Board games from the city of Vijayanagara (Hampi ... - Gioco dell'Oca.

Board games from the city of Vijayanagara (Hampi ... - Gioco dell'Oca.

Board games from the city of Vijayanagara (Hampi ... - Gioco dell'Oca.


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Articles<br />

Articles<br />

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Documents et Matériaux<br />

Dokumente und Materialien<br />

Research Notes<br />

Notes de recherche<br />

Forschungsberichte<br />

Book Reviews<br />

Comptes rendus<br />

Rezensionen<br />


Peter Michaelsen<br />

On some unusual types <strong>of</strong> stick dice 9<br />

Rangachar Vasantha<br />

<strong>Board</strong> Games <strong>from</strong> <strong>the</strong> City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Vijayanagara</strong> (<strong>Hampi</strong>)<br />

(1336-1565): a survey and a study 25<br />

Mayarí Granados<br />

Reflections on <strong>the</strong> role <strong>of</strong> baroque <strong>games</strong> tables with allegories<br />

<strong>of</strong> war in German courts 37<br />

Andrew Morris-Friedman and Ulrich Schädler<br />

“Juden Raus!” (Jews Out!): History’s most infamous board game 47<br />

Manfred Zollinger<br />

Zwei unbekannte Regeln des Gänsespiels: Ulisse Aldrovandi<br />

und Herzog August d.J. von Braunschweig-Lüneburg 61<br />

Thierry Depaulis<br />

Un jeu de pions mapuche au XVIe siècle 87<br />

Alex de Voogt<br />

Hawalis in Oman: a first account <strong>of</strong> expertise and<br />

dispersal <strong>of</strong> four-row mancala in <strong>the</strong> Middle East 95<br />

Obituaries / Nécrologies / Nachrufen<br />

Ken Whyld (6 March 1926-11 July 2003), by Jurgen Stigter 99<br />

Alain Borveau (1933-2002), by Thierry Depaulis 102<br />

Renate Syed, Kanauj, die Maukharis und das Caturanga. Der<br />

Ursprung des Schachspiels und sein Weg von Indien nach<br />

Persien, von Egbert Meissenburg 104<br />

Stefan Fatsis, Word freak: heartbreak, triumph, genius, and<br />

obsession in <strong>the</strong> world <strong>of</strong> competitive Scrabble players,<br />

by Wayne Saunders 119<br />

Robert Bollschweiler, Die Handschriften großer Schachmeister,<br />

von Hans Holländer 125<br />

Roberto Convenevole and Francesco Bottone, La storia di Risiko<br />

e l'anello mancante : origini e evoluzione del gioco di strategia<br />

più diffuso nel mondo, by Thierry Depaulis 127<br />

Summaries / Résumés / Zusammenfassungen 130<br />

Instructions to Authors 137<br />


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