7 Gold - Wachusett Regional School District

7 Gold - Wachusett Regional School District 7 Gold - Wachusett Regional School District


September 4, 2012 Dear Parent/Guardian, The Seven Gold Team would like to welcome your son/daughter to the seventh grade. The teachers Jill Poulin, English Language Arts; Diana Pahl, Ancient Civilizations; Scott Hill, Math; and Wayne Boisselle, Science would like to share their individual classroom policies for the academic school year. Each member of the team reviews the policies with the students in class, and highly recommends that you review the policies with your son/daughter before signing the enclosed documents. The seventh grade should be a time of intellectual advancement and individual growth, in order to obtain and allow for that growth the teachers set their individual classroom policies, as well as general grade seven standards, that are listed below. 1. All students are expected to arrive to class on time with all his/her materials. Students are encouraged to group together classes to minimize locker stops since running in the halls is strictly prohibited. 2. Lockers are important for student success; we expect lockers to be closed, neat, and nothing is allowed on the floor. This is important for cleanliness and fire safety. Students are not permitted to switch lockers or share a locker with another student at any time in the school year. 3. For lunch, students are required to bring his/her lunch or money with them to the fifth period class. Students will go directly to lunch from that class and will not be permitted to return to their lockers for any reason. Students are expected to proceed in an orderly manner to the lunchroom; this includes walking down the stairs. 4. The activity periods are for academics or scheduled extra curricular activities. Students are required to either complete work assignments or independently read within their homerooms. Therefore, students are required to bring his/her independent reading books to all classes. Activity periods are also an important opportunity to seek extra help through teachers and the peer to peer program. 5. In homeroom students are required to sit in assigned seats. We expect students to listen to all announcements. 6. Attitudes and values matter, we expect students to be respectful of themselves, teachers, peers and school property. We believe that class time and library privileges need to be respected. Students should be prepared for consequences based on student behavior.

September 4, 2012<br />

Dear Parent/Guardian,<br />

The Seven <strong>Gold</strong> Team would like to welcome your son/daughter to the seventh grade. The<br />

teachers Jill Poulin, English Language Arts; Diana Pahl, Ancient Civilizations; Scott Hill, Math;<br />

and Wayne Boisselle, Science would like to share their individual classroom policies for the<br />

academic school year. Each member of the team reviews the policies with the students in class,<br />

and highly recommends that you review the policies with your son/daughter before signing the<br />

enclosed documents.<br />

The seventh grade should be a time of intellectual advancement and individual growth, in order to<br />

obtain and allow for that growth the teachers set their individual classroom policies, as well as<br />

general grade seven standards, that are listed below.<br />

1. All students are expected to arrive to class on time with all his/her materials. Students are<br />

encouraged to group together classes to minimize locker stops since running in the halls is strictly<br />

prohibited.<br />

2. Lockers are important for student success; we expect lockers to be closed, neat, and nothing<br />

is allowed on the floor. This is important for cleanliness and fire safety. Students are not<br />

permitted to switch lockers or share a locker with another student at any time in the school year.<br />

3. For lunch, students are required to bring his/her lunch or money with them to the fifth period<br />

class. Students will go directly to lunch from that class and will not be permitted to return to their<br />

lockers for any reason. Students are expected to proceed in an orderly manner to the lunchroom;<br />

this includes walking down the stairs.<br />

4. The activity periods are for academics or scheduled extra curricular activities. Students are<br />

required to either complete work assignments or independently read within their homerooms.<br />

Therefore, students are required to bring his/her independent reading books to all classes.<br />

Activity periods are also an important opportunity to seek extra help through teachers and the<br />

peer to peer program.<br />

5. In homeroom students are required to sit in assigned seats. We expect students to listen to all<br />

announcements.<br />

6. Attitudes and values matter, we expect students to be respectful of themselves, teachers,<br />

peers and school property. We believe that class time and library privileges need to be<br />

respected. Students should be prepared for consequences based on student behavior.

Jill Poulin<br />

Seven <strong>Gold</strong> English Language Arts<br />

Contacting me:<br />

� Email: jill_poulin@wrsd.net<br />

� Website: https://sites.google.com/a/wrsd.net/poulin-7-gold-ela/<br />

You are expected:<br />

Expectations<br />

o to come to class prepared with a pen, pencil, notebook, any required reading material we are<br />

using at the time, any homework assigned, and an independent reading book.<br />

o to be prepared and ready to participate during class.<br />

o to come to class with your finished homework.<br />

o to be respectful of your classmates and their opinions.<br />

o to raise your hand before speaking and never speak over anyone else.<br />

o to keep your hands and feet to yourself.<br />

o Be polite and do not interrupt another students reading or writing conference.<br />

o work while I am conferring with other students and read if you think you are finished.<br />

o to write the assigned homework in your agenda book daily.<br />

Materials (you need to have these materials daily)<br />

� one notebook with a separate reader's section and a separate writer's<br />

section<br />

� one pocket folder<br />

� pens<br />

� pencils<br />

� highlighters<br />

� post- it notes<br />

Readers' and Writers’ Notebook<br />

All Students are required to keep ONE notebook that has at least two separate sections (multiple subject<br />

notebook). This notebook will be used to complete any work we do for reading and any writing we<br />

complete throughout the year. One Notebook -- first half readers, second half writers. If you fill it up you<br />

must get a new one. (Spiral notebooks work best)<br />

Folders<br />

All students are required to keep ONE pocket folder; One Folder -- One side readers, one side writers. It is<br />

the student’s responsibility to supply this folder and any additional folders needed throughout the year.<br />

Independent Reading<br />

You must always have a book to read. You should read a couple books a term. When you finish class<br />

work you are required to read your reading book.<br />

Book Sign Out<br />

You are always required to have a free reading book in class. I have multiple titles for students to sign out<br />

and read, there is no excuse for not having a book.<br />

If a students takes a book out of my library they MUST sign it out and then sign it back in when returning<br />

it.<br />

Headings<br />

All papers that are handed in must have your heading<br />

Name<br />

Period<br />

Date<br />


Website<br />

https://sites.google.com/a/wrsd.net/poulin-7-gold-ela/<br />

My website is EXTREMELY important to you this year. As the year progresses we will work together to<br />

figure out how to use Google docs and this will be your way to access work completed in class and for you<br />

to share work as well.<br />

Printing Assignments<br />

I WILL NOT accept student work that is emailed to me. I WILL NOT print work that is emailed to me<br />

either. Students are responsible for printing documents out one their own at home or before school. If you<br />

are going to print at school you can not have the document emailed to yourself. You must either have it<br />

saved on Google docs or you must have it on a flash drive. You will not have time to use the computers<br />

during class to print.<br />

Grading<br />

Homework Completion: 5%<br />

Homework Accuracy:10%<br />

Quizzes: 15%<br />

Open Responses:20%<br />

Tests/Projects:20%<br />

Essays/Written Work:30%<br />

Homework Policy<br />

Homework Completion Grading:<br />

100-Day due<br />

75 - One day Late<br />

50 - Two days late<br />

25 - Three days late<br />

0 - Will not accept it after three days<br />

Homework Accuracy Grading:<br />

1 day late: -10<br />

2 days late: -20<br />

3 days late: -30<br />

after 3 days a zero<br />

Late Open Responses:<br />

1 day late: -5<br />

2 days late: -10<br />

3 days late: -15<br />

4 days late: -20<br />

5 days late: -25<br />

Not Accepted after 5 days<br />

Open Response Grading<br />

4=100 3=80 2=60 1=40 0=20 not completed=0<br />

Opportunity to rewrite open responses: Students can rewrite most open responses, but they must schedule a<br />

time to meet with me to rewrite -- unless we already have a schedule to work on them in class.<br />

Essays and Written Work Grading<br />

When using the MCAS Long Composition Rubric<br />

6/4=100<br />

6/3=97<br />

5/4=94<br />

5/3=91<br />

5/2=85<br />


4/2=73<br />

4/1=70<br />

3/3=64<br />

3/2=61<br />

2/3=50<br />

2/2=45<br />

2/1=40<br />

1/2=35<br />

1/1=30<br />

The majority of the work done on essays is in class. I ask you to please not help your son/daughter work<br />

and edit on these essays. Seventh grade is all about personal growth and learning how to self edit is<br />

extremely important.<br />

Late Essays:<br />

1 day late: -5<br />

2 days late: -10<br />

3 days late: -15<br />

4 days late: -20<br />

5 days late: -25<br />

Not Accepted after 5 days<br />

Absences<br />

You must get the work from my website, a friend, or me.<br />

absent one day - you get 1 extra day to complete the work (although it is best if you complete the work on<br />

the day/night you are out if possible so you don't get behind and have extra work the next night)<br />

It is YOUR responsibility to show me the work after your one extra day. If you do not show me the work I<br />

will start marking it as late. I WILL NOT CHASE OR ASK STUDENTS FOR WORK.<br />

If you miss a test or a quiz it is YOUR responsibility to see me and schedule a time to make it up. You can<br />

do the makeup either before school or during an activity period. If you do not see me to make-up a test or<br />

quiz you will receive a zero.<br />


Power<strong>School</strong> is a fantastic resource for parents and students, but if you do not use it to its full ability it is<br />

not very useful. When you check grades on Power<strong>School</strong> you must read the comments for the assignments<br />

that are put AND read any individual comments that I have put for individual grades. I spend a lot of extra<br />

time putting in these comments because when used they are very helpful.<br />

Other Notes<br />

MCAS testing is in March, please try your hardest to be in school on testing days<br />

Classroom Policies:<br />

Bathroom Use: You can only use the bathroom in the first 5 minutes of class or the last 5 minutes of class.<br />

You do not have to ask, but only 1 girl and 1 boy may be out at one time, if you unsure check the sign<br />

out sheet. If you do not sign out your bathroom privilege will be taken away for two weeks.<br />

Bubbler: you can get a drink at anytime when we are working independently without asking, but you still<br />

must sign out. If you go anyplace besides the bubbler your privilege of going to the bubbler will be taken<br />

away for the school year.<br />

Tissues: bring your own, we do not have tissues given to us for student use. Tissue donations are always<br />

welcome!<br />

Units We Will Cover This Year<br />

(Months are estimated)<br />

Writing: (Will be covered through the entire year.)<br />

Long Composition Writing: Writing an essay based on a given prompt.<br />

Open Response Writing: Writing paragraphs based on a given prompt showing the comprehension<br />

of a given poem, play, nonfiction piece, fiction piece, etc...<br />

Editing and Grammar: (Will be covered through the entire year and within all units.)<br />

Memoirs and Short Stories: (September-October)

What is a Memoir?<br />

Writing a Memoir<br />

Writing successful paragraphs, leads, conclusions, etc... (elements of good writing)<br />

Dramatic Literature: (November - December)<br />

Elements of Drama<br />

Performance<br />

Non-Fiction: (January)<br />

Types of Non-fiction<br />

Writing a nonfiction piece<br />

Mythology: (February-March)<br />

Elements of Myths<br />

Reading of Greek Myths<br />

Myths alluded to in current literature<br />

Realistic Fiction: (April-May)<br />

Reading realistic fiction<br />

Author Study<br />

Poetry: (May-June)<br />

Elements in Poetry<br />

Writing Poetry

Diana Pahl:<br />

7 th Grade <strong>Gold</strong> Ancient World History Requirements<br />

Content: We will study the frameworks for the curriculum guide as written by the <strong>Wachusett</strong> <strong>Regional</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>. This is available on the <strong>District</strong>’s website.<br />

Personal Educational Philosophy: I believe in student engagement in my classroom. I will utilize a<br />

variety of activities to develop critical thinking skills, broaden vocabulary, advance writing skills,<br />

encourage organizational skills, and improve student communication skills. I work to provide an<br />

environment where students want to participate to the best of their ability. I do many hands on tasks and<br />

simulations where we attempt to put ourselves in the role of the time period, making history come alive.<br />

Students will participate in group work; however, grades are based on individual performance and NOT the<br />

group. Students should never feel the burden of carrying the group; rather they should help where<br />

appropriate, but allow each individual to participate to the best of their ability. I look forward to getting to<br />

know the individual dynamics of each of my students and watching their educational development this<br />

year.<br />

Determining Grade Criteria<br />

Tests and Quizzes: Tests and quizzes will have a numerical value and will be weighted according to size<br />

and importance. This will constitute approximately 25% to 50% of your grade.<br />

Quizzes may or may not be made up at a later date; an assignment may be substituted for a quiz.<br />

Tests will be given with ample notice, generally a week or more. You have one week to make up the test, it<br />

is your responsibility to see me and set up a time.<br />

Notebook: Counts as one test grade per quarter<br />

1. The notebook should be a binder where you can remove and add papers.<br />

2. Homework assignments, notes, tests etc, should be organized in chronological order of the date you<br />

received it in class.<br />

3. Each assignment must have your name, class period, date, and assignment title.<br />

4. The notebook should flow so when you read the notebook all data is logically sequenced. This<br />

includes tests, daily assignments, quizzes and handouts. (I have a master binder on my desk, which you<br />

can use to revise your notebook.)<br />

5. The notebook should be sectioned with dividers, 1 st term, 2 nd term, 3 rd term, 4 th term and vocabulary.<br />

6. To support the <strong>District</strong>’s initiative to go paperless, many papers will need to be downloaded from the<br />

website and printed at home. There will be copies available for students who need them.<br />

Grading Criteria: Notebook<br />

Each quarter students will be given a test on the materials covered during the quarter. At the end of the<br />

year students will be tested over the entire notebook. SAVE ALL YOUR PAPERS.<br />

Project: Percentages will be determined by the merit of the project.<br />

1. Each term a different format of project learning will be a percentage of your grade.<br />

2. A rubric will be handed out regarding the projects with ample time for completion.<br />

This is subject to change and alterations based on class development and teacher guidance.<br />

Homework: This will be a percentage of your grade.<br />

1. Students will be required to complete homework on time. .<br />

2. Homework assignments will include a variety of formats.<br />

3. Homework must have the proper heading, or points can be deducted. The upper left hand corner<br />

should include: name, date, and class period and assignment title.<br />

4. Homework can be graded for both completion and accuracy.<br />

Assignment Due Dates:<br />

1. Students will be required to turn in work on the day it is due. Projects lose points daily when late,<br />

depending on the total number of points possible.

2. Students turning in homework work late will lose points on the assignment, based on the total number<br />

possible. One day late is 75% of the value of the assignment, two days or more is 50% of the value of the<br />

assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in late materials and communicate with the teacher.<br />

3. Parents and students are encouraged to share special circumstances; however, fairness is the key.<br />

Extra Credit:<br />

1. Students will have opportunities to earn extra credit in class. At the conclusion of each quarter<br />

students must turn in the extra credit slips, they may not accumulate. There will be cap on the total<br />

number of points possible per quarter.<br />

2. Students may complete one book review per quarter for extra credit. Students must receive teacher<br />

approval for the selected book. The book reviews are due one week prior to grades closing.<br />

Quarter one will be an autobiography or a biography.<br />

Quarter two will be historical fiction.<br />

Quarter three will be historical non-fiction.<br />

Quarter four will be student’s choice (with teacher approval).<br />

3. Extra credit is intended to help a student who has been completing their homework on time and has an<br />

attitude of caring toward their school work. Extra credit is not intended to replace regular school work. At<br />

the end of the quarter when a student realizes they have a poor or lower than desired grade extra credit is<br />

not the solution. You must put in the effort throughout the quarter.<br />

Website:<br />

1. Students can access my web page at: http://TeacherWeb.com/MA/MountviewMiddle<strong>School</strong>/Pahl/<br />

2. The website is intended to provide students and parents with homework assignments, a general calendar<br />

of classroom activities and documents students will need for completing assignments. Also, rubrics are<br />

posted in the document section for parent viewing. Remember you will need to print off your own<br />

materials.<br />

3. If you have questions or concerns about homework, projects or tests, please contact me through email<br />

and I would appreciate the opportunity to answer your thoughts. I value open communication between<br />

parents and children and I welcome the ability to assist you and your child in achieving the best year<br />

possible.<br />

Thank you,<br />

Ms. Pahl<br />

Diana_Pahl@wrsd.net<br />

The Website for Human Heritage, where students can access their books on line is:<br />

humanheritage.glencoe.com<br />

User Name: HH<br />

Password: 2HaphunutE

7 <strong>Gold</strong> Math: Scott Hill<br />

Dear Parents / Guardians August 28th, 2012<br />

I look forward to interacting with your son or daughter and sharing my knowledge of math<br />

and joy of learning. I believe math skills are fun and essential life skills to add to one’s<br />

‘toolbox.’ I hope to encourage a similar attitude and enthusiasm in your son or daughter. I<br />

also hope to challenge your child to individual excellence and to further improve their<br />

reasoning skills.<br />

Please sign up for occasional e-mails through the envelop icon at the top right of any page<br />

of my web site. http://www.myteacherpages.com/webpages/SHill/<br />

I provided your child with a 2-page note containing some general guidelines and a summary<br />

of my expectations of them for this coming year. In shorten form the essentials are:<br />

Weekly schedules: I will post a weekly schedule including a look ahead to the following<br />

week for assessments. The schedule lists each day’s lesson as well as anticipated homework.<br />

The occasional change made in class is not updated on the web document. If your child is<br />

absent, a call to their class buddy to verify the homework assignment is recommended. .<br />

Individual homework assignments will also be posted to a 7-<strong>Gold</strong> google calendar.<br />

Homework: Homework is typically assigned daily and collected weekly. This allows<br />

students some flexibility in scheduling their math workload with other academics or<br />

activities. Homework is to be completed in pencil. In-class corrections are to be made with<br />

easy to read contrasting colored pen or pencil (no black or yellow). Homework that is late<br />

one day will be reduced by 50 points. Homework after that will receive a score of zero.<br />

Quizzes/Tests: Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Tests will be announced at least<br />

2 school days prior to the test date.<br />

Re-Takes are allowed within limits. Please see the Re-Take Summary below.<br />

Missed Work / Anticipated Absence: It’s your child’s responsibility to make up missed<br />

work in a timely manner. If you know in advance that your son or daughter will be missing<br />

class for an extended period of time, please have him or her notify me in advance, so that I<br />

may provide as much of the future material as possible. Working some during their absence<br />

will help to ensure they maintain pace with their class mates.<br />

Extra Help: In addition to the activity periods, extra help is available before school on<br />

Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and some Tuesdays with prior coordination.<br />

Extra-Credit: Extra credit is available. Please see my web site for details.<br />

Grades: Homework - 15% (5% accuracy, 10% completion / effort), Quizzes & Tests – 70%<br />

(quizzes weighted once, tests twice), In-class engagement – 15%<br />

Website: Please visit the class web site at: http://www.myteacherpages.com/webpages/SHill/<br />

Skills Review: While problem solving is the overall goal, each student must be able to<br />

compute accurately in order to be successful in problem solving. Consequently, there will be<br />

recurring skills practices & occasional check. Checks will be counted as ‘half-quizzes’. 7<br />

<strong>Gold</strong> Math

Please contact me with any questions or issues you may have regarding your child and math.<br />

My e-mail is scott_hill@wrsd.net. While e-mail is easiest for me, the front office will also<br />

take messages if needed. The school’s phone number is 508-829-5577. If you prefer, please<br />

feel free to send in a note with your child.<br />

Again, please be sure to sign up for occasional e-mails by clicking on the envelop icon at the<br />

upper right of any page of my web site. Thanks!<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Scott Hill<br />

=========================================================================<br />

====<br />

7-<strong>Gold</strong> Math Re-Take Policy<br />

In the past some students & parents, concerned about grades, have asked if I allow re-takes. The<br />

short answer is “Yes.” However, please let me explain more thoroughly.<br />

My first priority for students is retained knowledge. I would like to see each student feel<br />

successful with their new gained knowledge and to be pleased with their effort and results. My<br />

secondary priority is for each student to develop effective study methods. Given the motivation for<br />

students is usually grades and my top concern is retained knowledge, I’ve concluded that retakes,<br />

within limits, can be the carrot to encourage students to develop more effective study<br />

methods that will increase both grades & knowledge (the proverbial win-win).<br />

So here are the parameters:<br />

1 – A student may re-take up to 2 assessments (quiz & test, NOT skills checks) the first quarter,<br />

and 1 assessment the second and third quarter. The reason for the decreasing number is that I<br />

expect students to improve their test preparations as the year progresses.<br />

Please note due to scheduling of assessments and the end of reporting terms, re-takes may not<br />

be feasible for every assessment, as I’ll require sufficient time to grade re-takes and still close out<br />

the reporting period.<br />

2 – The score on the re-take will replace the original score. Consequently, a student’s final<br />

grade for a given assessment could be higher or lower than the original.<br />

In order to re-take an assessment, the student will:<br />

1 – On a separate sheet(s), neatly revise each missed or partially missed question in its entirety.<br />

Complete at least two similar problems for each missed question or partially missed question.<br />

Students are encouraged to come for extra-help as necessary to complete this step. This must be<br />

completed a minimum of 2 school days prior to the scheduled re-take.<br />

2 – Obtain a parent signature on the original assessment and the revisions.<br />

3 – Sign up in advance on the re-take list for one of the specified times.<br />

4 – Arrive at the designated testing time & place with the signed original assessment.<br />

If a student fails to complete the requirements listed above, the re-take will be denied

How to reach me<br />

Course Information 2012-2013<br />

Wayne Boisselle-Room 206<br />

7 <strong>Gold</strong> Science<br />

-<strong>School</strong> phone: (508)-829-5577<br />

-email: boissellew@gmail.com<br />

-website: use staff directory from Mountview website<br />

Expectations:<br />

Come to class prepared with all your science supplies all the time, which include:<br />

pencil with a good eraser (especially on assessment days), red correcting pen,<br />

science binder with spiral-bound notebook, marbled composition book,<br />

homework (do not leave in locker), independent reading book (on assessment<br />

days only), ruler with metric measurements, scissors, colored pencils,<br />

highlighters, any supplies necessary for labs (to be announced when needed).<br />

You should be self-sufficient with your materials and never need to borrow from<br />

anyone. Be responsible.<br />

Respect your classmates, teachers and administrators, even if you disagree with<br />

them.<br />

Take responsibility for your actions, your decisions, your work and your property.<br />

Don’t blame anyone or anything. You will have a happier life for it.<br />

Be prepared to learn every day. Don’t take away from someone else’s education<br />

by disrupting class, drawing attention away from the teacher and to yourself, or<br />

by not participating in your education. Take advantage of all that Mountview<br />

has to offer and don’t take it for granted.<br />

Participate; it counts and you will learn more.<br />

Listen. You learn a lot just by being a good listener.<br />

Use your agenda book effectively. I will show you how if you don’t already<br />

know.<br />

Make an appointment with your teacher at the first sign of having difficulty.<br />

Don’t wait until the end of the term.<br />

Extra credit won’t bail you out of a low grade. Take advantage of extra credit<br />

when it is offered (after progress reports), and don’t beg for it at the end of each<br />

term. It won’t be there.

Grading:<br />

Curriculum:<br />

Use my website effectively. It is updated daily with assignments, many handouts,<br />

and due dates. There should be no excuse for not getting work in on time when<br />

you use this tool.<br />

Keep your binder neat by three-hole punching everything, date it, and keep it in<br />

the right order, including this handout.<br />

Don’t use technology as an excuse for late homework. We will be using Google<br />

Docs/Chrome/Drive in my class. If you don’t have reliable access to a computer<br />

or other internet-ready device at home, you need to stay after or come in early to<br />

do your work. We are a technology-based school and I use it extensively. Please<br />

be sure you have a working printer with plenty of ink, too.<br />

I am available nearly every morning beginning at 7:45. You may come in<br />

whenever you need extra help or just need a space to work before school starts. I<br />

am also available after school by appointment only with notice. Be sure to check<br />

with me first if you need to come in before or after school. I want to help you<br />

succeed!<br />

-Tests/projects/labs/presentations 50% of grade<br />

-Quizzes 35% of grade<br />

-Homework and participation 15%<br />

During the seventh grade year in science, we focus on Life Science. In this area of<br />

science, students learn about the characteristics of organisms, life cycles, heredity and<br />

organisms in their environment. More specifically, the topics include:<br />

-Taxonomy<br />

-Classification<br />

-Cells: animal, plant and bacteria<br />

-Microscope and tool use<br />

-Photosynthesis and respiration<br />

-Cell division<br />

-Human body systems<br />

-Reproduction and types of reproduction (sexual and asexual)<br />

-DNA and chromosomes<br />

-Evolution and adaptations of organisms<br />

-Ecology<br />

Classroom time/homework:<br />

In order to make classroom time most effective, students need to complete their<br />

homework and be ready to come to class to use that homework to accomplish other tasks.

By not doing your homework, you are at a disadvantage to your classmates. I will often<br />

have students work in the hallway to finish what they didn’t do at home while the class<br />

moves forward with me. You will have to work double-time to get caught up. It is your<br />

responsibility to keep up and to spend the time before or after school to get your out-ofclass<br />

work done. Don’t be left behind.<br />

I look forward to an exciting year of learning and discovery!<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Wayne Boisselle

Mountview Middle<br />

<strong>School</strong><br />

Classroom Agreement-Señora Figueroa<br />

Welcome-Bienvenidos<br />

Class Requirements:<br />

In order for you to be successful in this class, you must come to class<br />

prepared everyday. You must bring a writing utensil, binder,<br />

textbook, vocabulary book and student agenda. You will not be able<br />

to go to your locker after class has started.<br />

Attendance:<br />

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check for any missed<br />

work and turn it in the following day. If you are absent on the day of<br />

a planned quiz or test, you will take it the next day you are in school.<br />

Extra help:<br />

I am available during the activity periods and Tuesdays after school<br />

until 4:00pm. Please let me know ahead of time if you are planning<br />

to stay after school for extra help.<br />

Participation and Respect:<br />

Participation is a key aspect of learning a foreign language. I expect<br />

you to participate actively in class. It is extremely important to be<br />

respectful and courteous towards each other, this class is meant to be<br />

a positive learning experience and laughing or making fun of other<br />

students will not be tolerated. I expect you to treat others as you<br />

would like to be treated.<br />

Grading:<br />

Tests & Projects 30%<br />

Quizzes 25%<br />

Homework 15%

Vocabulary notebook 15%<br />

Class work & Participation 15%<br />

� All quizzes and test below a 60 must be signed by a<br />

parent/guardian and returned the following day.<br />

� Use of language translators is prohibited. Obvious usage of a<br />

language translator will result in no credit for the assignment.<br />

� Homework will be assigned 2 to 3 times a week depending on<br />

the unit that is being covered. Homework is meant to be an<br />

extension of the material learned in class and it is important for<br />

it to be completed in order to get the necessary practice needed<br />

to be successful in this class. Homework that is one day late<br />

will only receive 50% credit, after that it will be worth a zero.

Grade 7 French<br />

Mme. Ambach<br />

Bienvenue à la classe de français!<br />

Topics<br />

I am delighted to have the opportunity to begin the study of French, and the people and culture<br />

of the French speaking world, with the students of Grade 7. We will begin our language study<br />

with an introduction to basic conversational French and continue with more intensive grammar<br />

study including present tense of regular –er verbs, present tense of the most common irregular<br />

verbs, subject /verb agreement, possessive adjectives, agreement of adjectives, definite and<br />

indefinite articles, contractions with à and de, the partitive, immediate future tense (aller & the<br />

infinitive). We will consistently focus on the oral/aural skills however, we will also address<br />

correct spelling, accent marks and gender as we begin to read and write more in French.<br />

Grading Policy<br />

Quizzes/Tests; tests weighted 2x 60%<br />

Homework 20%<br />

Classwork/Projects 20%<br />

**NOTE:<br />

Homework is generally graded for completion. If homework is passed in on time,<br />

shows effort, and is complete (full credit). If homework is one day late, partially<br />

complete, or shows minimal effort (half credit). Homework is not accepted after the one<br />

day grace period and students will receive no credit. Students who begin a pattern of<br />

missing assignments will be invited to stay for extra help.<br />

Absences<br />

Students who are absent are responsible for getting the homework and turning it in the<br />

following day. (Students should use their homework buddy list or my web page.) If a<br />

student is absent on the day of a scheduled quiz/test, the student will take it the next<br />

day s/he is in school.<br />

What do students need in class? What do students need at home?<br />

• �3-ring binder with 3 dividers and filler paper Bon Voyage Level 1A textbook<br />

• �pencil Computer with QUIA site<br />

bookmarked<br />

• �agenda book<br />

• �assigned homework<br />

Website<br />

Homework assignments, test and quiz dates, and project descriptions (updated regularly)<br />

can be found on my web page:<br />

http://teacherweb.com/MA/MountviewMiddle<strong>School</strong>/KathleenAmbach<br />

There are also excellent links for vocab/grammar review games (QUIA), cultural links,<br />

and the online student textbook.<br />

Extra help<br />

I encourage students to ask for extra help. I am available for extra help during after<br />

school with advance notice.<br />

*Please feel free to contact me with any questions/concerns. I look forward to a<br />

wonderful year with your children. ►kathleen_ambach @wrsd.net

Blue & <strong>Gold</strong> Teams, Grades 6 - 8<br />

Mountview Middle <strong>School</strong>, WRSD<br />

Physical Education Department<br />

2012 – 2013<br />

Instructors: Mrs. Ashley LeBlanc Mrs. Krissy Teevens<br />

(508) 829-5577 (508) 829-5577<br />

Ashley_LeBlanc@wrsd.net Krissy _Teevens@wrsd.net<br />

Office Hours: Teachers can be reached by email, phone, before or after school, or during<br />

scheduled appointments. If calling the school please understand we are teaching class the<br />

majority of the day and we will get back to you as soon as possible.<br />

Course Introduction<br />

This year students will be doing a variety of physical activities, such as fitness<br />

conditioning and testing, “new” (trust building) games, strength training, individual and team<br />

sports, lifetime activities, and more. Activities are subject to change depending on the weather,<br />

equipment, and facility availability.<br />

The objective of this class is for the student to participate in each lesson, which will serve<br />

to assess, improve, or maintain their current level of physical fitness. The focus of this course is<br />

to help the student instill and enjoy healthy habits of lifelong fitness. Our department’s ultimate<br />

goal is for all students to meet both national and state standards of physical education, and<br />

understand the benefits and importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Please find these<br />

standards on our website.<br />

Evaluation<br />

Class participation 60%<br />

Dress Code 20%<br />

Attitude/Respect 20%<br />

PEP Grant<br />

We understand that the students receive a considerable amount of homework each night from<br />

their other classes. However, this school year we will be participating in our Grant’s Pedometer<br />

Project. Students will track their activity progress 4 times during the school year and will have to<br />

fill out their tracking sheets each night. This is an ongoing project and it is a continuation from<br />

previous grades. We hope that the students enjoy this project and gain and understanding of the<br />

value of physical fitness. This will be our last year tracking the students fitness levels with<br />

pedometers.<br />

Daily Grading<br />

Each student will receive a grade/score for daily participation on a 0 to 10 scaled rating system.<br />

Each day as long as the student is changed, participating, and being respectful…he or she will<br />

receive a 10 for the day. (Receiving a 10 is the equivalent to a 100 for a daily grade).

But, students can loose points during the class period as well. For example, if a student is not<br />

changed for class their grade for the day is an automatic 8 out of 10. But as long as the student<br />

participates he or she will keep the 8. If a student does not participate or is disrespectful, then the<br />

student can lose points and have a lower grade for the class period.<br />

Students will be held accountable for their grades. If a student does not participate during the<br />

class period and put forth sincere effort, they will not receive an A. Students need to earn their<br />

grades and be held responsible for any points taken away. Below you will find a list of ways that<br />

students can lose points during the class period and some useful information on our class.<br />

1. Respect others, self, and equipment.<br />

Physical Education Behavior Expectations<br />

2. Raise your hand when responding to questions or if you have something to add.<br />

3. Listen at all times while instructor is speaking. We want the most out of our class time so<br />

please pay attention!!<br />

4. Use appropriate language!<br />

5. Be on time for class and change quickly!! Any student who is not changed and ready when<br />

attendance is called will receive a deduction in their grade. If the student continues to be late he<br />

or she will receive a detention.<br />

6. Students will come to class prepared to participate. You must bring a change of clothes each<br />

class period. If you continually forget your clothes in your locker you will be spoken to or lose<br />


7. Participate in all activities with sincere effort. We understand that all students have different<br />

athletic ability levels, but we just ask that you try your hardest during the period. If you are not<br />

feeling well or get hurt during the period please talk to your teacher. We do not push our students<br />

to the point of exhaustion, but we do want our students to work hard.<br />

8. You have to change for class...not wear the same clothes you wore to school. This means you<br />

need to wear appropriate physical education attire (t-shirt, shorts, wind-pants, sweat-pants, clean<br />

sneakers – wash clothes frequently). In addition, all jewelry that gets in the way of activity must<br />

be removed. The Student Handbook rules regarding appropriate attire will be enforced.<br />

Students are not permitted to wear shorts that fall shorter than their fingertips when arms<br />

are at their side. You are also required to change top and bottoms. Also, students are not<br />

permitted to switch clothes with one another and count that as changing for the day. You<br />

must bring your own clothes and change each class period to receive credit. You must<br />

follow the schools dress code during the class period…NO EXCEPTIONS!<br />

We require our students to change for class because we are trying to encourage healthy habits.<br />

Personal hygiene is a habit we are teaching the students and I'm sure parents will agree that you<br />

need to change out of stinky PE clothes after running around. This is not something we do to<br />

embarrass or make the students feel uncomfortable...it's just about hygiene. The girls locker room

has changing stalls and both locker rooms have a bathroom. If a student has an issue on the<br />

change he or she can come talk to his or her teacher to get everything straightened out.<br />

**Please allow students to bring deodorant with them to class, but NOT spray! Axe, body spray,<br />

perfume, etc. will not be permitted in the locker rooms. The smell is too much by the end of the<br />

day.**<br />

9. Locks will not be provided to students. Lockers are available for students to use, but students<br />

are not allowed to leave their clothes at school over night any longer. You must take your clothes<br />

home with you each day or store them in your hall locker. Any student who leaves their clothes<br />

will end up having to go through the lost and found bin…trust us it’s not fun! Clothes that are left<br />

will be donated in the middle of the school year and at the end of the school year.<br />

10. Cooperate, communicate and encourage others positively.<br />

11. Stay in one’s own personal space during activity.<br />

12. Keep gum, beverages (except water), and food outside of gymnasium.<br />

13. Respect P.E. Leaders and follow their requests.<br />

Attendance<br />

Attendance is required, and the student’s presence is essential for obtaining<br />

improvements in physical fitness levels, understanding concepts of physical activity, and<br />

displaying effective skills through working with and encouraging others during lessons. However,<br />

we do understand that students will be out sick from school or out of school for excused<br />

appointments. Students will only be graded on the days they are in class. But, if a student is<br />

absent from class they need to work that much harder during the class periods they are present<br />

for. We pride ourselves on teaching our students the importance of physical activity and we hope<br />

all of our students participate in each class period to the best of their ability.<br />

Medical Excuses<br />

If there is a medical reason why a student cannot participate in PE, he/she will need a<br />

note from parent/guardian or school nurse for the time excused from class. The note must also<br />

state what date the student can return for participation. After two consecutive missed classes, a<br />

doctor’s note will be required. If an extended illness or injury occurs, the student will need to<br />

complete written assignments or projects to substitute missed class time.<br />

P.E. Leaders<br />

This program recognizes students with positive attitudes and outstanding participation<br />

records within Physical Education classes. P.E. Leaders will serve as peer role models and assist<br />

instructors with various aspects of the classroom For example, responsibilities will include<br />

taking attendance, leading warm-up activities, assisting substitute teachers, and helping with<br />

equipment organization. P.E. leaders will also help maintain a positive learning environment by<br />

displaying an enthusiastic and encouraging attitude.<br />

As a token of our appreciation, P.E. Leaders will receive a t-shirt (to be worn during<br />

class) and gymnasium access during Thursday Activity Periods (providing they have no other<br />

academic obligations). Students may apply for a P.E. Leader position after 1 st quarter progress<br />

reports. Candidates will be selected and begin responsibilities at the end of the 1 st quarter. If you<br />

have been a PE leader in the past we still encourage you to apply and be a “repeat” PE leader.

Please remember that you have a responsibility and that if you misbehave or stop participating in<br />

class…your PE leader role will be taken away.<br />

We look forward to a successful school year and if there is anything you need please stop by<br />

our office at any time or get in touch with us.<br />

Thanks,<br />

Krissy Teevens &Ashley LeBlanc

Grading<br />

xhibits<br />

Visual Art 7th & 8th Grade-Room 307-Mrs.<br />

Aliskevicz<br />

Email: Alison_Aliskevicz@wrsd.net<br />

Website: http://TeacherWeb.com/MA/Mountview Middle<strong>School</strong>/AlisonAliskevicz/<br />

Art Class Expectations<br />

� Class Objective: Students will be exposed to master artists, cultures, styles, techniques, and<br />

materials. Artists, techniques and media will be introduced within lessons by reading artists<br />

biographies, analyzing artwork, class demonstrations, and by hands-on projects. Altogether we want<br />

the students to: have a sense of art appreciation, increased self-esteem, be able to work well with<br />

others, problem solve, and have a sense of safety. With emphasis placed upon the National<br />

Standards for Art Education and the Massachusetts Frameworks by incorporating the strands and<br />

standards, the student becomes proficient in the Visual Arts for academic success and personal<br />

growth.<br />

� Art Projects are worth 55% of your total grade. Points will be deducted for incomplete artwork, failure<br />

to be prepared for class, failure to participate in class overall, and for poor conduct. Best effort is a<br />

must because you are graded on your positive participation and overall effort on the project rubric.<br />

� Participation and Class Exercises are worth 15% of your total grade, points will be deducted if you<br />

are not positively participating on a daily basis.<br />

� Homework and Sketchbooks are worth 15% you will have up to 5 homework assignments for the term<br />

and they will never be due the next day. All homework assignments are given out in class, posted on the<br />

classroom board by the door, and on the class website<br />

http://teacherweb.com/MA/MountviewMiddle<strong>School</strong>/AlisonAliskevicz/calendar1.stm). If<br />

homework is not turned in it will show as a Zero in the computer with an M for missing until turned in.<br />

� Quizzes are worth 10% you will have 1 quiz this term.<br />

� Test=Portfolio/Folder is worth 5% this test grade is your completed art portfolio /folder with ALL<br />

your artwork and papers inside the folder at the end of the term. So it is important to complete all<br />

projects and homework sheets so your Portfolio/folder is complete.<br />

� What I must bring to class-Everyday, you must bring a pencil and eraser and a folder or place<br />

to organize all papers that relate to class. All students must come to every class prepared. An old<br />

shirt to use as a smock for when we paint is optional. We will be creating our own sketchbook for<br />

drawing and note taking in class -you will have the option to carry it back and forth with you to class or<br />

leave it in art in the proper sketchbook bin.<br />

� If you are absent-In the case of an absence, it is your responsibility to see me when you get<br />

back to find out what you missed and check the website for any assignments.<br />

� Gum-As stated in the Mountview Handbook, any student who chews gum receives an office<br />

detention on the first offense. I strictly adhere to this policy. No gum chewing!!

� Artsonia- Online gallery where students can have artwork published in an electronic portfolio and<br />

artwork is exhibited from all over the world in K-12 th grade. Student’s first name only on web and<br />

parent permission form is needed. This is not required-it is optional. Mountview Artsonia site:<br />

http://www.artsoia.com/schools/school.asp?id=67984 permission form is available on the art website<br />

� Scholastic Art and Writing Awards-A small amount of Artwork is selected from students in 7th &<br />

8th grade to be juried in this strict competition in Boston.<br />

� Youth Art Month-Artwork is selected from students 6th-8th to be on display in the month of<br />

March to celebrate Youth Art Month at the Bowes Gallery at WRHS and at Worcester Art<br />

Museum.<br />

� Mountview Art & Graphics Exhibit- Artwork is selected from students 6th-8th to be put on display<br />

in the Gym. This exhibit is in June and the same evenings as the Spring Music Concerts (dates will<br />

be announced later in the year).

Technology Education Syllabus<br />

Grade 7<br />

Mr. George<br />

Your Grade for the Quarter be calculated as follows:<br />

50% - Engineering Project<br />

50% - Module Grades<br />

The engineering project consists of designing, constructing, and testing a<br />

scale model bridge. You will receive 3 grades in this sub category:<br />

1- for the quality of construction of the project<br />

1- for accuracy of plan and project to plan<br />

1- for the average of your tests.<br />

These grades will be averaged together to determine your final grade for this<br />

project.<br />

Modules are computer stations where you will spend 10 days learning about<br />

areas of technology. During these 10 days you will be performing hands on<br />

tasks and learning tasks. Your final grade for each module will be<br />

determined by your class work and test grades.<br />

Note taking is encouraged during your module experience you may refer to<br />

your notes during the testing. In addition you may receive up to 5 extra<br />

credit points for taking notes which will be added to your final module<br />

grade. Each module will be calculated as follows:<br />

Test Grade + Note Extra Credit = Final Grade<br />

Final Grade Not to Exceed 100<br />

The number of Modules you will complete depends on the final completion<br />

date of your Bridge Project.<br />

I am available for extra help every morning starting at 7:30

Course Information 2011-2012<br />

Brendan Ferrari-Room 213<br />

Grade 6-8 Chorus<br />

Welcome to the Mountview Middle <strong>School</strong> Chorus! This class meets three class periods<br />

weekly.<br />

Throughout the school year, students will be exposed to a wide variety of repertoire<br />

including classical, jazz, spirituals, contemporary, and popular styles. Students will also<br />

receive supplemental instruction covering the areas of note reading, music theory, and<br />

music history. There will be two mandatory concerts: one in December and one in<br />

May/June.<br />

Since all students are of varying backgrounds and experience levels, grading is<br />

specialized towards the individual. Class participation, musicianship, performance,<br />

concert attendance, and performance on assignments and quizzes will all factor into the<br />

final grade.<br />

I look forward to working your children!<br />

-Mr. Ferrari<br />

Graphic Arts<br />

Graphic Arts<br />

7 th & 8 th Grade – Angela Drosidis<br />

In addition to school rules: students are expected to come to class with a positive attitude, an<br />

open mind, and to remember to stay on task and have fun!<br />

Projects are the majority of the students' grade and will mostly be done in class and on the<br />

computer. Students will be learning new computer software skills and art making techniques.<br />

They will be graded on their project based on the objectives of the lesson, not on their artistic<br />

ability alone. Students work will never be compared to against another's for a grade. For every<br />

project students will be assessed on their artwork along with Effort, Creativity, Classwork and<br />

Behavior. Each project will have a rubric that will be clearly presented to students.

Ms. Snyder’s 7 th Grade Health Education Class<br />

GENERAL UNDERSTANDING: This syllabus is not all-inclusive and is<br />

subject to change at the discretion of the teacher.<br />


� You must have a pencil or pen every single day. You will have at<br />

least one writing assignment every day.<br />

� You are expected to provide your own “Notebook.” This notebook<br />

is worth 30% of your grade. The notebook must have lined writing<br />

paper and you must bring this to class with you EVERYDAY. This<br />

notebook is where you will complete your writing assignments. You<br />

will not use this notebook for anything other than your daily writing<br />

assignments.<br />

o Examples of Notebooks: Spiral Bound, Pad-folio, Composition<br />

Notebook, Wireless Bound, Pocket Folder WITH PRONGS<br />

� Your Notebook must have at least 80 sheets of lined<br />

paper and must be AT LEAST 8” by 6”. 80 sheets of<br />

paper stapled together IS NOT acceptable.<br />

� You should, therefore, also have a separate folder or binder where<br />

you will keep your notebook and all other papers.<br />

BEHAVIORAL EXPECTATIONS: In health class, I expect you to cooperate,<br />

be kind, be attentive to other students and the teacher, and to show<br />

respect to other students, the teacher, and yourself. You must also adhere<br />

to all school rules. In the event you choose to not abide by these<br />

boundaries and guidelines, disciplinary action will be taken.<br />


Class work= 40% Notebook= 30% Projects= 20%<br />

Homework=10%<br />

Some work is graded on a check plus, check, and check minus scale.<br />

Each lowered check is 10 points off the total score.<br />

PRINTING WORK: This year, students will be expected to print assignments<br />

from home. The assignments to be printed will be available via my<br />

webpage. The student will be provided at least 3 days notice prior to<br />

starting a new unit, and will therefore have those 3 nights to print out all<br />

required assignments prior to the start of the unit. Please let me know if<br />

your child will require alternative methods.

PAPERLESS PROJECTS: Students will be assigned at least one project in<br />

which they are required to complete the entire project on a computer<br />

and to upload the project via the internet. Please let me know if your child<br />

will need an alternative assignment.<br />


MISSING WORK in the absent folder. The absent folder will provide you with<br />

the title of the assignments completed. It is your responsibility to print the<br />

assignments from the website and complete them. If you are absent, you<br />

have the same number of days you were absent for to complete the<br />

missing work and submit it to your regular folder. For example, if you were<br />

out on Monday and Tuesday and return on Wednesday, you have<br />

Wednesday night and Thursday night to complete your missing work,<br />

making your work due on Friday.<br />

LATE POLICY: For every day that work is late, you will lose ten points. After<br />

one full school week (5 days), the work will not be accepted. There are<br />

absolutely no exceptions to this policy. NONE.<br />



** indicates an assignment the student is expected to print out prior to class<br />

* indicates an assignment or project that will be paperless (completed using a computer and<br />

uploaded via the internet)<br />

However, there may be additional assignments the student is responsible for printing and<br />

additional paperless projects<br />


TOPICS: Why Health Matters, Wellness Wheel<br />

EXPECTED ASSIGNMENTS: Knowledge vs, Behavior, SPICES notes, SPICES<br />

Definition<br />

State Standard 13: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY and FITNESS<br />


TOPICS: Natural Environment, Ways to protect the environment<br />

EXPECTED ASSIGNMENTS: Environment Project, Random Acts of Kindness<br />

State Standard 13: ECOLOGICAL HEALTH

UNIT: HEALTHY DECISION MAKING SKILLS (Intellectual Health, Social Health)<br />

TOPICS: Five Steps to Decision Making, Social Pressure and Refusal Skills, Risky<br />

Behaviors, Health Behaviors, Goal Setting<br />

EXPECTED ASSIGNMENTS: Decision Making Notes, Decision Making Grid, Decision<br />

Making Home Work Grid, Goal Planning Sheet**, Advice Column Project, How to Say No<br />

Worksheet**, Peer Pressure Decision Card**, “What, So What, Now What?”**, What is a<br />

Risk Definition**, Where Does My Health End Up Card<br />



UNIT: GETTING TO KNOW ME (Intellectual Health, Spiritual Health)<br />

TOPICS: Self Esteem, Self Concept, Self Worth, Self Talk, Choices Impacting<br />

Accomplishments, Character Building<br />

EXPECTED ASSIGNMENTS: Stool Paper**, Self Esteem, Image, Confidence Paper**,<br />

Self Esteem Survey**, Situation Self Talk**, Self Talk Conversion, Self Esteem Stool Project,<br />

“My Past, Present, Future” Project**<br />

State Standard 5: MENTAL HEALTH<br />

UNIT: MEDIA ANALYSIS (Intellectual Health)<br />

TOPICS: Advertising Techniques, Media Lifestyles vs. Real-Life Lifestyles<br />

EXPECTED ASSIGNMENTS: Advertising Walk Around**, AOK Project**, Dove<br />

Beauty Campaign, Fact vs. Fiction TV Analysis**<br />

State Standard 12: CONSUMER and RESOURCE MANAGEMENT<br />

UNIT: NUTRITION (Physical Health)<br />

TOPICS: Why we Eat, Nutrients, Food Pyramid, Reading Nutrition Labels, Percent Daily<br />

Values, Personal Eating Patterns, Serving Sizes, Fad Diets, Eating Disorders, Media’s Role in<br />

American Diets<br />

EXPECTED ASSIGNMENTS: Hunger vs. Appetite**, Food Choice Influences**, 5 W’s<br />

of Nutrition Class Project, Memory Madness Fill in the Blank, What am I really Saying to<br />

You**, What does our Pantry Look Like**, <strong>Gold</strong>ilocks Stations**, Internet Scavenger Hunt<br />

Project*, Don’t Buy My Product Project

State Standard 3: NUTRITION<br />

State Standard 12: CONSUMER and RESOURCE MANAGEMENT<br />

UNIT: VIOLENCE PREVENTION (Social Health, Community Health)<br />

TOPICS: Aggressor, Victim, Bystander Curriculum: Types of Violence, Types of Bullying,<br />

Consequences of Bullying, Violence Beliefs, Decision Making, Managing Internal Thoughts,<br />

Medias View on Conflict, Conflict Management Styles, Determining the Conflict Situation,<br />

Non Violent World Message, Communication<br />

State Standard 5: MENTAL HEALTH<br />




Welcome back to the Orchestra Program here at Mountview Middle <strong>School</strong>!<br />

Last year we focused on learning instrument technique through songs and exercises, and<br />

we ended the year by adding the study of note reading in preparation for participation in<br />

the Orchestra. This year, we will learn some of the traditional orchestra repertoire<br />

from the baroque and classical eras. We will also explore some original contemporary<br />

compositions and some folk and/or fiddle pieces. Together we will choose to prepare<br />

several of these selections for performance.<br />

Classes will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Your grade will be based mainly on your<br />

preparedness (as in regular practice), your participation and effort, your attendance at<br />

rehearsals and concerts, and on performance assessments/play tests. Orchestra<br />

rehearsals will be held regularly during Activity Periods, and two concerts are scheduled,<br />

one in winter and one in spring. There will be additional performance opportunities for<br />

students to participate in, such as the annual Senior Breakfast held in December, and the<br />

All-Strings/All-<strong>District</strong> presentation held up at the high school in late spring.<br />

Speaking of our high school, this is an excellent time to begin private lessons if you have<br />

not already. <strong>Wachusett</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> High <strong>School</strong> sponsors a wonderful lesson program<br />

through TEMPO. It is an opportunity to continue your studies in instrument technique<br />

and the solo repertoire, and to insure a smooth transition into one of the high school<br />

orchestras.<br />

I will be available for extra help on both Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, and will<br />

continue to meet with students interested in exploring selected chamber music. I look<br />

forward to making music together!<br />

Mrs. Torode<br />

Orchestra Director

Band<br />

One-hundred students have just entered band classes, and we are just getting<br />

started! For a few weeks we will learn about all the instruments, and how a band<br />

is formed. Next, each student will choose an instrument and either rent to own,<br />

or purchase.<br />

French Music Company will visit Mountview on Wednesday, September 26th at<br />

6:30pm and make instruments available for rent. Parents, of course, are free to<br />

choose any company to purchase or rent from. However, it is recommended that<br />

careful consideration be put into instrument purchase, so that each student starts<br />

out with an instrument in good working order. More information can be found by<br />

visiting www.davidfrenchmusic.com.<br />

Band students are asked to practice 2 ½ hours each week outside of school,<br />

spent over several days such as ½ hour per day. It is expected that with this<br />

minimal effort, great individual improvement will take place. Parent involvement<br />

is very important to encourage and remind our students that their band<br />

homework is regular practice. Instrument lessons are also a good idea.

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