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<strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>DIRECTORS</strong> <br />

<strong>MEETING</strong> <strong>MINUTES</strong> <br />

Sunday March 24 th , 2013 7:30pm ET <br />

Present: <br />

Board Members: Robert (Bob) Diewold (President), Keith Kendal (Director), Lindsay Patten (CoP), David Wilkin <br />

(Director), Ed Evelly (Vice President), Bob Groff (CoP), Glen Mehus (Director) <br />

Also Attending: Nancy Black (Executive Director), Bette El-­‐Hawary (Executive Assistant) <br />

Regrets: Chrystian Gauvin (Director), Laura Garrett (Director), Jennifer Power-­‐Hawrylak (Secretary) <br />

1. Call to Order <br />

The Chair (Bob Diewold) called the meeting to order at 7:34pm ET. We will be trying the Consent Agenda <br />

format of running tonight’s Board meeting as introduced by Lindsay Patten. <br />

2. Consent Agenda <br />

Motion B13:03:01 (Kendal/Groff) to approve the Consent Agenda. Carried. <br />

a. Review/approval of February 17 th , 2013 MSC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes <br />

b. Correspondence <br />

→ None <br />

c. Board Chair Report <br />

→ Circulated in advance (Bob Diewold) <br />

d. Executive Directors Report <br />

→ Circulated in advance (Nancy Black) <br />

e. Director of Communications and Services Report <br />

→ Circulated in advance (Robyn Ouimet) <br />

f. Committee Reports <br />

i. Finance Report <br />

→ Circulated in advance (Keith Kendal) <br />

ii.<br />

Governance Report <br />

3. Discussion Topics from Consent Agenda-­‐ <br />

a. Executive Director Report <br />

→ Legal Case Update-­‐ Circulated via email; Nancy reported that the timelines were extended by an <br />

additional six days. The complainant has received the response from MSC, but has not responded <br />

yet. <br />

→ Strategic Plan-­‐ Quarterly updates will be given by the Executive Director on the Strategic Plan (the <br />

second month after the quarter)

. Finance Report <br />

→ Quarterly updates will be given (the second month after the quarter). <br />

→ 2013-­‐14 MSC Membership Fees-­‐ the fee increase was included in the budget; it is based on the <br />

same expenses as the 2012-­‐13 fiscal year. Discussion on the value/benefits to membership and the <br />

timelines for approval of fee increases. <br />

Motion B13:03:02 (Wilkin/Groff) to approve a membership fee increase in September 2013 of <br />

$3.00 1 opposed; 1 abstain; 3 in favor. Carried. <br />

→ 2013-­‐14 MSC Budget-­‐ Will be discussed on the next call. <br />

c. Governance <br />

→ New Bylaws-­‐ Lindsay circulated a copy to the Board; there was discussion electronically. <br />

Motion B13:03:03 (Patten/Groff) to approve the By-­‐Laws as circulated for approval by the <br />

Membership at the General Meeting. Carried. <br />

→ 2013 MSC AGM & Special Members Meeting-­‐ Date/Location and Administrative timelines <br />

o AGM #1-­‐ scheduled to take place on May 17 th , 2013 in Nepean during Nationals. This will <br />

include a Town Hall style meeting to allow the members to ask questions, etc. <br />

o AGM #2 will take place in the Fall and will coincide with the face-­‐to-­‐face meetings. This <br />

meeting will happen after the audited financial statements are received (year end June <br />

31 st , 2013) but before December 31 st , 2013. <br />

o MSC Board members attending the May 17 th AGM: Lindsay (maybe); Glen (no); Keith (no); <br />

Dave (yes); Ed (no); Chrystian (unsure); Bob doesn’t think that Jennifer or Laura will be <br />

there. <br />

4. New Business <br />

a. Face-­‐to-­‐Face Meetings-­‐ Timelines; no date set yet (above); tentatively October 28 th weekend. Nancy <br />

and staff will look into some cost effective locations. <br />

5. Next Meeting <br />

→ April 14 th , 2013 7:30pm ET <br />

6. Adjournment <br />

Motion B13:03:04 (Wilkin) to adjourn

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