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Vsebina / Content (.pdf) - Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije

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<strong>Vsebina</strong> / <strong>Content</strong>s<br />

A. GOGALA: Hoplitis mazzuccoi (Schwarz & Gusenleitner) in Slovenia<br />

and Micreriades species of the East Adriatic coast (Hymenoptera:<br />

Megachilidae)<br />

Hoplitis mazzuccoi (Schwarz & Gusenleitner) v Sloveniji<br />

in vrste podrodu Micreriades vzhodne jadranske obale<br />

(Hymenoptera: Megachilidae).....................................................................93<br />

J. R. JONES, D. DEVETAK: First record of Nevrorthidae from Slovenia<br />

Prva najdba druæine Nevrorthidae v Sloveniji ............................................99<br />

J. KONTSCHÁN: First record of eleven Uropodina species from Slovenia<br />

(Acari: Mesostigmata)<br />

Prvi podatki o enajstih vrstah uropodinskih prøic v Sloveniji<br />

(Acari: Mesostigmata)...............................................................................107<br />

Z. UJVÁRI: Contribution to the Mesostigmata fauna of Slovenia (Acari:<br />

Mesostigmata: Zerconidae et Macrochelidae)<br />

Prispevek k favni reda Mesostigmata <strong>Slovenije</strong> (Acari: Mesostigmata:<br />

Zerconidae et Macrochelidae)...................................................................115<br />

2<br />



LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2009 Vol. 17, øt./No. 2<br />


H. DEUTSCH: Pelatea klugiana (Freyer, 1834) – ein Beitrag zur Biologie<br />

(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)<br />

Prispevek k biologiji vrste Pelatea klugiana (Freyer, 1834)<br />

(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) .........................................................................125<br />

Æ. PREDOVNIK: Ptilocephala muscella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)<br />

prviœ najdena v Sloveniji (Lepidoptera: Psychidae)<br />

Ptilocephala muscella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)<br />

newly recorded in Slovenia (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) .............................130<br />

NOVE KNJIGE / NEW BOOKS.....................................................................................133<br />


J. GREGORI: Kranjska œebela (Apis mellifera carnica): vidiki njene sedanje<br />

ogroæenosti v Sloveniji<br />

Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica): the aspects<br />

of its current threat status in Slovenia.......................................................137<br />




ISSN 1318-1998<br />




LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2009 Vol. 17, øt./No. 2<br />




ISSN 1318-1998<br />


UDC (UDK) 595.7(051)<br />


Revija Slovenskega entomoloøkega druøtva Øtefana Michielija<br />

in Prirodoslovnega <strong>muzej</strong>a <strong>Slovenije</strong><br />

Izhaja dvakrat letno / Issued twice a year<br />

© Acta entomologica slovenica<br />

Izdajatelja / Publishers<br />

Slovensko entomoloøko druøtvo<br />

<strong>Prirodoslovni</strong> <strong>muzej</strong> <strong>Slovenije</strong><br />

Øtefana Michielija Preøernova 20, p.p. 290<br />

ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 5<br />

SI-1001 Ljubljana<br />

SI-1000 Ljubljana<br />

Uredniøki odbor / Editorial Board<br />

dr. Martin Baehr (München), dr. Jan Carnelutti (Ljubljana), dr. Boæidar Drovenik (Ljubljana),<br />

dr. Werner Holzinger (Graz), dr. Mladen Kuœiniå (Zagreb), prof. dr. Joæe Maœek (Ljubljana),<br />

prof. dr. Lea Milevoj (Ljubljana), dr. Carlo Morandini (Udine), dr. Ignac Sivec (Ljubljana),<br />

dr. Tomi Trilar (Ljubljana), Æarko Vrezec (tehn. urednik/Techn. Editor)<br />

Urednik / Editor<br />

dr. Andrej Gogala<br />

<strong>Prirodoslovni</strong> <strong>muzej</strong> <strong>Slovenije</strong><br />

Preøernova 20, p.p. 290, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia<br />

E-mail: agogala@pms-lj.si<br />

letnik/Vol. 17, øt./No. 2, 2009<br />

Tisk / Printed by: Trajanus, d.o.o., Kranj<br />

Izølo v 500 izvodih<br />

Ljubljana, december 2009<br />

http://www2.pms-lj.si/biblioteka/acta_entomologica.html<br />

Povzeto v / To be abstracted in: The Zoological Record, Entomology Abstracts,<br />

CAB Abstracts<br />

Revijo dobivajo œlani Slovenskega entomoloøkega druøtva Øtefana Michielija<br />

(œlanarina 20 EUR)<br />

Cena posamezne øtevilke je 8,50 EUR<br />

Zamenjava je zaæeljena / Exchanges appreciated<br />

Publikacija je natisnjena s pomoœjo Javne agencije za knjigo R <strong>Slovenije</strong>.<br />

Uredniøko delo podpira Ministrstvo za kulturo R <strong>Slovenije</strong>.

<strong>Vsebina</strong> / <strong>Content</strong>s<br />

A. GOGALA: Hoplitis mazzuccoi (Schwarz & Gusenleitner) in Slovenia<br />

and Micreriades species of the East Adriatic coast (Hymenoptera:<br />

Megachilidae)<br />

Hoplitis mazzuccoi (Schwarz & Gusenleitner) v Sloveniji<br />

in vrste podrodu Micreriades vzhodne jadranske obale<br />

(Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)......................................................................93<br />

J. R. JONES, D. DEVETAK: First record of Nevrorthidae from Slovenia<br />

Prva najdba druæine Nevrorthidae v Sloveniji .............................................99<br />

J. KONTSCHÁN: First record of eleven Uropodina species from Slovenia<br />

(Acari: Mesostigmata)<br />

Prvi podatki o enajstih vrstah uropodinskih prøic v Sloveniji<br />

(Acari: Mesostigmata)................................................................................107<br />

Z. UJVÁRI: Contribution to the Mesostigmata fauna of Slovenia (Acari:<br />

Mesostigmata: Zerconidae et Macrochelidae)<br />

Prispevek k favni reda Mesostigmata <strong>Slovenije</strong> (Acari: Mesostigmata:<br />

Zerconidae et Macrochelidae)....................................................................115<br />


H. DEUTSCH: Pelatea klugiana (Freyer, 1834) – ein Beitrag zur Biologie<br />

(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)<br />

Prispevek k biologiji vrste Pelatea klugiana (Freyer, 1834)<br />

(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) ..........................................................................125<br />

Æ. PREDOVNIK: Ptilocephala muscella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)<br />

prviœ najdena v Sloveniji (Lepidoptera: Psychidae)<br />

Ptilocephala muscella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)<br />

newly recorded in Slovenia (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) ..............................130<br />

NOVE KNJIGE / NEW BOOKS......................................................................................133<br />


J. GREGORI: Kranjska œebela (Apis mellifera carnica): vidiki njene sedanje<br />

ogroæenosti v Sloveniji<br />

Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica): the aspects<br />

of its current threat status in Slovenia........................................................137

Navodila avtorjem<br />

Acta entomologica slovenica je glasilo Slovenskega entomoloøkega druøtva Øtefana<br />

Michielija in Prirodoslovnega <strong>muzej</strong>a <strong>Slovenije</strong>. Objavlja izvirna znanstvena dela,<br />

pregledne œlanke in ocene knjig s podroœja entomologije. Œlanki lahko obravnavajo<br />

favnistiko, sistematiko, ekologijo, etologijo, fiziologijo ali zoogeografijo æuæelk.<br />

Pisani naj bodo v slovenskem ali angleøkem jeziku, z obveznim angleøkim in<br />

slovenskim izvleœkom. Œlanki so strokovno recenzirani. Letno izideta dve øtevilki.<br />

Avtorje prosimo, da se pri oblikovanju œlankov zgledujejo po zadnji øtevilki revije.<br />

Œe je le mogoœe, svoj tekst oddajte tudi na raœunalniøki disketi ali poøljite po<br />

elektronski poøti. Izpis œlanka na papirju naj ima dvojne presledke med vrsticami, da<br />

je moæno popravljanje. Risbe naj bodo kontrastne, pri debelini œrt pa upoøtevajte tudi<br />

morebitno pomanjøanje na format revije. Slike in tabele naj bodo na posebnem listu<br />

in v drugi datoteki, œe jih oddajate v elektronski obliki.<br />

Citirana literatura naj se navede na koncu œlanka in naj bo razvrøœena po abecedi<br />

glede na priimke avtorjev. Primera za citiranje sta sledeœa:<br />

Benoist, R., 1940: Remarques sur quelques espèces de Mégachiles principalement de<br />

la Faune Francaise. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 109: 41-88.<br />

Friese, H., 1899: Die Bienen Europas (Apidae europaeae) Bd. 5: Genera Lithurgus,<br />

Megachile. 228 pp. Lampe, Innsbruck.<br />

Avtorji œlankov dobijo brezplaœno 20 posebnih odtisov in œlanek v elektronski obliki.<br />

Instructions to authors<br />

Acta entomologica slovenica is the Journal of the Slovenian Entomological Society<br />

Øtefan Michieli and the Slovene Museum of Natural History. It publishes original<br />

scientific works, overview articles, and book reviews in the field of Entomology.<br />

Articles may deal with faunistics, systematics, ecology, etology, physiology, or<br />

zoogeography of insects. They may be written in Slovene or English, with abstracts<br />

in English and Slovene (the editors will ensure translations into Slovene). All articles<br />

are reviewed. Two issues are published a year.<br />

We ask all authors to model the layout of their manuscripts on a previous issue of<br />

the Journal. If possible, send the text on a floppy disk or by e-mail, as well as on paper<br />

with double spacing between lines. Drawings must have high contrast. Please, consider<br />

that all line widths may be reduced during layout of the issue. Pictures and tables<br />

should be printed on separate sheets and in separate files if prepared in digital form.<br />

References should be listed at the end of the article in the alphabetical order of the<br />

authors’ names. The samples are as follows:<br />

Benoist, R., 1940: Remarques sur quelques espèces de Mégachiles principalement de<br />

la Faune Francaise. Ann. Soc. ent. France, 109: 41-88.<br />

Friese, H., 1899: Die Bienen Europas (Apidae europaeae) Bd. 5: Genera Lithurgus,<br />

Megachile. 228 pp. Lampe, Innsbruck.<br />

20 reprints and electronic version will be sent to the Authors free of charge.


LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2009 Vol. 17, øt. 2: 93–98<br />




Andrej GOGALA<br />

Slovenian Museum of Natural History, p.p. 290, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia,<br />

e-mail: agogala@pms-lj.si<br />

Abstract – First records of Hoplitis mazzuccoi (Schwarz & Gusenleitner) from<br />

Slovenia are presented with some notes on biology. The species is compared with H.<br />

illyrica (Noskiewicz), another member of the subgenus Micreriades Mavromoustakis.<br />

KEY WORDS: Hoplitis, Micreriades, Hymenoptera, Megachilidae, fauna, Slovenia.<br />




Predstavljeni so prvi podatki o œebeli vrste Hoplitis mazzuccoi (Schwarz &<br />

Gusenleitner) v Sloveniji, z nekaj zapiski o biologiji. Vrsta je primerjana z vrsto H.<br />

illyrica (Noskiewicz), ki prav tako pripada podrodu Micreriades Mavromoustakis.<br />

KLJUŒNE BESEDE: Hoplitis, Micreriades, Hymenoptera, Megachilidae, favna,<br />

Slovenija.<br />

During investigations of the Slovenian bee fauna, another species was newly discovered<br />

at the Karst edge in Slovene Istria, where several newly recorded species<br />

have already been found before (Gogala, 2009). In fact, it was found first in the same<br />

place (the proximity of a few meters) as the endemic Melitta tomentosa Friese.<br />

Newly recorded species<br />

Hoplitis mazzuccoi (Schwarz & Gusenleitner, 2005)<br />

Istra: Rakitovec, Kavœiœ, UTM: VL23, 780 m, 30. 5. 2009, 1≈1∆, A. Gogala leg.,<br />

660 m, 2. 6. 2009, 1∆, A. Gogala leg.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

It was June 22, 2006 when I noticed a small Hoplitis female at the entrance to a<br />

hollow dry Rubus stem. She returned regularly and obviously worked on a nest plug<br />

(fig. 1). At the time I didn’t determine it correctly and only after May 30, 2009, when<br />

I collected male and female specimens at exactly the same place, I became aware of<br />

her identity. This time, the specimens patrolled a piece of dry wood and I observed<br />

a male (collected later) resting in a beetle burrow. The locality where all this happened<br />

is the southern slope of Mt. Kavœiœ above the village Rakitovec in Œiœarija,<br />

Slovene Istria. The place is located at 780 m a.s.l., just below the rock escarpment<br />

and at the border with Croatia. A few days later I found males also in a place at 660<br />

m, patrolling dry wood and also flowering Lotus corniculatus nearby. On June 9, the<br />

specimens were still patrolling the wood. A female was seen examining a beetle burrow.<br />

As the biology of the Micreriades species is not well known, these are important<br />

observations. Unfortunately, the material used for nest construction cannot be seen<br />

on the photographs and the nest had not been opened. Some sand grains, however,<br />

could probably be among hairs of the photographed specimen, what could lead us to<br />

presume that this is the material used.<br />

Hoplitis mazzuccoi was described by M. Schwarz and F. Gusenleitner in 2005 (as<br />

a species of Osmia), when they distinguished it from the closely related H. tenuispina<br />

(Alfken, 1937). It is known from Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey<br />

(Ungricht et al., 2008). So, it is an East Mediterranean species, while H. tenuispina<br />

is West Mediterranean. A well illustrated description of H. mazzuccoi is found also<br />

in the article by B. Tkalcu (1977) under the name of H. tenuispina. Both species are<br />

members of the subgenus Micreriades Mavromoustakis, 1958, recognized as a subgenus<br />

in Hoplitis by Praz et al. (2008).<br />

Micreriades species of the East Adriatic coast<br />

Hoplitis illyrica (Noskiewicz, 1926) is another Micreriades species known from<br />

the East Adriatic coast. It is known from Croatia and Montenegro (lectotype comes<br />

from Hercegnovi, Montenegro), and also from some other Mediterranean countries:<br />

Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey (Ungricht et al., 2008). A description<br />

of a female is presented by Tkalcu (1974) under the name Heriades illyricus. As<br />

Micreriades species are poorly known, I give here the distinguishing characters<br />

between H. mazzuccoi and H. illyrica. The material of H. illyrica, used for comparison,<br />

is from the collection of Evgen Jaeger, preserved in the Slovenian Museum of<br />

Natural History. One male and one female were determined by Gijs van der Zanden<br />

in 1994. The data on the localities and collection dates are as follows:<br />

Female: Croatia, Korœula Island, Vela Luka, 1.-15. 6. 1938, E. Jaeger leg.<br />

Male: Croatia, Hvar Island, Jelsa, 1.-7. 6. 1935, E. Jaeger leg.<br />

Differences between Hoplitis mazzuccoi and H. illyrica<br />


A. Gogala: Hoplitis mazzuccoi (Schwarz & Gusenleitner) in Slovenia and Micreriades species of the East Adriatic coast<br />

Hoplitis illyrica specimens are smaller than H. mazzuccoi.<br />

Females can be distinguished by the punctation of the clypeus (fig. 2). In H. mazzuccoi,<br />

the punctures on clypeus are very dense, spaces between them are narrower<br />

than the puncture diameter. In H. illyrica, the punctures are smaller and widely<br />

spaced in the central, convex part of the clypeus. The interval between punctures is<br />

at least as wide as the puncture diameter.<br />

The head of H. mazzuccoi female is wider than that of H. illyrica. The ratio<br />

between head width and head length is 0,98 in H. mazzuccoi and 0,87 in H. illyrica.<br />

Males can easily be distinguished by the shape of antennae, tergum 7 and sterna.<br />

Antennal segments of H. mazzuccoi are longer and the last segment is curved to a<br />

hook-like point (less than in H. leucomelana, but more than in H. ciliaris). The last<br />

segment is not curved in H. illyrica (fig. 3).<br />

Tergum 7 of both species has a spine in the middle of the apical edge. Beside that,<br />

tergum 7 of H. mazzuccoi has angular dents or extensions laterally at the base (fig.<br />

4, arrow). These are totally missing in H. illyrica.<br />

Sternum 3 is also markedly different in compared species. In H. mazzuccoi, its<br />

apical edge is incurved in the middle, and this curvature is covered with dense bristles,<br />

similar as in sternum 4. In H. illyrica, the apical edge of sternum 3 is almost<br />

straight, with only a few bristles (fig. 5). This character distinguishes H. illyrica also<br />

from H. tenuispina.<br />

Fig. 1: Hoplitis mazzuccoi female working on the nest plug in a dry Rubus stem.<br />

Mt. Kavœiœ, Rakitovec, June 22, 2006.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Fig. 2: Heads of H. mazzuccoi (left) and H. illyrica (right) females.<br />

Fig. 3: Heads of H. mazzuccoi (left) and H. illyrica (right) males.<br />

Fig. 4: Apical terga of H. mazzuccoi (left) and H. illyrica (right) males. The arrow<br />

points to a lateral dent in tergum 7, characteristic of H. mazzuccoi.<br />


A. Gogala: Hoplitis mazzuccoi (Schwarz & Gusenleitner) in Slovenia and Micreriades species of the East Adriatic coast<br />

Fig. 5: Sterna of H. illyrica male.<br />

Discussion<br />

The discovery of another rarely found bee species at the Karst edge in Œiœarija is<br />

yet another proof of the exceptionally high biodiversity in this area. Extensive grasslands,<br />

limestone ground, South-oriented inclination and the terrain which partly shelters<br />

from the strong bora wind are the most obvious causes for this diversity. The<br />

area is really worth of nature protection.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

I am grateful to Andreas Müller (Zürich) for useful suggestions during the identification<br />

process of the collected material and after reading the manuscript, and to<br />

late Gijs van der Zanden (Eindhoven) for determination of the H. illyrica specimens.<br />

References<br />

Gogala, A., 2009: Mediterranean bee species, newly recorded in Slovenia<br />

(Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (1): 73-78.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Praz, C.J., A. Müller, B.N. Danforth, T.L. Griswold, A. Widmer, S. Dorn, 2008:<br />

Phylogeny and biogeography of bees of the tribe Osmiini (Hymenoptera:<br />

Megachilidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 49: 185-197.<br />

Schwarz, M., F. Gusenleitner, T. Kopf, 2005: Weitere Angaben zur Bienenfauna<br />

Österreichs sowie Beschreibung einer neuen Osmia-Art. Vorstudie zu einer<br />

Gesamtbearbeitung der Bienen Österreichs VIII. Entomofauna, 26 (8): 117-164.<br />

Tkalcu, B., 1974: Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen<br />

Entomologischen Institutes, 89. Beitrag, Hymenoptera: Apoidea V<br />

(Megachilidae). Beitr. Ent., Berlin, 24: 323-348.<br />

Tkalcu, B., 1977: Taxonomische Notizen zu einigen paläarktischen Osmiini-Arten.<br />

Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae naturales, 62: 87-98.<br />

Ungricht, S., A. Müller, S. Dorn, 2008: A taxonomic catalogue of the Palaearctic<br />

bees of the tribe Osmiini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae). Zootaxa,<br />

1865: 253 pp.<br />

Received / Prejeto: 16. 9. 2009<br />



LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2009 Vol. 17, øt. 2: 99–106<br />


Joshua R. JONES 1 and Duøan DEVETAK 2<br />

1<br />

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, 77843-2475, U.S.A.<br />

E-mail: doc.jones3000@tamu.edu<br />

2<br />

Department of Biology, FNM, University of Maribor, Koroøka c. 160,<br />

2000 Maribor, Slovenia<br />

Abstract – Nevrorthus apatelios H. Aspöck, U. Aspöck et Hölzel, 1977 is recorded<br />

for the first time from Slovenia. The finding on the southwest slopes of the eastern<br />

Julian Alps represents the northernmost record for the family in Europe. A list of<br />

known localities for N. apatelios is provided in an appendix.<br />

KEY WORDS: Neuroptera, Nevrorthus apatelios, new record, Slovenia<br />


Prviœ je v Sloveniji zabeleæena najdba vrste Nevrorthus apatelios H. Aspöck, U.<br />

Aspöck et Hölzel, 1977. Najdba na jugozahodnih poboœjih vzhodnih Julijskih Alp je<br />

najsevernejøa najdba druæine v Evropi. Spisek znanih najdiøœ vrste N. apatelios je<br />

sestavljen v dodatku.<br />

KLJUŒNE BESEDE: Neuroptera, Nevrorthus apatelios, nova najdba, Slovenija<br />

Recently, Letardi et al. (2005) reported the occurrence of Nevrorthus apatelios H.<br />

Aspöck, U. Aspöck et Hölzel (1977) in the Friuli region of northern Italy. This discovery<br />

significantly expanded the known geographic distribution of this primarily<br />

Balkan species, increasing its documented range by 3° latitude to the north and 4°<br />

longitude to the west. This unexpected discovery has suggested that nevrorthids,<br />

which are rarely collected and appear to be very locally distributed, may have a<br />

greater distribution in southeastern Europe than previously realized.<br />

On 22 June 2008, the first author collected two adult male specimens of N. apatelios<br />

in the Goriøka region of western Slovenia. The specimens were collected along<br />

Roœica stream, approximately one half kilometer east of the village of Dreænica, near<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Fig. 1: Known distribution of Nevrorthus apatelios H. Aspöck, U. Aspöck et<br />

Hölzel. The new record reported here is marked with a star. Distributional data were<br />

obtained from Aspöck et al. (1977, 1980), Devetak (2003), Klapalek (1917), Letardi et<br />

al. (2006), Malicky (1984), Pongrácz (1923), Popov (1993, 1990), and Saure (1989).<br />

the town of Kobarid (precise collection locality: 46°15’24.38”N, 13°37’21.57”E,<br />

634 m; source: Google Earth). The first specimen, which afterwards proved to be<br />

teneral, was sighted on and then aspirated from a large mossy boulder in the center<br />

of the stream. The other was taken shortly after with a sweep net at about shoulder<br />

height as it flew upstream only a few meters away. Both specimens are presently in<br />

the personal collection of the first author. No other specimens were collected during<br />

searches by the first author and J. D. Oswald along the stream from the paved road<br />

leading from Dreænica upstream to Slap Sapota (Sapota Waterfall), a distance of<br />

approximately 0.4 km. This reach of the stream was heavily shaded by adjacent trees<br />

and shrubs. Collecting efforts at the site by the second author on 6–7 August 2008<br />

(which followed many days of heavy rains) yielded no additional specimens.<br />

The Roœica stream originates from several springs at the foot of the steep lower<br />

face of Mt. Krn (2245 m). Its exceptionally clear waters flow steeply downwards<br />


J. R. Jones, D. Devetak: First record of Nevrorthidae from Slovenia<br />

among large limestone boulders, which is characteristic of streams flowing across<br />

the glacial-morainic alluvia of the eastern Julian Alps. From the terraced valley<br />

where Dreænica sits, the Roœica continues southward to the upper Soœa Valley where<br />

it eventually feeds into the Soœa River. The Roœica is similar to many small streams<br />

in the region, and it seems likely that other streams in the Soœa River watershed may<br />

provide ideal habitat for nevrorthids, the aquatic larvae of which are known only<br />

from clean, high-grade streams and small rivers with fast currents.<br />

The collection of N. apatelios near Dreænica represents the first record of<br />

Nevrorthidae from Slovenia (see Devetak 1984 for a review of Neuropterida recorded<br />

from Slovenia), and the northernmost record for the family in Europe (see Fig. 1,<br />

appendix). Dreænica lies approximately 75 air kilometers east-northeast of the Italian<br />

collecting localities reported by Letardi et al. (2005). Prior to its discovery in Italy<br />

and Slovenia, the northernmost known record for N. apatelios was from a locality in<br />

present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina, nearly 500 kilometers southeast of Dreænica<br />

(Aspöck et al. 1980). The discovery of nevrorthids in Slovenia adds further support<br />

to the idea that nevrorthids may be more widely distributed than previously anticipated<br />

in southern Europe, particularly in the clear, medium elevation streams of the<br />

southern Alps.<br />

Fig. 2: Sapota Waterfall,<br />

above the site where N. apatelios<br />

specimens were collected.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Fig. 3: Roœica stream, near the collection site.<br />

Fig. 4: The path along Roœica stream leading up to Sapota Waterfall, a few dozen<br />

meters below where N. apatelios specimens were collected. Mt. Krn can be seen in<br />

the background.<br />


J. R. Jones, D. Devetak: First record of Nevrorthidae from Slovenia<br />

Acknowledgment<br />

The authors thank J. D. Oswald for reviewing an early version of this manuscript.<br />

Appendix<br />

List of recorded localities for Nevrorthus apatelios H. Aspöck, U. Aspöck et<br />

Hölzel, 1977.<br />

Information is provided in the following format: Country: 1. first political subunit<br />

(District and/or Province and/or Periphery, etc.), second political subunit<br />

(County and/or Prefecture, etc., if known and applicable), Municipality (if known<br />

and applicable): specific locality (if known), GPS coordinates, collection dates,<br />

COLLECTORS or EXPEDITION, numbers of males (∆), females (≈), and larvae<br />

collected. Collecting method (if known). [Reference].<br />

GPS coordinates followed by an asterisk (*) are estimates made by the authors of this<br />

paper. All politico-geographic names are given in English or in the anglicized regional<br />

spelling if known, and if not, then in the language of their region. In some cases where<br />

confusion might exist, common alternate names used for a region, or a regional name as<br />

it appeared in the original publication, are included parenthetically, for example,<br />

“Pentagii (=Pendayi)”. The localities of holotype and paratypes are indicated.<br />

Albania:<br />

1. Kukës District, Kukës County, Bicaj, 42° 00 N, 20° 25’ E*, 14–15.VII.1918,<br />

ALBAN. EXP. NAT. MUS. WIEN, 4 ∆, 1 ≈. [Aspöck et al. 1977]<br />

2. Dibër District, Dibër County, Ploshtan, 41° 50’ 41” N, 20° 27’ 19” E*,<br />

22.VII.1918, ALBAN. EXP. NAT. MUS. WIEN, 1 ≈. [Aspöck et al. 1977]<br />

Bosnia-Herzegovina:<br />

1. Bosnia, Sarajevo, 43° 52 ’ 00” N, 18° 25’ 00” E*, 16.VII.1929, ZERNY, 1<br />

∆. [Aspöck et al. 1977]<br />

Bulgaria:<br />

1. Sofia Province, Sofia: Vitosha: Boyana, 42° 38’ 28” N, 23° 15’ 42” E*,<br />

20.VII.1893, F. KLAPALEK, 2 ≈. [Klapalek 1894, 1895, 1917; Popov 1990, 1993]<br />

2. Sofia Province, Sofia: Vitosha: Dragalevci, 42° 37’ 00” N, 23° 18’ 40” E*,<br />

20.VII.1893, F. KLAPALEK, 19 ∆, 5 ≈. [Klapalek 1894, 1895, 1917; Popov 1990,<br />

1993]<br />

Greece:<br />

1a. HOLOTYPE: Central Greece Periphery, Euboea Prefecture, Evia (=Euboea,<br />

Euboa) Island: stream S of Procopio, 38° 42’ N, 23° 30’ E, 250 m, 24.V.1974, H.<br />

MALICKY. 1 ∆. [Aspöck et al. 1977; Malicky 1984]<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

1b. PARATYPES: same locality as holotype, 24.V.1974 and 1.V.1975, H. MAL-<br />

ICKY, 27 ∆, 9 ≈, and 2 ∆, 1 ≈. [Aspöck et al. 1977; Malicky 1984]<br />

2. Central Greece Periphery, Euboea Prefecture, Evia (=Euboea, Euboa) Island,<br />

Steni Dirfyos: side stream of main brook of valley near first turn of road to<br />

Stropones, 38° 35’ 18” N, 23° 50’ 47” E*, 500 m, 24.V.1974, 4.VI.1979, 12.X.1980,<br />

and 13.III.1982, H. MALICKY, 2 larvae. [Malicky 1984]<br />

3. Central Greece Periphery, Phocis Prefecture, Vardousia: near Pentagii<br />

(=Pendayi), 38° 35’ N, 22° 04’ E, 950 m, 3.VI.1975, H. MALICKY, 1 ∆. [Aspöck<br />

et al. 1977; Malicky 1984; note: Malicky placed his locality in Aetolia (and thus the<br />

Aetolia-Acarnania Prefecture), but Pendagii is in fact in the Phocis Prefecture]<br />

4. East Macedonia and Thrace Periphery, Kavala Prefecture, Thasos (=Thassos)<br />

Island: 2 km NE of Mariés, main stream of Tales, 40° 41’ 51” N, 24° 38’ 17” E*,<br />

400 m, 17.VI.1979 and 17.X.1980, H. MALICKY, 1 larvae. [Malicky 1984]<br />

5. East Macedonia and Thrace Periphery, Kavala Prefecture, Thasos (=Thassos)<br />

Island: streamlets 5 km NE of Mariés, 40° 42’ 47” N, 24° 39’ 40” E*, 600 m,<br />

18.VI.1979 and 17.X.1980, H. MALICKY, 1 ≈. [Malicky 1984]<br />

6. East Macedonia and Thrace Periphery, Kavala Prefecture, Thasos (=Thassos)<br />

Island: streamlets SSE of Prinos, 40° 42’ 40” N, 24° 36’ 54” E*, 700 m, H. MAL-<br />

ICKY, 16.VI.1979 and 16.X.1980, 7 ∆. [Malicky 1984]<br />

7. Epirus (=Ipiros) Periphery, Ioannina Prefecture: source rivlet N of Tristenon,<br />

39 48’ N, 21 E, 950 m, 5.VI.1975, H. MALICKY, 1 ∆. [Aspöck et al. 1977; Malicky<br />

1984]<br />

8. Peloponnese Periphery, Corinthia Prefecture, Karteri (=Karterion): near<br />

Stymfalia Lake, 37° 51’ N, 22° 23’ E, 27.VII.1974, H. MALICKY, 1 ≈. [Aspöck et<br />

al. 1977; Malicky 1984]<br />

9. Thessaly Periphery, Magnesia Prefecture, Pelion Province, Chania (=Hánia),<br />

39° 23’ 47” N, 23° 03’ 41” E*, 21.VII.1987, C. SAURE, 1 ≈. [Saure 1989]<br />

10. Thessaly Periphery, Magnesia Prefecture: Pelion mountains E of Volos,<br />

brook above Portaria, 39° 23’ 39” N, 23° 00’ 25” E*, 750 m, 15.VI.1979 and<br />

13.X.1980, H. MALICKY, 6 ∆, 2 ≈. [Malicky 1984]<br />

11. West Greece Periphery, Achaea Prefecture, Zachlorou, 38° 05’ 53” N, 22° 09’<br />

47” E, 600 m, VI.1958 and 2–15.VII.1959, J. KLIMESCH and/or H. NOACK, 1 ∆,<br />

and 1 ∆, 1 ≈. [Aspöck et al. 1977; note: the politico-geographic information and<br />

GPS coordinates provided by Aspöck et al. for the locality “Zachlorou, 600 m”<br />

appear to have been very rough approximates, so new information and more accurate<br />

coordinate estimates are provided here]<br />

12. West Greece Periphery, Elia Prefecture, Kato Figaleia (=Ancient Phigaleia,<br />

Figalia, Kato Figalia), 37° 23’ 57” N, 21° 50’ 33” E*, 600 m, 25.V.1974, H.<br />

HÖLZEL, 6 ∆, 3 ≈. [Aspöck et al. 1977; note: the politico-geographic information<br />

and GPS coordinates provided by Aspöck et al. for the locality “Kato Figalia, 600<br />

m” cannot be correct; new information and coordinate estimates are provided here]<br />

13. West Greece Periphery, Elia Prefecture: ca. 10 km E of Olympia, brook by<br />

Church of Agios Nektarios, 37° 38’ 30” N, 21° 43’ 33” E*, 90 m, 21.V.1979, H.<br />

MALICKY, 6 ∆, 7 ≈. [Malicky 1984; note: the church east of Olympia indicated by<br />


J. R. Jones, D. Devetak: First record of Nevrorthidae from Slovenia<br />

Malicky could not be confirmed exactly; information and coordinates provided here<br />

are estimates only]<br />

Italy:<br />

1. Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, Province of Pordenone, Barcis: Cellina River,<br />

46° 11’ N, 12° 32’ E, 450 m, 23.VII.1996, M. VALLA and P. PANTINI, 2 ≈. Light<br />

trap.<br />

2. Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, Province of Pordenone: near Arcola, Cellina<br />

River, 46° 12’ 02” N, 12° 31’ 20” E*, VII–VIII.2006, R. PANTALEONI, U.<br />

ASPÖCK, H. ASPÖCK, R. RAUSCH, and H. RAUSCH, ∆∆, ≈≈, 2 larvae.<br />

Kosovo:<br />

1. District of Peå (=Ipek), Municipality of Peå, 42° 39’ 38” N, 20° 17’ 29” E*,<br />

21.VI.1917 and 26.VI.1917, S. PONGRÁCZ, 2 ∆. [Pongrácz 1923, Devetak &<br />

Jakøiå 2003]<br />

2. District of Prizren, Municipality of Prizren: NW slopes of Mt. Øar-planina,<br />

Prizrenska Bistrica, 42° 12’ 51” N, 20° 44’ 29” E*, 22.VII.1986, P. JAKØIÅ.<br />

[Devetak & Jakøiå 2003]<br />

Serbia:<br />

1. Jablanica District, Leskovac municipality, Predejane: Grdeliåka Klisura<br />

(=Grdelica gorge), side brook of South Morava River, 42° 50’ N, 22° 08’ E, 250 m,<br />

1.VI.1976, H. MALICKY, 2 ≈. [Aspöck et al. 1977, Malicky 1984]<br />

Slovenia:<br />

1. Goriøka Province, Kobarid Municipality, Dreænica: 0.5 km NW of town,<br />

Roœica stream, 46° 15’ 24.38” N, 13° 37’ 21.57” E, 634 m, 22.VI.2008, J. JONES,<br />

2 ∆. Sweep net. [this publication]<br />

References<br />

Aspöck, H., Aspöck, U., Hölzel, H., 1977: Neurorthus apatelios n. sp. – eine<br />

verkannte europäische Neurorthiden-Species (Neuroptera: Planipennia).<br />

Entomologische Zeitschrift, Frankfurt am Main, 87: 53-57.<br />

Aspöck, H., Aspöck, U., Hölzel, H., 1980: Die Neuropteren Europas. Eine zusammenfassende<br />

Darstellung der Systematik, Ökologie und Chorologie der<br />

Neuropteroidea (Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Planipennia) Europas. Vol. I: 495<br />

pp., Vol. II: 335 pp. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld.<br />

Devetak, D., Jakøiå, P. N., 2003: Neuroptera of Kosovo and Metohija (Serbia).<br />

Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen, 55: 45-53.<br />

Devetak, D., 1984: Megaloptera, Raphidioptera and Planipennia in Slovenia<br />

(Yugoslavia). Faunistical contribution. Neuroptera International, 3: 55-72.<br />

Google Earth mapping service. 2008. Version 4.3. [Computer software]. Available<br />

at http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html: Google.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Klapálek, F., 1917: Über die von Herrn Prof. A. Hetschko in Korsika gesammelten<br />

Neuropteroiden nebst Bemerkungen über einige ungenügend bekannte Arten.<br />

Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 36: 193-208.<br />

Letardi, A., Aspöck, U, Aspöck, H., Pantaleoni, R. A., 2006: Nevrorthus apatelios<br />

H. Aspöck et U. Aspöck et Hölzel, 1977 (Neuroptera Nevrorthidae) Nelle<br />

Prealpi Friulane. Revista del Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali “E. Caffi”<br />

Bergamo, 24: 91-92.<br />

Malicky, H., 1984: Ein Beitrag zur Autökologie und Bionomie der aquatischen<br />

Netzflüglergattung Neurorthus (Insecta, Neuroptera, Neurorthidae). Archiv für<br />

Hydrobiologie, 101: 231-246.<br />

Pongrácz, S., 1923: Recésszárnyúak. Neuropteroiden. Pp. 143-166, in: Csiki Erno<br />

Állattani Kutatásai Albániában. Explorationes zoologicae ab E. Csiki in Albania<br />

peractae. IX. A. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Balkán-Kutatásainak<br />

Tudományos Erdményei. Vol. 1. Budapest.<br />

Popov, A., 1993: Raphidiopteren und Neuropteren aus Bulgarien in den<br />

Sammlungen des Nationalmuseums in Prag. Historia Naturalis Bulgarica, 4:<br />

16-28.<br />

Popov, A., 1990: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Neuropteren des Witoscha Gebirges. Pp.<br />

78-87, in: Fauna na Yugozapadna Bulgariya. Vol. 3, 242 pp. Bulgarian<br />

Academy of Sciences, Sofia.<br />

Saure, C., 1989: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Neuropterenfauna Jugoslawiens und<br />

Griechenlands (Insecta, Planipennia). Entomofauna, 10: 33-43.<br />

Received / Prejeto: 18. 7. 2009<br />



LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2009 Vol. 17, øt. 2: 107–114<br />




Systematic Zoology Research Group,<br />

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Zoology,<br />

Hungarian Natural History Museum<br />

H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13. Hungary,<br />

E-mail: kontscha@zool.nhmus.hu<br />

Abstract – Eleven Uropodina species were collected from different parts of<br />

Slovenia. Original drawings, scanning micrographs and maps are given.<br />

KEY WORDS: Acari, Mesostigmata, Uropodina, fauna, Slovenia<br />



Enajst vrst podreda Uropodina je bilo najdenih v razliœnih delih <strong>Slovenije</strong>.<br />

Dodane so izvirne risbe, elektronsko mikroskopske slike in karte.<br />

KLJUŒNE BESEDE: Acari, Mesostigmata, Uropodina, favna, Slovenija<br />

Introduction<br />

Uropodina mites live in the soil, moss, leaf litter, nests of ants, birds and small<br />

mammals in Europe, but most of the species are inhabitants of the forest soils.<br />

Today we know about more than 340 species in Europe (Błoszyk 1999). Several<br />

countries are well investigated (e.g. German, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and<br />

Hungary (Wisniewski 1993, Błoszyk 1999, Maøán 2001, Kontschán 2008), but most<br />

of the countries are poorly-studied. Slovenia is one of the hardly known countries of<br />

Europe, recently only one species is listed (Trachytes aegrota (C. L. Koch, 1841))<br />

(Kontschán 2005).<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Material and methods<br />

Specimens were cleared in lactic acid and later stored in alcohol. Drawings were<br />

made with a camera lucida. Scanning micrographs were taken in the Hungarian<br />

Natural History Museum, Budapest with a HITACHI SN 2600 scanning electron<br />

microscope. The specimens examined are deposited in the Collections of Soil<br />

Zoology of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Abbreviations: DL:<br />

László Dányi, KJ: Jen6 Kontschán, MD: Dávid Murányi, SzGy: György Sziráki.<br />

Measurements are given in micrometers (µm).<br />

List of species<br />

Trachytidae<br />

Trachytes minima Trägardh, 1910<br />

New records: E-2461. Slovenia, Triglav NP., Koœa pri Periœniku, Triglavska<br />

stream (Bistrica), N 46 º25,681’E 13º 52,548’, 1046m a.s.l., beech forest, leaf litter,<br />

02.08.2008. DL., E-1957. Slovenia, Golnik, 460m a.s.l., mixed beech forest, from<br />

moss, 14.04.2006. DL+KJ., E-1953. Slovenia, Gozd Martuljek, beech forest, from<br />

soil, 13.04.2006. DL+KJ., E-2470. Slovenia, Goreljek, leaf litter, 02.09.2008. KJ.,<br />

Distribution: Europe.<br />

Trachytes mystacinus Berlese, 1910<br />

New records: E-2461. Slovenia, Triglav NP., Koœa pri Periœniku, Triglavska<br />

stream (Bistrica), N 46 º25,681’E 13º 52,548’, 1046m a.s.l., beech forest, leaf litter,<br />

02.08.2008. DL., E-2463. Slovenia, Triglav NP., Koœa pri Periœniku, near to the<br />

Periœnik waterfall, N 46°26’22.91”E 13°53’37.28”, 843m a.s.l., beech forest, leaf litter,<br />

02.08.2008. DL., E-1956. Slovenia, near Zgornje Jezersko, beech forest, from<br />

leaf litter, 13.04.2006. DL+KJ., E-1957. Slovenia, Golnik, 460m a.s.l., mixed beech<br />

forest, from moss, 14.04.2006. DL+KJ., E-1961. Slovenia, Golnik, 460m a.s.l.,<br />

mixed beech forest, from leaf litter, 14.04.2006. DL+KJ., E-1951. Slovenia, Potoœe,<br />

near the river Kokra, from leaf litter, 13.04.2006. DL+KJ., E-1953. Slovenia, Gozd<br />

Martuljek, beech forest, from soil, 13.04.2006. DL+KJ.<br />

Distribution: Central-Europe.<br />

Polyaspis patavinus Berlese, 1881<br />

New records: E-2454. Slovenia, Piran, Fiesa, wet meadow in the sea-shore, from<br />

decayed wood, 25.06.2008. SzGy.<br />

Distribution: Europe.<br />

Trematuridae<br />

Trichouropoda ovalis (C. L. Koch, 1839)<br />

(Fig. 1)<br />

New records: E-1961. Slovenia, Golnik, 460m a.s.l., mixed beech forest, from<br />

leaf litter, 14.04.2006. DL+KJ., E-2461. Slovenia, Triglav NP., Koœa pri Periœniku,<br />


J. Kontschán: First record of eleven Uropodina species from Slovenia (Acari: Mesostigmata)<br />

Figs 1-2: Scanning micrographs of Uropodina species from Slovenia: 1: ventral<br />

view of Trichouropoda ovalis (C. L. Koch, 1839); 2: ventral view of Urodiaspis<br />

tecta (Kramer, 1876).<br />

Triglavska stream (Bistrica), N 46 º25,681’E 13º 52,548’, 1046m a.s.l., beech forest,<br />

leaf litter, 02.08.2008. DL.<br />

Distribution: Europe.<br />

Urodinychidae<br />

Urodiaspis tecta (Kramer, 1876)<br />

(Fig. 2)<br />

New records: E-2468. Slovenia, Ribœev Laz, moss from the beach of lake<br />

Bohinjsko jezero, 03.09.2008. KJ., E-2461. Slovenia, Triglav NP., Koœa pri<br />

Periœniku, Triglavska stream (Bistrica), N 46 º25,681’E 13º 52,548’, 1046m a.s.l.,<br />

beech forest, leaf litter, 02.08.2008. DL.,<br />

E-2470. Slovenia, Goreljek, leaf litter, 02.09.2008. KJ., E-1955. Slovenia, Brezje<br />

pri Træiœu, 684m a.s.l., beech-pine mixed forest, from soil, 14.04.2006. DL+KJ.<br />

Distribution: Europe.<br />

Uroobovella pulchella (Berlese, 1904)<br />

(Figs 3-4)<br />

New records: E-1957. Slovenia, Golnik, 460m a.s.l., mixed beech forest, from<br />

moss, 14.04.2006. DL+KJ.<br />

Distribution: Central-Europe.<br />

Dinychus bincheaecarinatus Hirschmann, Wagrowska-Adamczyk & Zirngiebl-<br />

Nicol, 1984<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Figs 3-4: Uroobovella pulchella (Berlese, 1904): 3: dorsal view; 4: sternal region.<br />

New records: E-2457. Slovenia, (Sirex), Slovenske Gorice, Slavøina, beech forest<br />

284m a.s.l., N46°31.996’E15°57.631’, 25.06.2008. DL+KJ+MD.<br />

Distribution: Germany, France, Slovakia, Hungary.<br />

Uropodidae<br />

Cilliba cassidea (Hermann, 1804)<br />

(Fig. 5)<br />

New records: E-2466. Slovenia, Ribœev Laz, leaf litter near the lake Bohinjsko<br />

jezero, 03.09.2008. KJ., E-2463. Slovenia, Triglav NP., Koœa pri Periœniku, near to<br />

the Periœnik waterfall, N 46°26’22.91”E 13°53’37.28”, 843m a.s.l., beech forest, leaf<br />

litter, 02.08.2008. DL., E-1951. Slovenia, Potoœe, near the river Kokra from leaf litter,<br />

13.04.2006. DL+KJ.<br />

Distribution: Europe.<br />

Cilliba erlangensis (Hirschmann & Zirnbiegl-Nicol, 1969)<br />

(Fig. 6)<br />

New records: E-1951. Slovenia, Potoœe, near the river Kokra from leaf litter,<br />

13.04.2006. DL+KJ.<br />

Distribution: Central-Europe.<br />

Neodiscopoma pulcherrima (Berlese, 1903)<br />

(Fig. 7)<br />


J. Kontschán: First record of eleven Uropodina species from Slovenia (Acari: Mesostigmata)<br />

Figs 5-8: Scanning micrographs of Uropodina species from Slovenia: 5: ventral<br />

view of Cilliba cassidea (Hermann, 1804); 6: ventral view of Cilliba erlangensis<br />

(Hirschmann & Zirnbiegl-Nicol, 1969); 7: dorsal view of Neodiscopoma pulcherrima<br />

(Berlese, 1903), 8: dorsal view of Neodiscopoma splendida (Kramer, 1882).<br />

New records: E-2466. Slovenia, Ribœev Laz, leaf litter near the lake Bohinjsko<br />

jezero, 03.09.2008. KJ., E-2457. Slovenia, (Sirex), Slovenske Gorice, Slavøina,<br />

beech forest 284m a.s.l., N46°31.996’E15°57.631’, 25.06.2008. DL+KJ+MD., E-<br />

2458. Slovenia, (Sirex), Slovenske Gorice, Slavøina, beech forest 284m a.s.l.,<br />

N46°31.996’E15°57.631’, 25.06.2008. DL+KJ+MD., E-2463. Slovenia, Triglav<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

NP., Koœa pri Periœniku, near to the Periœnik waterfall, N 46°26’22.91”E<br />

13°53’37.28”, 843m a.s.l., beech forest, leaf litter, 02.08.2008. DL., E-2470.<br />

Slovenia, Goreljek, leaf litter, 02.09.2008. KJ., E-2461. Slovenia, Triglav NP., Koœa<br />

pri Periœniku, Triglavska stream (Bistrica), N 46 º25,681’E 13º 52,548’, 1046m a.s.l.,<br />

beech forest, leaf litter, 02.08.2008. DL., E-1956. Slovenia, near Zgornje Jezersko,<br />

beech forest, from leaf litter, 13.04.2006. DL+KJ., E-1953. Slovenia, Gozd<br />

Martuljek, beech forest, from soil, 13.04.2006. DL+KJ.<br />

Distribution: Europe.<br />

Neodiscopoma splendida (Kramer, 1882)<br />

(Fig. 8)<br />

New records: E-2463. Slovenia, Triglav NP., Koœa pri Periœniku, near to the<br />

Periœnik waterfall, N 46°26’22.91”E 13°53’37.28”, 843m a.s.l., beech forest, leaf litter,<br />

02.08.2008. DL.<br />

Distribution: Europe.<br />

Discussion<br />

The listed Uropodina species were collected in the Western and Eastern part of<br />

Slovenia (Fig. 9). Two of them (T. minima and T. mystacinus) are typical mountain<br />

elements, these are distributed in the Alps, the Carpathians and the Dinarids, and<br />

they were collected in Julijske Alpe and Karavanke. Other species also occur in the<br />

higher and lower mountains and the plains of Europe. They were found in mentioned<br />

two mountain chains (Julijske Alpe and Karavanke). One species (P. patavinus) was<br />

found near the sea shore and two species (N. pulcherrima and D. bincheaecarinatus)<br />

were collected in the plains of Slovenia.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

This research was supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA<br />

72744).<br />

References<br />

Błoszyk, J. (1999): Geograficzne i ekologiczne zróznicowaie zgrupowan roztoczy z<br />

kohorty Uropodina (Acari: Mesostigmata) w Polsce. I. Uropodina lsów gradowych<br />

(Carpinion betuli). Publikacja finansowana przez Uniwersytet im.<br />

Adama Mickiewicza w Ponaniu, 245 pp.<br />

Kontschán, J. (2005): On some little known and new Uropodina species (Acari:<br />

Mesostigmata) from Croatia, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovenia and Macedonia.<br />

Acta zool. Bulg. 57: 153-160.<br />

Kontschán, J. (2008): Magyarország korongatkái (Acari: Mesostigmata:<br />

Uropodina). – Állatt. Közl. 93(1): 3-15.<br />


J. Kontschán: First record of eleven Uropodina species from Slovenia (Acari: Mesostigmata)<br />

Fig. 9: Occurrences of the collected Uropodina species in Slovenia<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Maøán, P. (2001): Mites of the cohort Uropodina (Acari, Mesostigmata) in Slovakia.<br />

Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae 223: 1-320.<br />

Wisniewski, J. (1993): Die Uropodiden der Erde nach Zoogeographischen Regionen<br />

und Subregionen geordnet (Mit Angabe der Lande). Acarologie 40: 221- 291.<br />

Received / Prejeto: 11. 6. 2009<br />



LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2009 Vol. 17, øt. 2: 115–124<br />



Zsolt UJVÁRI<br />

Systematic Zoology Research Group of Hungarian Academy of Sciences<br />

and Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1088, Budapest,<br />

Baross u. 13., Hungary. E-mail: zs_ujvari@yahoo.com<br />

Abstract – From the material collected on several locations in Slovenia, 7 species of<br />

zerconid and 4 species of macrochelid mites were identified. All of the Zerconidae<br />

and 2 of the Macrochelidae species are newly recorded for the country. Description<br />

of male Zerconella leitnerae Willmann, 1953, morphological notes on Prozercon<br />

tragardhi Halbert, 1923, original drawings of some newly recorded species and<br />

maps are given.<br />

KEY WORDS: Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae, Macrochelidae, fauna, Slovenia<br />



V materialu zbranem na veœ krajih v Sloveniji smo doloœili 7 vrst prøic iz druæine<br />

Zerconidae in 4 vrste druæine Macrochelidae. Vse vrste druæine Zerconidae in 2<br />

druæine Macrochelidae so prviœ zabeleæene v dræavi. Dodani so opis samca vrste<br />

Zerconella leitnerae Willmann, 1953, morfoloøke znaœilnosti vrste Prozercon tragardhi<br />

Halbert, 1923, izvirne risbe nekaterih novo najdenih vrst in karte.<br />

KLJUŒNE BESEDE: Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae, Macrochelidae, favna, Slovenija<br />

Introduction<br />

Zerconid mites are widely distributed in the holarctic region, represented by over<br />

350 species of 36 genera. They are soil-inhabitant predators, occuring in moss, leaflitter<br />

and other organic detritus, feeding mostly on nematodes. Regarding the family<br />

Macrochelidae, these predatory mites are distributed world-wide, they can be found<br />

in different edaphic habitats, decomposed organic materials, dung, nests of birds and<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

small mammals or decayed animal tissues, many of them have phoretic association<br />

with insects. Our knowledge on distribution of species is scarce, however the<br />

Zerconidae and Macrochelidae fauna of numerous Central-European countries is<br />

well-investigated, several papers – observing the fauna of different countries – were<br />

published recently (e.g. Kontschán 2006a, 2006b, Kontschán & Ujvári 2008, Ujvári<br />

2008a, 2008b). Regarding to Slovenia, only one study has been published so far<br />

contributing to the Zerconidae fauna, but mentioning only two species new to science<br />

[Zercon primus Koøir, 1974, Carpathozercon tuberculatus (Koøir, 1974)] and new<br />

data of a rare species (Zercon plumatopilus Athias-Henriot, 1961) (Koøir, 1974).<br />

Latter paper contains only some hints in addition, mentioning that the species-richness<br />

of the group is high in the country, especially in mountainous regions, but no<br />

references or faunistical data are given. In this paper many new data of members of<br />

the two families, and maps with their occurences (Fig. 16) are presented.<br />

Material and methods<br />

Soil samples were taken from several localities in Slovenia. Members of the<br />

mesofauna were extracted using Berlese funnels. Specimens were separated under a<br />

stereo-microscope, cleared in lactic acid and impregnated with glycerin. Preparations<br />

were examined using a light microscope, drawings were made with a camera lucida.<br />

Mites are stored in alcohol and deposited in the Collections of Soil Zoology of the<br />

Hungarian Natural History Museum. Specimens were identified according to<br />

Błaszak (1974) and Maøán & Fend’a (2004). Measurements are given as mean, in<br />

micrometers, DN stands for deutonymphs.<br />

Results<br />

family Zerconidae G. Canestrini, 1891<br />

genus Prozercon Sellnick, 1943<br />

Prozercon fimbriatus (C. L. Koch, 1839)<br />

New data: Triglav National Park, Koœa pri Periœniku, near to the Periœnik waterfall,<br />

N 46°26’20.07”; E 13°53’39.39”, 787 m, mixed forest, moss from stones,<br />

02.08.2008 leg. Dányi, L. (10 ≈, 2 ∆, 1 DN); Triglav National Park, Koœa pri<br />

Periœniku, Triglavska stream (Bistrica), N 46 º25,681’ E 13º 52,548’, 1046 m, beech<br />

forest, leaf litter, 02.08.2008 leg. Dányi, L. (17 ≈, 9 ∆, 2 DN); Triglav National Park,<br />

Koœa pri Periœniku, near to the Periœnik waterfall, N 46°26’22.91”; E 13°53’37.28”,<br />

843 m, beech forest, leaf litter, 02.08.2008 leg. Dányi, L. (8 ≈); Predjama, leaf litter,<br />

04.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (19 ≈, 7 ∆, 4 DN); Bohinjska Bistrica, leaf litter,<br />

04.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (9 ≈, 12 ∆, 4 DN); Ribœev Laz, leaf litter near the lake<br />

Bohinjsko jezero, 03.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (7 ≈, 5 ∆); Ribœev Laz, moss from<br />

the beach of lake Bohinjsko jezero, 03.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (3 ≈, 1 ∆);<br />

Slovenske Gorice, Grabøinci, beech forest, N40°32.878’; E 15°59.005’, 284 m,<br />


Z. Ujvári: Contribution to the Mesostigmata fauna of Slovenia (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae et Macrochelidae)<br />

25.06.2008., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J., Murányi, D. (1 ∆); Piran, Fiesa, soil from<br />

laurel forest, 25.06.2008., leg. Sziráki, Gy. (1 ≈); Goreljek, leaf litter, 02.09.2008., leg.<br />

Kontschán, J. (1 ≈); Mts. Pohorje, litter and soil from beech forest above Oplotnica,<br />

09.08.2005., leg. Murányi, D. (6 ≈, 1 ∆); Golnik, leaf litter from mixed beech forest,<br />

460 m, 14.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (4 ≈); Golnik, moss from mixed<br />

beech forest, 460 m, 14.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (1 ≈); Belca, streamside,<br />

leaf litter from beech forest, 695 m, 13.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (14<br />

≈, 2 ∆); over Begunje na Gorenjskem, leaf litter, 788 m, 14.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L.,<br />

Kontschán, J. (4 ≈); Moste, dry-rotten tree from mixed beech forest on a lake shore,<br />

630 m, 13.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (1 ≈); Potoœe, leaf litter from riverbank<br />

of Kokra, 13.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (1 ≈, 1 ∆).<br />

Remarks: Most of specimens bear an additional seta between setae I 5<br />

. This is the<br />

first record in Slovenia.<br />

Prozercon tragardhi (Halbert, 1923) (Figs 1-4.)<br />

Figs 1-4: Prozercon tragardhi – 1: female from<br />

Triglav National Park; 2: female from Bohinjska<br />

Bistrica; 3: female from Oplotnica; 4: male from<br />

Oplotnica.<br />

New data: Triglav<br />

National Park, Koœa pri<br />

Periœniku, near to the<br />

Periœnik waterfall, N<br />

46°26’22.91”; E 13°53’-<br />

37.28”, 843 m, beech forest,<br />

leaf litter, 02.08.2008 leg.<br />

Dányi, L. (1 ≈).; Bohinjska<br />

Bistrica, leaf litter,<br />

04.09.2008., leg. Kontschán,<br />

J. (2 ≈, 1 ∆, 1 DN); Mts.<br />

Pohorje, litter and soil from<br />

beech forest above<br />

Oplotnica, 09.08.2005., leg.<br />

Murányi, D. (14 ≈, 5 ∆).<br />

Remarks: The only specimen<br />

found in the Triglav<br />

National Park (Fig. 1.) has<br />

strikingly long S4 setae,<br />

reaching beyond the margin<br />

of opisthonotum, and setae<br />

i 3<br />

are elongated and brushlike,<br />

differing in shape and<br />

length from other podonotal<br />

i-, z- and s-setae. However<br />

the mentioned characters<br />

are atypical for P. tragardhi,<br />

no other remarkable difference<br />

can be observed.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Regarding the specimens found in Bohinjska Bistrica and Oplotnica, they differ<br />

more strikingly from any other P. tragardhi specimens found in different Central-<br />

European countries, also in more important characters. Female specimens of P. tragardhi<br />

have only one pair of smooth setae (i 3<br />

) on podonotum, while females from<br />

latter two localities have two paires of smooth podonotal setae – i 3<br />

and i 4<br />

on the ones<br />

from Bohinjska Bistrica (Fig. 2.), i 4<br />

and z 1<br />

on specimens from Oplotnica (Fig. 3.).<br />

Most interesting that males (Fig. 4.) from the two localities are similar in the pilosity<br />

of podonotal setae. 3-6 paires of setae (i 3-6<br />

, z 1<br />

, s 3<br />

) smooth, i 2<br />

, i 6<br />

and s 3<br />

often slightly<br />

pilose. Nevertheless the male of P. tragardhi – similarly to the female – has only one<br />

pair of smooth podonatal setae (i 3<br />

) normally. Apart from the mentioned podonotal<br />

differences, no other opisthonotal or ventral charachters (including morphology of<br />

shields, chaeto- and poroidotaxy) can be observed, by which these specimens could<br />

be distinguished from Prozercon tragardhi. In my opinion – considering the intraspecific<br />

variation in number of smooth opisthonotal setae – these characters are insufficient<br />

for establishing a new taxon, however it is important to note that no such variation<br />

of P. taragardhi has been recorded before.<br />

This is the first record of the species in Slovenia.<br />

genus Zercon C. L. Koch, 1836<br />

Zercon baloghi Sellnick, 1958 (Fig. 5.)<br />

New data: Piran, Fiesa, seashore meadow, from dry-rotten wood, 25.06.2008.,<br />

leg. Sziráki, Gy. (1 ≈).<br />

Remarks: This is the first record in Slovenia.<br />

Zercon latissimus Sellnick, 1944 (Fig. 6.)<br />

New data: Triglav National Park, Koœa pri Periœniku, near to the Periœnik waterfall,<br />

N 46°26’20.07”; E 13°53’39.39”, 787 m, mixed forest, moss from stones,<br />

02.08.2008 leg. Dányi, L. (12 ≈, 2 ∆); Triglav National Park, Koœa pri Periœniku,<br />

Triglavska stream (Bistrica), N 46 º25,681’ E 13º 52,548’, 1046 m, beech forest, leaf<br />

litter, 02.08.2008 leg. Dányi, L. (4 ≈, 3 ∆); Triglav National Park, Koœa pri<br />

Periœniku, near to the Periœnik waterfall, N 46°26’22.91”; E 13°53’37.28”, 843 m,<br />

beech forest, leaf litter, 02.08.2008 leg. Dányi, L. (4 ≈); Bohinjska Bistrica, leaf litter,<br />

04.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (17 ≈, 4 ∆, 1 PN); Ribœev Laz, leaf litter near the<br />

lake Bohinjsko jezero, 03.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (7 ≈); Goreljek, leaf litter,<br />

02.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (1 ≈).<br />

Remarks: This is the first record in Slovenia.<br />

Zercon triangularis C. L. Koch, 1836<br />

New data: Predjama, leaf litter, 04.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (24 ≈); Ribœev<br />

Laz, moss from the beach of lake Bohinjsko jezero, 03.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J.<br />


Z. Ujvári: Contribution to the Mesostigmata fauna of Slovenia (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae et Macrochelidae)<br />

Figs 5-7: females of Zercon species new to the<br />

fauna of Slovenia – 5: Zercon baloghi; 6: Zercon<br />

latissimus; 7: Zercon tematinensis.<br />

(19 ≈, 2 ∆); Slovenske<br />

Gorice, Grabøinci, beech<br />

forest, N40°32.878’; E<br />

15°59.005’, 284 m,<br />

25.06.2008., leg. Dányi, L.,<br />

Kontschán, J., Murányi, D. (8<br />

≈); Goreljek, leaf litter,<br />

02.09.2008., leg. Kontschán,<br />

J. (1 ≈); Golnik, moss from<br />

mixed beech forest, 460 m,<br />

14.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L.,<br />

Kontschán, J. (1 ≈); Belca,<br />

streamside, leaf litter from<br />

beech forest, 695 m,<br />

13.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L.,<br />

Kontschán, J. (1 ≈, 3 ∆).<br />

Remarks: This is the first<br />

record in Slovenia.<br />

Zercon tematinensis<br />

Maøán & Fend’a, 2004 (Fig.<br />

7.)<br />

New data: Slovenske<br />

Gorice, Grabøinci, beech<br />

forest, N40°32.878’; E 15°59.005’, 284 m, 25.06.2008., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán,<br />

J., Murányi, D. (2 ≈); Mura Plain, litter and dead wood from forest near Gornja<br />

Radgona along the road 3, 09.08.2005., leg. Murányi, D. (2 ≈); Mts. Pohorje, litter<br />

and soil from beech forest above Oplotnica, 09.08.2005., leg. Murányi, D. (7 ≈).<br />

Remarks: Ornamentation on posterior half of opisthonotum varies intraspecifically:<br />

usually punctuated, rarely smooth. This is the first record in Slovenia.<br />

genus Zerconella Willmann, 1953<br />

Zerconella leitnerae Willmann, 1953 (Figs 8-11.)<br />

New data: Bohinjska Bistrica, leaf litter, 04.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (4 ≈, 1 ∆).<br />

Remarks: This is the first record in Slovenia.<br />

Description of male: Length of idiosoma: 273 m, width: 142 m.<br />

Dorsal side (Fig. 10.): Chaeto- and porotaxy as in female. On podonotum, 22 pairs<br />

of simple setae: i-row with 6 pairs, z-row with 2 pairs, s-row with 6 pairs, r-row with<br />

6 pairs and p-row wih 2 pairs. Setae i 1<br />

medium-sized, s 3<br />

, s 6<br />

and p 2<br />

strikingly elongated<br />

(6-10 times longer than any other podonotal setae, reaching beyond the margin of<br />

idiosoma), others short, smooth and needle-like. Setae p 1<br />

and p 2<br />

can be observed dor-<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Figs 8-11: Zerconella leitnerae – 8: female,<br />

dorsal view; 9: female, ventral view; 10: male,<br />

dorsal view; 11: male, ventral view.<br />

sally on the overcurved peritremal<br />

shield, p 2<br />

can have short hairs<br />

medially. On opisthonotum, 21<br />

pairs of smooth setae: I-row wih 5<br />

pairs, Z-row with 5 pairs, S-row<br />

with 4 pairs, R-row with 7 pairs.<br />

Setae I 5<br />

absent. Setae I 4<br />

, I 6<br />

, Z 4-5<br />

and S 2-4<br />

differently elongated,<br />

tapering, reaching beyond the<br />

margin of opisthonotum. Setae S 4<br />

– as the longest opisthonotal setae<br />

– 7 times longer than short setae<br />

(e. g. I 1<br />

). Setae I 4<br />

situated very<br />

close to each other, at the same<br />

time the distance between insertions<br />

of seate I 6<br />

quite long and can<br />

reach 90 µm. None of I-setae reaching<br />

the followings bases.<br />

Dorsal cavities situated in a row<br />

tightly close to each other,<br />

strongly sclerotized, with smooth<br />

anterior- and lobed posterior margin,<br />

the lateral pair slightly bigger<br />

than the medial pair. Dorsal shields<br />

very slightly sclerotized,<br />

bearing some small, irregular pits.<br />

Measurements of setae and longitudinal distances between their bases as in Table 1.<br />

I 1 12 Z 1 11 S 1 13<br />

I 1<br />

-I 2 26 Z 1<br />

-Z 2 26 S 1<br />

-S 2 21<br />

I 2 12 Z 2 12 S 2 62<br />

I 2<br />

-I 3 20 Z 2<br />

-Z 3 28 S 2<br />

-S 3 38<br />

I 3 15 Z 3 15 S 3 65<br />

I 3<br />

-I 4 32 Z 3<br />

-Z 4 19 S 3<br />

-S 4 29<br />

I 4 55 Z 4 52 S 4 79<br />

I 4<br />

-I 6 61 Z 4<br />

-Z 5 36<br />

I 6 41 Z 5 30<br />

Table 1: Length of opisthonotal setae and longitudinal distances between their<br />

bases in Zerconella leitnerae male (values in mm).<br />

Ventral side (Fig. 11.): Peritremes short, peritremal shield with a pair of small<br />

fissures over the posterolateral tips. Tritosternum bifurcate, with elongated, margi-<br />


Z. Ujvári: Contribution to the Mesostigmata fauna of Slovenia (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae et Macrochelidae)<br />

nally serrated lacinae. Sternogenital shield with 5 pairs of setae. One pair of adgenital<br />

shields with two pores and one pair of postgenital sclerites present. Anterior margin<br />

of ventroanal shield with two pairs of setae.<br />

family Macrochelidae Vitzthum, 1930<br />

genus Geholaspis Berlese, 1918<br />

subgenus Geholaspis Berlese, 1918<br />

Geholaspis berlesei Valle, 1953 (Figs 12-13.)<br />

Figs 12-15: females of Geholaspis species new to<br />

the fauna of Slovenia – 12: Geholaspis berlesei, dorsal<br />

view; 13: Geholaspis berlesei, ventral view; 14:<br />

Geholaspis mandibularis, dorsal view; 15:<br />

Geholaspis mandibularis ventral view.<br />

New data: Triglav<br />

National Park, Koœa pri<br />

Periœniku, near to the<br />

Periœnik waterfall, N<br />

46°26’20.07”; E 13°53’ -<br />

39.39”, 787 m, mixed forest,<br />

moss from stones, 02.08. -<br />

2008 leg. Dányi, L. (3 ≈);<br />

Triglav National Park, Koœa<br />

pri Periœniku, near to the<br />

Periœnik waterfall, N<br />

46°26’22.91”; E 13°53’ -<br />

37.28”, 843 m, beech forest,<br />

leaf litter, 02.08.2008 leg.<br />

Dányi, L. (2 ≈, 1 DN);<br />

Triglav National Park, Koœa<br />

pri Periœniku, Triglavska<br />

stream (Bistrica), N 46<br />

º25,681’ E 13º 52,548’, 1046<br />

m, beech forest, leaf litter,<br />

02.08.2008 leg. Dányi, L. (4<br />

≈); Predjama, leaf litter,<br />

04.09.2008., leg. Kontschán,<br />

J. (1 ≈); Bohinjska Bistrica,<br />

leaf litter, 04.09.2008., leg.<br />

Kontschán, J. (1 ≈);<br />

Goreljek, leaf litter, 02.09. -<br />

2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (4<br />

≈); Mts. Pohorje, litter and<br />

soil from beech forest above<br />

Oplotnica, 09.08.2005., leg.<br />

Murányi, D. (2 ≈); Gozd<br />

Martuljek, soil from beech<br />

forest, 13.04.2006., leg.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (1 ≈); Potoœe, leaf litter from riverbank of Kokra,<br />

13.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (1 ≈).<br />

Remarks: This is the first record in Slovenia.<br />

Geholaspis longispinosus Kramer, 1876<br />

New data: Piran, Fiesa, seashore meadow, from dry-rotten wood, 25.06.2008.,<br />

leg. Sziráki, Gy. (1 ≈).<br />

subgenus Longicheles Valle, 1953<br />

Geholaspis mandibularis Berlese, 1904 (Figs 13-14.)<br />

New data: Triglav National Park, Koœa pri Periœniku, Triglavska stream<br />

(Bistrica), N 46 º25,681’ E 13º 52,548’, 1046 m, beech forest, leaf litter, 02.08.2008<br />

leg. Dányi, L. (1 ≈); Bohinjska Bistrica, leaf litter, 04.09.2008., leg. Kontschán, J. (4<br />

≈); Ribœev Laz, leaf litter near the lake Bohinjsko jezero, 03.09.2008., leg.<br />

Kontschán, J. (2 ≈); Mts. Pohorje, litter and soil from beech forest above Oplotnica,<br />

09.08.2005., leg. Murányi, D. (10 ≈); Gozd Martuljek, soil from beech forest,<br />

13.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (1 ≈); Golnik, leaf litter from mixed beech<br />

forest, 460 m, 14.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (1 ≈); Potoœe, leaf litter<br />

from riverbank of Kokra, 13.04.2006., leg. Dányi, L., Kontschán, J. (2 ≈).<br />

Remarks: This is the first record in Slovenia.<br />

genus Macrocheles Latreille, 1829<br />

subgenus Macrocheles Latreille, 1829<br />

Macrocheles glaber (Müller, 1860)<br />

New data: 1. Slovenske Gorice, Slavøina, beech forest, 284 m, collected from<br />

Geotrupes vernalis (phoresis) N46°31.996’ E15°57.631’ 25.06.2008., leg. Dányi, L.,<br />

Kontschán, J., Murányi, D. (1 ≈).<br />

Discussion<br />

New data of the rare Zerconella leitnerae seems to consider the fact that the<br />

species is distributed in the whole Alps, presumably as an alpine element. In the case<br />

of Z. tematinensis [previously recorded only from Slovakia (Maøán & Fend’a 2004)<br />

and Hungary (Ujvári 2008)] the new occurrences show that this species can be characterized<br />

by an East Alpine distribution. Regarding Z. latissimus its turnout was<br />

expected by its presence in the neighbouring countries (Hungary, Croatia and Italy),<br />

it seems that the species has a wide Mediterranean distribution from the Iberian<br />

Peninsula to the Balkan. Two of the species found (Z. baloghi, G. berlesei) are abundant<br />

and prevalent in Central Europe, both inhabiting different forest habitats of low<br />

and moderate mountains, occurring in moss and leaf-litter. Accordingly the finding<br />


Z. Ujvári: Contribution to the Mesostigmata fauna of Slovenia (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae et Macrochelidae)<br />

Fig. 16:. New occurences of Zerconidae and Macrochelidae species in Slovenia.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

of Z. baloghi on a seashore grassland is fairly curious, nevertheless the only specimen<br />

recorded from a meadow habitat also shows that these mite species are principally<br />

associated with forests and can rarely be collected in treeless vegetation. The<br />

remaining six species (P. fimbriatus, P. tragardhi, Z. triangularis, G. mandibularis,<br />

G. longispinosus, M. glaber) are widely distributed in Europe (Macrocheles glaber<br />

can be considered as cosmopolitan), they constituted the largest part of the observed<br />

material. The mentioned species can be characterized by wide ecological plasticity,<br />

occurring in various forest habitats, on a broad scale of altitudes from plains to<br />

mountains.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

This research was supported by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA<br />

72744). I am grateful to Dr. Peter Maøán and Dr. Ra∂it Urhan for their advices in the<br />

identification of Prozercon tragardhi specimens.<br />

References<br />

Błaszak, C. (1974): Monografie fauny Polski. Tom 3. Zerconidae (Acari,<br />

Mesostigmata) Polski. Polska Akademia Nauk, Zaklad zoologii systematicznej<br />

i do wiadczalnej, Pa stwowe Wydawnicztwo Naukowe, Warsawa, Kraków, 315<br />

pp.<br />

Kontschán, J. (2006a): Check list of the Hungarian Mesostigmatid mites. I. – II.<br />

Zerconidae and Macrochelidae. Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis<br />

30: 129-136.<br />

Kontschán, J. (2006b): Mesostigmatid mites from Maramure∂ (Romania) (Acari:<br />

Mesostigmata: Uropodina et Gamasina: Zerconidae, Macrochelidae, Epicriidae,<br />

Eviphidae et Parasitidae). Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Arad. 17: 53-57.<br />

Kontschán, J. & Ujvári, Zs. (2008): Mesostigmatid mites from Maramure∂. Studia<br />

Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Arad, 18 (suppl.): 347-357.<br />

Koøir, M. (1974): Description of a new Zercon and Prozercon species from<br />

Yugoslavia and the record of Zercon plumatopilus (?) Athias-Henriot, 1961<br />

(Acarina, Mesostigmata: Zerconidae). Bioloøki Vestnik 22: 75-88.<br />

Maøán, P. & Fend’a, P. (2004): Zerconid mites of Slovakia (Acari, Mesostigmata,<br />

Zerconidae). Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 238<br />

pp.<br />

Ujvári, Zs. (2008a): New records of zerconid mites from Mts. Papuk (Croatia) with<br />

description of Zercon kontschani sp. nov. Opuscula Zoologica Instituti<br />

Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis 37: 43-62.<br />

Ujvári, Zs. (2008c): New records of the family Zerconidae (Acari: Mesostigmata)<br />

from the Transdanubian (Western- and Southern-Hungary). Folia Historico-<br />

Naturalia Musei Matraensis 32: 77-87.<br />

Received / Prejeto: 11. 6. 2009<br />


H. Deutsch: Pelatea klugiana (Freyer, 1834) – ein Beitrag zur Biologie (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)<br />




Helmut DEUTSCH<br />

Lavant 45, A – 9900 Lienz/Osttirol, Austria, e-mail: hdl@tirol.com<br />



V maju 2009 smo na juænih poboœjih Slavnika naøli gosenice zavijaœa vrste Pelatea<br />

klugiana (Freyer, 1834). Vrsto v Sloveniji zadnji omenja Mann (1854). Vrsta je<br />

razøirjena na obmoœjih s hranilno rastlino, od Øpanije do Ukrajine. V prispevku predstavljamo<br />

podatke o biologiji vrste ter fotografije habitata, hranilne rastline, gosenice<br />

in metulja.<br />

KLJUŒNE BESEDE: Pelatea klugiana, Tortricidae, Slovenija, Paeonia officinalis<br />



Pelatea klugiana was recently found on the southern slopes of the Slavnik<br />

Mountain in the Slovenian Karst. The presence of the species in Slovenia was last<br />

mentioned by Mann in 1854. It is distributed in areas with the hostplant, from Spain<br />

to Ukraine. Data on its biology and photos of habitat, hostplant, caterpillar and imago<br />

are given.<br />

KEY WORDS: Pelatea klugiana, Tortricidae, Slovenia, Paeonia officinalis<br />

Bei dieser Art handelt es sich um einen wenig nachgewiesenen Wickler<br />

(Tortricidae) mit lückenhafter Verbreitung in den Gebirgen Zentral- und Südeuropas,<br />

immer verknüpft mit dem Vorkommen von Pfingstrosen-Arten (Paeonia spp.) als<br />

Nahrungspflanzen der Raupen. Bereits 1854 meldet Josef MANN die Art aus<br />

Slowenien, er berichtet von Raupenfunden auf dem Nanos; Pasquale TREMATERRA<br />

(2003) gibt sie für die Provinzen Südtirol-Trentino und Friaul-Julisch-Venetien in<br />

Norditalien an. Aus Österreich ist sie von Niederösterreich bekannt (HUEMER &<br />

TARMANN, 1993). In einer 2005 erschienenen umfassenden Publikation von<br />

NEDOSHIVINA & ZOLOTUHIN wird die Subspecies P. klugiana verucha aus Russland<br />

und deren Biologie beschrieben.<br />

Als ich im Juni 2003 zusammen mit meinem slowenischen Freund und<br />

Sammelkollegen Stane Gomboc den Karstberg Slavnik südöstlich von Kozina<br />

(Slowenien) besuchte, fanden wir in einer Höhe von 700 – 800 m NN auf windgeschützten<br />

Waldwiesen ansehnliche Paeonia-Bestände. Die Pflanzen waren am Ende<br />

der Blütezeit, es fielen uns sofort große, zusammengesponnene Klumpen an den<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Abb.1: Die Pfingstrose (Paeonia officinalis) ist die Nahrungspflanze der Raupen<br />

von P. klugiana<br />

Abb.2: Habitat: Bergwiesen am Slavnik, 800 m NN<br />


H. Deutsch: Pelatea klugiana (Freyer, 1834) – ein Beitrag zur Biologie (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)<br />

Abb.3: Die großen, auffallenden Gespinste werden oft von mehreren Raupen<br />

bewohnt<br />

Laubblättern auf. Ohne zu ahnen, um welche Art es sich dabei handelte, nahmen wir<br />

einige dieser Raupengehäuse mit und verstauten sie im Wagen.<br />

Wegen der zahlreichen Überraschungen des Lichtfanges in den folgenden beiden<br />

Nächten vergaßen wir auf die Raupen und das Schicksal nahm seinen Lauf. Die<br />

Sonne des wolkenlosen Junitages heizte unsere Autos derart auf, dass die<br />

Pfingstrosen mitsamt ihren Raupenbewohnern eingekocht wurden.<br />

Beim Zerlegen der Blattknäuel fanden wir einige Puppen, aus denen jedoch nichts<br />

mehr schlüpfte, sie waren alle abgestorben.<br />

Mai 2009: Inzwischen hatte ich über diverse Literatur in Erfahrung gebracht, dass<br />

es einen Wickler gibt, dessen Raupen an Pfingstrosen leben, nämlich Pelatea klugiana.<br />

Nun wollte ich die beeindruckenden Karst-Bergwiesen nochmals aufsuchen,<br />

um gezielt nach dieser Rarität Ausschau zu halten. Nach der langen, mühsamen<br />

Anfahrt über eine grobe Schotterstraße konnte ich mit Freude feststellen, dass der<br />

Lebensraum noch unverändert war und die Pfingstrosen (Paeonia officinalis) in voller<br />

Blüte standen. Welch ein wunderbarer Anblick! Es dauerte nur wenige Minuten,<br />

bis ich die ersten auffällig versponnenen Blattklumpen entdeckte, manche hatten die<br />

Größe einer Faust, man konnte sie von weitem schon sehen. Ich hoffte, dass es sich<br />

auch tatsächlich um die gesuchte Spezies handeln würde. Es hätte genauso eine<br />

gewöhnliche, polyphage Art sein können, deren Raupen auch an Pfingstrosen fressen.<br />

Ich öffnete vorsichtig eines der Raupengespinste, es befand sich darin eine dunkelgrüne<br />

Raupe, in einem anderen Gehäuse war bereits eine Puppe vorhanden.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Abb.4: Erwachsene Raupe von P. klugiana (Länge = 17 mm)<br />

Abb.5: P. klugiana, Imago (Spannweite = 21 – 23 mm)<br />


H. Deutsch: Pelatea klugiana (Freyer, 1834) – ein Beitrag zur Biologie (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)<br />

Damit hielt ich meine Neugierde im Zaum und behandelte meine Beute sorgfältig,<br />

um sie gut nachhause zu bringen.<br />

Daheim wurden die Gespinste in große Plastikboxen gegeben und mit einem<br />

Deckel versehen. Schließlich sollten die Pflanzen bei erhöhter Luftfeuchtigkeit noch<br />

einige Tage frisch bleiben, damit die Raupen ihre Entwicklung abschließen konnten.<br />

Mit Spannung wurde nun der Schlupf der Imagines abgewartet. Eine Woche später<br />

schlüpfte der erste Falter, es war tatsächlich Pelatea klugiana und in den folgenden<br />

Tagen kamen noch weitere Tiere. Es stellte sich heraus, dass in den größeren<br />

Gehäusen bis zu 7 Raupen gelebt hatten, die leeren Puppenhüllen, die aus dem<br />

Gespinst ragten, waren der Beweis dafür.<br />

Auffallend war, dass nahezu alle der 20 Puppen tadellose Falter ergaben, nur eine<br />

war parasitiert. Die geschlüpften Schmetterlinge verhielten sich ausgesprochen<br />

ruhig, sie flogen kaum auf, sondern versuchten sich am Boden zwischen Blättern und<br />

Pflanzenteilen zu verbergen. Dieser Umstand kam mir beim Fotografieren der Tiere<br />

sehr entgegen.<br />

Zusammenfassend kann angemerkt werden, dass Pelatea klugiana eine ausgesprochen<br />

lokal vorkommende Art ist, die in den passenden Lebensräumen durchaus<br />

in einer hohen Populationsdichte auftreten kann. Die Art scheint montane bis subalpine<br />

Habitate zu bevorzugen, die Suche nach Raupen in niedrig gelegenen Biotopen<br />

mit Paeonia-Beständen im italienischen und slowenischen Karst (Küstennähe) war<br />

bisher nicht erfolgreich.<br />

Literatur<br />

Huemer, P. & Tarmann, G., 1993: Die Schmetterlinge Österreichs. Systematisches<br />

Verzeichnis mit Verbreitungsangaben für die einzelnen Bundesländer.<br />

Veröffentlichungen des Museums Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck, Beilageband 5, 224 p.<br />

Fischer, M. A., Adler W. & Oswald, K., 2005: Exkursionsflora für Österreich,<br />

Liechtenstein und Südtirol; 2nd ed. – Land Oberösterreich, Biologiezentrum der<br />

OÖ Landesmuseen, Linz, p. 1392<br />

Mann, J., 1854. Aufzählung der Schmetterlinge, gesammelt auf einer Reise im<br />

Auftrage des k.k. zoologischen Museums nach Oberkrain und dem<br />

Küstenlande, in den Monaten Mai und Juni 1854, als Beitrag zur Fauna des<br />

Österreichischen Kaiserstaates. – Zool. Bot. Ver. Wien IV (1854): 545 – 596.<br />

Nedoshivina S. V. & Zolotuhin V. V., 2005: A new subspecies of Pelatea klugiana<br />

(Freyer, 1836) from the Middle Volga Region of Russia with notes on its morphology<br />

and life history (Tortricidae). – Nota lepid. 28 (1): 3 - 9<br />

Razowski, J., 2003: Tortricidae of Europe, Volume 2 Olethreutinae. – Bratislava,<br />

301 p.<br />

Trematerra P., 2003: Catalogo dei Lepidoptera Tortricidae della Fauna italiana. –<br />

Boll. Zool. Agr. e Bachicolt., Università degli Studi di Milano, Suppl., 35<br />

(2003), 270 p.<br />

Received / Prejeto: 23. 10. 2009<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />



Æeljko PREDOVNIK<br />

Polzela 68c., SI-3313 Polzela, Slovenija, e-mail: zeljko99@volja.net<br />



The inventory of Slovene bagworms has now been enlarged by one species. The<br />

contribution deals with the find of the species Ptilocephala muscella (Psychidae),<br />

which was observed in Kriæevci, in Goriœko Landscape Park (Northeast Slovenia).<br />

The find is not surprising, since P. muscella is present in all neighbouring countries<br />

with the exception of Croatia.<br />

KEY WORDS: Lepidoptera, Psychidae, Ptilocephala muscella, new record, fauna,<br />

Slovenia.<br />

Izvleœek - Spisek slovenskih vreœkarjev je tokrat daljøi øe za eno vrsto. V prispevku<br />

obravnavamo najdbo vrste Ptilocephala muscella (Psychidae), ki je bila opaæena v<br />

Kriæevcih, v krajinskem parku Goriœko (SV Slovenija). Najdba ne preseneœa, saj je<br />

P. muscella prisotna v vseh sosednjih deæelah z izjemo Hrvaøke.<br />

KLJUŒNE BESEDE: Lepidoptera, Psychidae, Ptilocephala muscella, nova najdba,<br />

favna, Slovenija.<br />

Ptilocephala muscella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)<br />

Najdiøœe: WM98: Goriœko, Kriæevci, Petriœini, 17.5.2009, 15∆ v prostem letu<br />

med 11:16. in 12:13 h, leg. et coll. Predovnik.<br />

Vrsto P. muscella so naøli v Øpaniji, Portugalski, Franciji, Italiji, Avstriji,<br />

Nemœiji, na Œeøkem, Slovaøkem, Madæarskem, v Bolgariji, Romuniji, centralni,<br />

juæni in vzhodni Rusiji (Fauna Europaea Web Service, 2004).<br />

Po Kusdasu in Reichlu (1974) P. muscella naseljuje suhe termofilne travnike,<br />

peøœena poboœja z redko vegetacijo in podobne tople habitate, kjer je zelo vezana na<br />

doloœen kraj in se tam obœasno zelo pogosto pojavlja. Po Forsterju in Wohlfahrtu (1984)<br />

imajo gosenice enoleten ciklus in prezimijo, zabubijo pa se v aprilu ali maju. Gosenice<br />

se kot izraziti polifagi hranijo z vsemi mogoœimi vrstami nizkih zeli, zlasti z njihovimi<br />

cvetovi. Let samœkov se priœne od konca aprila do zaœetka junija, œez dan obiœajno med<br />

11:30 in 12:30 h, vœasih tudi pozneje (okoli 17 h) (Kusdas & Reichl, 1974).<br />

V Sloveniji smo muøjega vreœkarja opazovali na enem od termofilnih, suhih travnikov<br />

v Kriæevcih, kjer se je veœ sveæe izleglih samœkov spreletavalo v lepem in sonœnem<br />

vremenu. Samœki so letali v œasovno kratkih in hitrih vijugavih letih pribliæno pol metra<br />

do meter visoko nad nizko vegetacijo. S svojim izrazito dlakavim, œrnim trupom in z<br />

rahlo srebrnkastim odbleskom kril, so se na soncu med letom na trenutke svetlikali.<br />

Razpon kril najdenih primerkov znaøa 15-19 mm (n = 11). Pri ponovnem obisku lokacije<br />

31. 5. 2009 kljub primernemu vremenu in uri dneva osebkov nismo veœ opazili.<br />


Æ. Predovnik: Ptilocephala muscella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) prviœ najdena v Sloveniji (Lepidoptera: Psychidae)<br />

Sl. 1: Biotop vrste Ptilocephala muscella v Kriæevcih<br />

Sl. 2: Samœki vrste Ptilocephala muscella iz Kriæevcev<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Relief <strong>Slovenije</strong> ©Geografski inøtitut Antona Melika ZRC SAZU<br />

Sl. 3: Karta severovzhodne<br />

<strong>Slovenije</strong> z oznaœenim<br />

najdiøœem vrste P. muscella.<br />

Ptilocephala muscella<br />

Carnelutti (1992a, 1992b) v rdeœem seznamu metuljev <strong>Slovenije</strong> tega vreœkarja<br />

za favno <strong>Slovenije</strong> ne navaja, kot ga ne navajajo niti poznejøe objave, ki govorijo o<br />

novih najdbah v Sloveniji. Tudi pogovori z nekaterimi kolegi so potrdili, da gre za<br />

najdbo nove vrste v slovenski favni metuljev. Moæno je, da je kakøen primerek<br />

samœka ali vreœke prisoten øe v zbirki katerega od naøih ali tujih entomologov.<br />

Zahvala<br />

Na tem mestu bi se rad zahvalil specialistu za druæini Sesiidae in Psychidae,<br />

Thomasu Sobczyku (Hoyerswerda, Nemœija) za pomoœ pri determinaciji vrste P.<br />

muscella ter Andreju Kapli za izdelavo zemljevida razøirjenosti.<br />

Literatura<br />

Carnelutti, J., 1992a: Rdeœi seznam ogroæenih metuljev (Macrolepidoptera) v<br />

Sloveniji. Varstvo narave, Ljubljana, 17: 61-104.<br />

Carnelutti, J., 1992b: Popravki /errata. Varstvo narave, Ljubljana, 18: 189-190.<br />

Fauna Europaea Web Service, 2004: Fauna Europaea version 1.3 (last update 19.<br />

4. 2007), http://www.faunaeur.org.<br />

Forster, W., Wohlfahrt, T. A., 1984: Die Schmetterlinge Mitteleuropas. Bd. III:<br />

Spinner und Schwärmer (Bombyces und Sphinges), 2. Aufl. Stuttgart<br />

(Franckh). 239 S: 161-162.<br />

Kusdas, K., Reichl, E. R., 1974: Die Schmetterlinge Oberösterreichs. Teil 2:<br />

Schwärmer, Spinner. Ent. Arbeitsgem. OÖ. Landesmuseum, Linz. 263 S: 192-194.<br />

Prejeto / Received: 7. 10. 2009<br />


H. Bellmann: Naøe in srednjeevropske æuæelke. Zaloæba Narava, 2009<br />


Heiko Bellmann: Naøe in srednjeevropske æuæelke. Zaloæba Narava, 2009<br />

Pred kratkim je v zaloæbi Narava izøel prevod fotografskega priroœnika Naøe in<br />

srednjeevropske æuæelke, enega izmed priznanih Kozmosovih vodnikov po æivem<br />

svetu. Za slovenski prevod so poskrbeli dr. Ignac Sivec, dr. Milan Lovka (koæekrilci)<br />

in Jurij Kurillo, dr. med. (metulji).<br />

Knjiga je res bogato ilustrirana, tako da lahko veliko æuæelk in nekatere pajkovce<br />

prepoznamo na zelo dobrih fotografijah, po katerih je avtor Bellmann vsaj v svoji<br />

domovini dobro znan. Posebej cenim, da na slikah ni prikazan samo izgled æuæelk,<br />

temveœ tudi njihova dejavnost, znaœilno okolje, razvojne stopnje in podobno.<br />

Na prvih straneh knjige so predstavljene æuæelœje skupine, njihova zgradba in<br />

naœin æivljenja. Sledi seznam priporoœenega slovstva, tudi domaœega, in slovarœek<br />

strokovnih izrazov. Æe na notranji strani platnic so shematiœno prikazane oblikovne<br />

znaœilnosti posameznih redov æuæelk. Na naslednjih 400 straneh pa so prikazane<br />

izbrane vrste æuæelk in v dodatku tudi pajkovcev. Besedila k fotografijam so na sodih<br />

straneh, lihe strani pa so izpolnjene s fotografijami æivih æuæelk v njihovem okolju.<br />

Na teh straneh je preko 1400 fotografij, ki prikazujejo veœ kot 1000 vrst œlenonoæcev.<br />

Zato bo marsikdo, ki ni strokovnjak<br />

biolog ali entomolog, s pomoœjo te<br />

knjige izvedel veliko o teh æivalih, z<br />

veliko verjetnostjo bo lahko ugotovil,<br />

v katero skupino æuæelk opazovana<br />

æuæelka spada ali pa bo lahko celo<br />

ugotovil rod in vrsto. Pohvalno je, da<br />

so marsikje dodane tudi slike liœink<br />

in drugih razvojnih stadijev, ne samo<br />

odraslih æivali.<br />

V besedilu so navedeni opisi k<br />

vsaki skupini æuæelk, besedilo k<br />

posamezni vrsti pa vsebuje kratek<br />

opis, nahajaliøœe in razne znaœilnosti.<br />

Marsikje je dodan tudi opis podobnih<br />

vrst.<br />

Knjigo lahko priporoœimo vsakemu<br />

biologu in entomologu, ki bi rad<br />

vedel kaj veœ tudi o drugih, njemu<br />

manj znanih skupinah æuæelk in<br />

pajkovcev.<br />

Seveda pa tudi ta knjiga ni brez<br />

napak ali nepopolnosti. Ker se zadnja<br />

leta ukvarjam predvsem z gorskimi<br />

økræadi, me je zmotilo, da je opis<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

napeva gorskega økræada napaœen in da ni omenjeno, da gre pri vrsti Cicadetta montana<br />

v resnici za skupino podobnih in ozko sorodnih vrst, ki jih je v Evropi vsaj 12<br />

in se vse jasno razlikujejo ravno po napevih. Nekaj slovenskih vrstnih imen je brez<br />

potrebe drugaœnih kot v knjigi Æivalstvo <strong>Slovenije</strong> (Sket et al., 2003), katere se je<br />

smiselno dræati. Tako so peøœinske œebele (rod Andrena) na primer spet postale<br />

peøœene, diøavke (rod Osmia) po nemøkem izrazu Mauerbienen zidarice, kar je<br />

økoda, saj bi bilo poenotenje in ustalitev slovenskih izrazov koristnejøe. In strokovnjaki<br />

za posamezno skupino æuæelk bodo naøli øe kakøno napako ali pomanjkljivost.<br />

Kljub temu pa sem prepriœan, da je ta knjiga izredno dragocena obogatitev<br />

entomoloøke literature v slovenskem jeziku.<br />

Matija Gogala<br />


D. Mader: Populationsdynamik, Ökologie und Schutz des Hirschkäfers (Lucanus cervus) im Raum um Heidelberg und Mannheim.<br />

Detlef Mader, 2009: Populationsdynamik, Ökologie und Schutz<br />

des Hirschkäfers (Lucanus cervus) im Raum um Heidelberg und Mannheim.<br />

Verlag Regionalkultur, Ubstadt-Weiher, ISBN 978-3-89735-594-1.<br />

The Stag Beetle (Lucanus cervus) is the largest and one of the most charismatic<br />

beetle species in Europe. Nowadays it is protected in most of European countries and<br />

is a species of high conservation concern since it is listed at Annex II of European<br />

Union Habitat Directive, important for declaring Natura 2000 sites. Despite this its<br />

ecology and population biology is still very poorly known. There are very few comprehensive<br />

studies of the species and very few works that would give general insight<br />

into Stag Beetle biology, for example Klausnitzer’s “Die Hirschkäfer” from 1982.<br />

This year we got a new book about Stag Beetle written by Detlef Mader. The book is<br />

principally focused on the local populations in Germany, especially at Heidelberg and<br />

Mannheim, but the author succeeded to collect a large number of studies and references<br />

from the whole Europe, including Slovenia. The book is consisted of 35 chapters.<br />

Some describe general features and population ecology of the species, and some<br />

more detailed descriptions of local German Stag Beetle populations. In the book the<br />

overview over species studies, development, seasonal dynamics and conservation is<br />

given. The species biology is also compared to some other larger saproxylic beetles<br />

(i.e. Dorcus parallelepipedus, Cetonia aurata, Prionus coriarius) as well as to some<br />

other beetle and insect species. In the first chapters the study areas in Germany and<br />

observation methods are given. More detailed remarks about Stag Beetle morphology,<br />

movements, swarming, sex ratio and flight characteristics with weather influence<br />

are given in following chapters. Some mortality causes are discussed in several chapters<br />

including predation, traffic influence and other human induced mortality causes.<br />

Special attention is paid on the possible occurrence of synantropy in the Stag Beetle,<br />

what is an important issue in the term of conservation efforts for the species in<br />

Europe. Other chapters are focused on descriptions of local Stag Beetle populations<br />

in different regions in Germany. For researchers the very valuable part of the book is<br />

large list of references given at the end. The book is written in German. The weakness<br />

of the book is that there are no tables or figures that would more clearly present<br />

results. However, I evaluate the book as an important part in the library of every Stag<br />

Beetle researcher due to a large quantity of data, which are given. Therefore I think<br />

the reference will be very useful source in further Stag Beetle studies over Europe. At<br />

the end also author’s personal observations are given from 2008, when he surveyed<br />

Stag Beetles, and also cerambycid Prionus coriarius, almost every day from the end<br />

of May till the mid of August. Therefore this data can be used for comparison in other<br />

similar studies in Europe. For conclusion it has to be pointed out that the main reason<br />

for preparing this book was an exceptional year 2008, when numerous Stag Beetles<br />

appeared in the author’s study area. Therefore the author named the year 2008 the<br />

Stag Beetle year. The book can be ordered at the author’s e-mail address<br />

(dr.detlef.mader@web.de) at the price of 49,00 EUR.<br />

Al Vrezec<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

20. mednarodna konferenca o biologiji podzemlja bo potekala od 29. 8. do 3.<br />

9. 2010 v Postojni. Biologija podzemlja je integrativna veda, ki prouœuje vse vidike<br />

æivljenja v podzemeljskih okoljih, kot so kraøke jame, øpranje in razpoke, ali talna<br />

voda. Svoje zaœetke beleæi v raziskovanju æivalstva Postojnske jame, kjer je bil leta<br />

1831 odkrit jamski hroøœ drobnovratnik. Mednarodna konferenca o biologiji podzemlja<br />

je osrednji dvoletni mednarodni dogodek, na katerem znanstveniki z vsega<br />

sveta poroœajo o najnovejøih spoznanjih pri prouœevanju in varstvu podzemeljskega<br />

sveta.<br />

Pomemben del podzemeljske biodiverzitete predstavlja entomofavna. Jamskim<br />

hroøœem je v okviru konference namenjen poseben simpozij. Veœ informacij o konferenci<br />

je na spletnem naslovu www.icsb2010.net.<br />

The 20 th International Conference on Subterranean Biology will be held from<br />

Aug 29 to Sep 3, 2010, in Postojna, Slovenia. Subterranean biology is an integrative<br />

field of biology dealing with all aspects of life in subterranean environments like<br />

caves, subterranean fissure systems, or groundwater. Its origins date back to the first<br />

investigations of the fauna of Postojna Cave, starting with the discovery of the<br />

famous beetle Leptodirus hochenwartii in 1831. The biennial International<br />

Conference on Subterranean Biology is the premier forum for the presentation and<br />

discussion of advances in theoretical and applied subterranean biology.<br />

Insects represent an important component of subterranean biodiversity. Within<br />

the conference, there will be a special symposium dedicated to subterranean<br />

coleopterans. For more information see www.icsb2010.net.<br />


J. Gregori: Kranjska œebela (Apis mellifera carnica): vidiki njene sedanje ogroæenosti v Sloveniji<br />




Janez GREGORI<br />

<strong>Prirodoslovni</strong> <strong>muzej</strong> <strong>Slovenije</strong>, Preøernova 20, 1000 Ljubljana;<br />

e-mail: jgregori@pms-lj.si<br />

Izvleœek - Narejena je analiza vidikov ogroæenosti kranjske œebele v œasu njenega<br />

pospeøenega propadanja. Groænji sta predvsem veœplastno gensko onesnaæevanje in<br />

propadanje lokalnih populacij œebel, kar zmanjøuje njihovo gensko raznolikost, prihaja<br />

do siromaøenja genskega sklada. Kranjsko œebelo je treba ohranjati na ravni krajevnih<br />

razliœkov ali ekotipov. Doloœiti je treba obmoœja v Sloveniji, kjer bi ohranjali<br />

lokalne populacije in prepreœili vsako meøanje s œebelami sumljivega izvora.<br />

Kranjska œebela nujno potrebuje vsestransko zakonsko varovanje, izdelati in sprejeti<br />

je treba poseben zakon o kranjski œebeli in œebelarstvu.<br />

KLJUŒNE BESEDE: kranjska œebela, Apis mellifera carnica, ogroæenost, Slovenija<br />



An analysis of the aspects of the Carniolan honey bee’s threat status at the time<br />

of its quickened decline has been made. The threats are mainly the genetic pollution<br />

and downfall of the bee’s local populations, which diminishes their gene<br />

diversity and impoverishes their gene pool. The Carniolan honey bee should be<br />

preserved at the level of its local varieties or ecotypes. The areas in Slovenia,<br />

where the bee’s local populations would be conserved and its mixing with bees of<br />

suspicious origin prevented, must be clearly stipulated. The Carniolan honey bee<br />

is in implicit need of being totally protected by law, which means that a special law<br />

on the Carniolan honey bee and apiculture is to be prepared and passed as soon as<br />

possible.<br />

KEY WORDS: Carniolan honey bee, Apis mellifera carnica, threat status, Slovenia<br />

Uvod<br />

O pospeøenem umiranju œebel poroœajo iz raznih delov sveta, najbolj zaskrbljujoœe<br />

je v ZDA, kjer je v zimi 2007/08 odmrlo 750 000 do 1 milijon œebeljih druæin,<br />

nekateri œebelarji pa so imeli do 90% izgube svojih druæin (Cox-Foster & D.<br />

vanEngelsdorp, 2009).Veliko se razpravlja o ogroæenosti kranjske œebele pri nas in<br />

iøœe vzroke za stanje, ki ni najbolj obetavno. Glavni problem je propadanje œebeljih<br />

druæin in s tem povezano siromaøenje genskega sklada. Poglobljena razmiøljanja,<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

tako stroke kot laiœne javnosti, so sproæili predvsem spomladanski pomori œebel<br />

zaradi pesticidov v nekaterih predelih <strong>Slovenije</strong> leta 2008. Analizirati skuøamo vse<br />

negativne vplive, ki kakorkoli zadevajo naøo œebelo.<br />

1. Sploøno o medonosni œebeli<br />

Medonosna œebela (Apis mellifera) se je, kot edina predstavnica svojega rodu, na<br />

ozemlju svoje naravne razøirjenosti, to je Evrope, Afrike in Prednje Azije, prilagajala<br />

okolju, v katerem je æivela. Ko sta se ob koncu zadnje poledenitve zaœela sneg in<br />

led pomikati spet proti severu, jima je sladila vegetacija, z njo pa tudi œebele. Zaradi<br />

naravnih pregrad je prihajalo do osamitev posameznih populacij, med njimi ni bilo<br />

veœ genskega pretoka, in razvile so se v samostojne podvrste ali geografske rase. Ko<br />

je œlovek naselil naøe kraje, so œebele æe bile tu. Bile so œlen takratnih ekosistemov,<br />

tako kot so to øe danes.<br />

Med gojenimi æivalmi je œebela edina ostala neudomaœena, edina med njimi se<br />

lahko pari z divje æiveœimi predstavniki svoje vrste in z njimi vzdræuje genski pretok<br />

(Moritz, 2005). Gojene æivali je œlovek z dolgoletno selekcijo preoblikoval po svojih<br />

potrebah in nastale so øtevilne oblike, ki jih oznaœujemo kot pasme. V preteklosti<br />

so tudi pri œebelah govorili o pasmah. Vendar pa je dejstvo, da so se medonosne<br />

œebele oblikovale v razliœne oblike zaradi naravne selekcije, in jih je znanost prepoznala<br />

kot samostojne podvrste ali rase (Gregori, 2003a; Boæiœ, 2005).<br />

2. Kranjska œebela<br />

August Pollmann je leta 1879 svetu predstavil kranjsko œebelo kot samostojno<br />

podvrsto ali raso in ji dal znanstveno ime Apis mellifera carnica (Pollmann, 1879).<br />

Znanstveno ime dokazuje, da kranjska œebela ni bila domestificirana, saj v taksonomiji<br />

ni mednarodno veljavnih predpisov za tako poimenovanje domestificiranih<br />

æivali (Jeffrey, 1977).<br />

Naravna razøirjenost kranjske œebele je prostrana, od vzhodnega obrobja<br />

Julijskih Alp, ob Visokih Turah v œrti proti Dunaju in Brnu, nato do Karpatov in vse<br />

do severne Makedonije ter obal Jadrana. Pollmannova predstavitev temelji na œebelah,<br />

ki mu jih je s Kranjskega poslal œebelarski trgovec Emil Rothschütz iz<br />

Podsmreke pri Viønji gori. Tipska lokaliteta kranjske œebele je torej v Sloveniji.<br />

Nemøko jo je Pollmann imenoval Krainer Biene in Krainische Biene (tako, kot so<br />

jo na Kranjskem imenovali nemøko govoreœi), angleøko govoreœi svet pa jo imenuje<br />

Carniolan Bee, kar vse pomeni kranjska œebela. Zaradi izrazite telesne sivine,<br />

predvsem zadka, ji reœemo tudi sivka, angleøko govoreœi pa Carniolan grey, kranjska<br />

sivka.<br />

Pri medonosni œebeli (Apis mellifera), danes razlikujemo 28 razliœnih ras (Engel,<br />

1999), razøirjenih predvsem v Afriki in Prednji Aziji, v Evropi pa prevladujejo tri:<br />

poleg kranjske øe italijanska (A. m. ligustica) in temna œebela (A. m. mellifera).<br />

Buckfaøka œebela, s katero tudi œebelarijo ponekod v Evrop, ni naravnega nastanka,<br />

ampak jo je vzredil Adam Kehrle (ali brat Adam) iz opatije Buckfast, ko je s<br />


J. Gregori: Kranjska œebela (Apis mellifera carnica): vidiki njene sedanje ogroæenosti v Sloveniji<br />

kriæanjem raznih ras iskal primerno œebelo, s katero bi lahko œebelarili na<br />

Britanskem otoœju, potem, ko je prøiœavost tamkajønjo avtohtono œebelo uniœila skoraj<br />

do izumrtja. Buckfaøka œebela je umetno vzrejena œebela, kriæanec razliœnih ras<br />

in kot taka nima znanstvenega imena.<br />

Pristopna pogodba <strong>Slovenije</strong> k EU (deklaracija øt. 42) doloœa »ohranjanje kranjske<br />

œebele kot avtohtone pasme œebel in avtohtone populacije s posebnimi znaœilnostmi<br />

na ozemlju Republike <strong>Slovenije</strong>«. S tem prispeva k vzdræevanju bioloøke raznolikosti<br />

in ohranitvi avtohtonega genskega materiala, katerega rezultat naj bi bila<br />

gensko stabilna in uravnoteæena populacija kranjske œebele.<br />

Kranjska œebela je danes razøirjena na vseh kontinentih in je po øtevilu druæin, s<br />

katerimi œebelarijo, takoj za italijansko. Vendar pa so te kranjske œebele v veliki meri<br />

kriæane z drugimi rasami, predvsem z italijansko.<br />

2.1. Ekotipi kranjske œebele<br />

Zaradi prilagajanja krajevnim razmeram so v Sloveniji nastale edinstvene populacije<br />

œebel, ki jih je stroka lahko prepoznavala kot posamezne krajevne razliœke ali<br />

ekotipe, izkustveno pa jih prepoznavajo tudi œebelarji sami, predvsem njihovo prilagojenost<br />

na izkoriøœanje lokalnih gozdnih paø. Œebelarska stroka jih je identificirala<br />

in jim dala tudi ime: alpski, dinarsko-kraøki, panonski in mediteranski ekotip kranjske<br />

œebele (Rihar, 1972; Zdeøar, 1999). Æe iz njihovih imen lahko zakljuœimo, v<br />

katerih predelih <strong>Slovenije</strong> so razøirjeni. Svoje ekotipe predstavljajo œebelarski srenji<br />

tudi naøi sosedje, Koroøci in Hrvati.<br />

Evropska usmeritev je, da se ohranja kranjsko œebelo na ravni krajevnih razliœkov<br />

ali ekotipov (Gregorc, 2008a; De la Rua in sod., 2009), zato se tudi obravnavani vidiki<br />

ogroæenosti nanaøajo v veliki meri na ekotipe<br />

3. Vidiki ogroæenosti kranjske œebele<br />

3.1. Genska polucija kranjske œebele nekoœ<br />

Ogroæenost kranjske œebele je treba iskati predvsem v smeri njene vse veœje izpostavljenosti<br />

genski poluciji, kriæanju z drugimi povrstami, kot tudi vse veœje genske<br />

homogenizacije znotraj podvrste. To vpraøanje je izpostavljeno æe v znameniti<br />

»Spomenici«, ki jo je leta 1920 predloæil Odsek za varstvo prirode in prirodnih spomenikov<br />

Muzejskega druøtva v Ljubljani. V njej je, med drugim, navedeno, katere<br />

rastline in æivali je treba nemudoma zavarovati, »ako se hoœemo obraniti sicer opraviœenemu<br />

oœitku nekulturnosti in nepojmovanja vaænosti prirodnega varstva.«<br />

Spomenica je izjemno pozornost namenila tudi kranjski œebeli. V njej je, med drugim,<br />

zapisano: »Varuje naj se tudi kranjska œebela kot naravni spomenik… S prirodopisnega<br />

in narodnogospodarskega staliøœa je potrebno, da se kranjska<br />

pasma ohrani. Nevarnost, ki preti tej pasmi, ne obstaja v tem, da bi se œebelarstvo<br />

v naøih krajih opustilo, marveœ v tem, da bi se ta pasma ne pomeøala s krvjo<br />

drugih pasem in bi izgubila na ta naœin svoje specifiœne vrline. Zato naj se prepove<br />

uvoz æivih œebel in matic v kraje, kjer je doma kranjska œebela…«. Po skoraj<br />

devetih desetletjih glede reøevanja tega vpraøanja nismo priøli ravno daleœ.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

3.2. Genska polucija kranjske œebele danes<br />

Za sedaj nimamo ustreznega pregleda, kakøna je groænja. Nevarnost prihaja tako<br />

iz tujine, kot je prisotna tudi znotraj <strong>Slovenije</strong>. Na nevarnosti prostega pretoka blaga<br />

z vstopom v Evropo, na dovoljene prevoze œebel in proste nakupe matic je opozarjal<br />

Poklukar (1999).<br />

3.2.1. Genska polucija, ki prihaja v Slovenijo<br />

V Sloveniji je zakonsko dovoljeno gojiti samo kranjsko œebelo (Zakon o æivinoreji,<br />

70. œlen). Kljub zakonski prepovedi prihaja do vnaøanja tujih matic, ki so bile<br />

mogoœe prodane kot kranjice, a je njihov izvor nejasen. Nekateri œebelarji, predvsem<br />

iz JZ <strong>Slovenije</strong> vnaøajo matice italijanske rase.<br />

Vse bolj vpraøljiv je œebelji kriæanec, buckfaøka œebela, ki jo nekateri evropski<br />

œebelarji ponekod nekontrolirano uvajajo. Poznani so vnosi buckfaøke œebele tudi pri<br />

nas. O tem poroœajo zanesljivi poznavalci œebel, vendar ostaja samo pri omenjanju<br />

greha, greønike pa øe vedno prikrivajo. Primer ‘preizkuøanja’ buckfaøke œebele je bil<br />

tudi med registriranimi vzrejevalci matic.<br />

Vnos buckfaøke œebele je groænja genske polucije kot take, lahko pa prihaja pri<br />

potomcih omenjenih kriæancev in kranjske œebele do neugodnih etoloøkih sprememb.<br />

Pri potomcih kriæanja lahko prihaja do poveœanja agresivnosti in je delo s<br />

œebelami moœno oteæeno (Brother Adam, 1987). To predstavlja veliko nevarnost za<br />

ljudi, œe so œebelnjaki blizu naselij – tako pa je v mnogih predelih <strong>Slovenije</strong>.<br />

3.2.2. Genska homogenizacija znotraj <strong>Slovenije</strong><br />

Obseg genske homogenizacije je tako zajeten in kompleksen, da je videti æe<br />

neobvladljiv. Dogaja se v celoti na ravni ekotipov.<br />

V Sloveniji je okoli 30 registriranih vzrejevalcev matic, razprøenih po obmoœjih<br />

raznih ekotipov œebel. Prodaja matic je pri nas prosta, kar pomeni, da œebelar lahko<br />

kupi matice pri kateremkoli vzrejevalcu. Œebele so tako vse bolj skriæane, njihova<br />

identiteta vse bolj zabrisana, sposobnost preæivetja v danem okolju se lahko<br />

zmanjøuje, genski sklad pa se vse bolj siromaøi.<br />

Pri nas se vse bolj pospeøuje prodaja umetno narejenih œebeljih druæin, narejencev,<br />

ki gredo v glavnem v izvoz, nekaj pa se jih proda tudi znotraj dræave.<br />

Povpraøevanje po njih je predvsem v spomladanskem œasu, ko œebelarji skuøajo<br />

nadomestiti zimske izgube, kadar presegajo priœakovan obseg. Prodaja poteka<br />

nekontrolirano, prihaja do meøanja œebel razliœnih ekotipov. Podobno je v primerih,<br />

ko se prodajajo œebelje druæine øirom <strong>Slovenije</strong>.<br />

H genski homogenizaciji prispevajo prevozi œebel na paøo v œasu plemenjenja<br />

matic: te se plemenijo z lokalnimi troti, ki lahko pripadajo drugemu ekotipu. Dogaja<br />

se tudi obratno, ko na paøo (predvsem kostanjevo) pripeljejo prevaæevalci œebele v<br />

bliæino registriranih plemeniøœ in se njihovi troti lahko parijo z maticami s plemeniøœ.<br />

V okviru vzreje matic poteka progeni test, pri katerem se matice registriranih<br />

vzrejevalcev dajo v testiranje œebelarjem v razliœnih predelih <strong>Slovenije</strong>. Testirane<br />

matice nato ostanejo na mestu testiranja. Do leta 2003 je bilo v test danih 5 478 matic<br />

(Poklukar, 2003). Progeni test øe vedno poteka, leta 2006 so vzrejevalci poslali v<br />


J. Gregori: Kranjska œebela (Apis mellifera carnica): vidiki njene sedanje ogroæenosti v Sloveniji<br />

testiranje 1177 matic (Gregorc, 2008b). Tudi posledice progenega testa øtejemo kot<br />

prispevek h genski homogenizaciji œebel (Gregori, 2003b).<br />

3.3. Propadanje œebeljih druæin<br />

To je najbolj usodna razseænost ogroæenosti kranjske œebele pri nas, je najbolj<br />

pereœ problem, ker prihaja do nepovratnih izgub in s tem siromaøenja genskega sklada.<br />

Prihaja do poœasnega izumiranja edinstvenih lokalnih populacij. Genski sklad, ki<br />

je nastajal milijone let, poœasi peøa, lokalne populacije izginjajo in z njimi tudi dragoceni<br />

genski zapisi.<br />

Iz razliœnih vzrokov tako prihaja do zmanjøevanja genske raznolikosti kranjske<br />

œebele, katere izvorno obmoœje je prav Slovenija. Zato smo dolæni ohranjati œim<br />

veœjo raznolikost genskega sklada œebel, vendar brez vnosa genov iz sosednjih ali<br />

drugih tujih obmoœij, kjer tudi gojijo kranjsko œebelo. Preteæni del <strong>Slovenije</strong> je lahko<br />

oblikovan kot genski sklad kranjske œebele, kot je to priporoœeno za varovanje avtohtonih<br />

populacij (Boæiœ, 2005)<br />

3.3.1. Propad malih œebelarstev<br />

Pri ohranjanju genske raznolikosti so kljuœnega pomena razprøena tradicionalna<br />

mala œebelarstva, kjer zaradi stacionarnega naœina œebelarjenja ni prihajalo do<br />

meøanja œebel. So neke vrste genska banka, ki pa je vse bolj ogroæena. Pri tem je øe<br />

kako dragocen vsak œebelnjak, kjer se pri œebelah øe ohranjajo genski zapisi, vsaka<br />

krajevna populacija œebel, kjer ne prihaja do meøanja z drugimi ekotipi. V bolj<br />

odroœnih krajih so œebelnjaki, bolj so dragocene œebele v njih.<br />

Øtevilo naseljenih panjev se manjøa s starostjo œebelarjev. Starostna struktura slovenskih<br />

œebelarjev je neugodna, øe pred kratkim je bila povpreœna starost okoli 65<br />

let, se pa z dotokom mlajøega œlanstva zmanjøuje. Malo œebelarstvo se s starostjo<br />

lastnika manjøa in slej ko prej propade.<br />

K pospeøenemu zmanjøevanju øtevila malih œebelarstev je prispevala uvedba<br />

davka tudi za mala œebelarstva leta 2007, kar se je zgodilo prviœ v zgodovini slovenstva<br />

in izzvalo med œebelarji veliko ogorœenje, poslediœno pa se je poveœala<br />

nevarnost zmanjøevanja øtevila malih œebelarstev (Majdiœ, 2007). To so veœinoma<br />

mali kmetje, ki se poleg kmetovanja ukvarjajo øe z nekaj druæinami œebel, bolj zato,<br />

ker so bile æe od nekdaj pri hiøi. In redna zdravljenja varoze so tudi vse veœja obveza.<br />

Davek, ki je sedaj moœno omiljen, je bil kapljica œez rob - in bati se je, da je marsikdo<br />

œebelarjenje opustil.<br />

3.3.2. Odmiranje lokalnih populacij œebel<br />

Dogaja se, da v kratkem œasu propade nenavadno veliko œebel, lahko cele lokalne<br />

populacije. Vzroki propada so razliœni.<br /> Dejavniki okolja<br />

Najbolj kritiœen œas za œebele je æe od nekdaj zima. Izgube druæin, ki se suœejo<br />

okoli 10 odstotkov od vseh zazimljenih, so normalne in priœakovane. Izgube œebelarji<br />

navadno nadomestijo iz lastnega œebeljega fonda.<br />


Acta entomologica slovenica, 17 (2), 2009<br />

Tudi pri nas so vse bolj spoznavne podnebne spremembe, ki prizadenejo œebele<br />

predvsem zaradi suøe v poletnem œasu, ko se œebelarji ne nadejajo, da je prekinjena<br />

vsakrøna paøa in œebele propadejo zaradi lakote. Takøno je bilo poletje 2007, ko so<br />

v Sloveniji zaradi lakote propadle øtevilne druæine, predvsem v severovzhodnem<br />

delu dræave.<br /> Posledice varoze<br />

Prøica varoja (Varroa destructor) se je pri nas pojavila v 80. letih prejønjega stoletja<br />

in je prisotna v vseh naøih œebeljih druæinah. Œebelja druæina zanesljivo propade,<br />

œe ji ne priskoœi na pomoœ œebelar, z ukrepi, ki zmanjøujejo njeno øtevilo.<br />

Dogaja se, da v obøirnejøih predelih predvsem zaradi varoze propadejo vse<br />

druæine. Propade celotna lokalna populacija. Da so ob œebele, œebelarji neradi priznajo.<br />

Rajøi pohitijo in kupijo nove druæine, kjer se jih paœ kupiti da. Gregorc (2009)<br />

ocenjuje, da je v zimi 2007/2008 v Sloveniji propadlo pribliæno 30% œebeljih druæin.<br />

Podobno oceno daje Zdeøar (2009), ki ugotavlja, da je propadlo veœ kot 50 000<br />

druæin, od skupnih 170 000. Velika pomanjkljivost je, da nimamo toœnega pregleda,<br />

koliko druæin propade.<br /> Posledice drugih bolezni<br />

Do propada druæin prihaja tudi zaradi raznih drugih bolezni (npr. hude gnilobe).<br />

Pri oceni umrljivosti zaradi varoze je potrebna previdnost, saj kot posledico delovanja<br />

varoje v svetu ugotavljajo vse veœ razliœnih viroz z letalnimi uœinki. Zimske propade<br />

druæin lahko pospeøi pogojna bolezen nosemoza, katere povzroœitelj je Nosema<br />

apis. V novejøem œasu pa se vse bolj øiri nosemoza, ki jo povzroœa azijske nosema<br />

(Nosema ceranae) in napada œebelje druæine æe v poletnem œasu. Ugotovili so jo tudi<br />

æe v Sloveniji.<br />

3.4. Œloveøki dejavnik<br />

Za veœino naøtetega so krivi œebelarji, œe se premalo posveœajo svojim œebelam<br />

ali jih lahkomiselno kupujejo kjerkoli, zaradi œesar prihaja do genske homogenizacije.<br />

Poleg skrbi za rasno œistost œebel morajo skrbeti v glavnem za njihovo zdravstveno<br />

varstvo in pravoœasno krmljenje. Pravoœasni posegi bi ohranili pri æivljenju<br />

veliko veœino propadlih œebeljih druæin. Zaskrbljujoœa je ocena, da od leta 2000<br />

naprej vsako drugo ali tretje leto v Sloveniji odmre 30 do 45% vseh œebeljih druæin<br />

(Zdeøar, 2008).<br />

Œebele ogroæa uporaba fitofarmacevtskih sredstev (FFS) v kmetijstvu. Obœasno<br />

in lokalno prihaja do pomorov œebel, nevarna pa je stalna izpostavljenost subletalnim<br />

koliœinam FFS, ki prikrito negativno vplivajo na œebelji organizem, med drugim<br />

na orientacijske sposobnosti, in s tem tudi na sploøno odpornost (cf. Bevk,<br />

2009).<br />

Izpostaviti je treba slabo strokovno podkovanost nekaterih œebelarjev, ki pravzaprav<br />

ne vedo, kako bi morali ukrepati, da druæine ne bi propadle, oziroma se za to<br />

premalo zanimajo.<br />


J. Gregori: Kranjska œebela (Apis mellifera carnica): vidiki njene sedanje ogroæenosti v Sloveniji<br />

4. Zakonsko varstvo kranjske œebele<br />

Kranjska œebela je neposredno zavarovana z zakonom o æivinoreji. Øtevilni pravilniki<br />

vkljuœujejo preteæno vsebine iz zakona o æivinoreji in øtevilna podroœja œebelarstva<br />

niso vkljuœena. Za ohranitev biotske raznovrstnosti kranjske œebele morajo<br />

biti zakonsko opredeljeni in reøeni tudi vsi drugi dejavniki, pomembni za œebelarstvo<br />

in za preæivetje kranjske œebele. Za ohranjanje slovenske avtohtone populacije kranjske<br />

œebele je potrebno izdelati in sprejeti poseben Zakon o kranjski œebeli in œebelarstvu<br />

(Øalehar & Gregori, 2009).<br />

Zakljuœki<br />

Poveœano propadanje œebeljih druæin narekuje temeljito analizo, kaj vse ogroæa<br />

œebele v sedanjosti.<br />

V skladu s pristopno pogodbo k EU je Slovenija dolæna ohranjati kranjsko œebelo<br />

na vseh ravneh njene ogroæenosti.<br />

Prepreœevati je treba gensko onesnaæevanje kranjske œebele, kot tudi homogenizacijo<br />

posameznih ekotipov znotraj <strong>Slovenije</strong>.<br />

Kranjsko œebelo je treba varovati na ravni njenih lokalnih populacij, na ravni krajevnih<br />

razliœkov ali ekotipov.<br />

Doloœiti je treba obmoœja doslednega ohranjanja lokalnih populacij.<br />

Ohranjati je treba tradicionalne œebelnjake v odroœnih krajih, kjer ni prihajalo do<br />

genske homogenizacije.<br />

Vso skrb je treba posveœati zdravstvenemu varstvu œebel in s tem ohranjanju njihovega<br />

fonda.<br />

Zaradi spreminjanja podnebnih razmer je treba pri œebelah ob vsakem letnem<br />

œasu posveœati pozornost zalogam hrane.<br />

V kmetijstvu naj se FFS uporabljajo na naœin, ki bo œim manj prizadel œebele.<br />

Pospeøiti je treba strokovno izobraæevanje œebelarjev.<br />

Kranjska œebela nujno potrebuje vsestransko zakonsko varovanje. Potrebno je<br />

izdelati in sprejeti poseben Zakon o kranjski œebeli in œebelarstvu.<br />

V reøevanje vpraøanj ogroæenosti kranjske œebele kot podvrste in œlena ekosistemov<br />

bi se morale zaœeti vkljuœevati tudi naravovarstvene sluæbe.<br />

Literatura<br />

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Cox-Foster, D., D. vanEngelsdorp, 2009: Saving the honeybee. Scientific<br />

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Prejeto /Received: 20. 10. 2009<br />


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