of 480% where <strong>as</strong> the industry cost escalation of construction<br />

for the period w<strong>as</strong> only 78% and would refuse to reveal in what item the<br />

cost h<strong>as</strong> gone up so tremendously and if the reality of details of escalation<br />

if revealed it will embar<strong>as</strong>s the country <strong>as</strong> if it is a national security secret.<br />

It would embarr<strong>as</strong>s the Chairman, <strong>AWHO</strong>, no doubt, because it will open<br />

a “Pandor<strong>as</strong> Box” of corruption, mis-governance, cheating and violaton of<br />

all laws to boot in <strong>AWHO</strong>. In fact, the irresponsibility is like that of the<br />

Hotel who would refuse to reveal the break down of the bill but expects the<br />

customer to pay it up with out knowing how the bill added upto 400% over<br />

and above the the expected amount. Hence, it fits in with what Reagen said<br />

about baby with the alimentary canal with big apetite and greed for money<br />

and power at one end and total lack of responsibility at the other end. This<br />

is inspite of the fact that the Chairman, BoM is only a trustee and under<br />

Trusteeship they are bound to full disclosure to the beneficiaries!<br />

“<strong>Society</strong> is produced by our wants, and government by wickedness;<br />

the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our<br />

affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one<br />

encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is<br />

a patron, the l<strong>as</strong>t a punisher. <strong>Society</strong> in every state is a blessing,<br />

but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its<br />

worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed<br />

to the same miseries BY A GOVERNMENT, which we might expect<br />

in a country WITHOUT GOVERNMENT, our calamity is<br />

heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we<br />

suffer.” 6<br />

<strong>AWHO</strong> usurped & controlled by “public servants” is prepared to violate<br />

every tenet of applicable Rule of Law (<strong>Co</strong>nstitution, Statutes and c<strong>as</strong>e laws)<br />

and repeatedly commit crimes against its own members all for greed for more<br />

money and more power. I want to see (a) whether any of these defamed<br />

parties will threaten to sue; and (b) what their clever lawyers will seek to<br />

6 Thom<strong>as</strong> Paine, <strong>Co</strong>mmon Sense (1776)<br />


claim is the defamatory meaning of my statement. 7 Is the Chairman and<br />

MD, <strong>AWHO</strong> listening?<br />

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