The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity


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170<br />

3. Mental changes: uncontrollable glossollalia; understanding unknown languages;<br />

preternatural knowledge; psychic and occult powers, e.g. clairvoyance, telepathy, and prediction.<br />

4. <strong>Spirit</strong>ual changes: reaction to and fear <strong>of</strong> Christ, sometimes causing blasphemy and adverse<br />

reactions to prayer. 51<br />

Acute Demonic Attack<br />

<strong>The</strong> above diagnostic indication <strong>of</strong> acute demonic attack has been collated by <strong>the</strong><br />

Rev. John Richards from eight different authorities and David Pytches testifies that his own<br />

experience in this area is similar.<br />

1. Public Knowledge. <strong>The</strong>re are extreme cases <strong>of</strong> people possessed by spirits which make <strong>the</strong>m<br />

violent and who are, <strong>the</strong>refore generally ‘diagnosed’ by <strong>the</strong> local community (“Legion” was a case<br />

in point—Mk. 5).<br />

2. Natural discernment: If a demon manifests itself, both those who witness it and <strong>the</strong><br />

afflicted person know it, or <strong>the</strong> afflicted person becomes aware <strong>of</strong> a definite pattern <strong>of</strong> compulsive<br />

behavior (bondage) which may be symptomatic, such as addiction, sexual perversion <strong>of</strong><br />

some kind, self-destructive thoughts, etc.<br />

3. Through <strong>the</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> “discerning <strong>of</strong> spirits” <strong>the</strong> kind <strong>of</strong> spirit at work is revealed (I Cor.<br />

12:10). In one meeting Smith Wigglesworth ministered to two people who seemed to everyone but<br />

Wigglesworth to have identical problems: both were deaf and dumb. Wigglesworth put his fingers<br />

into <strong>the</strong> first person’s deaf ears and said “be opened in <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Jesus.” He <strong>the</strong>n placed his hand<br />

on <strong>the</strong> person’s lips and said, “Tongue be loosed” <strong>The</strong> man was healed. He dealt with <strong>the</strong><br />

second problem in a different manner. He looked <strong>the</strong> man straight in <strong>the</strong> eye and said, “Thou deaf<br />

and dumb spirit, come out <strong>of</strong> him in <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lord Jesus.” <strong>The</strong> person was wonderfully<br />

delivered and received his hearing back.<br />

4. Through <strong>the</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> a “word <strong>of</strong> knowledge” <strong>the</strong> spiritual cause behind <strong>the</strong> affliction is<br />

revealed.<br />

5. When <strong>the</strong> <strong>Holy</strong> <strong>Spirit</strong> is invoked over an oppressed person <strong>the</strong>re is frequently a manifest<br />

“power encounter”—shaking, contortions <strong>of</strong> some kind, eyes rolling upward, localized pain.<br />

6. Sometimes <strong>the</strong> speech is unusual in its pitch and strange in its content. Sometimes <strong>the</strong>re is a<br />

manifestation <strong>of</strong> a false “tongue” which is not <strong>of</strong> God--it is almost uncontrollable in its speaking or<br />

its singing. Sometimes <strong>the</strong>re is clearly ano<strong>the</strong>r voice speaking through <strong>the</strong> person being ministered

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