The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity


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In any typical congregation, <strong>the</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> procrastination is far more prevalent than spiritual<br />

gifts such as prophecy and preaching. Boards <strong>of</strong> trustees manage to postpone repairing church<br />

ro<strong>of</strong>s for years. <strong>The</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> hindsight is also found at every church. With 20/20 rear vision,<br />

virtually every member <strong>of</strong> any congregation can tell you what should have been done five or ten<br />

years ago. Evident, too, among church memberships is <strong>the</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> passing <strong>the</strong> buck. Why didn’t so<br />

and so get <strong>the</strong> customary flowers when she was hospitalized? Excuses come flooding such as: <strong>the</strong><br />

pastor forgot to notify <strong>the</strong> deaconesses, <strong>the</strong> church secretary didn’t order <strong>the</strong> flowers, or <strong>the</strong> line<br />

was always busy when she tried to call. All are phrases which can be heard from any church.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> criticism is probably <strong>the</strong> most prominent gift <strong>of</strong> all. Critics always know what’s<br />

wrong and why. <strong>The</strong> problem is <strong>the</strong>y don’t know what’s right or how wrongs can be fixed. And<br />

certainly, <strong>the</strong>y’re not willing to expend <strong>the</strong>ir time and energy . . . that’s for someone else.<br />

When it comes to criticism, I am reminded <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> pastor who had just finished a sermon on<br />

<strong>The</strong> Parable <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Talents. After <strong>the</strong> service as he was greeting people, an older lady greeted him<br />

with <strong>the</strong> comment, “Pastor, I believe I have <strong>the</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> criticism.” <strong>The</strong> pastor responded, “Do you<br />

remember what <strong>the</strong> person with <strong>the</strong> one talent did?” She responded, “Of course, pastor, he went<br />

and buried it.” <strong>The</strong> pastor quipped, “Go thou and do likewise!”<br />

True spiritual gifts, however, should not be buried. <strong>The</strong>y need to be discovered and used!<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bible stresses <strong>the</strong>ir importance. Paul, in writing to <strong>the</strong> church at Corinth, said:<br />

“Now about spiritual gifts, bro<strong>the</strong>rs, I do not want you to be ignorant” (I Cor. 12:1).<br />

When it comes to spiritual gifts ignorance is not bliss! Ignorance causes misunderstanding,<br />

fear, false guilt, untapped resources and unreleased power.<br />

Many have yet to discover spiritual gifts and o<strong>the</strong>rs need to nourish <strong>the</strong>ir gifts, that is, to put<br />

<strong>the</strong>m into practice and thus develop <strong>the</strong>m. This book seeks to assist those who want such help.<br />

Why ano<strong>the</strong>r study on spiritual gifts?<br />

Although <strong>the</strong>re were many books on spiritual gifts twenty to thirty years ago, in recent<br />

years <strong>the</strong> issue has remained relatively quiet. Not much has been written on this subject in <strong>the</strong> last<br />

twenty years.<br />

It is time to take a fresh look at <strong>the</strong> subject. In this book <strong>the</strong>re will be features that have<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten been missing in books on <strong>the</strong> subject.

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