Introducing Spring Framework

Introducing Spring Framework

Introducing Spring Framework


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Chapter 11 ■ Integrating Your <strong>Spring</strong> Application with External Systems<br />

import com.apress.isf.java.model.Document;<br />

import com.apress.isf.java.utils.XmlUtils;<br />

import com.apress.isf.spring.data.DocumentDAO;<br />

@Component<br />

public class JMSConsumer implements MessageListener{<br />

}<br />

@Autowired<br />

DocumentDAO documentDAO;<br />

@Override<br />

public void onMessage(Message message) {<br />

TextMessage textMessage = (TextMessage)message;<br />

try{<br />

Document document = XmlUtils.fromXML(textMessage.getText(), Document.class);<br />

documentDAO.save(document);<br />

}catch(JMSException ex){<br />

ex.printStackTrace();<br />

}<br />

}<br />

Let’s analyze what you are doing in Listing 11-2. First, you are implementing the javax.jms.MessageListener.<br />

The JMS API exposes this interface where you need to implement the onMessage method; this method accepts a<br />

javax.jms.Message that will contain the message. Also, you are using a small Utility class, which will help to convert<br />

the XML into a document object and be saved into the database using the DocumentDAO implementation. Next, take a<br />

look at Listing 11-3, which shows the Utility class that is used in the consumer.<br />

Listing 11-3. XmlUtils.java<br />

package com.apress.isf.java.utils;<br />

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;<br />

public class XmlUtils {<br />

public static String toXML(T object){<br />

XStream xstream = new XStream();<br />

xstream.alias(object.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), object.getClass());<br />

return xstream.toXML(object);<br />

}<br />

}<br />

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked"})<br />

public static T fromXML(String xml, Class _class){<br />

XStream xstream = new XStream();<br />

xstream.alias(_class.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), _class);<br />

return (T)xstream.fromXML(xml);<br />

}<br />


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