The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: - Vital Christianity


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THE GIFT OF FAITH (I Cor. 12:9; 13:2)<br />

Purpose: Enabling<br />

Description: <strong>The</strong> capacity to see a need and to believe God to meet it. <strong>The</strong> ability to see<br />

something that God wants done and to believe that God will do it even though it looks<br />

impossible. Unusual trust and confidence in <strong>the</strong> presence and power <strong>of</strong> God.<br />

Though faith is necessary to even become a Christian, this is a special gift <strong>of</strong> faith.<br />

This special gift <strong>of</strong> faith “is displayed impressively in an observable way, that is, resulting in<br />

healings and o<strong>the</strong>r miracles. <strong>Gifts</strong> <strong>of</strong> healings and miracles immediately follow faith in this<br />

list.” 34<br />

Paul referred to this gift as “a faith that can move mountains” (Mt. 17:20; 21:21; I Co. 13:2).<br />

Chrysostom, a 4th century <strong>the</strong>ologian, described this gift as “faith not <strong>of</strong> dogmas, but <strong>of</strong><br />

‘signs.’”<br />

“<strong>The</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> faith was displayed in works ra<strong>the</strong>r than in words.” 35<br />

“Though all logic seems stacked against some course <strong>of</strong> action, this faith makes<br />

decisions which seem senseless, <strong>the</strong>n sees <strong>the</strong>m through despite overriding<br />

objections and massive roadblocks. This gift sees <strong>the</strong> will <strong>of</strong> God accomplished<br />

despite all natural resistance. Specializing in <strong>the</strong> impossible—’rivers that are<br />

uncrossable and mountains you can’t tunnel through’—<strong>the</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> faith “laughs at<br />

impossibilities and cries, ‘It shall be done.’” 36<br />

“<strong>The</strong> gift <strong>of</strong> faith goes beyond envisioning something that God wants done. It believes<br />

that it will be realized despite its unlikeliness, <strong>the</strong>n launches out to accomplish <strong>the</strong><br />

project in God’s name.” 37<br />

Through faith, <strong>the</strong> potential becomes <strong>the</strong> actual, giving substance to William Carey’s motto,<br />

“Attempt great things for God--expect great things from God.“ 38<br />

Examples<br />

Acts 27:25 Paul tells <strong>the</strong> men who sailed with him from Crete that God would rescue <strong>the</strong>m<br />

all by an angel in <strong>the</strong> midst <strong>of</strong> shipwreck.

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