The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity


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138<br />

II Samuel 12:1-14<br />

II Kings 5:20-27<br />

II Kings 6:8-14<br />

Acts 5:1-11<br />

Nathan rebukes David<br />

Elisha confronts and rebukes Gehazi<br />

Elisha traps blinded Arameans<br />

Peter confronts Ananias and Sapphira<br />

How is <strong>the</strong> Gift Exercised?<br />

We seek to be in a right, open and prayerful relationship with <strong>the</strong> Lord. Ministering to o<strong>the</strong>rs<br />

in this attitude we pray ‘What is it, Lord? What is it, Lord?’ We keep asking. <strong>The</strong>n we wait and<br />

listen.<br />

We may suddenly sense <strong>the</strong> real truth about a problem, a simple fact or <strong>the</strong> whereabouts <strong>of</strong><br />

something lost; or we may sense a power to minister which prompts us to ask who may be in<br />

particular need.<br />

1. We may see a picture (vision or dream) or word in <strong>the</strong> mind’s eye or superimposed over a<br />

person’s face or <strong>the</strong> affected part <strong>of</strong> his/her body.<br />

2. We may ‘hear’ a word or phrase in <strong>the</strong> mind’s ear.<br />

3. We may feel that ano<strong>the</strong>r person is afflicted in some way.<br />

4. We may sense power coming upon us, alerting us that God wants to minister to someone<br />

present.<br />

5. We may sense heat, heaviness or tingling in <strong>the</strong> hands, alerting us to lay <strong>the</strong>m on someone<br />

for healing.<br />

6. Whenever supernatural knowledge is revealed, we may not necessarily feel constrained to<br />

speak <strong>the</strong> ‘word’ out aloud immediately, if at all. Supposing God revealed that a person<br />

had cancer, we would need to pray for a ‘word <strong>of</strong> wisdom’ as to what to do with such<br />

knowledge. We might <strong>the</strong>n be led to ask that person how he had been feeling lately. If he<br />

mentioned some troubling symptom, we would suggest we prayed about that.<br />

7. Ideally we would first share a ‘word’ such as in (6) with a sympa<strong>the</strong>tic third party,<br />

preferably one known to have been given gifts <strong>of</strong> discernment. Words from God can be<br />

‘sharper than a double edged sword’ and must be handled with great care.<br />

8. Opportunity should be given for <strong>the</strong> ga<strong>the</strong>red church to share ‘words <strong>of</strong> knowledge.’<br />

9. Words <strong>of</strong> knowledge indicate <strong>the</strong> direction in which God is working.<br />

10. Words <strong>of</strong> knowledge are faith builders.<br />

11. When God reveals something in this way, it is because God wants something done with<br />

such knowledge.

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