Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide - Ansys

Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide - Ansys Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide - Ansys
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Chapter 5: Solution The PCG solver primarily solves for displacements/rotations (in structural analysis), temperatures (in thermal analysis), etc. The accuracy of other derived variables (such as strains, stresses, flux, etc.) is dependent upon accurate prediction of primary variables. Therefore, ANSYS uses a very conservative setting for PCG tolerance (defaults to 1.0E-8) The primary solution accuracy is controlled by the PCG. For most applications, setting the PCG tolerance to 1.0E-6 provides a very accurate displacement solution and may save considerable CPU time compared with the default setting. Use the EQSLV command to change the PCG solver tolerance. Direct solvers (such as the sparse direct solver) produce very accurate solutions. Iterative solvers, such as the PCG solver, require that a PCG convergence tolerance be specified. Therefore, a large relaxation of the default tolerance may significantly affect the accuracy, especially of derived quantities. The PCG solver does not support SOLID62 elements. With all iterative solvers you must verify that the model is appropriately constrained. No minimum pivot is calculated and the solver will continue to iterate if any rigid body motion exists. In a modal analysis using the PCG solver (MODOPT,LANPCG), the number of modes should be limited to 100 or less for efficiency. PCG Lanczos modal solutions can solve for a few hundred modes, but with less efficiency than Block Lanczos (MODOPT,LANB). When the PCG solver encounters an indefinite matrix, the solver will invoke an algorithm that handles indefinite matrices. If the indefinite PCG algorithm also fails (this happens when the equation system is ill-conditioned; for example, losing contact at a substep or a plastic hinge development), the outer Newton-Raphson loop will be triggered to perform a bisection. Normally the stiffness matrix will be better conditioned after bisection and the PCG solver can eventually solve all the nonlinear steps. The solution time grows linearly with problems size for iterative methods so huge models can still be solved within very reasonable times. For modal analyses of large models (e.g., 10 million DOF or larger), MOD- OPT,LANPCG is a viable solution method if the number of modes is limited to approximately 100. Use MSAVE,ON (the default in most cases) for memory savings of up to 70 percent. The MSAVE command causes an element-by-element approach (rather than globally assembling the stiffness matrix) for the parts of the structure using SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLID272, SOLID273, and/or SOLID285 elements that have linear material properties. This feature applies only to static analyses or modal analyses using the PCG Lanczos method. (You specify these analysis types using the commands ANTYPE,STATIC, or ANTYPE,MODAL; MODOPT,LANPCG respectively.) When using SOLID186 and/or SOLID187, only small strain (NLGEOM,OFF) analyses are allowed. The solution time may be affected depending on the processor speed and manufacturer of your computer, as well as the chosen element options. 5.2.3. The Jacobi Conjugate Gradient (JCG) Solver The JCG solver also starts with element matrix formulation. Instead of factoring the global matrix, the JCG solver assembles the full global stiffness matrix and calculates the DOF solution by iterating to convergence (starting with an initial guess solution for all DOFs). The JCG solver uses the diagonal of the stiffness matrix as a preconditioner. The JCG solver is typically used for thermal analyses and is best suited for 3-D scalar field analyses that involve large, sparse matrices. For some cases, the tolerance default value (set via the EQSLV,JCG command) of 1.0E-8 may be too restrictive, and may increase running time needlessly. The value 1.0E-5 may be acceptable in many situations. The JCG solver is available only for static analyses, full harmonic analyses, or full transient analyses. (You specify these analysis types using the commands ANTYPE,STATIC, HROPT,FULL, or TRNOPT,FULL respectively.) You cannot use this solver for coupled-field applications (SOLID5 or PLANE13). 102 Release 13.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

With all iterative solvers, be particularly careful to check that the model is appropriately constrained. No minimum pivot is calculated and the solver will continue to iterate if any rigid body motion is possible. 5.2.4. The Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient (ICCG) Solver The ICCG solver operates similarly to the JCG solver with the following exceptions: • The ICCG solver is more robust than the JCG solver for matrices that are not well-conditioned. Performance will vary with matrix conditioning, but in general ICCG performance compares to that of the JCG solver. • The ICCG solver uses a more sophisticated preconditioner than the JCG solver. Therefore, the ICCG solver requires approximately twice as much memory as the JCG solver. The ICCG solver is typically used for unsymmetric thermal analyses and electromagnetic analyses and is available only for static analyses, full harmonic analyses [HROPT,FULL], or full transient analyses [TRNOPT,FULL]. (You specify the analysis type using the ANTYPE command.) The ICCG solver is useful for structural and multiphysics applications, and for symmetric, unsymmetric, complex, definite, and indefinite matrices. You cannot use this solver for coupled-field applications (SOLID5 or PLANE13). 5.2.5. The Quasi-Minimal Residual (QMR) Solver The QMR solver is used for electromagnetic analyses and is available only for full harmonic analyses [HROPT,FULL]. (You specify the analysis type using the ANTYPE command.) You use this solver for symmetric, complex, definite, and indefinite matrices. The QMR solver is more robust than the ICCG solver. 5.2.6. The Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) Solver The Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) solver, which is based on the multi-level method, is an iterative solver that you can use in single- and multiprocessor shared-memory environments. To use more than two processes with this solver, you must have a license for the ANSYS Mechanical HPC advanced task (add-on) for each processor beyond the first two. In a multiprocessor environment, the AMG solver provides better performance than the PCG and ICCG solvers on shared-memory parallel machines. It also handles indefinite matrix problems for nonlinear analyses. However, the AMG solver typically uses 50 percent more memory than the PCG solver. The AMG solver is also intended for problems in which the PCG and ICCG solvers would have difficulty converging (for example, large, ill-conditioned problems where the ill-conditioning is due to large element aspect ratios within a mesh, or cases in which shell or beam elements are attached to solid elements). In terms of CPU time when used in a single-processor environment, the AMG solver performs better than the PCG and ICCG solvers for illconditioned problems, and it delivers about the same level of performance for ordinary problems. The AMG solver is available only for static analyses and full transient analyses. (These analyses can be linear or nonlinear.) In addition, the efficiency of the AMG solver is limited to single-field structural analyses in which the solution DOFs are combinations of UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ. For analyses such as singlefield thermal analyses in which the solution DOF is TEMP, the AMG solver is less efficient than the PCG or ICCG. The AMG solver is accessible from shared-memory parallel ANSYS. 5.3. Solver Memory and Performance You will get the best performance from ANSYS if you first understand the individual solvers' memory usage and performance under certain conditions. Each solver uses different methods to obtain memory; under- Release 13.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 5.3. Solver Memory and Performance 103

With all iterative solvers, be particularly careful to check that the model is appropriately constrained. No<br />

minimum pivot is calculated and the solver will continue to iterate if any rigid body motion is possible.<br />

5.2.4. The Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient (ICCG) Solver<br />

The ICCG solver operates similarly to the JCG solver with the following exceptions:<br />

• The ICCG solver is more robust than the JCG solver for matrices that are not well-conditioned. Performance<br />

will vary with matrix conditioning, but in general ICCG performance compares to that of the JCG<br />

solver.<br />

• The ICCG solver uses a more sophisticated preconditioner than the JCG solver. Therefore, the ICCG<br />

solver requires approximately twice as much memory as the JCG solver.<br />

The ICCG solver is typically used for unsymmetric thermal analyses and electromagnetic analyses and is<br />

available only for static analyses, full harmonic analyses [HROPT,FULL], or full transient analyses<br />

[TRNOPT,FULL]. (You specify the analysis type using the ANTYPE command.) The ICCG solver is useful for<br />

structural and multiphysics applications, and for symmetric, unsymmetric, complex, definite, and indefinite<br />

matrices. You cannot use this solver for coupled-field applications (SOLID5 or PLANE13).<br />

5.2.5. The Quasi-Minimal Residual (QMR) Solver<br />

The QMR solver is used for electromagnetic analyses and is available only for full harmonic analyses<br />

[HROPT,FULL]. (You specify the analysis type using the ANTYPE command.) You use this solver for symmetric,<br />

complex, definite, and indefinite matrices. The QMR solver is more robust than the ICCG solver.<br />

5.2.6. The Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) Solver<br />

The Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) solver, which is based on the multi-level method, is an iterative solver that<br />

you can use in single- and multiprocessor shared-memory environments. To use more than two processes<br />

with this solver, you must have a license for the ANSYS <strong>Mechanical</strong> HPC advanced task (add-on) for each<br />

processor beyond the first two.<br />

In a multiprocessor environment, the AMG solver provides better performance than the PCG and ICCG<br />

solvers on shared-memory parallel machines. It also handles indefinite matrix problems for nonlinear analyses.<br />

However, the AMG solver typically uses 50 percent more memory than the PCG solver. The AMG solver is<br />

also intended for problems in which the PCG and ICCG solvers would have difficulty converging (for example,<br />

large, ill-conditioned problems where the ill-conditioning is due to large element aspect ratios within a mesh,<br />

or cases in which shell or beam elements are attached to solid elements). In terms of CPU time when used<br />

in a single-processor environment, the AMG solver performs better than the PCG and ICCG solvers for illconditioned<br />

problems, and it delivers about the same level of performance for ordinary problems.<br />

The AMG solver is available only for static analyses and full transient analyses. (These analyses can be linear<br />

or nonlinear.) In addition, the efficiency of the AMG solver is limited to single-field structural analyses in<br />

which the solution DOFs are combinations of UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ. For analyses such as singlefield<br />

thermal analyses in which the solution DOF is TEMP, the AMG solver is less efficient than the PCG or<br />

ICCG.<br />

The AMG solver is accessible from shared-memory parallel ANSYS.<br />

5.3. Solver Memory and Performance<br />

You will get the best performance from ANSYS if you first understand the individual solvers' memory usage<br />

and performance under certain conditions. Each solver uses different methods to obtain memory; under-<br />

Release 13.0 - © SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information<br />

of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.<br />

5.3. Solver Memory and Performance<br />


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