Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide - Ansys

Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide - Ansys Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide - Ansys
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Chapter 7:The General Postprocessor (POST1) Surface operations are available both interactively (from the GUI), and via batch (command line operations). Each of the commands is referenced below; each process is found in the Main Menu> General Postproc> Surface Operations area of the GUI. A full complement of surface commands are provided to perform surface operations. Table 7.1 Surface Operations These POST1 commands are used to define an arbitrary surface and to develop results information for that surface. SUCALC SUCR SUDEL SUEVAL SUGET SUMAP SUPL SUPR SURESU SUSAVE SUSEL SUVECT Note Create new result data by operating on two existing result datasets on a given surface. Create a surface. Delete geometry information as well as any mapped results for specified surface or for all selected surfaces. Perform operations on a mapped item and store result in a scalar parameter. Move surface geometry and mapped results to an array parameter. Map results onto selected surface(s). Plot specified result data on all selected surfaces or on the specified surface. Print surface information. Resume surface definitions from a specified file. Save surface definitions and result items to a file. Select a subset of surfaces Perform Operations between two mapped result vectors. You can define surfaces only in models containing 3-D solid elements. Shells, beams and 2-D element types are not supported. Surface creation will operate on selected, valid 3-D solid elements only and ignore other element types if they are present in your model. The basic steps for surface operations are as follows: • Define the surfaces using the SUCR command. • Map the results data on the selected surfaces using the SUSEL and SUMAP commands. • Operate on the results using the SUEVAL, SUCALC and SUVECT commands. Once your data is mapped on the surface, you can review the results using the graphical display and tabular listing capabilities found in the SUPL and SUPR commands. Additional capabilities include archiving the surface data you create to a file or an array parameter, and recalling stored surface data. The following topics relate primarily to surface definition and usage. Defining the Surface You define your surface using the SUCR command. This command creates your named surface (containing no more than eight characters), according to a specified category (plane, cylinder, or sphere), at a defined refinement level. 146 Release 13.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

The surfaces you create fall into three categories: • A cross section you create based on the current working plane • A closed surface represented by a sphere at the current working plane origin, with a user-specified radius. • A cylindrical surface centered at the working plane origin, and extending infinitely in the positive and negative Z directions For SurfType = CPLANE, nRefine refers to the number of points that define the surface. If SurfType = CPLANE, and nRefine = 0, the points reside where the cutting plane section cuts through the element. Increasing nRefine to 1 will subdivide each surface facet into 4 subfacets, thus increasing the number of points at which the results can be interpolated. nRefine can vary between 0 and 3. Increasing nRefine can have significant impact on memory and speed of surface operations. /EFACET operations will add to this refinement, and values greater than 1 can amplify the effect of nRefine. An /EFACET setting greater than 1 divides the elements into subelements, and nRefine then refines the facets of the subelements. For SurfType = SPHERE, and INFC, nRefine is the number of divisions along a 90° arc of the sphere (default is 90, Min = 10, Max = 90). Each time you create a surface, the following predefined geometric items are computed and stored. • GCX, GCY, GCZ - global Cartesian coordinates at each point on the surface. • NORMX, NORMY, NORMZ - components of the unit normal at each point on the surface. • DA - contributory area of each point. These items are used to perform mathematical operations with surface data (for instance, DA is required to calculate surface integrals). Once you create a surface, these quantities (using the predefined labels) are available for all subsequent math operations. Issue SUPL,SurfName to display your defined surface. A maximum of 100 surfaces can exist within one model, and all operations (mapping results, math operations, etc.) will be carried out on all selected surfaces. You can use the SUSEL command to change the selected surface set. See the SUCR command for more information of creating surfaces. Note When you define a cylinder (INFC), it is terminated at the geometric limits of your model. Also, any facet lying outside of those limits is discarded. Mapping Results Data Onto a Surface Once you define a surface, use the SUMAP command to map your data onto that surface. Nodal results data in the active results coordinate system is interpolated onto the surface and operated on as a result set. Your result sets can be made up of primary data (nodal DOF solution), derived data (stress, flux, gradients, etc.), FLOTRAN nodal results, and other results values. You define your mapped data in the SUMAP command by supplying a name for the result set, and then specifying the type of data and the directional properties. Release 13.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 7.2.2. Surface Operations 147

The surfaces you create fall into three categories:<br />

• A cross section you create based on the current working plane<br />

• A closed surface represented by a sphere at the current working plane origin, with a user-specified radius.<br />

• A cylindrical surface centered at the working plane origin, and extending infinitely in the positive and<br />

negative Z directions<br />

For SurfType = CPLANE, nRefine refers to the number of points that define the surface. If SurfType<br />

= CPLANE, and nRefine = 0, the points reside where the cutting plane section cuts through the element.<br />

Increasing nRefine to 1 will subdivide each surface facet into 4 subfacets, thus increasing the number of<br />

points at which the results can be interpolated. nRefine can vary between 0 and 3. Increasing nRefine<br />

can have significant impact on memory and speed of surface operations.<br />

/EFACET operations will add to this refinement, and values greater than 1 can amplify the effect of nRefine.<br />

An /EFACET setting greater than 1 divides the elements into subelements, and nRefine then refines the<br />

facets of the subelements.<br />

For SurfType = SPHERE, and INFC, nRefine is the number of divisions along a 90° arc of the sphere<br />

(default is 90, Min = 10, Max = 90).<br />

Each time you create a surface, the following predefined geometric items are computed and stored.<br />

• GCX, GCY, GCZ - global Cartesian coordinates at each point on the surface.<br />

• NORMX, NORMY, NORMZ - components of the unit normal at each point on the surface.<br />

• DA - contributory area of each point.<br />

These items are used to perform mathematical operations with surface data (for instance, DA is required to<br />

calculate surface integrals). Once you create a surface, these quantities (using the predefined labels) are<br />

available for all subsequent math operations.<br />

Issue SUPL,SurfName to display your defined surface. A maximum of 100 surfaces can exist within one<br />

model, and all operations (mapping results, math operations, etc.) will be carried out on all selected surfaces.<br />

You can use the SUSEL command to change the selected surface set.<br />

See the SUCR command for more information of creating surfaces.<br />

Note<br />

When you define a cylinder (INFC), it is terminated at the geometric limits of your model. Also,<br />

any facet lying outside of those limits is discarded.<br /> Mapping Results Data Onto a Surface<br />

Once you define a surface, use the SUMAP command to map your data onto that surface. Nodal results<br />

data in the active results coordinate system is interpolated onto the surface and operated on as a result set.<br />

Your result sets can be made up of primary data (nodal DOF solution), derived data (stress, flux, gradients,<br />

etc.), FLOTRAN nodal results, and other results values.<br />

You define your mapped data in the SUMAP command by supplying a name for the result set, and then<br />

specifying the type of data and the directional properties.<br />

Release 13.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information<br />

of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.<br />

7.2.2. Surface Operations<br />


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