American Schoolof Durango NEWSLETTER Issue 8, February 2015


American Schoolof Durango NEWSLETTER The Official Publication of American School of Durango Issue 8, February 2015

<strong>American</strong> <strong>Schoolof</strong> <strong>Durango</strong> <strong>NEWSLETTER</strong><br />

The Official Publication of <strong>American</strong> School of <strong>Durango</strong><br />

<strong>Issue</strong> 8,<br />

<strong>February</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

EXPO ORIENTA <strong>2015</strong><br />

The <strong>American</strong> School of <strong>Durango</strong> participated in the Expo<br />

Orienta <strong>2015</strong> that took place on the 21 st and 22 nd of <strong>February</strong>. It is<br />

the first Educational Fair held in <strong>Durango</strong>.<br />

We had an outstanding team that participated with enthusiasm<br />

and represented our Institution with much pride.<br />

We are interested in causing a great impact on our community<br />

and letting everyone know of the greatness of our School.<br />

We are interested that our city, state, country and world knows<br />

about the ASD Family.<br />

Thank you for your support, always!!!


Miss Akui Santiesteban<br />

8 Sentences that will change your child´s life<br />

1<br />

Great minds<br />

discuss ideas<br />

4<br />

If you do not<br />

step forward<br />

you will<br />

always be in<br />

the same<br />

place<br />

2<br />

Two things<br />

matter: honesty<br />

and respect<br />

5<br />

If you don´t<br />

ask. You don´t<br />

get.<br />

3<br />

Be kind.<br />

for everyone<br />

you meet is<br />

fighting a hard<br />

battle<br />

6<br />

Your words are<br />

powerful. Use<br />

them wisely<br />

7<br />

Will this problem<br />

matter a year<br />

from now?<br />

8<br />

All great<br />

achievements<br />

require time


Ms. July Salas<br />

We had a fieldtrip to the Bebeleche museum; our children<br />

were accompanied by a family member; we had the<br />

opportunity to explore rooms for young children; they<br />

pretended to be adults and played in a mini Walmart and had<br />

a lot of fun making giant bubbles.<br />

This month we began our theme “Sea Animals” where we will<br />

strengthen their knowledge through work, songs and pictures.


Ms. Marymar Ramírez<br />

“1,2,3 count with me”, “4, 5, 6 do it we me”, “7, 8, 9, 10 lets do it<br />

again”; with song, rhymes and oral counting, we are learning to<br />

count from 1 to 10 and they can now identify numbers from 1-3.<br />

We also talked about animals, we begin with the ones that can be<br />

at home, we call them ¨pets¨. The children talked about the<br />

animals they have in their house and described them. The kids<br />

also shared what they do with their dogs, while showing pictures<br />

to the class.

K1<br />

Ms. Saskia Bravo<br />

Sponge painting is a very versatile art activity that can cater to<br />

any lesson theme and can be enjoyed by children.<br />

The students used sponges to make textured stamps artistic for<br />

Valentine´s Day.<br />

Preschool Story Time is a great way to support and encourage<br />

children to love books and reading. At the end of our story time<br />

the students are asked to choose a book and they try to retell the<br />


K2 A<br />

Ms. Pearl Gear<br />

Last Friday, the class celebrated Valentine's day. Although the holiday<br />

is marked on <strong>February</strong> 14th in the calendar, we celebrated it on the<br />

13th this year. This was due to the fact that the 14th ended up being a<br />

Saturday. Not wanting to deprive the students of the celebration, we<br />

decided to have a little bit of fun on Friday in honour of the holiday.<br />

The children took candy and other assorted sweets to share with their<br />

classmates, fostering an atmosphere of friendship and caring. Also,<br />

there were many games played, and many great laughs and fun<br />

moments to be had.<br />

Valentine's day is celebrated in honour of the Roman priest, St.<br />

Valentine, he lived in second century Rome, and married couples in<br />

secret when this practice was outlawed by then-emperor Claudius II.<br />

Because of his brave acts in the name of love, he is remembered on<br />

this day.

K2 B<br />

Ms. Brenda Botello<br />

We integrated the theme “animals” in all the learning areas. We<br />

counted and grouped animals for math.<br />

In science we learned about animals. In social development we<br />

brought our pets; during language arts we talked about our<br />

favorite animals and reinforced our vocabulary.<br />

In art class we painted and did different activities, and for media<br />

and technology we listened to cd`s and watched documentaries;<br />

with all of these, children learned more about animals and we<br />

monitored and promoted children`s development.

K3 A<br />

Ms. Ellen Barbour<br />

We are having a lot of fun learning about music! We read stories<br />

about famous musicians such as Celia Cruz and Beethoven. We<br />

listened to different genres of music including salsa, classical<br />

music, and rock.<br />

We studied different types of instruments. We even made our own<br />

instruments- rain sticks and drums- using recycled materials from<br />

home. This unit allowed us to practice our language skills,<br />

counting and rhythm skills, and listening skills. Most importantly,<br />

we developed a greater appreciation for music and were able to<br />

express ourselves creatively through music.

K3 B<br />

Ms. Cynthia Saucedo<br />

Art In The Classroom<br />

Students have been learning and experiencing art through paintings<br />

and music this month. By learning about famous artists’ stories and<br />

their painting techniques and music children were able to express<br />

themselves by painting like Frida Kahlo (feelings), Leonardo Da Vinci<br />

(real life) and Monet (natural forms) and playing instruments.<br />

Children will gain useful life skills through art such as communication,<br />

social, emotional and fine motor skills as well as self-expression and<br />

creativity. Therefore we encourage children to make images, to play<br />

and compose music, to explore their thoughts and ideas and to<br />

communicate their thinking to themselves and others.


In <strong>February</strong>, it was all about UN Week! This important<br />

event took a great effort form both teachers and students, who<br />

worked very hard to prepare and be ready on time.<br />

All classrooms were enthusiatically researching,<br />

decorating, painting, practicing and dancing for two months.<br />

During that week, they had the opportunity to enjoy<br />

other countrie’s exhibitions the day before the main event for<br />

parents.<br />

The final exhibitions and show were amazing, proving<br />

that UN Week is a Project students, teachers and parents fully<br />

Enjoy.<br />

Lic. Lariza Niebla


1st Gray<br />

G'day Mate!<br />

This month we discovered the wonderful continent that<br />

is Australia. We looked at the beautiful landmarks it has, the food<br />

it is famous for and also the clothes that make it unique. Kids<br />

were able to see why Australia is so well known and what makes<br />

it special. The students enjoyed learning about a new place they<br />

had never gone to and they also enjoyed going to different<br />

classes and watching others presentations. This was the first time<br />

the kids got up in front of an audience and spoke English out loud<br />

and I must say they did and excellent job! A BIG thank you to all<br />

parents for their participation and support.<br />

Miss Jasmine Castañeda and Ms. America Marin

1º Maroon<br />

Febrero <strong>2015</strong>.<br />

Tenemos el gusto de compartirles una muestra de la<br />

gran dedicación y esfuerzo de los alumnos de Primer grado en la<br />

UN Week. Con mucho entusiasmo realizaron sus presentaciones<br />

sobre ITALIA ante sus compañeros de 4º y 6º, Padres de<br />

Familia, abuelitos, tíos, etc. Fue una gran experiencia también<br />

visitar a los niños de otros grados para escuchar sus<br />

investigaciones sobre diferentes países.<br />

Nos sentimos sumamente orgullosas del desempeño<br />

que demostraron nuestros pequeños, ya que a pesar de su edad,<br />

lo hicieron con mucho profesionalismo.<br />

Miss Silvia Rodríguez<br />

Miss Fabiola Torróntegui

2nd Gray<br />

The students worked hard on compiling information<br />

on various aspects of the well renowned country, Germany.<br />

They were divided into four groups. Each group<br />

worked together to research both, at home and in class<br />

information pertinent to their topic. After the research was<br />

completed, the students in each group worked together to<br />

prepare their visual displays along with their oral<br />

presentations.<br />

Additionally, the children participated in a German<br />

folk dance in representation of the country.<br />

Ms Donna-Lee George

2º Gray<br />


Los alumnos estuvieron elaborando una maqueta<br />

realizada en plastilina para representar los distintos elementos que<br />

conforman la cavidad bucal, enfocándose especialmente en los<br />

dientes y sus cuidados especiales.<br />

Utilizaron nuevamente los medios electrónicos para<br />

apoyarse en la búsqueda de las imágenes adecuadas al tema. Todos<br />

demostraron un gran conocimiento de las formas de prevenir las<br />

enfermedades en los dientes.<br />

Terminaron exponiendo con gran entusiasmo su Proyecto<br />

denominado “HIGIENE DENTAL” que corresponde a la materia<br />


Ms. Lourdes García

2º Maroon<br />



Los alumnos estuvieron practicando la Danza Argentina<br />

«El Gato», bailable que presentaron durante la Semana de NU. Fue<br />

sorprendente la gran disciplina que demostraron así como su deseo<br />

de que el resultado fuera magnífico.<br />

Posteriormente, utilizaron los medios electrónicos para<br />

apoyarse en la búsqueda de la información sobre los diferentes<br />

aspectos importantes de Argentina.<br />

Terminaron exponiendo con gran organización y orden los<br />

temas correspondientes a cada equipo, brindando a sus Padres una<br />

gran sensación de orgullo.<br />

Ms. Lourdes García

3rd Gray<br />

The students were assigned to represent the<br />

country of The Commonwealth of Dominica. They<br />

were divided into four groups: History, Traditions,<br />

Music and Dance, and Food. They did some<br />

research, worked hard, and did a great job at<br />

presenting their findings. The dance for the show<br />

proved to be a challenge for the Gray Group but they<br />

performed it with flying colors! Congratulations to<br />

everyone for their hard work and help!<br />

Ms. Rebecca Bowery

3° Maroon<br />

En la semana de las Naciones Unidas, los alumnos<br />

trabajaron en grupos investigando sobre el país de Líbano.<br />

Con esta actividad además de conocer la historia y cultura de<br />

otros países, convivieron con sus padres y amigos dentro de<br />

un ambiente de respeto, cooperación y responsabilidad.<br />

Felicidades por el excelente trabajo que presentaron<br />

dentro del aula y por su danza libanesa!<br />

Ms. Betty Sánchez

4th Gray<br />

JAPAN<br />

For UN Week, Gray class picked Japan. We created<br />

many art projects including Shibori Art, calligraphy, cherry<br />

blossom painting, origami, and decorated the class with huge<br />

Koi fish. Students researched five separate areas of Japan:<br />

Language and Culture, Plants and Animals, Children’s Toys<br />

and Food, History, and Geography. The girls performed a<br />

Cherry Blossom Dance in kimonos with Japanese parasols<br />

while the boys performed Taiko Drumming . Groups<br />

presented their projects to other classes and to parents. Our<br />

class presented a real insight into Japanese culture.<br />

Ms. Lynda Long

4th Grey UN Week

4° Maroon<br />

El pasado 13 de febrero, los alumnos de 4° grado<br />

participaron en el evento de “Naciones Unidas” que se realizó con<br />

gran éxito en nuestro colegio con el fin de que poco a poco conozcan<br />

la historia, la geografía, las costumbres, etc. de los países<br />

representados por todos los alumnos de nuestra Institución.<br />

Primeramente, tuvo lugar un colorido desfile en el que los<br />

estudiantes de 4° Maroon representaron dignamente al país de<br />

GRECIA; enseguida, en el “Talent Show” presentaron la danza de<br />

“Zorba el Griego” y por último, ya en su salón expusieron frente a los<br />

padres de familia los temas previamente investigados.<br />

¡Felicidades 4° Maroon!<br />

Ms. Betty Veloz

5th Gray<br />

The United Nations week preparation began for students in<br />

January. The research journey took several weeks for them to<br />

summarize and talk about it . First, they researched their topics and<br />

answered questions about them. With these answers, they began to<br />

work on their presentations. Each student worked at his/her own<br />

pace. Learning samba was not that easy though. As the weeks rolled<br />

along they began to catch the hang of SAMBA, which is now part of<br />

their dancing. The students were amazed by the large biodiversity of<br />

Brazil and also their great manufacture of airplanes, artilleries and<br />

weapons. But that was not all, the constant chattering of the soccer<br />

fans in fifth grade turned into matches inside of the classroom.<br />

Definitely it was worth the while. BRAZIL…….<br />

Ms. Dalia Joseph

6th Gray<br />

<strong>February</strong> was dominated by United Nations week. I feel<br />

very proud of the kids for having completed their research, posters,<br />

oral presentations, and classroom setup completely on their own.<br />

Naturally, there was quite a bit of variance in what was produced, but I<br />

thought ALL of our kids worked hard and learned something. Great to<br />

see .<br />

The other big piece of news is that we are well into our next<br />

big focus, the science fair! Kids will all be planning experiments and<br />

performing them through the lens of the scientific method. I am<br />

looking forward to seeing what choices they make and what work they<br />

produce for this project. We will be doing ALL the work here at school,<br />

so it should be a great chance for them to shine all on their own.<br />

Mr. Aubrey Linen

5º Maroon<br />

A los alumnos de este salón les tocó presentar al país<br />

de Portugal. Los niños estuvieron investigando sobre su cultura,<br />

política, división política, gastronomía, tradiciones y costumbres.<br />

Después hicieron maquetas, cartulinas y trajeron material de<br />

apoyo para su presentación.<br />

Como parte de este proyecto también representaron un<br />

baile típico de Portugal e impartieron una clase en portugués.<br />

Ms. Consuelo Aguado

Computación<br />

Los alumnos de primer año han pasado por una etapa<br />

diferente en la clase de computación debido a que en primaria ya<br />

no se utilizan los juegos didácticos, sino que se empieza a utilizar<br />

la computadora como una herramienta de trabajo.<br />

En este bimestre comenzamos a trabajar con el<br />

programa Excel, en el que se está elaborando una tabla de las<br />

principales actividades de los niños en casa, ellos asignan<br />

horarios para ver la televisión, jugar, dormir, entre otras<br />

actividades y con esta información realizaremos una gráfica en<br />

Excel en la que se visualizará la distribución de cada uno de los<br />

alumnos.<br />

Ms. Aidee Conde

Integración al Arte - Art Class<br />

En 1° año, los niños crearon algunas formas para<br />

relacionarlas con distintos fondos, y ver efectos y diferencias.<br />

Reconocieron cuál es su espacio personal para explorarlo con<br />

diferentes movimientos. También realizaron distintas<br />

evocaciones sensoriales, empleando sus sentidos y recordar<br />

formas, olores, sabores, sonidos y texturas.<br />

Los alumnos de 2° año observaron el movimiento en<br />

imágenes, realizando su propia composición visual. Así mismo,<br />

lograron identificar distintos puntos de apoyos corporales y de<br />

equilibrio, aplicándolo luego al realizar distintas figuras corporales<br />

en equipo.<br />

Ms. Rosa Martha González

Integración al Arte - Art Class<br />

Los niños de 3° elaboraron un círculo poli cromático,<br />

mezclando los colores primarios (rojo, amarillo y azul), para<br />

obtener los colores secundarios (naranja, verde y violeta). En<br />

expresión corporal, distinguen diferentes formas de<br />

relacionarse con objetos y compañeros en el espacio personal y<br />

general.<br />

En 4° año, los alumnos crearon una composición<br />

plástica empleando las técnicas de adición y sustracción de<br />

material, utilizando jabón. Como parte de la Expresión Corporal y<br />

Teatro, realizaron una pequeña composición dancística a partir<br />

de un cuento.<br />

Ms. Rosa Martha González

Integración al Arte - Art Class<br />

Los alumnos de 5° realizaron un collage con<br />

fotografías y recortes de inmuebles de valor cultural, de distintos<br />

estados de México, para identificar algunas características de la<br />

arquitectura patrimonial. También realizaron distintas<br />

secuencias dancísticas en base a ideas obtenidas del collage<br />

de México y de distintos contenidos temáticos.<br />

Los alumnos de 6° identificaron las diferencias entre<br />

el arte figurativo y arte abstracto, realizando una composición<br />

abstracta con la aportación de todos. Finalmente investigaron<br />

sobre los elementos básicos de los bailes folklóricos de<br />

México, teniendo una demostración de algunos de ellos.<br />

Ms. Rosa Martha González

4° Gray - Música<br />

Comenzamos a preparar la correcta entonación del<br />

Himno Nacional Mexicano, con la intención de participar en los<br />

concursos realizados por la Secretaria de Educación Pública.<br />

Tuvimos una primer etapa de pre selección entre todos<br />

los grupos de 1° a 6° grado, siendo los grupos más destacados<br />

4° Gray y Marrón, así como 5° Marrón.<br />

Aquí les comparto al grupo de 4° Gray en la pre selección.<br />

Prof. Jesús Betancourt

Educación Física<br />

El alumno resolverá problemas que<br />

impliquen el dominio de sus habilidades<br />

motrices básicas como lanzar, correr,<br />

caminar, saltar, jalar, etc., aplicándolos en<br />

situaciones de juego colectivo.<br />

L.E.F. César Luna

2º Educación Física

.<br />

3º Educación Física

4º Educación Física

.<br />

.<br />

5º Educación Física

6º Educación Física


New Books !<br />

Eyewitness Collection :<br />

• Ancient Rome<br />

• Amazing Science<br />

• Dinosaurs<br />

Wild Nature :<br />

• Incredible animals!<br />

Come & enjoy them !<br />

Ms. Sandra Vázquez

En Febrero celebramos el nacimiento de Laura Ingalls<br />

Wilder, escritora estadounidense autora de la colección “ Little<br />

House on the Prayre”, serie de 9 libros basados en las<br />

experiencias de una familia y su vida en la pradera.<br />

¡Ven a conocerlos!<br />

También en este mes celebramos el aniversario del<br />

nacimiento de George Washington, Abraham Lincoln y Thomas<br />

Alva Edison.<br />

Los alumnos del grupo “Super Kids” elaboraron unas<br />

tarjetas hermosas por el día del amor y la amistad, las cuales se<br />

muestran en nuestro boletín.<br />

Ms. Sandra Vázquez


Well, the pace of the school year definitely has not slowed<br />

down, in fact, we could probably say that it is speeding up! Our students<br />

and staff have competed at an oustanding level in ASOMEX tournaments,<br />

IMMUNS and in the classroom, as evidenced by our long Honor Roll list.<br />

We are gearing up for CADMUN, MathCounts, Career Day, Talent Show<br />

and Science Fair as well.<br />

On top of all this, we have events planned to support the<br />

triangle between student, home and school. Many thanks to all you who<br />

attended the conference on Social Network Security. We are also training<br />

students in values through ANSPAC and our next CCCCCC will focus on<br />

Intelligent Discipline. All of this and more is part of the well-rounded life<br />

experiences that we offer our ASD families. We hope to see you taking<br />

advantage of them!<br />

Warm regards,<br />

Mr. Sharp

7°<br />

Biología<br />

Los alumnos de biología han estado trabajando en los temas<br />

de fotosíntesis, respiración externa, respiración celular aerobia y<br />

anaerobia. Se realizaron prácticas de laboratorio de fotosíntesis<br />

y dióxido de carbono, además presentaron un proyecto de<br />

fotosíntesis.<br />

Los alumnos también están trabajando en sus proyectos de<br />

feria de ciencias.<br />

Ms. Elba Mayela Júarez<br />

Ms. Mercedes Serrano

8º Grado<br />

Los alumnos trabajaron con diversas dinámicas en equipos para aprender<br />

los valores del trabajo en equipo, además de mejorar su autoestima y<br />

convivencia entre ellos mediante los cursos del programa de ANSPAC<br />

enfocado al fomento de valores y actividades para mejorar su desarrollo<br />

social y afectivo dentro y fuera del aula.<br />

Mr. González<br />

MS-HS Counselor and Teacher

8° Grado<br />

Cívica y Ética<br />

Los alumnos de octavo grado han<br />

estado exponiendo por equipo el tema<br />

de La Cultura y la importancia de<br />

tener tolerancia y respeto por la gran<br />

diversidad de culturas existentes. A<br />

pesar de esta gran diferencia que<br />

puede existir en valores y culturas, los<br />

alumnos perciben que en su vida<br />

diaria se ven inmersos en un<br />

ambiente multicultural y cómo se<br />

puede dar la convivencia a pesar de<br />

esas diferencias.<br />

Mr. Barrón<br />

Ciencias Sociales

8th Grade English<br />

Flag Ceremony<br />

“In our flag ceremony we gave presentations about different festivities. We made it like a news<br />

program with two anchormen and a camera man. The holidays that we represented were Chinese<br />

New Year, New York´s New Year, Epiphany, and Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We had a really good<br />

ceremony, but we know that even though everything went well, we still need to improve for future<br />

flag ceremonies.” (Jorge Maa Silerio)<br />

“I am proud of my teacher and classmates because we had fun. We could have improved more<br />

things, but I liked our performance. I hope we can do another flag ceremony.” (Victoria Dorador)<br />

“We were so happy about how the flag ceremony went. Mr. Sharp also congratulated us and<br />

thanked us for our efforts. That made all of us feel proud of our flag ceremony. We did a great job. I<br />

am happy about it and I know that Mrs. Linen was happy too.” (Grecia Gamero Flores)<br />

“I think this flag ceremony was one of the best flag ceremonies that we have ever done. I liked it so<br />

much because it was funny and it was realistic. We need to improve on some things, but the next<br />

flag ceremony will be even better than this.” (Yamile Majul)<br />

“Overall, the eighth graders did a great job. Everyone was fascinated by the show and the eighth<br />

graders were so happy. After practicing a lot, we did it!” (Tufic Bermudez Luevanos)<br />

“The flag ceremony was a wonderful<br />

experience that taught us a lot. We<br />

learned about other countries’ traditions,<br />

how to be organized, and how to prove<br />

ourselves. We learned from our<br />

mistakes, and that is the most important<br />

part of all; to learn new things each day.<br />

We also proved that eighth graders can<br />

do it too. We can handle important<br />

things and do them even better.”<br />

(Sandra Lizeth Martinez Diaz)<br />

“Teachers congratulated us, even<br />

classmates! It was a funny and clever<br />

idea.” (Emilia Estrada Renta)<br />

Ms. Linen

9th Grade English<br />

Romeo and Juliet<br />

The students in ninth grade have just completed a unit<br />

where they studied the poetry and tragedy in the play Romeo and<br />

Juliet, by William Shakespeare. Students read excerpts from the play,<br />

watched it on screen, and analyzed some very complex language.<br />

They also became familiar with all the characters involved with the two<br />

warring families.<br />

Students enjoyed debating whether it is possible to fall in<br />

love at first sight, how young is too young to be in love, and whether<br />

or not it is worth dying for love. They culminated the unit with a<br />

project where they got to choose between memorizing and acting out<br />

a scene, or writing a letter from one character to another.<br />

Mrs. Linen<br />

MS English Teacher

10º Grado<br />

Los alumnos realizaron avances importantes en el<br />

Proyecto Emprendedor, preparándose para la presentación que<br />

se realizará en el mes de mayo del presente año, donde<br />

mostrarán diversos productos y proyectos empresariales que<br />

funcionarán como punto de partida no solo para el crecimiento<br />

económico de <strong>Durango</strong>, sino también para fomentar desde ahora<br />

su creatividad y liderazgo en el entorno social y económico en el<br />

que se desenvuelven.<br />

Mr. González<br />

MS-HS Counselor and Teacher

11th Grade English<br />

<strong>American</strong> Literature<br />

Between novels, students in <strong>American</strong> Literature class are<br />

studying the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance. In order to<br />

deepen their understanding of this massive creative output of<br />

African <strong>American</strong>s, students have also been studying the blues.<br />

The blues is a musical form that helped influence Harlem<br />

Renaissance writers like Langston Hughes—and every genre of<br />

popular <strong>American</strong> music—for the last 100 years.<br />

Mr. Price<br />

High School English Teacher

12th Grade<br />

La clase de Probabilidad y Estadística revisa<br />

temas de Probabilidad de Eventos Compuestos que<br />

consiste en el uso del enfoque lógico para llegar al<br />

resultado. Por dificultades de horario con la maestra<br />

anterior, fui presentado recientemente como el nuevo<br />

titular de la materia. Estoy ansioso de impartirlo y<br />

compartir muchas actividades didácticas que tengo en<br />

mente para ellos.<br />

Mr. Schommer<br />

Middle and High School Mathematics Support

CADMUN<br />

The Secretariat team of CADMUN is in a very special state<br />

of mind filled with confidence and hope. They all are prepared and<br />

ready. The team is working as hard as they can to make it a<br />

successful one, and I cannot wait to see the result of their dedication.<br />

We have also sent a team of delegates to the MUN simulation,<br />

IMMUNS in Monterrey to represent our school in <strong>February</strong>. The 10 th<br />

and 7 th graders will become unstoppable in the future as they have so<br />

many experiences under their belt. I am very proud of them as well.<br />

Keep it up!<br />

Mr. Nomura<br />

MS-HS Social Studies Teacher and MUN Advisor

MS-HS<br />

Science<br />

Science Fair<br />

The countdown for Science Fair has begun. During the<br />

Science Fair on March 18 th we will reveal a great variety of<br />

interesting and unique projects. The students have worked<br />

well and many are reaching the final stages of data<br />

collection. I look forward to seeing the final drafts and<br />

presentation.<br />

Great work class,<br />

Mr. Stenzel

MathCounts <strong>2015</strong><br />

The day is near: one of the most important mathematical<br />

competitions will begin soon; therefore, ASD’s team has been preparing<br />

arduously from Monday through Thursday in intense training sessions. We<br />

are looking forward to the Relay, in which the 7th graders Eduardo,<br />

Leonardo, Magaly, and Sara, along with Jorge, Natalia, Rodrigo, and<br />

Sandra from 8th grade will run a distance of 21m, solve a mathematical<br />

problem, and then run back until all of them have competed. The written<br />

exam will come next, putting all their abilities in logic and mathematics to<br />

the test. MathCounts <strong>2015</strong> is March12-13 in Monterrey. Wish us luck!<br />

Mr. Rodríguez<br />

MathCounts Head Advisor

Music<br />

Con gran gusto comenzamos a trabajar en clase de Música optativa<br />

con el grupo de 10º grado. Teniendo una gran participación de los<br />

muchachos, estamos avanzando rápidamente en el montaje de<br />

repertorio, que podrán escuchar pronto en los eventos del colegio.<br />

Así mismo trabajamos individualmente en cada instrumento, teniendo<br />

en este grupo excelentes cantantes femeninas, flauta, guitarra y<br />

percusiones.<br />

Jesús Betancourt<br />

Maestro de Música

Physical Education<br />

Los alumnos de 9° participarán en actividades de cancha<br />

dividida, de muro, de bate y de campo de invasión, a fin<br />

de analizar y reflexionar sobre la lógica interna del juego y<br />

con ello desarrollar el pensamiento estratégico. Se<br />

propone así que los adolescentes participen de manera<br />

decidida.<br />

Saludos,<br />

Prof. Manuel García Carrasco

Dibujo y Pintura<br />

Los alumnos de 9° se encuentran dibujando la figura humana, con<br />

énfasis en<br />

• Proporción<br />

• Figura femenina<br />

• Figura masculina<br />

utilizando la técnica de lápices de grafito.<br />

Saludos,<br />

Ms. Ibarra y Mr. Vela


HAWKS<br />


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