Temple Israel Chronicle4/03

Temple Israel Chronicle4/03

Temple Israel Chronicle4/03


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“Dor L’Dor — Generation to Generation”<br />

Volume 3, Issue 4 April, 20<strong>03</strong> ✡ Adar II/Nisan 5763<br />

A Fond Farewell to Murray and Evelyn<br />

On Shabbat morning, March 15, our Congregation regretfully wished a fond farewell to<br />

Murray & Evelyn Popky, who will be relocating to Michigan. They will take up residence<br />

there to be near their children, Rabbi Charles & Allison Popky and their grandchildren, Noa<br />

& Aliza. The Popkys joined <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> shortly after their marriage by Rabbi Abraham D.<br />

Barras, of Blessed Memory, in January 1953. They have been among the most active and<br />

stalwart members in our congregation’s history.<br />

Each Rosh Hashanah, we have anticipated Murray’s magnificent creative floral designs on<br />

the Bimah. They set the mood for worship and transformed a large hall into a beautiful<br />

sanctuary. Murray’s artistic taste is seen in every corner of our <strong>Temple</strong> building, from the<br />

placement of artwork on the walls to the interior of our holy ark to the needlework designs<br />

on the Torah covers.<br />

We’ll miss Evelyn’s warm and friendly personality and we wish this loving couple happiness and good health as they enjoy<br />

watching their grandchildren grow.<br />


Staff:<br />

Larry G. Kaplan, Rabbi<br />

Ahron Abraham, Cantor<br />

Gerri Kaplan, Principal<br />

Debra Schonfeld, Administrator<br />

Saul Troy, Ritual Director<br />

Naomi Meyer, Chronicle Editor<br />

Havdallah Workshop, 5th Grade Class<br />

Officers:<br />

David E. Schwager, Esq., President<br />

Ruth S. Chariton, Chairman of the Board<br />

Lisa Klee, School Board Chair<br />

Sisterhood President:<br />

Lois Rittenberg<br />

Men’s Club President:<br />

Dr. Richard Grossman<br />

Danielle Ghingold with Mom,<br />

Herta<br />

Nan Greenwald with Daughter,<br />

Danielle<br />

Mike Krawitz with son, Daniel<br />


Daily Minyan:<br />

Weekday Mornings, 7:15 AM<br />

Sunday Mornings, 8 AM<br />

Afternoons, 5:15 PM<br />

Shabbat Services:<br />

Kabbalat Service, 5:15 PM<br />

Saturday Morning, 9:30 AM<br />

See Detailed Shabbat Schedule Inside<br />

Phone: (570) 824-8927<br />

Fax: (570) 824-0904<br />

Layout Design courtesy of<br />

Bedwick & Jones Printing.<br />

visit our website at: http://www.templewb.com<br />

Daniel Davidowitz with Mom,<br />

Einat<br />

^<br />

Nicole Feigenblatt with mother,<br />

Gerri Kaplan<br />

Einat Davidowitz with 5th<br />

grade class<br />

“Workshop sponsored through the generosity of<br />

The Sam & Ruth Rothman Hebrew School Fund.”<br />

^<br />

e-mail us at: office@templewb.com

Rabbi Kaplan Writes...<br />

Dear Friends,<br />

Purim is<br />

over which<br />

means that<br />

Pesach is<br />

around the<br />

corner. As we<br />

walk up and<br />

down the aisles<br />

at Price Chopper and Wegman’s,<br />

searching for the newest finds in Kosher<br />

for Passover cuisine, we might pause for<br />

a moment to reflect on what this holiday<br />

is all about. I used to think it was about<br />

the details. I focused on cleaning and<br />

covering the shelves and countertops,<br />

removing every trace of Chametz,<br />

making sure the right kind of Karpas<br />

was on the Seder plate, and buying<br />

everything with a “Kosher for Passover”<br />

label. A sticker wasn’t good enough- the<br />

words had to be printed on the product<br />

label. For many, this is Pesach.<br />

Schlepping the dishes and the glasses<br />

and the silverware and the pots and<br />

pans, boxing up the remaining,<br />

unopened non-Kosher for Passover items<br />

and putting them in the basement,<br />

making certain to “sell” whatever<br />

Chametz remained in the house.<br />

And all of this is with good reason:<br />

The Torah commands us to remove all<br />

Chametz during the holiday- S’OR LO<br />

YIMATZE B’VATEICHEM! According to<br />

Exodus chapter 12 verse 19: “No leaven<br />

may be found in your homes for seven<br />

days!” Forget for a moment the fact that<br />

as gluttons for punishment we’ve added<br />

a day to the Torah’s proscription. The<br />

important part is the next half of the<br />



“Anyone who eats leaven- his soul shall<br />

be cut off from his people.” Not wanting<br />

to have our souls cut off from our<br />

people, we avoid Chametz like the<br />

plague.<br />

It never occurred to me to question<br />

the meaning of this verse and others like<br />

it, until I read the Passover issue of<br />

Kashrus Magazine many years ago. I<br />

subscribed to this journal for its regular<br />

updates on what food items had<br />

incorrect Kashrut labeling, and for its<br />

exhaustive list of Kosher for Passover<br />

products. I let my subscription lapse,<br />

though, after I read in its pages that<br />

Page 2<br />

Combat Roach Motels needed to be<br />

removed from the home along with the<br />

other Chametz during Passover. You see,<br />

the bait in these insect traps is non-toxic<br />

to humans and contains Chametz.<br />

Thus, I imagine, if someone gets very<br />

hungry during the Seder and can’t wait<br />

for the chopped liver, he might grab a<br />

roach motel and start munching away at<br />

the non-toxic bait. This was a turning<br />

point in my life. I toyed with the idea of<br />

becoming a Buddhist monk for a bit, but<br />

instead decided that God must have had<br />

something else in mind when He said to<br />

get rid of our Chametz.<br />

So looking at that verse we see that<br />

the punishment for consuming leaven<br />

on Passover is that our soul will be cut<br />

off from our people. The Talmud makes<br />

clear that this phrase means that God<br />

punishes us somehow, and that such a<br />

punishment is reserved for breaches of<br />

holiness. In other words, when we<br />

disobey God’s ritual requirements, we<br />

are “cut off” from Him.<br />

But what happens when we treat<br />

other people poorly? What happens<br />

when we hurt others? Then the<br />

punishment is not only Divine, but we<br />

have committed a moral offense, and<br />

society punishes us as well as God. Our<br />

souls are important, and we’d like to<br />

keep them connected to God. But what<br />

good is a soul if we are able to mistreat<br />

others? The idea of Passover is not to<br />

focus on the minute details of the<br />

Chametz in our homes, but to remind us<br />

to clear out the Chametz in our hearts!<br />

That Chametz is all the ill feelings<br />

we’ve been harboring since last<br />

Passover. Chametz, unlike the usual<br />

translation “leaven”, really means “sour”<br />

like the Hebrew word for vinegar:<br />

Chometz, or the Hebrew word for<br />

pickles: Chamutzim. When our hearts<br />

turn sour because of the grudges we<br />

bear, we need clear out those arteries<br />

and let the blood of life flow through.<br />

Recent studies have shown that stress<br />

plays as significant a role in heart<br />

disease as does cholesterol! How much<br />

of our stress is caused by anger and<br />

resentment toward others? Probably<br />

most of it. If we focus only on the edible<br />

Chametz in our homes, and ignore the<br />

emotional Chametz in our hearts, we<br />

are destined to get little out of Passover<br />

other than a bloated feeling from too<br />

many Matzah balls.<br />

I know some of us don’t like me to<br />

suggest that rituals like Kosher for<br />

Passover products aren’t terribly<br />

important in the grander scheme of<br />

things, because we’ve been raised with<br />

these detailed rules since childhood. But<br />

Kosher for Passover ketchup is not why<br />

God commanded us to observe Passover<br />

each year. And the fact that our<br />

ancestors didn’t have time to let their<br />

bread rise on their way out of Egypt is a<br />

pretty flimsy excuse to force tons of<br />

Matzah down our throats for a week<br />

each year. If the spiritual message of<br />

Passover is lost to us, then we might as<br />

well be back wandering in the desert.<br />

Ask yourself this: Does God really care<br />

what we eat nearly as much as He cares<br />

how we act?<br />

Doing the ritual is designed to help<br />

us internalize the meaning behind the<br />

ritual. Getting rid of Chametz is<br />

supposed to get us to give up our<br />

grudges and resentments. And it takes<br />

time to get them out of our system.<br />

An old Jewish lady goes to see her<br />

lawyer. In a thick Yiddish accent she<br />

tells him “I want a divorce!” The lawyer<br />

asks, “Does your husband beat you up?”<br />

She says, “Sure! I sleep late and he’s an<br />

early riser. He beats me up every day!”<br />

The lawyer asks, “Are there grounds?”<br />

“Sure!” The lady says, “We’ve got two<br />

acres! Of course there are grounds!” The<br />

lawyer asks, “Is there a grudge?” “Of<br />

course there’s a grudge,” says the lady.<br />

“We’ve got two cars that we put in the<br />

grudge!” Finally the lawyer asks, “So<br />

why do you want a divorce?” She<br />

answers, “Well, we don’t<br />

communicate!”<br />

God has tried to communicate His<br />

desire for us to give up our personal,<br />

emotional Chametz at Passover. May we<br />

learn to search for and burn our<br />

personal Chametz with the same zeal<br />

and seriousness with which we<br />

approach our edible Chametz. And be<br />

sure to get rid of those roach motels!<br />

Have a sweet Pesach!<br />

Rabbi Larry and Gerri Kaplan,<br />

Dana, Daniel, Ilan, Nicole,<br />

Micah, and the babies!

Focus on Our<br />

Endowments<br />

In order to update the congregation on the purposes and<br />

activities of our endowments, we are highlighting several<br />

endowments in each month’s Chronicle.<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> is grateful to those families who have<br />

assured the quality of Jewish life for generations to come by<br />

endowing basic programs of service, which have spiritual,<br />

cultural, interfaith, philanthropic, and educational purposes.<br />


established to provide financial help for families within the<br />

congregation and community who have suffered a<br />

catastrophic reverse and require emergency assistance. This<br />

year, the endowment was used to assist an anonymous family<br />

within the community who had suffered a severe financial<br />

loss.<br />


established to provide support for specific communal projects<br />

which have as their purpose the construction of bridges of<br />

understanding and friendship between the Christian and<br />

Jewish communities. Although there was no activity from this<br />

endowment in the past year, we look forward to its active<br />

participation in the future.<br />


ENDOWMENT was established to provide access for the<br />

elderly to services and for the children to Religious School.<br />

This year, the endowment is helping to provide twice weekly<br />

busing of our students to Hebrew school.<br />

New Fund Established<br />

at <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong><br />

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> gratefully acknowledges the establishment<br />

of The Doris & Sidney Keiser Keruv Fund. The fund is made<br />

possible by the generosity of family and friends to perpetuate<br />

the memory of Doris and Sid and to continue their good<br />

work of properly educating those individuals who seek to<br />

become Jews by choice.<br />

Doris taught the Basic Judaism course at <strong>Temple</strong> for many<br />

years, and Sid was very supportive of her in this endeavor. A<br />

number of individuals who studied with Doris went on to<br />

become prominent members of our congregation and the<br />

Jewish community. They also formed close personal ties and<br />

social relationships with Doris and Sid that continued<br />

throughout their lifetimes.<br />

We hope our members will consider contributing to this<br />

fund, to ensure that appropriate educational materials can be<br />

provided for all conversion students<br />





TAZRIA<br />

Friday, April 4<br />

Candlelighting time...........................6:13 p.m.<br />

Saturday, April 5.............................................9:30 a.m.<br />

Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Bloch<br />

Minchah.........................................................6:30 p.m.<br />

✡ ✡ ✡ ✡<br />



Friday, April 11<br />

Candlelighting time...........................7:20 p.m.<br />

Saturday, April 12<br />

Traditional Service.............................8:00 a.m.<br />

Creative Bar Mitzvah Service.............9:30 a.m.<br />

Bar Mitzvah of Sam Davidowitz<br />

Minchah.........................................................7:30 p.m.<br />

✡ ✡ ✡ ✡<br />


Friday, April 18<br />

Candlelighting time...........................7:28 p.m.<br />

Saturday, April 19...........................................9:30 a.m.<br />

Minchah............................................7:45 p.m.<br />

✡ ✡ ✡ ✡<br />


Friday, April 25<br />

Candlelighting time...........................7:35 p.m.<br />

Saturday, April 26...........................................9:30 a.m.<br />

Bat Mitzvah of Diana Smith<br />

Minchah.........................................................8:00 p.m.<br />

On Saturday, April 12, we will have a traditional Shabbat service at 8 a.m.<br />

It will be followed by a creative musical service, celebrating the Bar Mitzvah of Sam Davidowitz,<br />

which will begin with a “spiritual warm-up” at 9:15 am.<br />

Page 3

School Notes<br />


5th<br />

6th<br />

8th<br />

10th<br />

12th<br />

13th<br />

13th<br />

19th<br />

25th<br />

26th<br />

27th<br />

Page 4<br />

Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Bloch<br />

5th Grade Torah Trope class<br />

Matzoh factory<br />

Ann Smith B’nai Mitzvah Class<br />

Bar Mitzvah of Sam Davidowitz<br />

Model Seder with our friends from B’nai B’rith<br />

Passover recess begins<br />

Hebrew High School 5 p.m. in chapel<br />

Friday night live, 7:30 p.m.<br />

Bat Mitzvah of Diana Smith<br />

Community Hebrew High School Planning<br />

Session<br />

Hebrew School resumes<br />



Belated wishes to Adria Eckert, who celebrated her<br />

birthday March 13th.<br />

Apr. 2 Matthew Ghingold<br />

Apr. 3 Matthew Brown<br />

Apr. 6 Adin Greenwald<br />

Apr. 9 Josh Bloch<br />

Apr. 14 Zachary Greenwald<br />

Apr. 16 Jonathan Abraham<br />

Apr. 16 Steven Finkelstein<br />

Apr. 19 Daniel Engel<br />

Apr. 23 Jarod Grossman<br />

Joshua Jancewicz<br />

Scott Nachlis<br />

Apr. 24<br />

Apr. 29<br />

Apr. 30<br />

Daniel Keiser<br />

Billie Nachlis<br />

Zachary Kornfeld<br />

Sisterhood Notes<br />

Sisterhood Branch<br />

Day: Ann Smith,<br />

Janet Popky and 2<br />

visitors assembling<br />

diaper bags as a<br />

community project.<br />

Charlotte Cutler,<br />

Janet Popky, Phyllis<br />

Berger and visitors<br />

creating Tzedekah<br />

boxes.<br />

Bar Mitzvah<br />

Josh Bloch will celebrate his Bar<br />

Mitzvah on April 5. Josh is the son of<br />

Karen Cooper and Guy Bloch, and<br />

brother of Sasha and Casey. A 7th grade<br />

honor student at Dallas Middle School, he<br />

plays ice hockey for the Pocono Pirates<br />

travel Pee Wee ‘A’ team and Back<br />

Mountain Junior Varsity team. He has<br />

played roller hockey for many years in<br />

Kingston and plays soccer for Dallas on the Junior Varsity team<br />

Josh enjoys going to the Penguins games and watching<br />

NHL games on television. He is looking forward to celebrating<br />

his Bar Mitzvah with family and friends.<br />

Bar Mitzvah<br />

Samuel Paul Davidowitz, son of<br />

Sherry and Jeff Davidowitz, will celebrate<br />

his Bar Mitzvah on April 12th. Sam is the<br />

brother of Adam and Stefanie and the<br />

grandson of Essy and Bill Davidowitz<br />

and Elaine and Ernie Arnow of Westport,<br />

Connecticut.<br />

Sam attended the United Hebrew<br />

Institute through sixth grade. He is a 7th grade honor student<br />

at Lake Lehman Middle School where he is a member of The<br />

Builders Club - a community service group - a volunteer in<br />

the school library and a member of the soccer team. Sam<br />

plays JCC basketball and is involved in Senate. He is on the<br />

Back Mountain Ice Hockey team and is an avid snow<br />

boarder.<br />

Bat Mitzvah<br />

Diana Harlan Smith will become a<br />

Bat Mitzvah on April 26, 20<strong>03</strong>. She is<br />

completing her Bat Mitzvah studies and<br />

is excited to take on her new<br />

responsibilities as an adult member of<br />

her faith.<br />

Diana attends seventh grade at the<br />

Dallas Middle School where she has<br />

earned honors with distinction each quarter. One of her<br />

hobbies is writing poetry, which is often published in the<br />

school newspaper. Diana appears on the morning TV<br />

announcements through her participation in the Audio-Visual<br />

Club.<br />

Last fall, Diana enjoyed playing on the Dallas field<br />

hockey team. She is excited that she will be joining her<br />

school’s softball team in the spring. She can often be seen<br />

wearing University of Michigan garb and playing football in<br />

her spare time. Diana is a member of Ballet Northeast and<br />

has performed in many recitals and shows, most recently in<br />

its production of Cinderella.<br />

Diana happily spends time with her family, her older<br />

sister Hillary and her parents Ellen and David. She is very<br />

close with her grandparents, Vivian and Irving Brown and<br />

Velma Smith and is looking forward to sharing her big day<br />

with all her family and friends from far and near.

Jewish Jeopardy Is<br />

Not in Jeopardy<br />

It’s just been rescheduled! We have decided to include<br />

Jewish Jeopardy, which was scheduled as part of our Purim<br />

activities, in a future “Game Night”. This will give everyone<br />

a chance to bone up on their Jewish knowledge, perhaps<br />

even by coming to <strong>Temple</strong>. A date for Game Night will be<br />

announced.<br />

Six Outstanding<br />

Jewish Leaders To Be<br />

Honored at Award<br />

Ceremony<br />

The Mid-Atlantic Region of the United Synagogue of<br />

Conservative Judaism will honor this year’s outstanding lay<br />

and professional leaders at the 8th Annual Ateret Kavod<br />

(Crown of Honor) Award Ceremonies at Har Zion <strong>Temple</strong>,<br />

Penn Valley, on Thursday, May 8.<br />

The 20<strong>03</strong> Ateret Kavod Honorees are: Gilbert &<br />

Eleanore Besser, Suburban JCC-B’nai Aaron, Havertown;<br />

Martin Cohn, Agudas <strong>Israel</strong>, Hazleton; Robert Horen, Beth<br />

Zion-Beth <strong>Israel</strong>, Philadelphia; Cantor Edmond Kulp,<br />

Congregation Beth Judah, Ventnor, NJ; Cheryl Magen,<br />

Congregation Beth Sholom, Elkins Park and Director, Camp<br />

Ramah in the Poconos.<br />

A wine reception begins at 6 pm, followed by award<br />

ceremonies and dinner at 7 pm. For information and<br />

reservations, call the USCJ offices at 215-635-9701.<br />

Mazal Tov to:<br />

• Gladys and Dan Weisberger on the engagement of their<br />

granddaughter, Janet Leopold, to Jeffrey Max.<br />

• Barbara & Sam Greenberg on the Bar Mitzvah of their<br />

grandson, Max Buckler.<br />

• Elaine & Ned Levey on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson.<br />

• Sandy Herschenfeld on the birth of a granddaughter.<br />

• Dana & Ross Kornfeld on the birth of a son.<br />

• Mark Kornfeld on the birth of a grandson.<br />

• Sandra Goldman on the birth of a grandson.<br />

• Dr Richard Blum on the birth of a grandson.<br />

• June Blum Golubock on the birth of a great-grandson.<br />

• Sheila & Stephen Seeherman on the birth of a granddaughter.<br />

Condolences to:<br />

• Celia Krasno on the passing of her husband, Isadore<br />

• Ina Lubin on the passing of her father, Isadore Krasno.<br />

• The family of Bessie Lantz on her passing.<br />

• Jeffery Roth on the passing of his brother, Larry.<br />

• Lillian Siswein on the passing of her husband, Irvin.<br />

Passover for Your<br />

Family<br />

A special Passover Nashim will be held on April 2 at<br />

7:30 pm in the School Building. Rabbi Avraham A. Witty,<br />

Principal of United Hebrew Institute, will present a<br />

Passover Workshop with practical applications and text<br />

studying (no Hebrew reading) to enable families to tailor<br />

their Seder to their family.<br />

The Workshop is open to everyone in the<br />

Congregation, especially couples. If couples learn<br />

together, they’ll be better able to bring home unique<br />

ideas for their family’s seder.<br />

✡ April Yahrzeits ✡<br />

Week of April 1 - April 8: Seymour Bachman, Aaron<br />

Beck, Max Benovitz, Isidor Blum, Clara Briskin, Rose<br />

Celender, Jack Edley, Sidney Falkowitz, Elizabeth Feldman,<br />

Janet Gale, Minnie Grossman, Harry Harr, Larry Hollander,<br />

Rose Klavonski, Leroy Landau, Gertrude Meyer, Meyer<br />

Mittleman, Mrs Marie Morgan, Joshua I. Morris, George<br />

Nelban, Louis Popky, Jeanette Shapiro, Rae Shepard<br />

Week of April 9 - April 15: <strong>Israel</strong> Birnbaum, Benjamin<br />

Cohen, Samuel H. Cohen, Mary Coplan, Ada Eichler,<br />

Lillian Finley, Monroe Freed, Eleanor Freedman, Sylvia U.<br />

Glassberg, Fred Goldstein, Manny Grossman, Bernard<br />

Harris, Fred Harrison, Dora Krasno, Sam Lebenson,<br />

Virginia Nelson, Lucille Newman, Abraham Novzen,<br />

Samuel Oppenheimer, Louis Pinskey, Ida Propper, Rebecca<br />

Rome, Joseph Rose, Sam Rothman, Max Smith, Shloma<br />

Stern<br />

Week of April 16 - April 22: Fred M. Adler, Sarah<br />

Amdur, Mildred Bloom, Dr. M. Burnat, Isadore Cimmet,<br />

Moishe Gitelson, Bernice Goldstein, Josef B. Gurevich,<br />

Clement Karnofsky, Herman Kernis, Nathan Klein, Mr.<br />

Jonas Lang, Joseph Monsky, Hyman Park, Calvin Pezzner,<br />

Amelia Rothman, Rose Rudolph, Sam Savitz, Rebecca<br />

Schiffer, Ida Seeherman, Betty Sirota, Haskall Small, Ervin<br />

Stern, Moritz Stern, Betty Stuttman, Jennie Trachtenberg,<br />

Arthur Zimmerman<br />

Week of April 23 - April 30: Sid Abrams, Mindel<br />

Amerman, Rae Baicker, Evely Baum, Walter Boxer,<br />

Benjamin Chernus, Miriam Cimmet, Annette Cohen, Irving<br />

Cohen, Lillian Connor, Adele Coplan, Samuel Cutler,<br />

Claire Fainberg, Freda Feldman, Barbara Fishman, Isaac E.<br />

Frank, Maxie Goldstein, Sidney Greenberg, Philip<br />

Herschenfeld, Ruth Hess, Mildred Isser, Esther Kornfeld,<br />

Fannie Kuffler, Jennie Landau, Arthur Lee,Leon Levine,<br />

Meyer Mendelssohn, Alice Pearlman, Lazer Ribakovskiy,<br />

Myron Rifkin, S. R. Rosenfeld, Jennie Rosenn, Louis<br />

Rosenthal, Nellie Russin, Morton Schiffer, Jennie<br />

Schiffman, Fred Schwager, Eva Siegel, Jacob Simon, Luther<br />

Smith, Vera Smith, Miriam Smulowitz, Max Tepper, Reba<br />

Winkler.<br />

Page 5

Purim Pictures<br />

Pam Ralston & Rabbi Perlman helping students make Shaloch<br />

Manot.<br />

Children pose during Megillah reading.<br />

Kindergarten students model their Purim<br />

masks.<br />

Jack & Helene Rosenzweig in costumes<br />

with traditional Purim Pizza. Dave Ralston<br />

in background.<br />

Four Queen<br />

Esthers, Tali<br />

Dressler,<br />

Leah<br />

Goldberg,<br />

Hannah<br />

Dressler and<br />

Naomi<br />

Dressler<br />

(shown<br />

being<br />

helped by<br />

Mom,<br />

Jennifer,)<br />

with Gaby<br />

Grossman as<br />

a Purim<br />

Teletubby.<br />

Purim Queens, Rebecca Schulman, Moriah<br />

Bartolai & Sarah Schulman<br />

Page 6<br />

Children in their Purim best after the Megillah reading; Nathan Gelb-<br />

Dyller, Ben Gelb-Dyller, Garrett Brand, Gaby Grossman, Lauren<br />

Greenwald, Rebecca & Sarah Schulman; middle row, Andrew<br />

Greenwald, Ben Engel, Emma Spath, Maegan Coulter, Melissa<br />

Schwager. Back, Adin Greenwald.

Cantor’s Notes<br />

Yom Hatzmaut, <strong>Israel</strong>i<br />

Independence Day, is always special in<br />

our community, but this year, it will be<br />

spectacular! Cantor David Propis, the<br />

creator of the Friday Night Live service,<br />

will be the featured performer at a gala<br />

concert which will include a<br />

community youth choir, our school<br />

orchestra members, Rabbi Kaplan and<br />

Cantor Ahron Abraham<br />

me. Mark your calendars for<br />

Wednesday, May 7, and make it a point to be a part of this<br />

exciting celebration.<br />

From Our President. . .<br />

This is a joyous<br />

time in our year as<br />

we have just<br />

celebrated Purim<br />

and now are<br />

preparing for the<br />

holiday of Pesach.<br />

Both fall into the<br />

regular pattern of<br />

explaining Jewish<br />

David E. Schwager, Esq.<br />

holidays to our<br />

neighbors - “They<br />

persecuted us and tried to kill us. With<br />

Hashem’s help, we beat them. Let’s eat.”<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> has been brimming with activity<br />

(and festive meals) during the month of March<br />

and look forward to a full schedule in the<br />

month ahead. Here are some of the<br />

highlights:<br />

Under the capable leadership of Gerri<br />

Kaplan, Donna Kornfeld, and Rosemary<br />

Chromey, our Sisterhood chaired by Lois<br />

Rittenberg hosted the women of the Eastern<br />

Pennsylvania Branch of Women’s League for<br />

Conservative Judaism at Branch Day 20<strong>03</strong> at<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>. I joined in for part of the day’s<br />

activities and was quite impressed with the<br />

many good works of Women’s League and,<br />

particularly, with the fine turnout of our<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> Sisterhood members and the activities<br />

planned for the day - Friday Night Live with<br />

Rabbi Kaplan and Cantor Abraham; filling<br />

diaper bags which were distributed to a local<br />

hospital, Children and Youth Services, and<br />

needy local women, in conjunction with<br />

Jewish Family Service; and decorating<br />

Tzedakah boxes with special pushkes<br />

provided through the <strong>Israel</strong>i “Save a Child’s<br />

Heart” thanks to Cantor Abraham.<br />

Meetings were held with representatives<br />

of <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>, the Jewish Community<br />

Center and the other synagogues to plan the<br />

Yom Ha’atzma’ut concert with Cantor David<br />

Propis, the “father”of Friday Night Live to be<br />

held May 7th at the JCC.<br />

An enthusiastic crowd gathered at the<br />

River Street Jazz Café for a rousing sing along<br />

with Cantor Abraham and Rabbi Kaplan.<br />

Thank you to our hosts, Allison and Rob<br />

Friedman. The refreshments were delicious!<br />

A great time was had by all on Purim at<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>. A traditional megillah reading<br />

preceded a pizza party, interactive megillah<br />

reading, and costume parade. Capping off the<br />

evening was a performance by our <strong>Temple</strong><br />

Youth Orchestra under the direction of<br />

Cantor Abraham.<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> gathered for a special Shabbat<br />

service and kiddush honoring Murray and<br />

Evelyn Popky, dedicated <strong>Temple</strong> members and<br />

leaders for decades, who have relocated to<br />

Michigan to be closer to Rabbi Charles Popky<br />

and Allison Levy Popky and their family. A<br />

beautiful kiddush was prepared and served<br />

by Lynn Keiser, Debbie Hollander, Debbie<br />

Schonfeld, Daniel Hollander, Gerri Kaplan,<br />

Margery Harris, Susan Brand, Carole Abraham,<br />

Lynn Keiser, Naomi Meyer, Jeanne Schoenholtz,<br />

Ida Miller & Shirley Schoenholtz. Special<br />

thanks to Carmen Bohlin for donating the<br />

magnificent floral arrangements and to Jane<br />

Groh for delivering the beautiful remarks of<br />

her husband Al Groh.<br />

The website development committee<br />

consisting of Rabbi Kaplan, Carl Karassik, Stuart<br />

Lorber, Jane and Ross Feinstein and Sheree<br />

Klemow continue to meet to plan the updating<br />

and future maintenance of the <strong>Temple</strong> website.<br />

The Dues Committee continued its<br />

regular schedule of meetings chaired by<br />

David Smith and Michael Rittenberg to<br />

review the progress made to date in dues<br />

collection thanks to their leadership and<br />

plans for future collection efforts.<br />

The <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> Book Club met for a<br />

thought-provoking session at the home of<br />

Sheila Saidman and Steve Kafrissen to<br />

discuss “The Secret Life of Bees” by Sue<br />

Monk Kidd. The cake was bee-you-tiful!<br />

The House Committee met to plan the<br />

I would like to say a<br />

personal good-bye to our<br />

friends Murray and Evelyn<br />

Popky. They were<br />

instrumental in making<br />

Carole and me feel a part of<br />

this community, and have<br />

continued to treat us like<br />

family for the past 15 years.<br />

We know that they will add Cantor and Rabbi at their Hava<br />

much to their new<br />

Nashir “gig”, held at the Jazz Café,<br />

with wonderful desserts provided<br />

community in Michigan, and<br />

by host and hostess Rob and<br />

wish them happiness Allison Friedman.<br />

together with their children<br />

and grandchildren. L'hitraot, until we see you again!<br />

installation of the Tree of Life sponsored by<br />

the Saidman/Greenwald family and to<br />

develop a beautification plan for the <strong>Temple</strong><br />

building interior. Thanks to Joel Zitofsky, Jack<br />

Rosenzweig, John Pugh, Carl Handman, Lynn<br />

and Larry Keiser, and departing chair Murray<br />

Popky for their leadership.<br />

Another fun Friday Night Live was held<br />

in conjunction with the Second Annual Girl<br />

Scout Shabbat.<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> celebrated the B’nai Mitzvot of<br />

Rebecca Kurzweil, Michael Tischler, and<br />

Scott Nachlis (Mazel tov on jobs well-done!)<br />

and looks forward to the upcoming B’nai<br />

Mitzvot of Josh Bloch, Sam Davidowitz, and<br />

Diana Smith.<br />

Watch for information on our next<br />

Altman-Garber/Perloff/Davidowitz scholar-inresidence,<br />

Rabbi Ben Hollander, an<br />

American conservative Rabbi who made<br />

aliyah 30 years ago and now teaches at<br />

Hebrew Union College in <strong>Israel</strong>. Of special<br />

local interest (discovered at Rebecca<br />

Kurzweil’s Bat Mitzvah) is that Rabbi<br />

Hollander’s first Bar Mitzvah student in<br />

Pelham, New York was - Steve Kurzweil.<br />

Steve and Zelda Kurzweil look forward to<br />

hosting a special Saturday evening gathering<br />

with Rabbi Hollander which will include,<br />

perhaps, a replaying of Steve’s Bar Mitzvah<br />

speech.<br />


to continue having a daily morning and<br />

afternoon minyan available for mourners and<br />

those observing a yahrzeit, we need you to<br />

attend one or more of our services each<br />

week. Weekday minyan times are normally<br />

7:15 am and 5:15 pm. We have a particular<br />

need for volunteers for Sunday minyan at<br />

8:00 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. We hope to see you<br />

there!<br />

See you at <strong>Temple</strong>,<br />

David<br />

schwager@epix.net<br />

Page 7

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong><br />

236 S. River St.<br />

Wilkes-Barre PA 18702<br />

Non-Profit<br />

Organization<br />

U.S. Postage<br />

PAID<br />

Wilkes-Barre, PA<br />

Permit No. 105<br />

April 20<strong>03</strong><br />

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday<br />

Don’t Miss the<br />

Shavuot<br />

Cheesecake Sale<br />

in May!<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

Meeting, 7:30 pm<br />

Nashim, 7:30 p.m.<br />

Bar Mitzvah of<br />

1 2 3 4 Josh Bloch 5<br />

School Board,<br />

Rabbi’s<br />

Bar Mitzvah of<br />

6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

7 pm<br />

Lunch & Learn<br />

Sam Davidowitz<br />

“Matzoh is Not<br />

All It’s Cracked<br />

Up to Be”<br />

Siyyum for<br />

Second Seder<br />

Hebrew High<br />

13 14 15 16 17 18 19<br />

First-Born, 7 am<br />

School, 5 pm<br />

First Seder<br />

JCC Seder, 6:30 pm<br />

Executive<br />

Yizkor -<br />

Yizkor<br />

Friday Night<br />

Bat Mitzvah of<br />

20 21 22 23 24 25 26<br />

Committee,<br />

following<br />

Live, 7:30 pm<br />

Diana Smith<br />

7:30 pm<br />

evening service,<br />

5:15 pm<br />

Yom Hashoa<br />

B’nai Mitzah<br />

27 28 29 30<br />

Class 7:30 pm<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> Funds<br />

The following is a listing of <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> funds to which donors may contribute for memorials, simchas, recoveries, etc.<br />

Minimum contribution is $5.00 unless otherwise noted.<br />


BIBLE FUND ($10)<br />






ETZ CHAIM BIBLE ($118)<br />
























Joint Sisterhood<br />

Kiddush<br />

JCC<br />

May 17<br />


Cantor Propis<br />

Concert<br />

May 7<br />






($18 minimum)<br />


SANCTUARY FUND ($25)<br />



SIDDUR HADASH ($20)<br />




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