2003 Bird Lab updates - Ventana Wildlife Society

2003 Bird Lab updates - Ventana Wildlife Society

2003 Bird Lab updates - Ventana Wildlife Society


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Carmel Middle School<br />

BSOL continued its offsite banding project at the<br />

Carmel Middle School (CMS) in collaboration<br />

with Craig Hohenberger. Species captured<br />

consisted mostly of White-crowned and<br />

Golden-crowned Sparrows; the highlight was a<br />

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. In addition to the routine<br />

mist-netting and banding, we spent one day resighting color banded<br />

sparrows and maintaining the study area, which entailed clearing<br />

vegetation and stabilizing guy lines. Meanwhile, BSOL is gearing up for a<br />

Barn Owl study with CMS and spent one night this month checking nest<br />

boxes for owls/eggs. To our surprise, egg laying had already begun in one<br />

of the nest boxes!<br />

Project Monarch Alert<br />

With spring approaching and the numbers of<br />

over-wintering monarch butterflies diminishing,<br />

weekly surveys are coming to an end. While<br />

there were over 3,000 butterflies surveyed in<br />

Pacific Grove during December and January, the<br />

last survey of February uncovered only 10<br />

butterflies. The butterflies are clearly on the<br />

move, so be sure to keep your eyes open for the tagged monarchs. If you<br />

see a tagged butterfly, call the toll free number (1-877-897-7740) and<br />

report the 5-digit number, sighting location, and your contact information.<br />

Your information can help us figure out the missing pieces to the monarch<br />

butterfly migration puzzle. (See the November 2002 <strong>Lab</strong> Update for a<br />

photograph of a tagged butterfly.)<br />

Snowy Plovers<br />

Joining the Monterey Bay Snowy Plover<br />

Conservation Project headed up by Point Reyes<br />

<strong>Bird</strong> Observatory (P.R.B.O.), BSOL biologists<br />

began scouring the Monterey Bay beaches for<br />

snowy plovers in an on-going study to monitor<br />

their local populations. Because of increased<br />

human pressures, particularly walkers, joggers,<br />

and their dogs, we weren't surprised when we didn't observe any snowy<br />

plovers. We will be assisting this monitoring project through May.<br />

Other Activities<br />

Field ornithology often involves patient waiting. And although we are<br />

dedicated scientists and naturalists, trying to make the best use of such<br />

downtime by studying our reference books, cleaning up our field<br />

notebooks, repairing various gear, etc., etc., etc., our minds do wander.<br />

During February, some of us found our minds wandering into some<br />

strange territory --- silly little riddles began popping into our heads. It has

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