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3 of 4 DOCUMENTS<br />

Case Name:<br />

<strong>BURSEY</strong> v. <strong>ACADIA</strong> <strong>MOTORS</strong> <strong>LTD</strong>.<br />

[1979] N.B.J. No. 308<br />

28 N.B.R.(2d) 361<br />

63 A.P.R. 361*<br />


New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench<br />

Trial Division<br />

Judicial District of Moncton<br />

Meldrum, J.<br />

November 26, 1979<br />

(13 pages) (80 paras.)<br />

Empey v. Coastal Towing Co. Ltd., [1977] 1 W.W.R. 673, folld. [para. 51].<br />

[*page362]<br />

Smith v. Dawson Memorial Hospital (1978), 29 N.S.R.(2d) 277; 45 A.P.R. 277, ref'd to. [para. 54].<br />

Bardal v. The Globe & Mail Ltd. (1969), 24 D.L.R.(2d) 140, ref'd to. [para. 66].<br />


Harris, David, Wrongful Dismissal [para. 50].<br />

Halsbury's Laws of England (3d), Vol. 25, page 488 [para. 53].<br />

Smith, Treatise on the Law of Master and Servant (8d), (1931), page 80 [para. 55].<br />

COUNSEL:<br />

HORACE B. TRITES, Q.C., for the plaintiff<br />

SAM GIRVAN, for the defendant

Page 20<br />

This case was heard by MELDRUM, J., of the Trial Division of the New Brunswick Court of<br />

Queen's Bench. The judgment of MELDRUM, J., was delivered at Moncton, N.B., on November<br />

26, 1979.<br />

1 MELDRUM, J.:-- This is an action for damages for wrongful dismissal.<br />

2 The plaintiff is a car salesman. He had been employed by the defendant, an automobile dealer,<br />

for eight and a half years as salesman and sales manager.<br />

3 During all material times plaintiff was a shareholder and director of the defendant. Until mid<br />

1978 Albert W. Girvan was president and general manager, a director and majority shareholder of<br />

the defendant. After mid 1978 Winnifred Girvan, wife of Albert W. Girvan, was president, general<br />

manager, director and shareholder in his place.<br />

4 Throughout his employment, the plaintiff was paid a weekly salary, which by the time of his<br />

dismissal had reached $ 350.00 per week. In seven of the eight full years he had worked he had received<br />

a year-end bonus.<br />

5 The arrangement for bonus seems very flexible but I find that the receipt of a bonus at<br />

year-end was a term of the plaintiff's employment. The amount of the bonus would depend on the<br />

company's performance and was in the discretion of the general manager. I think it was a part of his<br />

contract of employment although in having the amount determined the best he could insist on would<br />

be that the general manager must act fairly and reasonably and not deny the bonus capriciously or<br />

without valid business reason. [*page363]<br />

6 On January 29, 1979, the plaintiff was dismissed. The notice of dismissal was filed as exhibit<br />

No. 3:<br />

"<strong>ACADIA</strong> <strong>MOTORS</strong> <strong>LTD</strong>.<br />

TO: GARY J. <strong>BURSEY</strong>,<br />

279 Shediac Road,<br />

Moncton, New Brunswick<br />


On behalf of the Board of Directors of Acadia Motors Ltd., I hereby advise you that your employment<br />

with this Company is now terminated.<br />

You are reminded that all assets of the Company in your possession or under your control are to be<br />

turned over to the Company immediately, accounts receivable of the Company are to be collected<br />

immediately and all motor vehicles of the Company are to be returned within Thirty (30) days.<br />

Dated at Moncton, New Brunswick, this 29th day of January, A.D., 1979.<br />

(Sgd.)<br />

Sam Girvan<br />

SECRETARY - <strong>ACADIA</strong> <strong>MOTORS</strong> <strong>LTD</strong>."<br />

7 According to the plaintiff he was then asked to stay on for two weeks to help clean up some<br />

outstanding items. He was paid at his regular weekly rate for the extra days worked.<br />

8 No written reason was given for the dismissal. None of the matters now alleged as reasons for<br />

the dismissal were discussed with the plaintiff, personally or at any directors' meeting. None of the

Page 21<br />

matters now alleged as reasons for dismissal have ever been given as reasons for dissatisfaction<br />

with the plaintiff's work. He was never asked to change any of the problems which now are put<br />

forward as justifying dismissal.<br />

9 After hearing the witnesses and their evidence and assessing it and more particularly after<br />

watching them, seeing and hearing their manner of giving evidence and trying to assess the personalities<br />

and their interaction I am satisfied that the actual reason for the dismissal was not any of the<br />

[*page364] reasons now given. At the most they represent a series of small, festering annoyances<br />

which in fact built upon the basic problem which was the real reason for the firing, i.e., Mrs. Girvan's<br />

basic personality conflict with the plaintiff.<br />

10 I shall deal individually with the defenses put forward at a later point in the reasons for<br />

judgment.<br />

11 Albert Girvan resigned as a director in mid 1978 and transferred his shares to his wife, Winnifred<br />

Girvan. She had worked in the company since its beginning in charge of records. She, the<br />

plaintiff and Sam Girvan, after mid 1978 became the three directors.<br />

12 The plaintiff claims that things went smoothly until the last year of his employment. He<br />

worked well with Albert Girvan. None of the defendant's evidence contradicts this. In fact, watching<br />

the witnesses on the stand, hearing their manner of giving evidence and watching their interpretation<br />

of the events, I can only conclude that the real reason for the deterioration of inter-personal and<br />

business relationship was a personality conflict between the plaintiff and Winnifred Girvan who in<br />

mid 1978 became in effect the principal owner and manager of the company.<br />

13 In the defense it is alleged, inter alia, paragraph 5, that the plaintiff was hired on condition<br />

that he would devote all his time, attention and energy to the affairs of the company and pursue no<br />

other profession, occupation or vocation; paragraph 6, that he had offered his resignation, and; paragraph<br />

7:<br />

"The reasons for summary termination of the plaintiff's employment included:<br />

a) The Plaintiff had established business interests which were both actually and potentially<br />

in conflict with his duties as an employee of the Defendant Company and which justified<br />

summary dismissal.<br />

b) The Plaintiff was guilty of serious misconduct such as justified summary dismissal.<br />

c) The Plaintiff habitually neglected his duties to the Defendant Company, particularly<br />

during 1977 and 1978, which neglect justified summary dismissal. [*page365]<br />

d) The Plaintiff intentionally and deliberately refused to carry out lawful and reasonable<br />

orders, given on behalf of the Defendant Company, which refusal justified summary<br />

dismissal."<br />

14 By further particulars the defendant set out:<br />

"we now provide the following particulars in connection with paragraph 7 of our Amended Statement<br />

of Defence:<br />

1) Gary J. Bursey deliberately refused to pay the required duty on an airconditioning unit<br />

imported by him from the United States on the Company's behalf despite repeated in-

Page 22<br />

structions to do so from early January 1979 until long after his termination of employment<br />

with the Company;<br />

2) He deliberately refused to calculate the "washout" segment of sales commission due to<br />

sales staff after repeated instructions to do so during 1978 and 1979;<br />

3) He deliberately refused to pay his account owing Acadia Motors Ltd., after repeated<br />

requests and instructions to do so in 1978 and 1979;<br />

4) He deliberately refused to devote the time, effort and attention required to properly<br />

perform his duties for the Company during 1978 and 1979 after being instructed to do<br />

so."<br />

15 Of all the defenses, only 7(a), conflict of interest, merits serious consideration. It was toward<br />

that defense that most of the evidence was directed. I shall deal first with the others.<br />

16 Paragraph 5 refers to an agreement between the plaintiff, Albert Girvan and Winnifred Girvan.<br />

The defendant was not a party to it. It related to a purchase and sale agreement for shares of the<br />

defendant, to life insurance policies purchased to cover purchase and sale of a deceased shareholder's<br />

interest and to provide disability insurance.<br />

17 Assuming, the doubtful proposition, that the terms of that agreement govern the conditions<br />

of the employment between plaintiff and defendant, the evidence does not satisfy [*page366] me<br />

that the plaintiff was in breach of the term to devote his full time to the defendant's services.<br />

18 The evidence is the usual in cases where no regular hours of work are established. The<br />

plaintiff says he gave his full time, worked more than normal hours and always made up time he<br />

was away.<br />

19 Defendant says he was an excellent employee until 1978. It alleges that he went on fishing<br />

trips to the Miramichi and hunting trips to Prince Edward Island.<br />

20 He had a maple sugar camp in which he tapped a considerable number of trees and which<br />

affected his time for 2 to 3 weeks each spring. He considered it a hobby. Albert Girvan and Winnifred<br />

Girvan had visited the sugar camp. No one had objected to the time he spent.<br />

21 The only evidence of discussion between Albert Girvan and/or Winnifred Girvan and the<br />

plaintiff regarding time to be spent on the job related to the discussion in early spring 1978 when<br />

Arthur Girvan was preparing to establish a Chevrolet-Oldsmobile dealership at Shediac and it was<br />

presumed that the plaintiff would become general manager as well as sales manager. He would<br />

therefore have to spend more time on the job. I am not convinced that the discussions were more<br />

than that.<br />

22 I do not think that in 1978 from May to December and in January, 1979 the plaintiff's work<br />

attendance or practices were worse than previously, when he had been an "excellent" employee.<br />

23 Paragraph 6. Plaintiff did not offer his resignation. It was discussed at the directors' meeting<br />

January 15, 1979. By that time negotiations for the purchase by him of the shares of Albert Girvan<br />

or Winnifred Girvan had fallen through. There was no real offer of resignation nor was one understood.<br />

24 Paragraph 7. Paragraph 7(a) of the defense deals with conflict of interest. I shall go into it<br />

more fully later.

Page 23<br />

25 Defendant alleges "serious misconduct" on the part of the plaintiff. That relates to the refusal<br />

to pay the duty on an air conditioning unit, "imported by him".<br />

26 Possibly it was intended to relate to certain expense [*page367] account items. They will be<br />

dealt with under the conflict of interest matter.<br />

27 In December, 1978 the plaintiff went to Florida on vacation in a mobile home from the defendant's<br />

mobile home sales branch. After consultation with the manager of the branch he installed<br />

an air conditioning unit. When he returned to Moncton he had not paid the import duty.<br />

28 Mrs. Girvan insisted that he pay it. From her attitude on the stand I presume she insisted<br />

with some heat.<br />

29 Plaintiff said defendant should pay it.<br />

30 In early March plaintiff paid the duty and defendant re-imbursed him. I would have thought<br />

the easy way would have been for defendant to pay direct in one transaction rather than make two<br />

of it. Mrs. Girvan thought otherwise. She had had some sort of audit and had paid $ 90.00 on an<br />

imported sign in the fall of 1978. She seems to have been unduly tense about further visits by Revenue<br />

Canada auditors.<br />

31 In 7(c) it is said that he neglected his duties in 1977 and 1978. In the particulars (4) the failure<br />

is alleged in 1978 and 1979. As already stated the evidence does not support this allegation.<br />

32 The lawful and reasonable orders seem to relate to the import duty, (see above) the washout<br />

payments and an account due.<br />

33 In selling new cars, the final payment due to salesmen is dependent on the final disposition<br />

(the washout) of the trade-ins. That sometimes takes some months.<br />

34 The computation of these "washouts" seem largely related to the period around the time of<br />

the firing. Plaintiff may have been slow at that time. I can not find that he was unreasonably so.<br />

35 No evidence was led as to debt due by plaintiff to defendant.<br />

36 In 1977 the plaintiff entered into a partnership with Donald Pond in B & P Auto Salvage.<br />

His investment was $ 700.00. He takes no active part in the management of B & P and has received<br />

no income from it. B & P has grown. It is [*page368] in the auto salvage business, buying wrecked<br />

or junked cars, reselling the parts. It has resold some of the cars it purchased for junk. I have no information<br />

as to the amount of repairs it needed to put on any one, what type of guarantee it gave the<br />

purchaser, etc.<br />

37 Defendant is a new and used car dealer. Some of its trade-ins are sold for junk. Some were<br />

sold to B & P, some to other dealers.<br />

38 Naturally defendant sells Toyota parts. B & P sells parts from any of its junked Toyotas.<br />

39 Acadia Motors and B & P Auto Salvage are not in competition. To that extent many of the<br />

cases involving conflict of interest are not exactly on point.<br />

40 They do however do business with each other. Plaintiff as sales manager sold junk cars to<br />

Donald Pond at B & P. The conflict of interest principle applies to deals where the parties should be<br />

doing business at arm's length as well as to competitors.

Page 24<br />

41 Defendant called Donald Pond as a witness. He testified that all purchases from the defendant<br />

by B & P were in the ordinary course of business, prices were negotiated. In its purchases B &<br />

P dealt with Albert Girvan, with the service manager, with the stockroom and with the plaintiff.<br />

42 Defendant produced evidence of sale to B & P of 2 cars in 1977, 6 in the first half of 1978, 2<br />

in the second half and 3 in January, 1979.<br />

43 One of these sales was impugned by defendant. It was the sale in January, 1978 of a 1967<br />

Ford 2 ton stake body truck for $ 400.00. The vehicle had been taken in trade in 1974. Between<br />

September, 1974 and July, 1977 defendant had put $ 1103.69 repairs on it. The invoices produced,<br />

from records 2 to 5 years old, included repairs slips from $ 1.29 to $ 321.72. Truckers in New<br />

Brunswick will advise the defendant that the quickest way to go broke is to keep putting repairs on<br />

an eleven year old vehicle. Instead of convincing me that the sale was bad for Acadia I am satisfied<br />

that it made good business sense to dispose of the truck. No evidence was given of its condition or<br />

of the usual price of such an old vehicle. $ 400.00 does not strike me as necessarily too low.<br />

[*page369]<br />

44 Much time was spent in the analysis of plaintiff's expense accounts for two trips, one to Toronto,<br />

one to Halifax. Originally it appeared that the purpose was to show improper accounts as<br />

such, being turned in. The accounts seem reasonable and in order.<br />

45 Each trip was made with the knowledge and approval of the defendant. Each was on defendant's<br />

business. In each case, Donald Pond went along for B & P Auto Salvage and made purchases<br />

for his company. In Toronto plaintiff bought a car for the defendant. In Halifax he bought a typewriter.<br />

In each case B & P made more purchases and for ease of banking, B & P paid for the plaintiff's<br />

purchases and later recovered the price from the defendant.<br />

46 The story of the trips was told by the plaintiff, confirmed by other evidence, and finally repeated<br />

by defendant's witness, Pond.<br />

47 In spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and no evidence in support of her position,<br />

Mrs. Girvan insisted that the company had bought the car and typewriter from B & P and that<br />

it should have paid the plaintiff's expense account.<br />

48 Her insistence on putting her own interpretation on facts, an interpretation not supported by<br />

the evidence presented by the defendant itself, left me most unimpressed by Mrs. Girvan.<br />

49 There is no evidence that defendant was in any way harmed by the potential conflict of interest.<br />

Nevertheless, in conflict of interest situations, the rule of Caesar's wife applies. It must not<br />

only be pure, it must be seen to be pure.<br />

50 David Harris, Wrongful Dismissal under the heading "Competing with Employer's Interest"<br />

sets out the status of this ground for dismissal in New Brunswick:<br />

"Actual conflict between the employer's interest and that of an employee in a competing business<br />

need not be shown - the servant may be dismissed where only the potential for such conflict is<br />

proven. In Tozer v. Hutchison (1869 12 N.B.R. 54, the Plaintiff made a capital contribution to a<br />

competing enterprise, and was not active in its daily business. The trial [*page370] Judge's direction<br />

to the jury that real conflict must be shown was reversed in appeal, the court holding:<br />

'A person who enters into the service of another undertakes to bestow the same care, attention and<br />

diligence as if the business were his own. This the Plaintiff could not do while he had an interest as

Page 25<br />

partner in a business of the same description as that in which his employer was engaged. There<br />

would necessarily be a conflict between his duty and his interest. It was inconsistent with his duty<br />

as clerk to the Defendant and destructive of the confidence which must be reposed in a person employed<br />

as the Plaintiff was, by enabling him to make use in his own business of the knowledge and<br />

information which he obtained as the confidential clerk and agent of the Defendant.'" (p. 543)<br />

51 Empey v. Coastal Towing Co., Ltd., [1977] 1 W.W.R. 673, extended this principle of the<br />

duty owed by the employee to serve in good faith and fidelity to justify dismissal where the servant<br />

had met with a competitor to discuss entering a business arrangement, designed to compete directly<br />

with his employer. The court concluded such conduct was good grounds for dismissal, despite the<br />

fact that no actual prejudice in fact was caused to the employer; rather only the intent to cause potential<br />

harm was regarded as cause for summary discharge.<br />

52 If the relationship between B & P and the plaintiff has not been condoned, then the dismissal<br />

was justified even though no actual conflict or loss existed, no harm had come to defendant as a result<br />

and though the potential conflict had not been the real reason for the dismissal.<br />

53 Halsbury's (3d), Vol. 25, p. 488:<br />

"940 Condonation: Justification for dismissal is a question of fact. A master who with full knowledge<br />

of a servant's misconduct elects to continue him in his service cannot subsequently dismiss<br />

him for the offense which he has condoned."<br />

54 Smith v. Dawson Memorial Hospital (1978), 29 N.S.R. (2d) 277; 45 A.P.R. 277, at p. 286<br />

(N.S.S.C.):<br />

"Even if the problem be approached on the basis that sufficient evidence was produced at trial to<br />

justify [*page371] dismissal for an act of misconduct it has long been established that an employer<br />

who waives or condones his employee's misconduct by retaining the employee in his service forfeits<br />

the right to rely in that act to justify dismissal."<br />

55 Smith, Treatise on the Law of Master and Servant, 8th ed. (1931), p. 80, makes this statement:<br />

"But if a master, on discovering that his servant has been guilty of misconduct which would justify<br />

a dismissal, yet elects to continue him in his service, he cannot at any subsequent time dismiss him<br />

on account of that which he has waived or condoned."<br />

56 What a person knows is not always easy to determine.<br />

57 B & P Auto Salvage was formed in July, 1977. The plaintiff had previously mentioned his<br />

interest in the salvage business, in the abstract, to Albert Girvan. He had received no negative<br />

comment.<br />

58 Shortly after its commencement Donald Pond placed a number of business cards in Acadia's<br />

office, on the desk of the service manager. The cards contained,<br />

"B & P Auto Salvage<br />

R. R. #1, Moncton, N. B.<br />

Gary Bursey<br />

Don PondTel. 372-9172"

Page 26<br />

59 Plaintiff had numbers of the cards on his desk or his window. They were seen by Albert<br />

Girvan and Winnifred Girvan as well as by other members of the firm.<br />

60 Mr. and Mrs. Girvan discussed Bursey's involvement with B & P with each other.<br />

61 There seems to have been no secrecy about the involvement or about any of the deals between<br />

the two companies. There is no evidence that the sales by the plaintiff to B & P were any<br />

more hidden than the sale by Albert Girvan or the purchases by the service or parts managers.<br />

62 I am satisfied that both Mr. and Mrs. Girvan knew of the situation while he was general<br />

manager. Mrs. Girvan knew [*page372] of it when she became general manager. All the facts necessary<br />

were known to them at the material times.<br />

63 By permitting the relationship to continue without any query about any of the sales, or<br />

comment to the plaintiff on the situation, was in fact condonation.<br />

64 The plaintiff's claim is allowed.<br />

65 I am indebted to counsel for their briefs. On the subject of length of notice the cases give<br />

guidance as to principles but leave me to settle the detail.<br />

66 McRuer, C.J.H.C., in Bardal v. The Globe & Mail Ltd. (1969), 24 D.L.R.(2d) 140, at page<br />

145, has stated the governing principles thus:<br />

"There can be no catalogue laid down as to what is reasonable notice in particular classes of cases.<br />

The reasonableness of the notice must be decided with reference to each particular case, having regard<br />

to the character of the employment, the length of service of the servant, the age of the servant<br />

and the availability of similar employment, having regard to the experience, training and qualifications<br />

of the servant."<br />

67 Plaintiff was sales manager. He had been employed for more than 8 years. He is relatively<br />

young. No evidence has been given as to the availability of similar employment.<br />

68 Plaintiff has not secured employment since his dismissal. He has collected some disability<br />

insurance, the premiums paid by the defendant, and is still collecting but now he pays the premium.<br />

I had the impression that he had not been urgently seeking work.<br />

69 In my opinion the reasonable notice under the circumstances should have been twelve<br />

months.<br />

70 (a) In lieu of notice the plaintiff will receive the sum of $ 18,200.00 being $ 350.00 per<br />

week for 52 weeks. From that will be deducted the sum of $ 3000.00 received for disability insurance<br />

while the defendant was responsible for the premium, for a net of $ 15,200.00.<br />

71 Counsel agreed that the policy has now been transferred to the plaintiff and he is responsible<br />

for the premiums. He has received $ 1533.00 since the transfer but since it is now [*page373] his<br />

policy, for which he must pay, that can not be credited to the defendant.<br />

72 (b) Plaintiff claimed a year-end bonus. Such bonus was payable from profit. 1978 was a bad<br />

year for dealers in foreign cars. Defendant lost $ 45,000.00. No bonus would have been paid.<br />

73 It apparently is still in a losing position. No bonus would have been paid for fiscal 1979.<br />

Plaintiff will receive nothing under the bonus heading.

Page 27<br />

74 (c) Plaintiff was to receive a car for himself and one for his wife. He now has a courtesy car<br />

from B & P Auto Salvage. The condition was not described. The value of car rental is not in evidence.<br />

75 I will allow a loss of $ 100.00 per month total under this item for $ 1200.00.<br />

76 (d) and (e) plaintiff claims refund of travelling and entertainment expenses. Those would<br />

seem to be applicable to business not personal and he would have had none under those headings.<br />

77 (h) Plaintiff claimed loss of fringe benefits, i.e., life and disability insurance permiums<br />

which the company would have paid.<br />

78 The company has paid or been responsible for disability premiums for the first three quarters<br />

of the year. At the moment premiums are waived during disability.<br />

79 Life insurance premiums were $ 155.39 payable twice a year. Plaintiff will receive $ 310.78<br />

for that item.<br />

80 There will be judgment for the plaintiff for $ 16,710.78 and costs.<br />

Judgment for the plaintiff.

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