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internet, keep in mind that delivery delays for online orders may cause you to fall behind in the reading assignments. MARKS WILL BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: Discussion Papers (2 at 5% each) Sept 25 & Oct 18 10% Language Autobiography Nov 27 10% December Exam TBA 30% Spring Term Test Feb 28 15% Essay Mar 21 20% April Exam TBA 15% WEB SITE: We have a web site for this class. The address is This site includes the course outline, study guides or overheads used in lecture, class announcements, and a “Grade Book” that contains your marks for each assignment. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: This is an essay course and it requires that you write at least 3,000 words in order to successfully complete the course. If you do not complete your written assignments, you will fail the course, regardless of your exam marks. All assignments must be submitted BOTH electronically, through OWL, and as a hard copy in class. Your assignments will not be considered complete until BOTH the electronic copy and the paper copy have been received. If you are unable to submit your assignment in class, you may leave it in the drop box outside the Anthropology Main Office (SSC 3326). The drop box is emptied each morning and stamped with the previous day’s date. Do NOT submit assignments as e-mail attachments or by sliding them under the professor’s door. These will be discarded unread. Late assignments will be penalized 5% per weekday unless you provide documentation from Academic Counselling to justify an extension. Missed Deadlines Occasionally illness or other personal issues make it impossible to meet deadlines. In such cases adequate documentation must be submitted to Academic Counselling of your home faculty, according to the terms of the Senate policy regarding medical accommodation as specified at: Providing such documentation is accepted by Academic Counselling, reasonable effort will be made to accommodate your situation. Without this, no accommodations will be made. Format of Assignments All written assignments must be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins, and stapled (staplers can be purchased for less than $2 and will be useful for the rest of your academic career). You may print double-sided. Number all pages except the cover page, if there is one. The title page must have your name, the professor's name, the course

number and the assignment title. Follow the guidelines of the American Anthropological Association ( for proper citation of references within the essay and in the bibliography. Points will be deducted if your assignment does not meet these requirements. Note: Additional instructions for each written assignment will be provided in class or on OWL. Discussion Papers for Sociocultural Anthropology (Due Sept.25 and Oct. 18) During the semester, you will write two short papers (about 2-3 pages each) in which you discuss some aspect of the material that has been covered in class or in the text. Each paper should be between two and three pages in length. This is your chance to elaborate on the issues that you find interesting. Each discussion paper is worth 5% of your total mark for the course. Assignment for Linguistic Anthropology (due Nov. 27) Write a language autobiography in 1000 words, reflecting on your experiences learning and using language(s) in relation to the concepts and issues we have studied in the course. The assignment is designed to get you to think about the variety of linguistic experiences and competencies individuals have and how language is connected to many other aspects of life. In particular, you should consider how culture, social structure, institutions and power relationships affect language choices and practices. This assignment is worth 10% of your total mark for the course. Essay for Biological Anthropology and Archaeology (Due Mar. 21) Students are required to submit an essay that pertains to a topic of importance to biological anthropology and/or archaeology. This 8-page essay will utilize at least 8 sources that you have sought out independently. Some details regarding potential topics for the final paper will be posted on our course website during the first few weeks of class, while further tips regarding formatting and style guidelines will be distributed later in the semester. It is strongly recommended that you approve your topic with the instructor or a teaching assistant as early as possible, and certainly before getting to the writing stage. This essay is worth 20% of your total mark for the course. VIDEOS: We will see several videos throughout the course. They will be treated the same as lectures, so don’t miss them. DECEMBER EXAM The date for the December exam will be announced when the time and place become available through the Registrar’s Office. The material covered in the December exam will be limited to Linguistic Anthropology and Sociocultural Anthropology. The format of the exam will be multiple choice and short answer questions.

internet, keep in mind that delivery delays for online orders may cause you to fall behind in<br />

the reading assignments.<br />


Discussion Papers (2 at 5% each) Sept 25 & Oct 18 10%<br />

Language Autobiography Nov 27 10%<br />

December Exam TBA 30%<br />

Spring Term Test Feb 28 15%<br />

Essay Mar 21 20%<br />

April Exam TBA 15%<br />

WEB SITE:<br />

We have a web site for this class. The address is This site includes the<br />

course outline, study guides or overheads used in lecture, class announcements, and a<br />

“Grade Book” that contains your marks for each assignment.<br />


This is an essay course and it requires that you write at least 3,000 words in order to<br />

successfully complete the course. If you do not complete your written assignments, you<br />

will fail the course, regardless of your exam marks.<br />

All assignments must be submitted BOTH electronically, through OWL, and as a hard copy<br />

in class. Your assignments will not be considered complete until BOTH the electronic copy<br />

and the paper copy have been received. If you are unable to submit your assignment in<br />

class, you may leave it in the drop box outside the Anthropology Main Office (SSC 3326).<br />

The drop box is emptied each morning and stamped with the previous day’s date. Do NOT<br />

submit assignments as e-mail attachments or by sliding them under the professor’s door.<br />

These will be discarded unread. Late assignments will be penalized 5% per weekday unless<br />

you provide documentation from Academic Counselling to justify an extension.<br />

Missed Deadlines<br />

Occasionally illness or other personal issues make it impossible to meet deadlines. In such<br />

cases adequate documentation must be submitted to Academic Counselling of your home<br />

faculty, according to the terms of the Senate policy regarding medical accommodation as<br />

specified at:<br />

Providing such documentation is accepted by Academic Counselling, reasonable effort will be<br />

made to accommodate your situation. Without this, no accommodations will be made.<br />

Format of Assignments<br />

All written assignments must be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, with 2.5 cm (1 inch)<br />

margins, and stapled (staplers can be purchased for less than $2 and will be useful for the<br />

rest of your academic career). You may print double-sided. Number all pages except the cover<br />

page, if there is one. The title page must have your name, the professor's name, the course

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