Bruce C. Wheeler PUBLICATIONS and TALKS Peer Reviewed 1 ...

Bruce C. Wheeler PUBLICATIONS and TALKS Peer Reviewed 1 ...

Bruce C. Wheeler PUBLICATIONS and TALKS Peer Reviewed 1 ...


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78. M. E. Lockwood, D. L. Jones, M. E. Elledge, R. C. Bilger, A. S. Feng, M. Goueygou, C. R. Lansing,<br />

C. Liu, W. D. O'Brien, Jr., <strong>and</strong> B. C. <strong>Wheeler</strong>, "A minimum-variance frequency domain algorithm<br />

for binaural hearing aid processing," ASA Meeting, Columbus OH, October 1999. Journal of the<br />

Acoustical Society of America, vol. 106, p. 2278, 1999.<br />

79. M. E. Elledge, M. E. Lockwood, R. C. Bilger, A. S. Feng, M. Goueygou, D. L. Jones, C. R. Lansing,<br />

W. D. O'Brien, Jr., <strong>and</strong> B. C. <strong>Wheeler</strong>, "A real-time dual-microphone signal processing system for<br />

hearing aids," ASA Meeting, Columbus OH, October 1999. JASA, vol. 106, p. 2279, 1999.<br />

80. <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B.C. (1999) “Micropattern neural networks in a dish,” invited talk, Cambridge Healthtech<br />

Institute Fourth Annual Conference on Microsystems Technology in Medicine <strong>and</strong> Biology, Boston<br />

MA.<br />

81. Venkateswar, R. A., Branch, D. W., <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B. C. (1999) “A novel method for producing<br />

patterned biomolecule gradients,” Proc. IEEE EMBS 21st Annual Int. Conf., Atlanta, GA, October.<br />

82. Chang, J. C., <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B. C., <strong>and</strong> Brewer, G. J. (1999) “Substrate recording of patterned<br />

hippocampal neurons on multielectrode arrays,” Proc. IEEE EMBS 21st Annual Int. Conf., Atlanta,<br />

GA, October.<br />

83. Branch, D. W., <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B. C., Brewer, G. J. (1999) “Long-term maintenance of patterns of<br />

hippocampal pyramidal cells on substrates of polyethylene glycol <strong>and</strong> microstamped polylysine,”<br />

Proc. IEEE EMBS 21st Annual Int. Conf., Atlanta, GA, October.<br />

84. B. C. <strong>Wheeler</strong>, G. J. Brewer, D. W. Branch, J. Chang, <strong>and</strong> K. Venkateswar, "Rational Design Of In<br />

Vitro Neural Networks Using Patterned Self-Assembled Monolayers," American Chemical Society<br />

Abstracts, Los Angeles CA, March 1999.<br />

85. Lockwood, M.E., Jones, D.L., Elledge, M.E., Bilger, R.C., Feng, A.S., Goueygou, M., Lansing,<br />

C.R., Liu, C. O'Brien, W.D. Jr., <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B.C. (1999) A minimum variance frequency-domain<br />

algorithm for binaural hearing aid processing. J. Acous. Soc. Am. 106 (Pt. 2): 2278A.<br />

86. Elledge, M.E., Lockwood, M.E., Bilger, R.C., Feng, A.S., Goueygou, Jones, D.L., M., Lansing,<br />

C.R., Liu, C. O'Brien, W.D. Jr., <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B.C. (1999) A real-time dual-microphone signalprocessing<br />

system for hearing aids. J. Acous. Soc. Am. 106 (Pt. 2): 2279A.<br />

87. <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B.C. (1998) “Multineuron Assemblies: Multidimensional Scaling For Visualization”,<br />

Symposium on Developments in Multichannel Extracellular Recording, U. Mich. Center for Neural<br />

Communication Technology, in conjunction with the 28th Soc. Neurosci. Conf., Los Angeles.<br />

88. Branch, D.W. Chang, J., Brewer, G.J., <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B.C. (1998) “Micropatterned Neural<br />

Networks,” Abstr. 29th NIH Neural Prosthesis Conference Abstracts, 29, Bethesda MD.<br />

89. <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B.C., Brewer, G.J., <strong>and</strong> Branch, D.W. (1998) “Micropatterned Neural Networks,”Abstr.<br />

Biomed. Eng. Soc. Conf., Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 26, sup. 1, p. 93, Clevel<strong>and</strong> OH.<br />

90. <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B.C. (1998) “Multineuron Assemblies: Multidimensional Scaling For Visualization,”<br />

(invited presentation), Abstracts from the Int. Conf. on Substrate-integrated Microelectrode Arrays:<br />

Technology <strong>and</strong> Applications, p. 7, Natural <strong>and</strong> Medical Sciences Instititue at Tubingen in<br />

Reutlingen, Germany.<br />

91. <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B.C. (1998) “Microstamping Proteins For Precise Control Of Nerve Cell Growth In<br />

Culture,” (invited presentation), Abstracts from the Int. Conf. on Substrate-integrated Microelectrode<br />

Arrays: Technology <strong>and</strong> Applications, p. 45, Natural <strong>and</strong> Medical Sciences Instititue at Tubingen in<br />

Reutlingen, Germany.<br />

92. <strong>Wheeler</strong> B.C., & Brewer, G.J. (1998) “Microstamping proteins for precise control of nerve cell<br />

growth in culture,” Cambridge Healthtech Inst. Third Ann. Conf. Microsystems Techn. in Med. &<br />

Biol., Boston MA.<br />

93. Liu,C., Feng, A.S., O’Brien, W.D.,Jr., <strong>Wheeler</strong>,B.C., Bilger, R.C., & Lansing, C.R. (1997)<br />

“Improving the acuity <strong>and</strong> robustness of localization of multiple sources using ‘stencil’ filters,”<br />

JASA, 102(5), 3140.<br />

94. Liu, C., Feng, A.S., <strong>Wheeler</strong>, B.C., O'Brien, W.D., Bilger, R.C. & Lansing, C.R. (1997) “A<br />

binaurally-based auditory processor effectively extracts speech in the presence of multiple<br />

competing sounds,” Hearing Aid Research <strong>and</strong> Development Conference, NIH, Bethesda, MD.

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