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Razkrita<br />

čudesa reke<br />





The Revealed<br />

River Wonders<br />






Razkrita<br />

čudesa reke<br />





The Revealed<br />

River Wonders<br />





Ljubljana, 2014

Pobliže ko opazujemo nek pojav,<br />

bolj zapleten se zdi.<br />

Heinrich Weisskopf<br />

The more closely<br />

a phenomenon is observed,<br />

the more complex it is seen to be.<br />

Heinrich Weisskopf


ALGE<br />

(DIATOMEJE) —<br />


VODAH<br />

Drobne kremenaste alge, ki si za svoje domovanje<br />

same gradijo zunanji skelet, lupinice oziroma<br />

hišice iz kremena, živijo v vseh vodnih okoljih<br />

in dosegajo neverjetno pestrost vrst; prek 10.000<br />

različnih vrst poznamo. Naseljujejo skoraj vse<br />

prostorčke rek, jezer in morij, živijo prosto v vodi<br />

kot planktonske alge, pritrjene na rastlinah, kamnih<br />

in prodnikih, na trdnih odpadkih civilizacije;<br />

najdemo jih tudi na muljastih usedlinah.<br />

Diatomeje so začetek mnogih prehranjevalnih<br />

poti v vodah in zelo pomembni proizvajalci kisika<br />

na Zemlji. Kot vse rastline za življenje potrebujejo<br />

svetlobo, zato je zanje najmanj prijazno in najbolj<br />

stresno okolje kalnih rek in jezer, kjer je kalnost v<br />

največji meri povezana z neprimernim človekovim<br />

odnosom do kopnega in vodnega okolja. Nenehna<br />

erozija brežin, neporaslih zemljišč izrazito<br />

negativno vpliva na te vodne prebivalce.<br />

So čudovita mikroskopska bitja, ki nam govorijo<br />

o ekološkem stanju vodnih teles in so zrcalo<br />

našega odnosa do okolja, tako kopnega kakor<br />

tudi vodnega. Zelo hitro odgovorijo na spremembe<br />

v okolju bodisi z zmanjšano številčnostjo, na<br />

žalost pa tudi z izginjanjem vrst. Spremembe rabe<br />

prostora prispevnega vodnega okolja, onesnaževanje<br />

kopna in atmosfere ter posledično vodnih<br />

teles prepoznamo v združbi kremenastih alg<br />

— diatomej.<br />

Kremenaste alge so tudi pomembni zgodovinski<br />

pričevalci, neprecenljiva zgodovinska knjiga. Govorijo<br />

nam o ekološkem stanju v vodah pred tisoči<br />

in milijoni let, v zadnjem času tudi o onesnaževanju<br />

in človekovem odnosu ne le do vodnega,<br />

temveč do okolja nasploh. Njihovi čudoviti<br />

skeleti so torej neme priče človekovih okoljskih<br />

grehov. Z analizami usedlin Ljubljanskega barja<br />

in ostankov hišic diatomej smo dokazali, da se je<br />

na tem območju v preteklosti razprostiralo veliko<br />

plitvo Ljubljansko jezero, domovanje koliščarjev<br />

in bobrov.<br />

Ljubljanica, reka sedmerih imen, mestna aorta,<br />

ki jo vse premalo poznamo in cenimo, poleg<br />

različnih drugih organizmov v svojih vodah skriva<br />

tudi čudovite kremenaste alge — diatomeje.<br />

Čarobni svet teh indikatorjev vodnih okolij zažari<br />

v svoji popolnosti pod mikroskopom, še posebej<br />

pod elektronskim mikroskopom, kar nam kažejo<br />

izjemne mikro–fotografije. Kremenaste stvaritve<br />

burijo domišljijo različnim oblikovalcem, tako<br />

arhitektom kot modnim snovalcem. Morda je<br />

tudi povodni mož dobro poznal te skrite zaklade<br />

Ljubljanice in z nežnimi kremenastimi biserčki<br />

zvabil Urško v svoje domovanje.<br />

Raziskovalci se vedno znova čudimo izjemni<br />

oblikovni pestrosti kremenastih lupinic, ki varujejo<br />

alge pred zunanjim okoljem in so za vsako<br />

vrsto drugačne. Zunanji skelet je oblikovan kot<br />

najlepše ornamentirana šatulja, v kateri hranimo<br />

babičine bisere. Kremenaste alge pa so same po<br />

sebi biseri narave! O tem se lahko prepriča vsak,<br />

ki jih opazuje pod mikroskopom ali gleda na<br />

čudovitih fotografijah.<br />

Diatomeje nam potrjujejo, da je stanje vodnega<br />

okolja marsikje nesprejemljivo, ker je človekov<br />

odnos do okolja preveč mačehovski, ker o okolju<br />

odloča kapital, ker so še vedno premnogi prepričani,<br />

da smo ljudje gospodarji Zemlje. Pa seveda<br />

nismo. Smo le sopotniki mnogih drugih bitij, ki<br />

so manj odvisna od nas kot mi od njih. Tega se<br />

premalo zavedamo. Z Naravo zato nespametno<br />

gospodarimo, z njo upravljamo kot z lastnino.<br />

Vzamemo tisto, kar nam ugaja, in odvržemo<br />

tisto, česar ne potrebujemo. Že slavni oceanograf<br />

Jacques–Yves Cousteau je na svojih oceanskih<br />

ekspedicijah spoznaval, da nas tudi kremenaste<br />

alge opozarjajo na naš neprimeren odnos do<br />

narave, da se njihova vrstna pestrost v morjih<br />

zmanjšuje in da nas zato mora skrbeti za prihodnost<br />

planeta.<br />

Izvir Cemun na Cerkniškem jezeru / Cemun source on Cerknica Lake<br />





Tiny diatoms create an external skeleton for their<br />

dwelling and protection, a shell or frustule made<br />

of silica. These creatures are incredibly diverse<br />

and can strive in every water environment. More<br />

than 10.000 different species have been identified<br />

so far. Diatoms inhabit even the smallest<br />

living spaces in rivers, lakes and seas; they live<br />

free in the water as plankton algae or attached<br />

to the plants, stones and pebbles. They can even<br />

be found in solid manmade waste and in silt<br />

sediments.<br />

Diatoms form the start of many water food chains<br />

and are extremely important producers of oxygen<br />

on the Earth. Like all plants, they need daylight<br />

for existence; so for them, the least pleasant and<br />

the most stressful environment are muddy rivers<br />

and lakes. Murky and muddy waters are linked<br />

with inappropriate human attitude to the land<br />

and water environment. Continuous erosion of<br />

the river banks with no vegetation has distinctive<br />

negative impacts to these water dwellers.<br />

Diatoms are wondrous microscopic creatures<br />

that are telling us about the ecological status of<br />

water bodies and are the reflection of our attitude<br />

towards the water and land environment. They<br />

quickly respond to the changes in the environment<br />

either with reduced abundance or, even<br />

more alarmingly, with the disappearance of<br />

specific species. Land use changes in the catchment<br />

area, pollution of land, atmosphere, and<br />

consequently water bodies, are reflected in the<br />

community of diatoms.<br />

Diatoms are also important historical witnesses<br />

— an invaluable history book. They are telling us<br />

about ecological status of water bodies thousands<br />

and millions years ago, recently also about the<br />

pollution and human attitude towards the natural<br />

environment. Their marvellous skeletons are<br />

silent witnesses of human environmental sins.<br />

Analysis of sediments in Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana<br />

moors) and the remains of diatom shells<br />

have proved that in this area, a huge shallow<br />

Ljubljana lake was spread in the past, where pile<br />

dwellers and beavers flourished.<br />

Ljubljanica river, also named the “River with<br />

seven names” is an urban aorta not adequately<br />

appreciated today. It offers home for various<br />

organisms, including many species of siliceous<br />

algae — diatoms. A wonderful world of these<br />

indicators of water environment is revealed<br />

under the microscope, especially the scanning<br />

electron microscope. Extraordinary micrographs<br />

document diatoms in their full diversity and<br />

splendour. Siliceous creations excite the imagination<br />

of different artists, from architects to fashion<br />

designers. Maybe the Riverman had known these<br />

secret treasures of Ljubljanica and, with tiny flint<br />

pearls, lured Urška into his secret home.<br />

Researchers are constantly surprised by the<br />

extraordinary form diversity of diatom frustules<br />

which protect algae from impacts of the environment<br />

and are specific for each species. External<br />

skeleton is shaped similar to a beautifully ornamented<br />

case in which grandmother’s pearls are<br />

kept. However, diatoms themselves are the most<br />

beautiful pearls of the nature! One only has to<br />

observe them under a microscope or admire on<br />

wonderful micrographs.<br />

Diatoms confirm that the aquatic environment is<br />

becoming unsuitable in many places due to selfish<br />

human attitude towards the environment. The<br />

power of capital often prevails over the sustainable<br />

use of the environment and too many are still<br />

convinced that the man is the lord of the Earth.<br />

This is far from the truth. We are only the companions<br />

of many other creatures on this planet<br />

that are far less dependent on us than we are on<br />

them. This has to become a part of our awareness<br />

and humans must stop treating the Nature as<br />

our property. We cannot simply exploit it to the<br />

Izvir Pod stenami spomladi / The source Pod stenami in springtime<br />


Tako je tudi v rekah in jezerih. Bolj ko so onesnažena,<br />

manj vrst živi v njih, manjša je pestrost oblik,<br />

več je drugih, na onesnaženje bolj tolerantnih<br />

vrst alg in posebej še cianobakterij. Na žalost pa<br />

še vedno prevladuje vse preveč tehnicistični odnos<br />

do vodnih okolij. V reki mnogi vidijo le silo,<br />

ki žene turbine in nam daje električno energijo.<br />

Pravijo, da reka teče v prazno, če je ne pregradimo<br />

in izkoristimo. Spet drugi v vodi vidijo le<br />

dobrino, ki plemeniti kapital polnilcev plastenk<br />

s pitno vodo, zato jo želijo privatizirati tudi tam,<br />

kjer se to še ni zgodilo. Vse bolj pa se krepi tudi<br />

spoznanje, da je to tista dobrina, brez katere tudi<br />

tehnološko superiorne družbe ne bodo mogle<br />

preživeti in se razvijati. Z današnjim stanjem tehnike<br />

res lahko v naravi spremenimo in naredimo<br />

marsikaj; vprašanje pa ni, ali to znamo, pomembnejše<br />

je vprašanje, ali to smemo. Gre torej za<br />

etična in ne za tehnična vprašanja.<br />

K sreči je Ljubljanica še vedno skoraj prijetno<br />

domovanje mnogim vrstam rastlin in živali,<br />

tudi mnogim vrstam kremenastih alg, čeprav<br />

ne vsem vrstam, ki bi v takšni reki lahko živele.<br />

Naša dolžnost je, da življenjske razmere izboljšamo,<br />

da se vrnejo tudi vrste, ki so zaradi našega<br />

neprimernega odnosa do reke izginile. Da bi<br />

se to zgodilo, bi morali rešiti vprašanja divjih<br />

deponij prispevnega območja, vprašanja spiranja<br />

kmetijskih površin v zaledju Ljubljane, obremenjenih<br />

z nevarnimi zaščitnimi sredstvi, vprašanja<br />

vnosa hranilnih in strupenih snovi in v zadnjem<br />

času vse bolj popularna vprašanja vnosa motilcev<br />

endokrinega sistema, poljudno imenovanih hormonski<br />

motilci; le–ti so nas streznili predvsem<br />

zaradi njihovega nepredvidljivega vpliva na ljudi,<br />

predvsem na moško populacijo. Zato je nespametno<br />

razmišljati le o tem, ali je lahko Ljubljanica<br />

kopalna voda, kakšne ekosistemske storitve nam<br />

nudi in ali jo bomo lahko uporabljali za pitno<br />

vodo. Dolgoletnega onesnaževanja reke ne moremo<br />

reševati na hitro. Zavedati se moramo, da<br />

je po vsaki bolezni potrebno okrevanje, in če je<br />

Izvir Pod stenami jeseni / The source Pod stanemi in autumn<br />

bolezen huda, je okrevanje dolgotrajno. Stopnjo<br />

obolelosti reke Ljubljanice nam kažejo tudi<br />

kremenaste alge.<br />

Prepričan sem, da bo reka Ljubljanica s svojo<br />

vidno pa tudi s skrito lepoto lahko razveseljevala<br />

prihajajoče rodove le v primeru, če bomo<br />

zdajšnji rodovi že danes spremenili svoj odnos do<br />

kopna in vode. Mnoge vrste so že danes redke in<br />

ogrožene; lahko jih izgubimo, preden jih sploh<br />

spoznamo. Tudi v Ljubljanici, reki tisočerih diatomejskih<br />

oblik. Korak na poti k boljšemu rečnemu<br />

in diatomejskemu jutri je tudi ta publikacija.<br />

Prof.dr. Mihael J. Toman,<br />

Oddelek za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete<br />

Univerze v Ljubljani<br />

Ljubljana, 2. oktobra 2014<br />


limit and throw away what we feel is not needed.<br />

Jacques–Yves Cousteau, the famous oceanographer,<br />

has discovered that diatoms are warning us<br />

against our inappropriate attitude towards nature.<br />

On his oceanic expeditions he has noted a diminishing<br />

pattern of diatom species biodiversity and<br />

for this reason, we should be concerned about the<br />

future of our planet.<br />

A similar situation can be observed in rivers and<br />

lakes. The diatom species abundance is a clear<br />

indicator of pollution level. In polluted freshwater<br />

bodies, the diversity of forms is smaller and<br />

more tolerant species, particularly Cyanobacteria,<br />

are becoming common and abundant. Sadly,<br />

technicistic view to the aquatic environment<br />

is still prevailing today. Many people only see<br />

the river as a source of power driving turbines<br />

providing electricity and regard it as useless if not<br />

dammed and applied to our advantage. Others<br />

are blinded by the profit of bottled water and<br />

strive to privatize it in countries where it is still<br />

in public use. However, the awareness that water<br />

is a natural resource is growing. Without water,<br />

even a technologically superior society will not<br />

be able to survive and develop. With today’s state<br />

of technique we are able to change a lot in nature;<br />

however, it is not a question of knowledge, but of<br />

our right. Now, it is about ethics and not about<br />

techniques.<br />

Luckily, the Ljubljanica river is still a more or<br />

less favourable habitat to many plant and animal<br />

species, including numerous diatoms, although<br />

more could thrive in this river type. It is our duty<br />

to improve the living conditions in the river to<br />

welcome back the species, which have vanished<br />

in the past because of inappropriate attitude. To<br />

allow this to happen we should remove all illegal<br />

dumps in the river catchment area, solve the<br />

problem of leaching from agricultural land burdened<br />

with dangerous biocides, and prevent the<br />

input of nutritional and toxic substances as well<br />

as more and more discussed “endocrine disruptors”<br />

to the water. The latter also have unpredictable<br />

impact on humans, particularly on the<br />

male population. Therefore, it is not wise to think<br />

about the Ljubljanica river only as a potential<br />

bathing water, provider of ecosystem services and<br />

as a source of drinking water. The long–lasting<br />

pollution of the river cannot be solved quickly.<br />

After every illness a recovery is prescribed; and<br />

if the illness is serious also the recovery is long–<br />

lasting. The condition of the Ljubljanica river is<br />

also represented by diatoms.<br />

I am strongly convinced that the Ljubljanica river<br />

with its visible and also invisible beauty will be<br />

able to bring joy to the following generations<br />

only in case today’s generations will change their<br />

attitude to the land and water immediately. There<br />

are many species which are already rare and<br />

endangered; we can easily lose them before fully<br />

understanding their role and impact in the river.<br />

This can happen also in Ljubljanica, the “River<br />

with seven names” and thousands of diatom<br />

forms. A step towards better future of the river<br />

status and diatom populations in Ljubljanica is<br />

also this publication.<br />

Prof. Dr. Mihael J. Toman,<br />

Department of Biology of the Biotechnical Faculty<br />

University of Ljubljana<br />

Ljubljana, the 2 nd of October 2014<br />





Kremenaste alge so velik dejavnik v ekosistemu,<br />

vendar premajhne, da bi jih lahko videli s prostim<br />

očesom. Tudi z najboljšim optičnim mikroskopom<br />

se jim ne približamo dovolj. Vso raznolikost<br />

in bogastvo zapletenih struktur, ki ga skriva<br />

kremenasti skelet teh alg, nam razkrije šele slika,<br />

ki jo prikaže vrstični elektronski mikroskop VEM<br />

ali po tuje »scanning«, elektronski mikroskop<br />

SEM. Brez dvoma je VEM čudovito orodje, ki<br />

pokriva skoraj vse potrebe pri raziskavah površinskih<br />

struktur kremenastih alg.<br />

nikov in filtrov prenaša na zaslon, na katerem<br />

se — točka za točko in vrsta za vrsto — sestavlja<br />

slika preiskovane strukture. Lahko razumemo, da<br />

kvaliteto, ločljivost in sporočilno vrednost slike<br />

določata velikost slikovnih točk in gostota rastra,<br />

po katerem se premika žarek; povečava pa je razmerje<br />

med površino, ki jo elektronski žarek otipa<br />

na preparatu, in površino zaslona, na katerem<br />

nastaja slika. Povedano drugače, povečava pove,<br />

kolikokrat je alga, ki jo opazujemo, manjša od<br />

njene slike na zaslonu.<br />

Sodobni komercialni VEM mikroskopi omogočajo<br />

povečave od približno 10 do 1.000.000–krat<br />

in dosegajo ločljivost do 1nm. Pri tem pa velja,<br />

da dejanska povečava kot tudi realna ločljivost<br />

mikroskopskega posnetka nista odvisni samo od<br />

zmogljivosti mikroskopa, temveč sta v veliki meri<br />

odvisni tudi ali predvsem od kakovosti vzorca in<br />

nekaterih drugih dejavnikov.<br />

Elektronski mikroskop je zajeten in zapleten stroj.<br />

Poleg množice električnih in elektronskih sklopov<br />

vključuje tudi zapleten vakuumski sistem. V<br />

koloni mikroskopa, v kateri je tudi prostor za preparat,<br />

vrsta črpalk vzdržuje podtlak – vakuum, ki<br />

omogoča formiranje in upravljanje elektronskega<br />

snopa. Vzorec, ki ga bomo raziskovali, mora biti<br />

zato obstojen v vakuumu, biti mora odporen tudi<br />

na bombardiranje z elektroni v elektronskem<br />

žarku, predvsem mora imeti čisto površino, kajti<br />

velika povečava razkrije tudi najbolj drobne<br />

packarije.<br />

Slika pri tej vrsti mikroskopa ne nastane naenkrat,<br />

tako kot smo navajeni v vsakdanjem<br />

življenju, temveč postopoma, korak za korakom.<br />

Snop elektronov je usmerjen v točko na površini<br />

preparata. Odklonski sistem mikroskopa<br />

premika (»skenira«) snop elektronov po površini<br />

preparata po vnaprej določenem rastru. Signal,<br />

ki nastane ob zadetku žarka s površino preiskovanega<br />

vzorca, se iz detektorjev preko ojačeval-<br />

dr. Kazimir Drašlar<br />

Vrstični elektronski mikroskop JEOL JSM 7500F na<br />

Oddelku za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani,<br />

na katerem so nastale mikrografije kremenastih alg za<br />

razstavo na prostem.<br />

The scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM 7500F<br />

in the Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty in<br />

Ljubljana, where the micrographs of diatoms for the<br />

outdoor exhibition published also in this publication were<br />

commencing.<br />

Poenostavljena shema delovanja vrstičnega<br />

elektronskega mikroskopa<br />

A simplified scheme of SEM and its working principle<br />





Diatoms are a great factor in the ecosystem yet<br />

they are too small to be visible with naked eye.<br />

Even with the best optical microscope, we cannot<br />

come near enough. The whole diversity and<br />

richness of complicated structures hidden in the<br />

siliceous skeleton of these algae could be revealed<br />

only by scanning electron microscope (SEM).<br />

There is no doubt SEM is a wonderful tool<br />

covering almost all the needs that appear in the<br />

research work on surface structures of diatoms.<br />

Modern commercial SEM microscopes enable<br />

magnifications from approximately 10 to<br />

1,000,000 times allowing image resolution to<br />

1 nm. However, it must be stressed that real magnification<br />

as well as real resolution of micrograph<br />

depend not only upon the capacity of the microscope<br />

but to a high degree also upon the sample<br />

quality as well as some other factors.<br />

Electronic microscope is sizable and complicated<br />

machine. Along with a number of electric and<br />

electronic complexes it includes also a complicated<br />

vacuum system. In the microscope column<br />

where is also a chamber for the sample, a series<br />

of pumps is maintaining vacuum which enables<br />

forming and managing of the electron beam. That<br />

fore the sample which we will investigate must be<br />

stable in vacuum, resistant to bombardment with<br />

electrons within electron beam and has to have<br />

a clean surface, while high magnifications reveal<br />

even the finest muck.<br />

In this kind of microscope the image doesn’t<br />

appear at a time like we are used in everyday life,<br />

rather it is appearing gradually, step by step. Electron<br />

beam is focused to a spot in the sample surface.<br />

Microscope tilting system scans the electron<br />

beam in a raster fashion over a rectangular area<br />

of the sample surface. The signal emerging from<br />

the collision of the beam with the surface of the<br />

sample investigated is transmitting from detectors<br />

via electronic amplifiers and filters to the<br />

screen where — point after point and row after<br />

row — the picture of the investigated structure is<br />

constituted. We could understand that the quality,<br />

resolution and communication value of the<br />

image are determined by the size of image points<br />

and by the density of the raster along which the<br />

beam is moving; magnification, however, results<br />

from the ratio of the dimensions of the raster on<br />

the specimen and the raster on the display device.<br />

In other words, magnification tells us, how many<br />

times alga, which we are observing is smaller<br />

from its image on the screen.<br />

Dr. Kazimir Drašlar<br />





VIDNO<br />

Ob vse hitrejšem tehnološkem razvoju človeške<br />

civilizacije, ki v nenehnem hlastanju za še večjo<br />

gospodarsko rastjo izčrpava naravne vire na našem<br />

edinstvenem planetu, postaja varstvo narave<br />

nepogrešljivo področje človekovega delovanja.<br />

Srečujemo ga vsepovsod in v najrazličnejših oblikah;<br />

številne od teh so le sprenevedanje, »okoljska<br />

odgovornost« na papirju ali na spletnih straneh,<br />

v resnici pa lov podjetij in velikih družb za prestižem,<br />

kjer okolje v vsakdanjem besednjaku pač ne<br />

sme manjkati — če je za tem še nekaj »ekoloških<br />

odpustkov« v zameno za tihe obremenitve okolja<br />

in izkoriščanje naravnih virov, smo lahko še<br />

zadovoljni. Pogosto tudi tega ni. Na drugi strani<br />

so redki zanesenjaški posamezniki in nekatere<br />

nevladne nepridobitne organizacije, za katere je<br />

varstvo narave postalo način življenja; takšni z<br />

zavidljivo majhnimi sredstvi opravijo ogromno<br />

delo in pogosto celo naloge, ki bi jih za davkoplačevalski<br />

denar morala opraviti država oz. organi v<br />

njeni sestavi. Največkrat ostanejo takšna dejanja<br />

pri »javnem sektorju« nerazumljena in finančno<br />

še naprej podhranjena, nezanimiva za medije,<br />

njihov pomen in vpliv v javnosti pa ravno zato<br />

težko preverljiv.<br />

Prav dokazovanje in merljivost vpliva pa je za<br />

presojevalce projektov, posebej evropskih, ključnega<br />

pomena. Koliko ljudi je obiskalo razstavo in<br />

kakšna je bila sestava te javnosti, v katerih medijih<br />

so poročali o dogodku, ali je prav ta dogodek<br />

(in ne morda katera druga dejavnost ali kampanja<br />

nacionalnega ali evropskega obsega) vplival na<br />

dvig zavedanja javnosti o pomenu varstva narave<br />

in posebej segmenta, s katerim se dogodek ukvarja,<br />

koliko odstotkov se je to zavedanje dvignilo<br />

in kako se to kaže v ravnanju ciljnih skupin ali<br />

izboljšanju ohranitvenega stanja nekaterih vrst …<br />

Pred temi in takimi vprašanji obupa marsikateri<br />

goreč zagovornik varstva narave — in »popusti<br />

posvetno rabo …« ali pa pregori.<br />

Zakaj nekateri vendarle ne obupamo? Kateri sodoben<br />

energent nas poganja, da še naprej, čeprav<br />

pogosto brez upanja na obzorju, spreminjamo navidez<br />

neuresničljive zamisli v resničnost? Odgovor<br />

je en sam: poganjajo nas fantastične zgodbe,<br />

kakršna je ta o drobcenih kremenastih algah, ki<br />

so postale velike — dovolj velike, da so obsedle<br />

domišljijo ljudi, ki po svetu hodijo z odprtimi<br />

očmi in odprtim srcem. Toda alge niso prerasle<br />

svojih naravnih okvirov kar tako; potreben je bil<br />

srečen splet prijateljstva in razumevanja, izvirnih<br />

zamisli, ki so se kot snežna krogla bogatile, ko so<br />

preskakovale med udeleženci tega ustvarjalnega<br />

procesa.<br />

Zgodba o diatomejah je zgodba, spočeta iz<br />

iskrice, ki se utrne dolgoletnim stanovskim in<br />

pevskim prijateljem v sproščenem klepetu ob<br />

pivu: Kaj je vendar narobe s temi diatomejami, da<br />

jih ljudje ne prepoznajo? Za življenje na planetu<br />


DIATOMS:<br />



TO THE EYE<br />

Along with the even faster technological development<br />

of the human civilisation, continuously<br />

snapping for economic growth, that way depleting<br />

natural resources on our unique planet,<br />

nature conservation is becoming indispensable<br />

field of human activity. We are encountering<br />

it everywhere and in various forms; many of<br />

them are merely hypocrisy, an “environmental<br />

responsibility” of big companies only on paper<br />

or on websites, in reality it is only catching for<br />

prestige. Of course, the environment became “a<br />

must” in everyday vocabulary — if there are some<br />

“ecological indulgences” behind in exchange for<br />

silent environmental burdens and exploitation of<br />

natural resources, we are usually satisfied. Very<br />

often, we lack also these. On the other hand,<br />

there are rare enthusiastic individuals and some<br />

nongovernmental and non–profit organizations<br />

for which nature conservation has become a way<br />

of life; with an enviable small funds, they undergo<br />

tremendous work and often even do the tasks<br />

which should be done by the state or government<br />

bodies for taxpayers’ money. Most of these<br />

actions remain misunderstood and continuously<br />

financially underfed by “public sector”, not interesting<br />

enough for media; therefore their importance<br />

and impact to the public is very difficult to<br />

be verified.<br />

And yet providing of evidences and quantification<br />

of impacts to the evaluators of projects, especially<br />

European ones, is of outmost importance.<br />

How many people did attend the exhibition and<br />

what was the structure of this public, by which<br />

media the event was covered, did this very event<br />

(and not maybe some other national or European<br />

activity or campaign) influence to the rising of<br />

public awareness about the importance of nature<br />

conservation, especially of the topic this event is<br />

dealing with, what was the percentage of rising<br />

of the awareness and how this is expressed in<br />

treatment of the target groups or in improvement<br />

of conservation status of some species … Before<br />

these and similar questions also a passionate<br />

defender of nature conservation loses his heart<br />

— and he eventually leave his work or even burns<br />

out.<br />

Why some of us do not despair? What is the<br />

secret energy source keeping us moving forward,<br />

even if there is often not a glimmer of hope?<br />

How we succeed to change apparently unrealistic<br />

ideas to reality? There is only one answer: we are<br />

inspired by fantastic stories like this one about<br />

tiny diatoms becoming big enough to obsess the<br />

imagination of those people, who are walking<br />

around with their eyes as well as their heart wide<br />

open. However, the algae haven’t overgrow their<br />

natural framework just like that; a lucky web of<br />

friendship and understanding was necessary,<br />

however, also original ideas enriching themselves<br />

like a snowball while jumping between participants<br />

of this creative process.<br />

The story of diatoms is a story, conceived from<br />

the sparkle, when “birds of a feather” that flock<br />

and sing together, for many years hang out in the<br />

evenings having a beer and chatting. What on<br />

earth is wrong with the diatoms that people don’t<br />

recognize them? Producing 40 % of oxygen and<br />

representing a quarter of the entire biomass, they<br />

are indispensable for the life on this planet! They<br />

are essential for the primary production (producing<br />

of the organic substances in the process<br />

of photosynthesis) in water ecosystems and this,<br />

again, is essential for all next levels in the food<br />

web stretching right to the “crown of creation”,<br />

to the human. Moreover, the richness of diatom<br />

forms and beauty of skeleton patterns are beyond<br />

the human imagination. And yet, when talking<br />

about nature conservation, our first thought is<br />

a panda or a whale, among European animals<br />

maybe a bear, wolf, otter, an eagle or horned<br />

owl — in a word, predator animals, that are on<br />

the top of food web. Why they are closer to us?<br />

Because we can easily see them with the naked<br />


so nepogrešljive, saj obsegajo kar četrtino vse<br />

biomase na planetu in zagotavljajo kar 40 %<br />

vsega kisika! So bistvene za primarno produkcijo<br />

(pridelovanje organske hrane v procesu<br />

fotosinteze) v vodnih ekosistemih, brez te pa ni<br />

nadaljnjih stopenj v prehranskem spletu, ki sega<br />

vse do »krone stvarstva«, človeka. Povrhu njihovi<br />

kremenasti skeleti po razkošju oblik in lepoti<br />

vzorcev presegajo tudi meje, do koder seže naša<br />

domišljija. A vendarle — ko je govor o varstvu<br />

narave, najprej pomislimo na pando ali kita, med<br />

evropskimi živalmi morda na medveda, volka,<br />

vidro, orla ali uharico, torej živali, ki so po svoji<br />

plenilski vlogi v naravi visoko, največkrat v vrhu<br />

prehranskega spleta. Zakaj so nam te živali bližje?<br />

Zato, ker jih lahko vidimo, morda tudi potipamo,<br />

primerki teh vrst so dovolj veliki in napravijo<br />

močan vtis. Imajo osebno karizmo. Diatomeje<br />

pa so mikroskopsko majhne enocelične alge. Za<br />

ogled teh bitij je včasih tudi svetlobni mikroskop<br />

prešibak, potrebujemo elektronskega, saj merijo<br />

povprečno nekaj deset mikronov, nekatere celo<br />

le nekaj mikronov. Torej so človeškim očem<br />

nevidne. V tem grmu torej tiči zajec, pravzaprav<br />

lisica, ki je Malega princa poučila o skrivnosti, da<br />

je »bistvo očem nevidno«.<br />

Nenadoma je bila rešitev na dlani: naj diatomeje<br />

»padejo v oči«, naredimo jih tako velike, da ne<br />

bodo ušle nobenemu očesu! In smo jih. Povečane<br />

na cel meter (več kot 50.000–krat) so se v vsem<br />

razkošju razprle na velikih slikah ob mestni reki.<br />

Mimobežni Ljubljančani, radovedni turisti in<br />

naključni obiskovalci so si jih z zanimanjem ogledovali<br />

na razstavi, ki smo jo naslovili Razkrita<br />

čudesa reke in podnaslovili Biotska pestrost<br />

diatomej porečja Ljubljanice. Marsikomu je<br />

zastal korak, ko se je prvič »iz oči v oči« srečal s<br />

čipkasto kraljico razstave — Thalassiosiro ali kakšno<br />

drugo »kremenito« lepotico.<br />

Tudi znanega oblikovalca pletenin Tomaža Draža<br />

so diatomeje pritegnile, ko jih je srečeval na<br />

vsakodnevnem mimohodu. Očarale so ga tako<br />

močno, da jih je preprosto moral ujeti v zanke.<br />

Nehote je tako vpletel tudi snovalce razstave in<br />

razširil našo prijateljsko mrežo. S sestro Urško<br />

sta zasnovala izjemno kolekcijo modnih pletenin<br />

DIATOMEA in očarala tudi ocenjevalce ter<br />

ljubitelje mode na modnem tednu v Ljubljani<br />

jeseni 2013. Zatem so se priznanja kar vrstila. Za<br />

popoln vtis se je oblekam, puloverjem in plaščem<br />

pridružila tudi slovenska tovarna čevljev Alpina<br />

in dodala modne športne in usnjene čevlje. Z<br />

vzorcem diatomej, seveda. Navdih, v naravi spleten<br />

iz kremena, je postal izziv v svetu mode.<br />

Tomaž in Urška sta na stežaj odprla vrata diatomejam,<br />

da so smelo zakorakale na modno brv in<br />

med občinstvom zbudile radovedno šepetanje:<br />

Kdo so vendar te nikoli videne lepotice, od kod<br />

so se vzele? Radovednost pa je najboljša učiteljica.<br />

Naravnost iz narave so prišle, iz naših voda, je bil<br />

odgovor. So drobne, toda zelo številčne varuhinje<br />

voda in raznolikosti njihovih živih zakladov —<br />

biodiverzitete. Pripovedujejo nam o svoji reki<br />

sedmerih imen in o njenem razvejanem porečju,<br />

o kraškem podzemnem svetu s Planinsko, Postojnsko<br />

in drugimi jamami, o Cerkniškem jezeru<br />

in Planinskem polju, o številnih izvirih, ponorih<br />

in bruhalnikih, o Ljubljanskem barju na pragu<br />

prestolnice. Naša skrb je, da iz svojih naravnih<br />

bivališč nikoli ne bodo izginile. Po zaslugi oblikovalcev<br />

s pretanjenim čutom za odgovornost do<br />

narave so majcene kremenaste alge to pomembno<br />

sporočilo prinesle tudi v modni svet, v družbeno<br />

okolje, ki mu tega čuta pogosto primanjkuje.<br />

Kadarkoli v zgodbi o diatomejah zapišem mi,<br />

nas, nam, torej prvo osebo množine, ki v današnjih<br />

časih prepogosto le zamegljuje odgovornost<br />

posameznikov, imam v mislih vse posameznike,<br />

brez katerih te zgodbe ne bi bilo: Gorazda in<br />

podpisano vodjo projekta, ki sva neutrudno besedovala,<br />

ali je pomembnejša vidra ali diatomeje —<br />

rezultat dvoboja držite v rokah; Mikca, ki je dolge<br />


Revealed River Wonders and subtitled The<br />

biodiversity of diatoms in the Ljubljanica River<br />

basin. The step of many passersby has stopped<br />

when they first looked face to face at the lace–like<br />

queen of the exhibition — Thalassiosira or some<br />

other “flinty beauty”.<br />

eye, maybe we can touch them, individuals are<br />

big enough and they make a strong impression.<br />

They have a personal charisma. Diatoms, on the<br />

other hand, are microscopic unicellular creatures<br />

measuring some few tens of microns or<br />

even less. For observing them, we need not only<br />

light but even electronic microscope. To human<br />

eye they are invisible. And that’s the crux of the<br />

matter, however, the matter being the fox who<br />

has thought the Little Prince the secret: “What is<br />

essential is invisible to the eye.”<br />

Suddenly, the solution was evident: Let’s enlarge<br />

the diatoms and make them so big that nobody’s<br />

eye will be able to miss them! And we did it.<br />

Enlarged to the size of one meter (more then<br />

50.000–times) the gorgeous diatoms have occupied<br />

the large exhibition panels along the urban<br />

river Ljubljanica. The citizens, curious tourists<br />

as well as random visitors passing by were very<br />

interested in viewing the exhibition titled The<br />

Also Tomaž Draž, the well–known designer of<br />

the knitwear was attracted by diatoms, meeting<br />

them when he was walking along the riverbank<br />

every day. He was fascinated by their patterns so<br />

much that simply he had to “catch” them into the<br />

stitches. Unintentionally, he interweaved also the<br />

exhibition’s project team and that way widened<br />

our network of friendship. With his sister Urška<br />

they have designed an exceptional fashion<br />

line of knitwear called DIATOMEA and with<br />

it, absolutely fascinated the jury as well as the<br />

fashion fans in the autumn 2013 “Fashion week”<br />

Ljubljana. After this, more awards have followed.<br />

Rounding up the impression of knitted dresses,<br />

sweaters and coats, stylish sport and leather shoes<br />

— covered with diatom patterns, of course —<br />

were added by Slovenian footwear factory Alpina.<br />

The inspiration, in nature knitted from the silica,<br />

became the challenge in the world of fashion.<br />

Tomaž and Urška opened the door to the diatoms<br />

widely and tiny algae have stepped to the runway<br />

bravely, arousing curious whispering between the<br />

public: Who are these beauties never seen before,<br />

where did they come from? Curiosity, however,<br />

is the best teacher. They came straight from the<br />

nature, out from our waters, was the answer.<br />

They are tiny but very numerous guardians of<br />

the waters and their biodiversity. These beauties<br />

are telling us about their “River with seven<br />

names” and its branching river basin; about<br />

the karst underground world with its caves like<br />

Planinska, Postojnska and many others, about<br />

the karst fields (polje) Planina and Cerknica,<br />

about numerous springs, sinks and vent–holes,<br />

about Ljubljansko barje (Ljubljana moors) on the<br />


ure presedel ob »skenu« (vrstičnem elektronskem<br />

mikroskopu) in po Gorazdovem izboru potrpežljivo<br />

snemal zahtevne mikrografije diatomej;<br />

Zvoneta, ki je grafično obdelal vsako mikrografijo<br />

posebej, da je skorajda izstopila iz slike; Mitjo,<br />

ki je poskrbel za tisk panojev; Samota, ki je s<br />

kamero zabeležil razstavo in njeno odprtje; Marto<br />

iz Prlekije, ki je za ta dogodek napekla domače<br />

dobrote in jih s pletenkami vred pripeljala v<br />

prestolnico; Tamaro Lah, direktorico NIB, ki je<br />

v prvem trenutku razumela in podprla zamisel o<br />

sodelovanju; Barbaro Vajda, takratno direktorico<br />

Turizma Ljubljana, ki je ponudila brezplačen<br />

razstavni prostor na Krakovskem nasipu ob Ljubljanici.<br />

Posebno mesto ambasadorjev kremenaste<br />

zgodbe zaslužita Urška in Tomaž Draž, ki sta<br />

diatomeje prvič pripeljala v svet mode. Nikogar<br />

ne bi smela omeniti na koncu, pa vendarle je bila<br />

ekipa Inštituta LUTRA — Tatjana, Marjetka,<br />

Petra, Igor, Tomaž — kot vedno nepogrešljiva in<br />

pripravljena na vse izzive.<br />

Za podvig, kakršen je razstava in pripaden<br />

katalog, je potrebna tudi institucionalna podpora.<br />

Mestna občina Ljubljana je spoznala, da bo<br />

pričujoča publikacija verodostojen dokument<br />

razstave in jo je podprla. Ne nazadnje je tu<br />

evropski finančni mehanizem LIFE+, ki je skozi<br />

projekt LIFE AQUAVIVA — Živa voda od biodiverzitete<br />

do pipe ob prispevku Evropske komisije,<br />

Ministrstva za okolje in prostor RS ter Holdinga<br />

Slovenske elektrarne oživil tako razstavo kot njen<br />

zapis.<br />

Nihče med nami ne more izračunati, koliko ur je<br />

resnično porabil za to zgodbo; nismo šteli, koliko<br />

telefonskih klicev smo opravili in ne, koliko elektronskih<br />

sporočil odposlali; tudi slovenskih pesmi<br />

in vrčkov piva, ob katerih so se kresale zamisli, ne<br />

bomo nikoli prešteli. Zanesljivo pa je, da smo ob<br />

zaključku zgodbe o kremenastih algah vsi bogatejši<br />

— za znanje, za izkušnje, za prijateljske vezi,<br />

za ustvarjanje, ki povezuje in pelje vedno novim<br />

Smaragdni izvir Cerkniškega jezera je pokril prvi sneg. / The emerald source of Cerknica Lake covered by first snow.<br />

odkritjem naproti. Prepričani smo, da bo zgodba<br />

o diatomejah rastla še naprej in nas še bogatila.<br />

V širni svet pa bo še naprej nosila spoznanje o<br />

pomenu ohranjanja naravnih voda in njihovih<br />

drobnih, a za življenje nepogrešljivih prebivalcev.<br />

Vsem iskrena hvala.<br />

Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič,<br />

koordinatorka projekta LIFE AQUAVIVA<br />


Whenever in the story of diatoms it is written<br />

we, us, ours or other plural form it means all<br />

the individuals involved; without them, as they<br />

follow, this story would never appear: Gorazd<br />

and the undersigned project coordinator — we<br />

have discussed about the prevailing importance<br />

of the otter and diatoms almost till we dropped<br />

(the result of the discussion you are now holding<br />

in your hands); Mikec who have spent hours and<br />

hours along the SEM (a scanning electron microscope)<br />

scanning the demanding diatom samples<br />

according to Gorazd’s assortment very patiently;<br />

Zvone who has treated graphically every micrographic<br />

image to perfection; Mitja who has taken<br />

care of the printing of panels; Samo who, with<br />

his camera, has taken film notes of the exhibition<br />

and its opening; Marta from Prlekija who, for this<br />

particular event, baked a lot of delicious things<br />

and, together with house wine, has brought all<br />

the homemade goodies to Ljubljana; Tamara Lah,<br />

the Director of National Institute of Biology who<br />

from the first moment understood and supported<br />

the idea of cooperation; Barbara Vajda, the then<br />

Director of Ljubljana Tourism offering us the<br />

exhibition site on Krakovski nasip along Ljubljanica<br />

River free of charge. Special positions of<br />

the ambassadors of the flint–stone story deserve<br />

Urška and Tomaž Draž who had for first time<br />

brought the diatoms to the fashion world. Last<br />

but not least, the team of the Institute LUTRA —<br />

Tatjana, Marjetka, Petra, Igor, Tomaž — as always<br />

was indispensable and prepared to all challenges.<br />

discoveries. We are convinced that the story of<br />

diatoms will grow even further and will make us<br />

even richer. And it will spread the message about<br />

the importance of conservation of natural waters<br />

and their tiny, for the life indispensable inhabitants,<br />

all over the world.<br />

Sincere thanks to all of you.<br />

Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič,<br />

The coordinator of the project LIFE AQUAVIVA<br />

Na Krakovskem nasipu so diatomeje kraljevale dva pomladna<br />

meseca leta 2013. Upamo in želimo, da bodo v bližnji reki<br />

sedmerih imen kraljevale še mnogo dlje. / Diatoms have ruled<br />

the banks of the river two months in the spring 2013. We sincerely<br />

hope and wish they will hold rule over the River with seven names<br />

much longer.<br />

capital’s doorstep. It should be our concern they<br />

will never vanish in their natural habitats. Thanks<br />

to the designers with subtle sense of responsibility<br />

for the nature, tiny diatoms have brought this<br />

important message to the fashion world, thus to<br />

the social environment where this sense is often<br />

missing.<br />

For the achievement such is the exhibition and<br />

the belonging catalogue, also an institutional support<br />

is needed. Municipality of Ljubljana believes<br />

this publication will be a reliable document and<br />

therefore supported it. There is also a contribution<br />

of European financial mechanism LIFE+,<br />

which through the project LIFE AQUAVIVA —<br />

Live Water from Biodiversity to the Tap along<br />

with co–financial support of Ministry of Environment<br />

and Spatial Planning of the Republic of<br />

Slovenia and HSE d.o.o., the exhibition and its<br />

record has made alive.<br />

Nobody of participants is able to count up how<br />

many hours were spent for realization of this<br />

story; we haven’t counted the phone calls neither<br />

electronic messages sent; also we will never be<br />

able to count Slovenian songs and mugs of beer<br />

when ideas were sparking around. However,<br />

there is no doubt that in the end of the diatom<br />

story we all become richer — for the knowledge,<br />

for the experiences, for the friendship, for fruitful<br />

creation which connects and leads toward new<br />





Mesta si bolj ali manj zapomnimo po njihovih<br />

skritih zakladih ali po najbolj izpostavljenih<br />

turističnih znamenitostih, po naravnih lepotah in<br />

kulturi, ki jo ponujajo, po parkih, sprehajališčih,<br />

gostilnah, arhitekturi, razstavah, glasbi, gledališču<br />

in modi.<br />

Publikacija Razkrita čudesa reke nam na<br />

svojevrsten in sodoben način predstavlja skrite<br />

lepote življenja v našem mestu Ljubljani. V globinah<br />

Ljubljanice, ki mirno teče pod najbolj znano<br />

ljubljansko znamenitostjo, Tromostovjem, sobiva<br />

čarobni svet mikroskopsko drobnih rečnih alg<br />

diatomej, ki sta ga oblikovalca Urška in Tomaž<br />

Draž ujela v zanke pletenin.<br />

Pletenine Draž so prepoznavni modni simbol<br />

Ljubljane. V njihovo trgovino, ki je od leta 1999<br />

na Gornjem trgu 9, z enakim žarom prihajajo občudovalci<br />

pletenin iz vse Slovenije kot svetovno<br />

znani obiskovalci. Urbana legenda pravi, da je potem,<br />

ko je njihovo krilo videla na svoji maskerki,<br />

k Draževim popolnoma sama in nenapovedana<br />

prišla igralka Andy McDowel, kupila tri kose<br />

pletenin in odšla brez kakršnegakoli pompa.<br />

Z lastnim izrazom, prepoznavnim avtorskim slogom<br />

in obrtniškim perfekcionizmom sta Urška<br />

in Tomaž začrtala povsem nove smernice razvoja<br />

modnih pletenin.<br />

Tandem Tomaž & Urška Draž<br />

Vodilo Pletenin Draž je eksperimentiranje,<br />

raziskovanje in uporaba sodobnih tehnologij, s<br />

katerimi so razvili številne inovacije, samosvoje<br />

avtorske teksture in načine sestavljanja pletenin,<br />

ki danes niso le temelj in jasen razpoznavni znak<br />

njihove blagovne znamke, ampak tudi simbol<br />

slovenskih pletenin v svetu mode. Vizija Pletenin<br />

Draž je, da ne sledijo trendom, marveč jih ustvarjajo<br />

skozi lepa, a udobna, unikatna in praktična,<br />

ekstravagantna, nosljiva in predvsem vsestranska<br />

ter brezčasna oblačila. Z najmanj desetletno<br />

življenjsko dobo oblačila, ki jo Draž pletenine<br />

dosežejo s kakovostjo ter obnovo in reciklažo izdelka,<br />

so njihove pletenine eden redkih trajnostnih<br />

modnih izdelkov domače proizvodnje.<br />

Urška in Tomaž Draž iz leta v leto uresničujeta<br />

fantastične oblikovalske zamisli. Ena zadnjih<br />

je oživitev mikroskopsko drobnih alg skozi<br />

strukture pletenin v kolekciji oblačil za pomlad–<br />

poletje 2014 z imenom Diatomea, ki je nastala v<br />

sodelovanju z neprofitno organizacijo LUTRA,<br />

Inštitutom za ohranjanje naravne dediščine in<br />

Nacionalnim inštitutom za biologijo. Z inovativnimi<br />

tehnologijami pletenja, predvsem z uporabo<br />

žakardskih pletenin, sta mikroskopske slike<br />

diatomej prenesla na oblačila. Alge, ki vizualno<br />

spominjajo na pletene organske tridimenzionalne<br />

čipke, so postale vir umetniškega navdiha<br />

in oživele v različnih oblikah in kombinacijah<br />

na oblačilih iz viskoze in bombaža. Glede na<br />

želeni učinek, volumen ali padec teksture sta<br />

Urška in Tomaž pustila vzorcem, da si vsak sam<br />

izbere barvo in ponudi rešitev oziroma idejo<br />

za silhueto, v kateri se bosta ženska ali moški<br />

počutila svobodno, udobno in lepo. Kolekcijo sta<br />

dopolnila s supergami iz pletene čipke, povzete<br />

po diatomejskem vzorcu, ki jih je posebej<br />

za Draž izdelal največji slovenski proizvajalec<br />

športne butve Alpina in sta jih oblikovalca drzno<br />


DIATOMS,<br />



We remember cities by their hidden treasures, we<br />

are always so eager to find, or by their well known<br />

tourist attractions, natural beauties and architecture<br />

these cities have to offer. We remember<br />

the restaurants, music, art, exhibitions, parks,<br />

theaters and fashion.<br />

On its very own and modern way, the publication<br />

Revealed River Wanders introduces us to a<br />

hidden life of our Ljubljana city. In the depths of<br />

Ljubljanica river, which peacefully flows under<br />

the well known Triple Bridge, lies a magical<br />

world of microscopic small diatom algae which<br />

was caught in the loops of knitwear by the two<br />

designers, Urška and Tomaž Draž.<br />

Draž knitwear is a very recognizable fashion symbol<br />

of Ljubljana. Anyone who admires beautiful<br />

knitwear loves to visit their store, from the year<br />

1999 located in a lovely old part of Ljubljana,<br />

Gornji trg 9. It is also said that the actress Andy<br />

Mcdowel saw one of their unique skirts on her<br />

make–up artist, went unannounced to visit the<br />

store and immediately bought three pieces of<br />

clothing.<br />

With their own expression, recognizable author<br />

style and perfectionism in handcraft Urška and<br />

Tomaž outlined entirely new guidelines of fashion<br />

knitwear.<br />

The guidance of Draž knitwear is experimenting,<br />

research and use of new technologies, thus developing<br />

numerous innovations, unique original<br />

textures and ways of combining knitwear; all<br />

these today is not only their ground and clearly<br />

recognizable fashion brand but also the symbol of<br />

Slovenian knitwear in fashion world. The vision<br />

of Draž knitwear is not about following latest<br />

fashion trends, it’s more about creating trends<br />

through timeless, versatile and unique, though<br />

wearable and comfortable clothing. With making,<br />

remaking and recycling of clothes as well as with<br />

high quality, their fashion knitwear became one<br />

of the most sustainable among local productions,<br />

its life–cycle lasting at least ten years.<br />

Every year, Urška and Tomaž Draž bring fantastic<br />

design ideas to reality. For the spring–summer<br />

2014 collection named DIATOMEA, they found<br />

an inspiration in the microscopic diatom algae.<br />

The collection was made in the collaboration<br />

with nonprofit organization LUTRA, Institute<br />

for Conservation of Natural Heritage and with<br />

National Institute of Biology.<br />

With innovative knitting technologies and using<br />

jacquard knitwear, they transmitted the micrographs<br />

of diatoms onto clothing. These diatoms<br />

looking very much like three–dimensional<br />

knitted lace, came alive onto their clothing made<br />

out of materials such as viscose and cotton. With<br />

different patterns and colors, they have designed<br />

a brilliant collection, made for women as for men<br />

to feel free, stylish and comfortable.<br />

They complete the collection with sneakers, also<br />

made out of the knitted lace, inspired by diatoms.<br />

These sneakers have been made by Slovenian<br />

biggest shoe manufacturer, Alpina. They’ve<br />

matched them with elegant evening gowns and<br />

definitely succeeded in breaking taboo that an<br />

evening gown needs to be worn with high heels.<br />

In next years, we will admire diatoms not only on<br />

daily street cloths but also on evening gown and<br />

wedding dress.<br />

After the Slovenian Fashion Week’s premiere in<br />

Ljubljana, the Diatomea collection has been on<br />

its victory march. As the chosen collection of<br />

this Fashion Week, it was also represented on a<br />

35 th Belgrade’s Fashion Week as a part of Zona<br />

45 project, where only the region’s best designers<br />

are shown. Samples of the Diatomea collection<br />

based on the structure of diatom shells with their<br />

abstract organic motifs, distinctive “hi–tech”<br />

appearance and new conceptual solutions have<br />

brought to Draž tandem the Trend 2013 award,<br />

for fashion and visual creativity. In the same year,<br />

they also won a very flattering Elle’s designer of the<br />

year 2013 title and have proved that science and<br />

fashion can easily go hand in hand. Last achievement<br />

of the Diatomea collection is a nomination<br />

for Elle style awards in a fashion collaboration category,<br />

for successful joining hands with Alpina.<br />

The boutique collection of “diatom” sneakers is<br />

also on sale in selected Alpina’s stores.<br />

Although the life of these microscopic diatoms<br />

somewhere is endangered by the water pollution,<br />

we must be aware of the fact that they are very<br />

important for survival of many other organisms.<br />

Similarly, knitting as a traditional Slovenian craft<br />

is also endangered in our country, even though it<br />

used to be the main income for many Slovenian<br />

families, at the same time bringing joy to people<br />

with its beauty and warmth. The story of diatoms,<br />

looped into the Draž’s knitwear is a story about<br />

hidden treasures and a story about survival of<br />

endangered species as well as traditional arts and<br />

crafts.<br />

This publication will hopefully bring this story<br />

closer to the broader publics.<br />

Sanja Grcić, B.Sc. engineer of design<br />

President of the Society for modern Slovenian<br />

design of textiles and clothing SOTO<br />


in novimi konceptualnimi rešitvami prinesle<br />

tandemu Draž nagrado Trend 2013 za modno<br />

in vizualno ustvarjalnost. V istem letu je Studio<br />

Draž osvojil tudi laskavi naziv Elle oblikovalec<br />

leta 2013 in dokazal, da se znanost in popkultura<br />

lahko srečata in si brez sramu podata roko. Zadnji<br />

dosežek kolekcije Diatomea je nominacija za<br />

Elle Style Awards v kategoriji modno sodelovanje,<br />

in sicer za izjemen uspeh kolekcije superg v sodelovanju<br />

z Alpino. »Butična« serija superg je prišla<br />

tudi na police izbranih Alpininih prodajaln.<br />

Čeprav je življenje diatomej, teh mikroskopsko<br />

majhnih kremenastih alg, zaradi onesnaževanja<br />

voda ponekod ogroženo, so ta drobna bitjeca že<br />

milijone let pomembna za preživetje številnih<br />

drugih organizmov. Podobno so pletenine kot<br />

tradicionalna slovenska obrt iz našega prostora<br />

skoraj izginile, čeprav so včasih omogočale preživetje<br />

številnim družinam, s svojo toploto in lepoto<br />

pa so razveseljevale množice. Zgodba diatomej,<br />

ujetih v zanke pletenin Draž, je zgodba o skritih<br />

zakladih ter preživetju življenjsko ogroženih vrst<br />

in tradicionalnih poklicev. Pričujoča publikacija<br />

bo to zgodbo približala tudi širši javnosti.<br />

kombinirala z večernimi oblekami. Uspelo jima<br />

je podreti tabu, da pletena obleka ne more biti<br />

svečana ali poročna, in uveljavljeni stereotip, da<br />

večerna obleka nujno potrebuje visoke pete. Tako<br />

bomo v naslednjih letih diatomeje občudovali ne<br />

samo na dnevnih uličnih oblačilih, ampak tudi na<br />

večernih in poročnih oblekah.<br />

Sanja Grcić, dipl. ing. oblikovanja<br />

Predsednica Društva za sodobno slovensko oblikovanje<br />

tekstilij in oblačil SOTO<br />

Kolekcija Diatomea je po premieri na Slovenskem<br />

tednu mode v Ljubljani nadaljevala svojo<br />

zmagovalno pot. Kot izbrana kolekcija slovenskega<br />

tedna mode je bila v sklopu projekta Zona<br />

45 predstavljena na 35. tednu mode v Beogradu,<br />

na katerem se predstavljajo najboljši oblikovalci<br />

regije. Vzorci kolekcije Diatomea, ki temeljijo na<br />

strukturi kremenastih alg, so s svojo abstraktno<br />

organsko motiviko, izrazitim »hi–tech« videzom<br />


20<br />

40 %

40 % kisika, ki ga pravkar<br />

vdihavate, pridelajo<br />

mikroskopsko drobne<br />

alge — diatomeje.<br />

About 40% of the oxygen<br />

you are breathing this very<br />

moment is produced by<br />

tiny algae — diatoms.<br />


Diatomeje so posebna skupina<br />

mikroskopsko majhnih alg; večino<br />

vrst merimo s tisočinkami milimetra<br />

(mikroni), le redke velikanke<br />

dosežejo pol milimetra. Čeprav<br />

jih s prostim očesom ne vidimo,<br />

so izjemno pomembni organizmi.<br />

Majhnost nadomeščajo z množičnostjo<br />

in neverjetno vrstno<br />

pestrostjo. Na cm 2 rečnega dna jih<br />

lahko živi več kot milijon.<br />

Diatoms are special group of microscopic<br />

algae. The majority of species<br />

are measured with thousandths<br />

of millimetre (microns); only rare<br />

giants reach half of millimetre.<br />

Although invisible with the naked<br />

eye, they are exceptionally important<br />

organisms. Their smallness is compensated<br />

with mass and unbelievable<br />

species diversity. More than million<br />

diatoms could live on one square<br />

centimetre.<br />

100µm<br />

Raznolikost diatomej v vzorcu iz reke / Diversity of diatoms in the river sample<br />


Ljubljanica na Barju / Ljubljanica River in Ljubljana moors<br />


Alge. Je to sluzasta obloga rečnega<br />

dna? Je poletno »cvetenje« jezera ali<br />

morja? So alge hrana in celo gorivo<br />

prihodnosti?<br />

Vse to so alge — in še mnogo več.<br />

Kar 40 % kisika, ki ga pravkar<br />

vdihavate, pridelajo mikroskopsko<br />

drobne alge — diatomeje. Da bi<br />

opozorili na njihov neprecenljiv<br />

pomen za življenje na planetu, smo<br />

z elektronskim mikroskopom ta<br />

čudesa narave močno povečali:<br />

enocelična alga, velika le 20 milijonink<br />

metra, zdaj meri cel meter!<br />

Algae. Is this slimy lining of a<br />

river-bed? Is it summer “blossoming”<br />

of a lake or sea? Do we think of<br />

algae as food or even bio–fuel of the<br />

future?<br />

All these are algae– and many<br />

more. About 40% of the oxygen you<br />

are breathing this very moment is<br />

produced by tiny algae — diatoms.<br />

To point out their invaluable significance<br />

for the life on planet Earth we<br />

used electron microscope to magnify<br />

these wonders of nature: unicellular<br />

alga of only 20 microns is measuring<br />

the whole meter now!<br />

10µm<br />

Razne Diatomeje, detajl / Detail of various Diatoms<br />


Značilnost diatomej je trdno<br />

ogrodje, zgrajeno iz kremenjaka.<br />

Zato so dobile ime kremenaste<br />

alge. Miniaturne umetnine narave<br />

z raznolikimi ornamenti pri nekaterih<br />

vrstah spominjajo na okrogel<br />

čipkast prtiček, pri drugih na domiselno<br />

okrašeno šatuljo — škatlico s<br />

pokrovom. To sta dve veliki skupini<br />

diatomej.<br />

The characteristic of diatoms is a<br />

firm skeleton — frustules composed<br />

of silica. Highly ornamented miniature<br />

nature works of art in some species<br />

resembles a round lace, in others<br />

a fancy decorated case with a cover,<br />

thus forming two major groups<br />

recognized as centric and pennate<br />

diatoms, respectively.<br />

1µm<br />

Cyclotella sp.<br />


Diatomeje ali kremenaste alge živijo<br />

v vsakovrstnem vodnem okolju:<br />

oceanih in morjih, rekah in potokih,<br />

jezerih in izvirih, močvirjih in<br />

barjih. Celo na mahovih in na drevesni<br />

skorji je dovolj vlage za življenje<br />

teh drobcenih bitij! Pestrejše<br />

je vodno okolje, več vrst alg lahko<br />

najdemo.<br />

Diatomeje so pomemben kazalnik<br />

kakovosti vodnega okolja, zato<br />

vrstni sestav in številčnost alg uporabljamo<br />

za spremljanje ekološkega<br />

stanja rek in jezer.<br />

Diatoms live in all kinds of aquatic<br />

habitats: oceans and seas, rivers and<br />

brooks, lakes and springs, marshes<br />

and moors. Even on mosses and tree<br />

bark there is enough of water for<br />

these tiny creatures to live! The more<br />

diverse aquatic environments are,<br />

the more algae species they support.<br />

Diatoms are very important indicators<br />

of aquatic environment. As a<br />

result, diatoms are used extensively<br />

in environmental assessments and<br />

monitoring of ecological state of rivers<br />

and lakes.<br />

1µm<br />

Cocconeis placentula + Achnanthes sp.<br />


Nekatere diatomeje prosto lebdijo<br />

v vodi. Trni in podobni kremenasti<br />

izrastki preprečujejo, da ne<br />

potonejo. Nekatere pa so razvile<br />

drugačno strategijo: povezujejo se<br />

v plavajoče kolonije in se družno<br />

upirajo težnosti.<br />

Največ kremenastih alg pa raste na<br />

različnih površinah — prodnikih,<br />

skalah in vodnih rastlinah. S primerno<br />

obokano »škatlico« se alge<br />

lepo prilegajo steblu; druge vrste<br />

imajo svoje stebelce, s katerim so<br />

pritrjene na površino. Vse zato, da<br />

jih vodni tok ne odnese.<br />

Some diatoms float freely in the<br />

water. Spines and similar silica structures<br />

prevent them from sinking.<br />

Others have developed a different<br />

strategy: they resist gravitation in<br />

groups by forming floating colonies.<br />

The majority of diatoms grow<br />

attached to different surfaces: pebble–stones,<br />

rocks and aquatic plants.<br />

With suitably arched frustules some<br />

species fit nicely to a stem; other species<br />

form a stalk which is attached<br />

to a surface. All this is used to resist<br />

water currents.<br />

10µm<br />

Melosira varians<br />


Kremenaste alge vsebujejo klorofil,<br />

ki ob sodelovanju sončne svetlobe<br />

omogoča nastajanje organske snovi,<br />

s katero se hranijo vodni mikroorganizmi<br />

in žuželčje ličinke. Množice<br />

diatomej so pravi »podvodni<br />

travniki«, kjer se začenjajo prehranske<br />

verige in se nadgrajujejo v<br />

splete.<br />

Diatomeje vežejo kar četrtino globalnega<br />

ogljika!<br />

Diatoms contain chlorophyll, which<br />

gains energy from the sun and enables<br />

production of organic substances<br />

— the major food source for aquatic<br />

microorganisms and insect larvae.<br />

The diatom masses are true “grass of<br />

the sea” where food chains are starting<br />

and upgrading to food webs.<br />

It is estimated that a quarter of<br />

global carbon is fixed by diatoms.<br />

1µm<br />

Amphora sp.<br />


Koliko vrst diatomej živi na planetu?<br />

Ne vemo. Morda milijon ali<br />

dva, doslej pa je znanih več kot<br />

deset tisoč morskih in sladkovodnih<br />

vrst. Toda znanstveniki se<br />

še sprašujejo, kaj sploh je vrsta<br />

diatomeje, saj je šele elektronski<br />

mikroskop omogočil vpogled v<br />

drobne strukture njihovih kremenastih<br />

ogrodij, značilnih za posamezne<br />

vrste.<br />

Vsak dan opisujejo nove oblike,<br />

nove strukture in podrobnosti —<br />

in zato nove vrste.<br />

How many diatom species live on<br />

our planet? The truth is we don’t<br />

know. It may be one or two millions;<br />

till now, about ten thousands<br />

of salt– and freshwater species are<br />

known. Scientists are still trying to<br />

understand what a diatom species<br />

is, as only electronic microscopy has<br />

enabled the insight into tiny structures<br />

of silica frustules characteristic<br />

for single species.<br />

Every day, new forms, structures<br />

and details are discovered — therefore<br />

also new diatom species.<br />

1µm<br />

Amphora sp. (detajl)<br />


Diatomeje so svetovljanke, zato<br />

težko govorimo o ogroženosti vrst<br />

ali skupin.<br />

Toda previdno! Posamezne vrste<br />

žive le v določenih vodnih habitatih.<br />

Če jih prizadenemo, onesnažimo<br />

ali uničimo, izginejo tudi<br />

zanje značilne drobcene alge. In<br />

kisika je manj!<br />

Zato je vrstni sestav skupaj s pogostostjo<br />

vrst kremenastih alg uveljavljen<br />

kazalnik kakovosti in zdravja<br />

vodnega okolja.<br />

Diatoms are cosmopolites; therefore<br />

it is very difficult to talk about<br />

endangered species or groups.<br />

But with caution! Single species only<br />

live in specific aquatic habitats. If<br />

degraded, polluted or destroyed, also<br />

the tiny algae characteristic for these<br />

habitats will disappear. This would<br />

be a loss of oxygen!<br />

Therefore, the structure of algae<br />

community along with species frequency<br />

is an important indicator<br />

of quality and health of aquatic<br />

environment.<br />

1µm<br />

Thalassiosira weissflogii<br />


Kremenasta ogrodja diatomej se ne<br />

razgradijo, temveč se nalagajo na<br />

dno morij in jezer.<br />

Diatomejske usedline, v katerih so<br />

ohranjene mikroskopsko majhne<br />

»škatlice«, so za znanstvenike<br />

odprta knjiga o okoljskih razmerah,<br />

značilnih za določene zemeljske<br />

dobe.<br />

Za branje in razlago pa je potrebno<br />

veliko znanja različnih strok.<br />

The diatom silica cell walls do not<br />

decompose rather they deposit in the<br />

bottoms of oceans and lakes.<br />

In diatom sediments the microscopic<br />

“cases” are preserved and are as an<br />

“open book” available to scientists of<br />

different fields to read about environmental<br />

characteristics of particular<br />

historical periods.<br />

1µm<br />

Thalassiosira weissflogii (detajl)<br />


Geografska in krajinska pestrost<br />

Slovenije odseva tudi v veliki<br />

raznolikosti vodnih ekosistemov, s<br />

tem pa tudi v biotski pestrosti alg.<br />

Kremenaste alge najdemo v izvirih,<br />

hudournikih, visokogorskih in<br />

ledeniških jezerih, na barjih in v<br />

presihajočih jezerih, mrtvicah, mlakah,<br />

močvirjih in celo v termalnih<br />

vrelcih.<br />

The geographic and landscape diversity<br />

of Slovenia reflects in the vast<br />

variety of aquatic ecosystems and<br />

thus in biodiversity of algae. Diatoms<br />

are found in freshwater springs,<br />

torrents, in mountain and glacier<br />

lakes, on moors, in periodic lakes,<br />

oxbow lakes, pools, marshes and<br />

even in thermal springs.<br />

1µm<br />

Cyclotella ocellata<br />


Za ohranjanje vrstne pestrosti<br />

kremenastih alg je pomembno<br />

ohranjanje raznolikih vodnih habitatov<br />

in preprečevanje njihovega<br />

onesnaženja.<br />

Vendar človek vse globlje posega v<br />

naravne vire, predvsem vodne, zato<br />

je večina že na takšen ali drugačen<br />

način prizadeta.<br />

Skupaj z vodnimi habitati pa so<br />

ogrožene tudi alge, ki tam žive.<br />

Spremembe njihovih združb nas<br />

neusmiljeno opominjajo na naše<br />

neodgovorno ravnanje z vodami.<br />

For the protection of diatom biodiversity<br />

it is important to maintain<br />

diverse aquatic habitats as well as<br />

preventing their pollution.<br />

However, human interfere more and<br />

more with natural, especially water<br />

resources. The majority of water<br />

habitats are one or another way<br />

degraded and modified.<br />

Along with water habitats, also algae<br />

living there are endangered. Changes<br />

in their communities remind us<br />

ruthless to our irresponsible behaviour<br />

toward waters.<br />

1µm<br />

Cymbella silesiaca<br />


Kaj pomeni regulacija vodotoka<br />

za tamkajšnjo življenjsko združbo<br />

diatomej?<br />

Spremenijo se snovne ekološke<br />

razmere, kot so količina svetlobe,<br />

hitrost vodnega toka, substrat in<br />

obrežja, s tem pa sestav vodnih<br />

rastlin in živali, tudi alg.<br />

Večinoma vrstna pestrost diatomej<br />

upade, poveča pa se številčnost<br />

posameznih vrst, ki se lažje prilagajajo<br />

spremembam.<br />

What does regulation of watercourse<br />

mean for the local community of<br />

diatoms?<br />

A lot of changes occur in basic ecological<br />

parameters, such as quantity<br />

of light, the speed of water current,<br />

substratum and water banks. Consequently,<br />

the composition of aqua–<br />

tic species of plants and animals<br />

changes, including algae.<br />

Mainly, species biodiversity of diatoms<br />

decreases; while the abundance<br />

of single, more adaptable species<br />

increases.<br />

1µm<br />

Cymatopleura solea<br />


Človekovi posegi v naravne vode,<br />

kot so regulacije ali onesnaževanje,<br />

niso vedno nepopravljivi.<br />

Če nekatere vrste zaradi prizadetosti<br />

življenjskega okolja izginejo,<br />

se z obnovo ekosistema lahko tudi<br />

vrnejo.<br />

Tudi v novo nastalih ekosistemih,<br />

kot so gramoznice, akumulacijska<br />

jezera, delno izsušena močvirja in<br />

revitalizirani vodni ekosistemi, se<br />

najprej naselijo drobne alge – in<br />

utrejo pot višjim organizmom.<br />

Human interventions in natural<br />

waters, such as regulations and pollution,<br />

are not always irreversible.<br />

If some species disappear due to<br />

destruction of their living environment,<br />

they may with revitalization<br />

return.<br />

Even in new ecosystems, such as<br />

gravel–pits, accumulations, partly<br />

dried–up marshes or revitalized<br />

aquatic ecosystems, first, tiny algae<br />

colonize the system, preparing life<br />

conditions to higher organisms.<br />

1µm<br />

Navicula lanceolata + Fragilaria ulna<br />


Kako vplivajo vodni športi na<br />

občutljivo in za nas nevidno<br />

združbo vodnih alg?<br />

Množično kopanje v jezerih je vsaj<br />

začasen vir onesnaženja vodnega<br />

okolja, zato se vrstni in količinski<br />

sestav alg spremeni.<br />

Tudi rafting in celo kanjoning nista<br />

neškodljiva, saj povzročata fizične<br />

poškodbe rečnega dna, za katere so<br />

drobna bitja občutljiva.<br />

What is the influence of aquatic<br />

sports to the invisible community of<br />

aquatic algae?<br />

Mass bathing in the lakes means at<br />

least temporary pollution of water<br />

environment. As a consequence, the<br />

quality and quantity of algae community<br />

change.<br />

Even rafting, canyoning and similar<br />

sports are not harmless since they<br />

are causing physical injuries to the<br />

river bottom thus affecting tiny sensitive<br />

creatures.<br />

1µm<br />

Anomoeoneis vitrea<br />


Kadar se ekosistemi trajno spremenijo,<br />

kot so to primeri izsuševanja<br />

močvirij, visokih barij, gradnja<br />

visokih pregrad in akumulacij na<br />

rekah, so nekatere vrste živih bitij,<br />

med njimi tudi kremenastih alg, za<br />

vedno izgubljene.<br />

Draining of marshes, moors, constructing<br />

high river dames or accumulations<br />

cause permanent changes<br />

of ecosystems. In these cases some<br />

species of living creatures, among<br />

them also diatoms, are lost forever.<br />

1µm<br />

Surirella brebissonii<br />


V Sloveniji je zbranih dovolj podatkov<br />

o vrstni pestrosti alg, da lahko<br />

pripravimo seznam redkih in ogroženih<br />

vrst sladkovodnih alg.<br />

Endemičnih vrst diatomej za Slovenijo<br />

doslej nismo našli. Poznamo le<br />

določena mesta z redkimi vrstami.<br />

Čaka pa nas še veliko raziskovalnega<br />

dela. Upamo, da ne bo za<br />

katere od redkih in ogroženih vrst<br />

že prepozno.<br />

In Slovenia, there are enough data<br />

about species diversity of algae<br />

gathered that a red list of rare and<br />

endangered freshwater species could<br />

be prepared.<br />

So far, no endemic diatom species<br />

were found in Slovenia. However,<br />

particular sites with rare species are<br />

known.<br />

There is still a lot of research work<br />

needed. Let us hope that for some<br />

rare and endangered species it will<br />

not be too late.<br />

1µm<br />

Navicula lanceolata (detajl)<br />


Fosilne diatomeje, pravzaprav njihova<br />

kremenasta ogrodja, sestavljajo<br />

debele usedline — diatomejsko<br />

zemljo, iz katere izdelujejo čistila<br />

in barve, pripomočke za filtriranje<br />

bazenske in pitne vode, vina, piva<br />

in drugih tekočin.<br />

Prav lahko ste popili kozarec vina,<br />

ki je steklo skozi filter fosilnih diatomej,<br />

si nato umili zobe z zobno<br />

pasto, pripravljeno iz diatomejske<br />

zemlje in se zapeljali z avtom, ki<br />

ga poganja gorivo diatomejskega<br />

izvora. Toda tudi fosilne diatomeje<br />

so omejen naravni vir.<br />

Fossil diatoms, as a matter of fact,<br />

their silica frustules, form geological<br />

deposit, called diatomaceous earth<br />

or diatomite, which is widely used in<br />

production of cleansers, paints and<br />

filtering aids for swimming pools,<br />

drinking water, wine, beer etc.<br />

You may well drink a glass of wine,<br />

which was filtered with the aid of<br />

fossil diatoms. Brush your teeth with<br />

toothpaste, to which diatoms were<br />

added. And drive with your car<br />

using biofuel of diatomaceous origin.<br />

1µm<br />

Surirella brebissonii + Navicula lanceolata<br />


Alfred Nobel, švedski kemik in<br />

izumitelj, je odkril, da sicer eksploziven<br />

in nevaren nitroglicerin<br />

postane precej manj občutljiv, če ga<br />

zmeša z zmletimi fosilnimi algami<br />

— diatomejsko zemljo.<br />

Nobel je mešanico patentiral leta<br />

1867. Človeštvo je dobilo dinamit.<br />

Alfred Nobel, Swedish chemist and<br />

innovator, discovered nitroglycerine<br />

was safer to handle when combined<br />

with fossil algae — diatomaceous<br />

earth.<br />

Nobel has patented mixture in the<br />

year 1867. The dynamite was born.<br />

1µm<br />

Cymbella silesiaca<br />


Reka sedmerih imen, Ljubljanica,<br />

gosti izjemno razkošno<br />

biodiverziteto.<br />

Bogato porečje sestavljajo pritoki<br />

iz cerkniškega in pivškega zaledja,<br />

kraški podzemni svet s Planinsko<br />

in Postojnsko jamo, številni izviri,<br />

ponori in bruhalniki. Ljubljansko<br />

barje je njen zadnji neukrotljiv<br />

poskus prestopanja meja struge,<br />

nato se ob prestolnici umiri in<br />

kmalu zatem izlije v Savo.<br />

Stara struga Ljubljanice / Old bed of Ljubljanica River<br />

“The River of seven names”,<br />

Ljubljanica, hosts extremely rich<br />

biodviersity.<br />

A very diverse river basin consists<br />

of the tributaries of the hinterland<br />

of Cerknica and Pivka, of the karst<br />

underground world with Planinska<br />

jama (cave) and Postojnska jama<br />

(cave), of numerous springs, sinks<br />

and vent–holes. Ljubljana moors<br />

is river’s last untamed attempt to<br />

overstep its riverbed bounds before<br />

calming down, running through the<br />

capital and falling soon into River<br />

Sava.<br />

1µm<br />

Nitzschia sp. (detajl)<br />


Čudovita raznolikost povodja Ljubljanice<br />

nudi najbolj različne in<br />

posebne življenjske prostore vodnim,<br />

jamskim in drugače na vodo<br />

vezanim vrstam živali in rastlin —<br />

tudi diatomejam.<br />

Vsaj dve tretjini od okrog 500 vrst<br />

kremenastih alg iz slovenskega<br />

»šifranta« alg, ki ga uporabljamo za<br />

vrednotenje kakovosti voda, živi v<br />

porečju Ljubljanice.<br />

Vrstna pestrost, s katero se kiti le<br />

malokatera evropska reka, priča o<br />

dobri ohranjenosti vodnega ekosistema<br />

reke s sedmerimi imeni.<br />

A wonderful diversity of the Ljubljanica<br />

River basin offers the highest<br />

variety and special habitats for<br />

aquatic, spelean and other water–<br />

dependant species of animals and<br />

plants — also for diatoms.<br />

At least two thirds of about 500<br />

diatom species from Slovenian list<br />

of algae used for determining water<br />

quality are living in the Ljubljanica<br />

River basin.<br />

This huge biodiversity, which only<br />

few European rivers are hosting, is<br />

demonstrating a very high quality<br />

of water ecosystem called “River of<br />

Seven Names”.<br />

1µm<br />

Surirella brebissonii<br />


Vode povezujejo<br />

Leto 2013 je Generalna skupščina<br />

Združenih narodov razglasila za<br />

Mednarodno leto sodelovanja na<br />

področju voda. Temu je namenjen<br />

tudi letošnji svetovni dan voda, 22.<br />

marec.<br />

Številne akcije, mednarodne, nacionalne<br />

in lokalne, so že bile namenjene<br />

vodi, najpomembnejšemu<br />

naravnemu viru.<br />

Izobraževale so, ozaveščale, spodbujale<br />

primere preudarnega ravnanja<br />

z vodnimi viri. Letos vode povezujejo.<br />

Bomo tokrat uspešnejši?<br />

Water connects<br />

United Nations General Assembly<br />

declared year 2013 as the United<br />

Nations International Year of Water<br />

Cooperation. The 2013 World Water<br />

Day, which will take place on 22 nd<br />

March 2013, is also dedicated to water<br />

cooperation.<br />

Numerous actions on international,<br />

national and local levels were dedicated<br />

to water, the most important<br />

natural resource.<br />

They were educating, rising public<br />

awareness, supported and stimulated<br />

wise use of water resources. This<br />

year water connects. Will it be more<br />

successful this time?<br />

1µm<br />

Surirella brebissonii (detajl)<br />


Nesporna kraljica razstave – alga<br />

ali čipka?<br />

Undisputed queen of the exhibition<br />

— an alga or a lace?<br />

1µm<br />

Thalassiosira weissflogii<br />


Podatki o razstavi / Data about the exhibition<br />

RAZSTAVA Razkrita čudesa reke / EXHIBITION The Revealed River Wonders<br />

Biotska pestrost diatomej porečja Ljubljanice / The biodiversity of diatoms in the Ljubljanica River basin<br />

Razstavo je pripravil LUTRA, Inštitut za ohranjanje naravne dediščine v okviru projekta LIFE AQUAVIVA – Živa voda od biodiverzitete do pipe (LIFE10 INF/SI/000135) in v sodelovanju z Nacionalnim inštitutom za biologijo (NIB).<br />

The exhibition was prepared by LUTRA, Institute for Conservation of Natural Heritage, in the framework of the project LIFE AQUAVIVA – Live Water – from Biodiversity to the Tap (LIFE10 INF/SI/000135) and in cooperation with the National Institute<br />

of Biology (NIB).<br />

Koordinatorica projekta / Project coordinator: Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič (Inštitut LUTRA)<br />

Priprava in izbor vzorcev / Preparation and selection of samples: dr. Gorazd Kosi (NIB)<br />

Mikrografije z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom na Oddelku za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani je izdelal dr. Kazimir Drašlar.<br />

Micrographs on Scanning electron microscope (SEM) in the Department of Biology / Biotechnical faculty/University of Ljubljana performed by Dr. Kazimir Drašlar.<br />

Besedila / Texts: Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič in Gorazd Kosi<br />

Grafično oblikovanje in priprava za tisk / Graphic design and print preparation: Zvone Kosovelj<br />

Tisk razstavnih panojev / Print of the exhibition boards: HOPA d.o.o.<br />

www.aquaviva.si<br />


Katalog razstave in kaj vse so lahko diatomeje / A catalogue of the exhibition and what the diatoms can be<br />

Urednica / Editor: Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič<br />

Mikrografije / Micrographs: Dr. Kazimir Drašlar<br />

Fotografije / Photo: Jošt Stergaršek (strani 4, 5, 6, 14), Tatjana Gregorc (strani 10, 13, 15), Gorazd Kosi (str. 25), Jani Peternelj (str. 16), Peter Giodani (str. 18), Oskar Karel Dolenc (str. 23), Davorin Tome (str. 58)<br />

Fotografije DRAŽ poletje 2014 DIATOMEA / Photo DRAŽ summer 2014 DIATOMEA; čevlji / shoes Alpina Fashion. Fotografije ljubljanskega tedna mode 2013: arhiv Adria Media Ljubljana / Photo of Fashion week Ljubljana 2013 by courtesy<br />

of Adria Media Ljubljana.<br />

Grafično oblikovanje / Graphic design: Studio Kosovelj, Zvonko Kosovelj s.p.<br />

Tisk / Print: Atelje za črko in sliko, Dušan Antolin s.p.<br />

Založnik / Published by: LUTRA, Inštitut za ohranjanje naravne dediščine, Ljubljana, 2014<br />

Naklada / Edition: 2000<br />

Sofinancirano s pomočjo finančnega instrumenta za okolje Evropske skupnosti — LIFE+. / Co–financed by the European Community’s Financial Instrument for Environment LIFE+.<br />

www.lutra.si<br />

www.nib.si<br />

Partnerja projekta LIFE / Partners of the LIFE project:<br />

Inštitut za vode RS / Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia<br />

HOPA d.o.o. / HOPA Co.<br />

Sofinancerja projekta LIFE / LIFE Project co–financiers:<br />

Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o. Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor / Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning<br />

Turizem Ljubljana / Ljubljana Tourist Board Mestna občina Ljubljana<br />

CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji<br />

Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana<br />

582.261(497.4Ljubljanica)(083.824)<br />

RAZKRITA čudesa reke : biotska pestrost diatomej porečja Ljubljanice :<br />

katalog razstave In kaj vse so lahko diatomeje = The revealed river wonders : the<br />

biodiversity of diatoms in the Ljubljanica river basin : a catalogue of the exibition<br />

And what the diatoms can be / [urednica Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič ; mikrografije<br />

Kazimir Drašlar ; fotografije Jošt Stergaršek ... et al.]. - Ljubljana : Lutra, Inštitut za<br />

ohranjanje naravne dediščine, 2014<br />

ISBN 978-961-91066-8-6<br />

1. Vzp. stv. nasl. 2. Hönigsfeld Adamič, Marjana<br />

276810240<br />


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