IP Law Summer School - Bristows

IP Law Summer School - Bristows

IP Law Summer School - Bristows


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“Excellent presentations from<br />

real industry heavyweights”<br />

- R. McMahon, A&L Goodbody<br />

IBC Legal Conferences welcomes<br />

you to the prestigious 11th Annual<br />

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13th May to<br />

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SUMMER SCHOOL 2011<br />

A comprehensive introduction and update on developments in<br />

intellectual property law and practice from industry leaders<br />

15th-19th August 2011, Downing College, Cambridge, UK<br />

Fully Inclusive Residential Conference With Panel Sessions, Workshops, Case Studies<br />

and a Mock Arbitration Excercise<br />

DAY ONE:<br />


Get up to speed with an introductory look into the full range of <strong>IP</strong> rights and licensing<br />

Chaired by Brian Cordery, Partner, <strong>Bristows</strong><br />

NEW! Focus upon the impact of the internet upon <strong>IP</strong>Rs • NEW! Introductory Design Rights workshop<br />

DAY TWO:<br />


Future trends • Cross-border<br />

strategy • Risk of infringement<br />

• Freedom to operate<br />

• International patent validity<br />

• Breakout sessions: Software<br />

patents or biotech and<br />

pharmaceutical developments<br />

Chaired by: Morag Macdonald,<br />

Joint Head of International <strong>IP</strong>,<br />

Bird & Bird<br />

DAY THREE:<br />



<strong>IP</strong> Licensing • Portfolio<br />

management • Due diligence<br />

• Trade secrets and breach of<br />

confidence • Enforcement • <strong>IP</strong> and<br />

competition law • Anticounterfeiting<br />

Chaired by: Trevor Cook,<br />

Partner,<br />

Bird & Bird<br />

DAY FOUR:<br />



Latest GC and CJEU case law<br />

• Pan-European litigation<br />

• Forum Shopping • Designs<br />

• Keyword advertising • Domain<br />

names • Online service provider<br />

liability • Mock Arbitration<br />

Chaired by: Isabel Davies,<br />

Senior Partner,<br />

CMS Cameron McKenna<br />

DAY FIVE:<br />


National and International<br />

copyright law • Historical<br />

overview • Database protection<br />

• Digital copyright & online issues<br />

• Collective societies & licensing<br />

• Orphan works<br />

Chaired by: Professor Adrian<br />

Sterling, Professorial Fellow,<br />

Queen Mary <strong>IP</strong> Research Institute,<br />

University of London<br />

NEW! Patents in China<br />

NEW! Overlap of <strong>IP</strong>Rs<br />

NEW! Trade marks online<br />

NEW! Legislative proposals<br />

PLUS…<br />

• 30+ international industry leaders<br />

• 5 exciting networking functions<br />

• Interactive mock arbitration exercise<br />

• Up to 30 CPD hours available<br />

Media<br />

partners:<br />

Approved by:<br />


• Expert tuition<br />

• Conference documentation<br />

• Accommodation at Downing College<br />

• Meals and entertainment<br />

See inside and back page for details…<br />

Bar Council: Up to 30 CPD hours<br />

SRA: Up to 16 CPD hours<br />

IBC Legal Conferences<br />

Investing business with knowledge<br />

Bookings hotline: +44 (0)20 7017 5503<br />

For the latest programme or to register: www.ibclegal.com/iplawss<br />

This brochure has been produced using environmentally-friendly paper sourced from sustainable forests and is bleach-free

Booking hotline: +44 (0)20 7017 5503 Bookings fax: +44 (0)20 7017 4746<br />

Intellectual Property <strong>Law</strong><br />

08:30 Registration and coffee<br />

09:00 Chair’s opening remarks<br />

Brian Cordery<br />

Partner<br />

<strong>Bristows</strong><br />

DAY ONE • Monday 15th August 2011<br />

09:10 Introduction to intellectual property<br />

• What is intellectual property?<br />

• The rights and how they interrelate<br />

• International conventions<br />

• European Union law<br />

Dr Jeremy Philips, Blogmeister, <strong>IP</strong>KAT<br />

10:10 Introduction to trade mark law and practice:<br />

UK, Europe and international<br />

• Unregistered trade marks<br />

• The action for passing off<br />

• Registered trade marks: UK and CTM<br />

• Absolute grounds of refusal<br />

• Relative grounds of refusal<br />

• Opposition, revocation and invalidity proceedings<br />

• Transactions involving trade mark<br />

• Infringement proceedings<br />

Brian Cordery, Partner, <strong>Bristows</strong><br />

11:10 Morning coffee<br />

11:30 Understanding copyright:<br />

An introduction to the principles of copyright law and practice<br />

• What attracts copyright protection and why?<br />

• Originality, authorship, ownership and duration<br />

• International protection<br />

• Infringement – covering defences exceptions and limitations<br />

• Enforcement, including the current status of the Digital Economy Act<br />

• Neighbouring rights<br />

Jonathan P. Cornthwaite, Partner, Wedlake Bell<br />

12:30 Practical workshop in designs<br />

NEW!<br />

An interactive workshop on this under appreciated right. Participants<br />

will review some of the basics of design protection, and then work together to<br />

design a filing program to protect a new product. Delegates will learn about<br />

the overlap between design rights and other forms of <strong>IP</strong> protection, as well as<br />

the differences between the four design rights available in the UK.<br />

David Stone, Partner, Simmons & Simmons<br />

13:30 Lunch<br />

14:30 Introduction to the general principles of patent law and practice<br />

• Anatomy of a patent: Title, introduction, figures, description, claims and<br />

abstract<br />

• Patent systems: National, regional Patent co-operation Treaty and Paris<br />

Convention<br />

• Requirements for a patent: Novelty, inventive step, industrial susceptibility<br />

and sufficiency<br />

• Protecting the right thing: Claim types, scope<br />

• Post grant: Enforcement, opposition and revocation<br />

Dr Julian Potter, Partner, W.P. Thompson & Co<br />

15:30 An introduction to intellectual property licensing and transactions<br />

Covering topics including:<br />

• Licensing<br />

• Assignments<br />

• Due diligence<br />

• Non-disclosure agreements<br />

• Security arrangements<br />

Colleen Keck, Partner, Allen & Overy<br />

16:30 Afternoon Tea<br />

16:50 <strong>IP</strong> - Still adjusting to the internet:<br />

NEW!<br />

What changes with the Cloud?<br />

• The revolution of our generation, is <strong>IP</strong> a dead paradigm of the industrial era?<br />

• Atomizing the Henry Ford production line in time and space<br />

• The Product/Service duality when everything connects<br />

• Trying to balance <strong>IP</strong> with other rights<br />

• The shifting emphasis between <strong>IP</strong> rights<br />

Chris Oldknow, <strong>IP</strong> Enforcement Policy Counsel, Microsoft<br />

17:30 Close of day one<br />

19.00 Dinner & Quiz Night<br />


08:30 Registration and coffee<br />

DAY TWO • Tuesday 16th August 2011<br />

09:00 Chair’s opening remarks: Future trends in patents<br />

Morag Macdonald<br />

Partner/Joint head of international <strong>IP</strong> group<br />

Bird & Bird<br />

09:15 Cross border patent strategy<br />

• The current state of play on cross-border injunctions and “torpedoes”<br />

• Preparing for a European-wide attack<br />

• The pros and cons of the different jurisdictions<br />

• Community regulation on service and jurisdiction<br />

Morag Macdonald, Partner/Joint head of international <strong>IP</strong> group<br />

Bird & Bird<br />

10:00 Freedom to operate:<br />


What are the risks of infringement?<br />

The panel will review and discuss a scenario in the context of freedom to<br />

operate. Each panel member will give a short presentation after which a<br />

discussion will follow, plus an opportunity for questions from the delegates.<br />

Rowan Freeland, Partner, Simons & Simmons<br />

Ken Adamo, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis<br />

Felix T. Rödiger, Partner, Bird & Bird<br />

12:00 Patent law in China<br />

This session will feature an overview of the Chinese Patent system<br />

followed by specific topics of interest including:<br />

• The undefined role of technical experts<br />

• Damages award<br />

• The emphasis on indigenous <strong>IP</strong> rights and its impact<br />

• Court-imposed compulsory licences?<br />

• Issues with Standard patents<br />

Christine Yiu, Associate, Bird & Bird<br />

12:45 Lunch<br />

13:45 Patent validity<br />


The panel will review and discuss the law on obviousness, novelty, sufficiency<br />

and breadth of claims.<br />

Europe<br />

• Obviousness and approaches by the courts<br />

• Novelty v. obviousness<br />

• Presumption of validity and evidentiary burden to prove validity<br />

• Validity and infringements/injunctions<br />

USA<br />

• Recent developments in American law concerning validity<br />

• Validity challenges to business method patents<br />

• Novelty and inevitable result<br />

• Claim construction/inequitable conduct<br />

Rowan Freeland, Partner, Simons & Simmons<br />

Felix T. Rödiger, Partner, Bird & Bird<br />

Robert J. Goldman, Partner, Ropes & Gray<br />

15:45 Afternoon tea<br />

16:00 Parallel workshop session – Choose from two options:<br />

Option 1 – Patentability of computer implemented inventions<br />

USA<br />

• What scope of protection is available in the US?<br />

• Validity challenges to business method and biotechnology patents<br />

• Novelty and inventive step<br />

• Tips and strategies for drafting and prosecuting US patent applications in<br />

these areas<br />

Europe<br />

• What scope of protection for business methods is available in Europe?<br />

• Leading EPO decisions dealing with the patentability of software and<br />

inventions related to business methods<br />

• EU directive on the patentability of computer implemented inventions<br />

• Getting to grips with the “technical effect” requirement<br />

• Tips for drafting specifications and claims on business methods<br />

Timothy May, Partner, Finnegan<br />

Ian Loveless, Partner, Reddie & Grose<br />

Option 2 – Biotech and pharmaceutical developments<br />

• The EU biotechnology directive<br />

• Patenting of genes, stem cells and higher life forms<br />

• Patenting of medical treatment and diagnostic methods<br />

• Case law developments in the US<br />

Robert J. Goldman, Partner, Ropes & Gray<br />

Dr Nina White, Partner, Boult Wade Tennant<br />

17:30 Close of day two<br />



<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> 2011<br />

18:30 Champagne & Strawberries reception<br />

19:00 Gala Dinner<br />

DAY THREE • Wednesday 17th August 2011<br />

09:00 Chair’s opening remarks<br />

Trevor Cook<br />

Partner<br />

Bird & Bird<br />

09:15 <strong>IP</strong> portfolio management<br />

• Claims and early life cycle protection<br />

• Dispute assessment and avoidance strategies<br />

• Generate revenue through licenses or sue for infringement?<br />

• Tactical manoeuvres<br />

• Case studies<br />

Gordon Wright, Partner, Elkington & Fife<br />

Richard <strong>Law</strong>rence, Director, Keltie<br />

10:15 Trade secrets and breach of confidence<br />

• Understanding breach of confidence – the “4-step” test<br />

• What is a “trade secret”?<br />

• Identifying a relationship of confidence<br />

• Breach and enforcement<br />

• Litigation specifics and remedies<br />

• Defences including the “public interest” defence<br />

• Rise of the privacy action<br />

• Case study: Vestergaard v. Bestnet<br />

John Hull, Partner, Memery Crystal<br />

11:15 Morning coffee<br />

11:30 Intellectual property licensing<br />

• The philosophy of licensing<br />

• The nature of the license<br />

• Key structural issues<br />

• Negotiation fundamentals<br />

• Open source agreements<br />

Sally Shorthose, Partner, Bird & Bird<br />

12:30 <strong>IP</strong> due diligence: Maximising the benefits<br />

• The purpose of due diligence<br />

• Growing importance of <strong>IP</strong>/T<br />

• Knowing the deal<br />

• The role of warranties and indemnities<br />

• Designing and effective strategy for due diligence<br />

• <strong>IP</strong> searches<br />

• Contract reviews<br />

• Forms of reporting to the client<br />

• Particular issues: Patents, trade marks, copyright and designs, know-how<br />

and confidential information, domain names, <strong>IP</strong> licensing arrangements<br />

and IT contracts<br />

• Areas of particular concern – improvements, joint ownership etc<br />

Jim Ford, Partner, Allen & Overy<br />

13:15 Lunch<br />

14:15 <strong>IP</strong> enforcement<br />

• Jurisdiction and proper law<br />

• Provisional and precautionary measures and the enforcement directive<br />

• Remedies on the merits and the enforcement directive<br />

• Criminal jurisdiction over infringement<br />

• Other approaches to enforcement<br />

• Overlapping <strong>IP</strong>Rs in the context of enforcement<br />

Trevor Cook, Partner, Bird & Bird<br />

15:00 <strong>IP</strong> rights and competition law within the<br />

pharmaceutical and TMT sectors<br />

• <strong>IP</strong> rights and competition: Conflicting or complimentary?<br />

• The “tension” between <strong>IP</strong> rights and competition law<br />

• <strong>IP</strong> rights, exhaustion and parallel trade in the European Union<br />

• The <strong>IP</strong> “monopoly”: Could this constitute an abuse of a dominant position?<br />

• <strong>IP</strong> agreements and the prohibition on anticompetitive provisions<br />

• Recent developments: The AZ case; Standardisation agreements and the<br />

horizontal guidelines; The FA Premier League satellite decoders<br />

Dr Myles Jelf, Partner, <strong>Bristows</strong><br />

16:25 Afternoon tea<br />


16:45 Using the Customs regulations in anti-counterfeiting<br />

• Making customs procedures work for your products<br />

• EU transhipment case law<br />

• Nokia v HMRC /Philips v Lucheng<br />

• Regulation 1383/2003 as part of a litigation strategy<br />

• Creating and implementing a practical anti-counterfeiting strategy<br />

Frank Eijsvogels, Partner, Hoyng Monegier<br />

17:30 Close of day three<br />

19:00 Dinner<br />

DAY FOUR • Thursday 18th August 2011<br />

09:00 Chair’s opening remarks<br />

Isabel Davies<br />

Senior Partner<br />


09:15 Community and UK designs<br />

Including an interactive case study of Mattel v Simba<br />

• The community registered design<br />

• The unregistered community design<br />

• Harmonized national law on designs<br />

• Novelty and individual character<br />

• Designs dictated by the products technical function<br />

• Design right or three-dimensional trade mark?<br />

• Jurisdiction<br />

• Standards for infringement; Proctor and Gamble v Rekitt Benckiser<br />

David Keeling, former member of the second board of appeal, OHIM<br />

Morag Macdonald, Partner/joint head of international <strong>IP</strong> group, Bird & Bird<br />

10:45 Overview of recent GC and CJEU case law:<br />

What guidelines are imposed from Luxembourg?<br />

Including the latest rulings concerned with:<br />

• Registrability: Numbers, letters, slogans<br />

• Conflict: Likelihood of confusion, reputation, conflict with GIs<br />

• Infringement: Liability of ISPs (Google, eBay), transit<br />

Alexander von Mühlendahl, Attorney at law, Bardehle Pagenberg<br />

11:25 Morning coffee<br />

11:45 Pan-European trade mark litigation and forum shopping<br />

• Unitary character of CTMs<br />

• Jurisdiction of CTM courts<br />

• Forum shopping in the EU<br />

• Relevance of the Brussels Regulation<br />

• Pan-European injunctions and damages: When will they be granted?<br />

• Counterclaims for invalidity or revocation<br />

Alan Bryson, Barrister, Wilberforce Chambers<br />

12:30 Trade marks online<br />

• Keyword advertising; advertiser and search engine liability<br />

• Liability of online service providers for third party infringements<br />

NEW!<br />

• Issues of Jurisdiction - where does the infringement take place and where<br />

should you take action?<br />

• Websites and parallel trading<br />

• Domain name disputes<br />

Jeremy Drew, Partner, Reynolds Porter Chamberlain<br />

13:15 Lunch<br />


For the latest programme or to register: www.ibclegal.com/iplawss

15th-19th August 2011<br />

Downing College, Cambridge, UK<br />

14:15 Break out interactive workshop: Trade mark mock arbitration<br />

In this interactive workshop session, a case involving many aspects of trade<br />

mark law in Europe will be arbitrated and debated in small groups. Delegates<br />

will be given the opportunity to consider a number of issues related to trade<br />

mark infringement and how those issues should be presented at arbitration.<br />

Provided with the facts in advance, delegates will be split into small groups and<br />

will be asked to prepare an argument on behalf of each party to the arbitration.<br />

They will be given an opportunity to present this case as well as to reply. In<br />

order to benefit from the session, delegates are advised to readna nd consider<br />

the paperwork which will be provided in advance.<br />

Facilitators:<br />

Isabel Davies, Senior Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna<br />

Alan Bryson, Barrister, Wilberforce Chambers<br />

David Keeling, Former member of the second board of appeal, OHIM<br />

16:30 Reconvene for breakout workshop results and discussion<br />

16:45 Close of day four<br />

17:00 Punting on the river Cam<br />

19:00 Barbeque (weather permitting)<br />


DAY FIVE • Friday 19th August 2011<br />

09:00 Chair’s opening remarks<br />

Prof Adrian Sterling<br />

Professorial Fellow<br />

Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute<br />

14:00 Collecting societies and licensing<br />

• History of collective management<br />

• Collective management and print media<br />

• Legal v. voluntary licensing<br />

• Collective management and the digital world<br />

Owen Atkinson, CEO, ALCS<br />

14:45 Proposed reforms<br />

An up to the minute update on the latest proposals for change to copyright law<br />

at home and abroad<br />

• The findings of the Hargreaves Review;<br />

• Orphan Works’ reform: UK and EU developments;<br />

• Judicial Review and Ofcom review of the Digital Economy Act 2010.<br />

Alec Cameron, Director, Corporate Counsel, Getty Images<br />

15:30 Chair’s closing remarks<br />

15:45 Close of <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

"Course was brilliant; really enjoyed it<br />

and learnt a lot – thank you very much."<br />

P. Given, Allen Overy LLP<br />


SCHOOLS?<br />


09:15 Overview of national copyright laws<br />

• Common law systems: UK and other commonwealth countries, Ireland, USA<br />

etc<br />

• Civil law systems: Continental European countries including France, Germany,<br />

Russia, Latin American and Francophone countries etc<br />

09:45 International copyright law<br />

• Berne, Universal copyright, Rome conventions, TR<strong>IP</strong>S, W<strong>IP</strong>O treaties<br />

10:15 Current issues<br />

10:30 Regional aspects<br />

• European Union<br />

• North American Free trade Agreement<br />

• Other US free trade agreements<br />

• Cartagena Agreement<br />

Prof Adrian Sterling, Professorial Fellow, Queen Mary Intellectual<br />

Property Research Institute<br />

Fully inclusive<br />

As an attendee for the full 5 day conference, your registration fee is fully<br />

inclusive of 4 nights full board accommodation from Monday night through to<br />

Thursday night and a varied programme of networking events and entertainment<br />

each evening.<br />

Unique education and networking opportunities<br />

Not only are you guaranteed the highest level of teaching from our panel of<br />

international experts, but the inclusion of networking activities creates an<br />

informal and relaxed learning environment. The full and varied networking<br />

functions are the perfect way to cement newfound relationships within the <strong>IP</strong><br />

industry.<br />

11:00 Morning coffee<br />


11:20 Database protection<br />

• What constitutes a database? Is it dynamic?<br />

• When is a database protected by a database right, rather than copyright?<br />

• Who can exploit rights?<br />

• How long does the database right last<br />

• How to spot and infringement<br />

• What defences are available?<br />

• Does the legislation make sense?<br />

• BHB v William Hill; The FA case; where are we now?<br />

• Proposed reforms<br />

• Traps to look out for<br />

Catriona Smith, Partner, Rouse & Co<br />

12:15 Internet issues<br />

• Peer-to-peer file sharing<br />

• User-generated content<br />

• Virtual worlds<br />

• Online libraries and orphan works<br />

• Football Dataco case (UK) and other recent cases<br />

Prof Adrian Sterling, Professorial Fellow, Queen Mary Intellectual<br />

Property Research Institute<br />

Historical venue<br />

Downing College has a unique setting amidst 17 acres of lawns and trees and<br />

yet it is within easy walking distance of the historic centre of Cambridge. The<br />

buildings that will be your home for the duration of your time attending the<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> date back to the beginning of the 19th Century and are<br />

predominantly neo-classical in style conveying a sense of elegance and<br />

spaciousness. Cambridge is easily accessible from Stansted airport and from<br />

London.<br />

13:00 Lunch<br />

Email: professionalcustserv@informa.com

The 11th annual residential<br />

Intellectual Property <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> 2011<br />

15th – 19th August 2011, Downing College, Cambridge, UK<br />

Dear Colleague,<br />

Now in its 11th Year, IBC Legal’s highly acclaimed Intellectual<br />

Property <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> remains an unrivalled resource for the<br />

consolidation of, or initiation into, all of the central concepts in <strong>IP</strong> law,<br />

presented in the context of the latest developments and burning issues<br />

in the industry.<br />

Intellectual property has never been more important, nor more complex,<br />

and whether you are a junior lawyer seeking to gain a specialism, or<br />

working in-house with broad-ranging <strong>IP</strong> responsibilities, the summer<br />

school will provide an impeccable grounding in all of the core<br />

areas of <strong>IP</strong>.<br />

Alongside the usual themed days, new topics this year include: A focus<br />

on the impact of the internet upon <strong>IP</strong>R and patents in China and the<br />

programme now features more speakers, more of the latest cases<br />

and more interactivity than ever before.<br />

As ever, this comprehensive instruction is delivered by our<br />

distinguished faculty of expert speakers who are at once some of<br />

the most revered, influential and entertaining practitioners in<br />

their field.<br />

The unique all-inclusive nature of this course means that delegates can<br />

enjoy interaction with the speakers and each other through a fantastic<br />

range of social events, enhancing group-work and facilitating broad<br />

discussion and knowledge-sharing beyond the structure of the<br />

prescribed sessions.<br />

The speakers and I look forward to welcoming you to the in the<br />

beautiful and relaxed surroundings of Downing College in August.<br />

Kind regards,<br />

Paul Heaney<br />

IBC Legal<br />

“A well put together, elaborate<br />

introduction to <strong>IP</strong>”<br />

- D. Muus, KPN<br />


THE <strong>IP</strong> LAW SUMMER<br />

SCHOOL 2011:<br />

• Separately bookable "Basics Day"<br />

for beginners in <strong>IP</strong><br />

• Opportunity to study with a distinguished, international faculty<br />

• Time allowed throughout the conference for questions and<br />

answers with the expert faculty<br />

• Panel sessions, parallel sessions, case studies, workshops and a<br />

mock trade mark arbitration<br />

• Social interaction and networking each evening, including a<br />

quiz night, punting, gala dinner, champagne and strawberries<br />

reception and a barbeque (weather permitting)<br />

• Full board accommodation (including meals) for the duration<br />

of the conference<br />

• A unique opportunity to gain a full insight into intellectual<br />

property law in a relaxed and informal atmosphere<br />

PLUS: Cambridge is within easy reach of Stansted airport, and<br />

all London airports<br />

Establish a solid grounding in each of the key areas of<br />

intellectual property <strong>Law</strong><br />

Gain practical skills and know-how through interactive<br />

participation<br />

Develop critical knowledge within each of the specialist days<br />

Explore future trends and the influence of new technology and<br />

media on intellectual property rights and enforcement<br />

Refine techniques for managing and exploiting <strong>IP</strong> portfolios<br />

and assets<br />

Enjoy the beautiful surroundings and itinerary of fantastic social<br />

events<br />


SRA: Earn 1 point per hour of attendance up to 16 CPD hours<br />

Bar Council: Earn 1 point per hour of attendance up to 30 CPD hours<br />

ITMA: Earn 3 points for attending Day 1, and 6 each for days 3,4 and 5,<br />

up to a maximum of 21 CPD points<br />


• <strong>IP</strong> <strong>Law</strong>yers<br />

• <strong>IP</strong> Specialists<br />

• <strong>IP</strong> Consultants<br />

• Heads of Licensing<br />

• Technical Assistants<br />

• In-House Counsel<br />

• Legal Advisors<br />

• Lecturers<br />

• <strong>IP</strong> Managers<br />

• Legal Officers<br />

• Patent Managers<br />

• Business<br />

Consultants<br />

• Trainee Solicitors<br />

• Solicitors<br />

• Barristers<br />

• Patent & Trade<br />

Mark Attorneys<br />

• Rights Managers<br />

• Trade Mark<br />

Managers<br />

• Patent Engineers<br />

• Commercial<br />

Managers<br />



Gain a recognised university qualification at work, at home or on<br />

the move. Courses for 2011 include: EU Competition <strong>Law</strong>,<br />

Copyright <strong>Law</strong>, European Union <strong>Law</strong>, Economics for Competition<br />

<strong>Law</strong> (Kings College London) and Business <strong>Law</strong>, Medical <strong>Law</strong>, Sports<br />

<strong>Law</strong>, Environmental <strong>Law</strong>, Food <strong>Law</strong> and Employment <strong>Law</strong><br />

(De Montfort University)<br />

All courses start in Autumn 2011, for further information call +44<br />

(0)20 7017 5906, email: andrew.pini@informa.com or visit:<br />

www.informadl.com<br />

Booking hotline: +44 (0)20 7017 5503 Email: professionalcustserv@informa.com

Intellectual Property <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> 2011<br />

15th – 19th August 2011<br />

Downing, College, Cambridge, UK<br />

V<strong>IP</strong> CODE:<br />

Please quote the above V<strong>IP</strong> code when registering<br />


KW8138<br />

Monday 15th - Friday 19th August 2011<br />

The price per delegate for the full package includes full-board accommodation, provided by<br />

Downing College, from Monday night to Thursday night and all meals - excluding drinks at the<br />

college bar. For more information on accommodation for extra nights please contact<br />

paul.heaney@informa.com<br />


Venue:<br />

Downing College<br />

Regent Street<br />

Cambridge, CB2 1DQ.<br />

Tel: + 44 (0) 1223 334860<br />

Fax: +44 (0) 1223 467934<br />

Web: www.dow.cam.ac.uk<br />


Telephone:<br />

Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 5503<br />

Please remember to quote<br />

KW8138<br />

Fax:<br />

Complete and send this<br />

registration form to:<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 4746<br />

Email:<br />

professionalcustserv@informa.com<br />

Mail:<br />

this completed form<br />

together with payment to:<br />

Nicola Rogers<br />

Informa Customer Services<br />

PO Box 406, West Byfleet<br />

Surrey KT14 6WL, UK<br />

Web:<br />

www.ibclegal.com/iplawss<br />

Payment should be made within 14 days of registration. All registrations must be paid in advance of the event.<br />

Your V<strong>IP</strong> code is given above. If there is no V<strong>IP</strong> code, please quote KW8138<br />

HOW MUCH?<br />

Price per delegate, inclusive of accommodation, meals and evening networking activities*:<br />

Package Register by Register by Standard<br />

13th May 2011 15th July 2011 Price<br />

Full 5 Day<br />

Package<br />

(Including meals,<br />

and 4 nights<br />

accommodation)<br />

Main<br />

Conference<br />

Days 2-5 Only<br />

(Including meals,<br />

and 3 nights<br />

accommodation)<br />

Basics Day<br />

Only<br />


Cheque. Enclosed is our cheque for £ ................ in favour of IIR UK Ltd<br />

Please ensure that the Reference Code KW8138 is written on the back of the cheque<br />

Credit Card. Please debit my: VISA AMEX MASTERCARD DINERS<br />

Card No:<br />

Expiry Date:<br />

Signature:<br />

CVV Number:<br />

please note that credit cards will be debited within 7 days of your registration on to the conference<br />

By Bank transfer: Full details of bank transfer options will be given with your invoice on registration.<br />

<br />

SAVE £900<br />

■ £2498<br />

+ VAT@20%<br />

(£2997.60)<br />

SAVE £500<br />

■ £2099<br />

+ VAT@20%<br />

(£2518.80)<br />

■ £799<br />

+ VAT@20%<br />

(£958.80)<br />

Additional Requirements Please notify Informa at least one month before the<br />

conference date if you have any additional requirements e.g. wheelchair access, large<br />

print etc.<br />

TERMS AND CONDITIONS Attendance at this Event is subject to the IBC Legal<br />

Delegate Terms and Conditions at http://www.informaglobalevents.com/division/ibclegal/termsandconditions<br />

Your attention is drawn in particular to clauses 6, 8 and 14 of<br />

the IBC Legal Delegate Terms and Conditions which have been set out below:<br />

Cancellation Policy: If you cancel in accordance with this policy, you will receive a<br />

refund of your fees paid to IBC Legal (if any):(i) if you cancel your registration 28 days or<br />

more before the Event, subject to an administration charge equivalent to 10% of the<br />

total amount of your fees plus VAT; or (ii) if you cancel your registration less than 28<br />

days, but more than 14 days before the Event, subject to an administration charge<br />

equivalent to 50% of the total amount of your fees plus VAT. IBC Legal regrets that the<br />

full amount of your fee remains payable in the event that your cancellation is 14 days or<br />

less before the Event or if you fail to attend the Event. All cancellations must be sent by<br />

email to professionalcustserv@informa.com marked for the attention of Customer<br />

Services and must be received by IBC Legal. You acknowledge that the refund of your<br />

fees in accordance with this policy is your sole remedy in respect of any cancellation of<br />

your registration by you and all other liability is expressly excluded. Changes to the<br />

Conference: IBC Legal may (at its sole discretion) change the format,<br />

SAVE £600<br />

■ £2798<br />

+ VAT@20%<br />

(£3357.60)<br />

SAVE £200<br />

■ £2399<br />

+ VAT@20%<br />

(£2878.80)<br />

■ £799<br />

+ VAT@20%<br />

(£958.80)<br />

SAVE £400<br />

■ £2998<br />

+ VAT@20%<br />

(£3597.60)<br />

■ £2599<br />

+ VAT@20%<br />

(£3118.80)<br />

■ £799<br />

+ VAT@20%<br />

(£958.80)<br />

Savings include Early Booking Discounts. All additional discounts can only be applied at the time of registration and discounts cannot be<br />

combined (apart from early booking discounts which are available to everyone). Price per delegate, inclusive of accommodation (provided<br />

by Downing College @ £82.50 + VAT per night), meals* and evening networking activities. Delegate to receive final invoice with<br />

breakdown of accommodation provided by college and all other components as provided by IIR Ltd. Note that delegates attending only<br />

days 2-5 of the conference are entitled to 3 nights accommodation Tuesday-Thursday and that bookings for the basics day only are not<br />

inclusive of any accommodation.<br />

speakers,participants, content, venue location and programme or any other aspect of<br />

the Event at any time and for any reason, whether or not due to a Force Majeure Event,<br />

in each case without liability.<br />

Data protection: The personal information which you provide to us will be held by us<br />

on a database. You agree that IBC Legal may share this information with other<br />

companies in the Informa group. Occasionally your details may be made available to<br />

selected third parties who wish to communicate with you offers related to your business<br />

activities. If you do not wish to receive these offers please contact the database<br />

manager. For more information about how IBC Legal use the information you provide<br />

please see our privacy policy at http://www.iir-events.com/IIR-conf/PrivacyPolicy.aspx<br />

If you do not wish your details to be available to companies in the Informa Group, or<br />

selected third parties, please contact the Database Manager, Informa UK Ltd, 29<br />

Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DR, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7077, fax: +44 (0)20<br />

7017 7828 or email integrity@iirltd.co.uk<br />

Incorrect Mailing: If you are receiving multiple mailings or you would like us to<br />

change any details, or remove your name from our database, please contact the<br />

Database Manager at the above address quoting the reference number printed on the<br />

mailing label. By completing and submitting this registration form, you confirm that you<br />

have read and understood the IBC Legal Delegate Terms and Conditions and you agree<br />

to be bound by them.<br />

1st Delegate Mr/Mrs/Ms<br />

Job title<br />

Telephone<br />

Email<br />

❏<br />

Yes! I would like to receive information about future events and services via fax<br />

Signature:<br />


Company Name<br />

Postal Address<br />

Telephone<br />

Nature of Business<br />

Billing Address (if different from above address)<br />

Billing E-mail Address:<br />

Department<br />

Fax<br />

Yes! I would like to receive information about upcoming events by email. By giving you my email address I am<br />

giving ONLY Informa companies the permission to contact me by email<br />

2nd Delegate Mr/Mrs/Ms<br />

Job title<br />

Telephone<br />

Email<br />

Department<br />

£500 discount<br />

Unable to Attend - Event Documentation<br />

Nothing compares to being there - but you need not miss out! To order your online documentation<br />

simply tick the box, complete your details above and send the form along with payment.<br />

■ <strong>IP</strong> <strong>Law</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>School</strong> 2011 - £495 + VAT (20%)<br />

We regret documentation orders can only be processed on receipt of credit card details.<br />

To order hard copies please email professionalcustserv@informa.com.<br />

Fax<br />

Yes! I would like to receive information about upcoming events by email. By giving you my email address I am<br />

giving ONLY Informa companies the permission to contact me by email<br />

3rd Delegate Mr/Mrs/Ms<br />

Job title<br />

Telephone<br />

Email<br />

Department<br />

Fax<br />

Yes! I would like to receive information about upcoming events by email. By giving you my email address I am<br />

giving ONLY Informa companies the permission to contact me by email<br />

Name of your Line Manager Mr/Mrs/Ms<br />

Job title<br />

Telephone<br />

Email<br />

Booking Contact Mr/Mrs/Ms<br />

Job title<br />

Telephone<br />

Email<br />

Department<br />

Fax<br />

Department<br />

Fax<br />

Fax<br />

Informa UK Ltd. Registered in England and Wales No: (GB) 1072954. Registered Office: 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH. VAT<br />

Registered No: (GB) 365 4626 36. IBC Legal Conferences is part of IIR which is a trading name of Informa UK Limited.

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