HLASM Language Reference

HLASM Language Reference HLASM Language Reference

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Index instructions (continued) assembler (continued) OPSYN 198 ORG 200 POP 204 PRINT 204 PUNCH 208 PUSH 209 REPRO 210 RMODE 211 RSECT 212 SPACE 213 START 214 TITLE 215 USING 218 WXTRN 229 XATTR 230 conditional assembly ACTR 394 AGO 392 AIF 390 ANOP 395 GBLA 344 GBLB 344 GBLC 344 LCLA 345 LCLB 345 LCLC 345 SETA 347 SETAF 388 SETB 362 SETC 369 SETCF 389 machine examples 91 OPTABLE option 285 macro AEJECT 257 AINSERT 108, 257 ASPACE 259 COPY 260 MEXIT 260 MHELP 397 MNOTE 196 integer attribute (I') 334 internal macro comment statement format 18 internal macro comment statements 261 ISBIN (SETB built-in function) 365 ISDEC (SETB built-in function) 366 ISEQ instruction 190 ISHEX (SETB built-in function) 366 ISSYM (SETB built-in function) 366 J J-type length constant 160 K K' count attribute 335 keyword parameters 255, 301 L L' length attribute 332 L-type floating-point constant 161 labeled dependent USING as parameter of DROP instruction 172 definition 226 labeled USING 223 as parameter of DROP instruction 172 domain 226 range 225 labeled USING instruction difference from ordinary using instruction 224 labels on USING instructions 223 Language Reference xiii LB-type floating-point constant 167 LCLA instruction 345 alternative statement format 347 LCLB instruction 345 alternative statement format 347 LCLC instruction 345 alternative statement format 347 length attribute (L') 332 assigned by modifier in DC instruction 136 bit-length modifier 137 DC instruction address constant 154 binary constant 141 character constant 144 decimal constant 151 fixed-point constant 148 floating-point constant 164 graphic constant 146 hexadecimal constant 147 length constant 160 offset constant 159 duplication factor 133 EQU instruction 333 explicit length 129 exponent modifier 140 implicit length 129 value assigned to symbols naming constants 129 length attribute reference 38 length constant (J) 160 438 HLASM V1R5 Language Reference

Index length fields in machine instructions 90 length modifier constant 136 syntax 136 length of control section 62 LH-type floating-point constant 161 LIBMAC assembler option 103, 241 library macro definitions 241 license inquiry 425 Licensed Program Specifications xiii lines how to continue 15 LINKAGE XATTR operands 231 linkages by means of the ENTRY instruction 183 by means of the EXTRN instruction 189 by means of the WXTRN instruction 229 symbolic 68 linking 51 LIST(121) option displaying location counter 37 LIST(133) option displaying location counter 37 listing generated fields 248 listing control instructions AEJECT instruction 257 AINSERT instruction 108, 257 ASPACE instruction 259 CEJECT instruction 118 EJECT instruction 181 PRINT instruction 204 SPACE instruction 213 TITLE instruction 215 literal constants coding 43 definition 171 literal pool 44, 68, 194 alignment 194 conditions of creation 194 LTORG instruction 193 literals comparison with constants and self-defining terms 41 duplicate 195 explanation of 40 general rules for usage 42 type attribute 331 local scope system variable symbols 262 location counter defined 36 for control sections 62 maximum value 37 effect of GOFF assembler option 37 effect of NOGOFF assembler option 37 location counter reference effect of duplication factor in constants 133 effect of duplication factor in literals 133 relocatable term 37, 44 location counter setting 61 LOCTR instruction 191 ORG instruction 200 START instruction 61 THREAD option 62 LOCTR instruction 191 &SYSLOC 278 interaction with CSECT instruction 193 logical (SETB) expressions 362, 365 logical functions AND 353 NOT 356 OR 356 XOR 358 logical operators AND 365 AND NOT 365 NOT 366 OR 366 OR NOT 367 XOR 358, 367 XOR NOT 367 logical XOR 358 logical-expression format defined 365 logical-expression format built-in function 350 lookahead mode 340 LookAt message retrieval tool xiii LOWER (SETC built-in function) 379 LQ-type floating-point constant 161 LTORG instruction 193 M machine instruction formats RI format 91 RR format 93 RS format 94 RSI format 95 RX format 95 SI format 97 SS format 97 machine instruction statements addresses 87 control 79 decimal 79 floating-point 79 formats 83 general 78 immediate data 91 input/output 80 length field in 90 Index 439

Index<br />

instructions (continued)<br />

assembler (continued)<br />

OPSYN 198<br />

ORG 200<br />

POP 204<br />

PRINT 204<br />

PUNCH 208<br />

PUSH 209<br />

REPRO 210<br />

RMODE 211<br />

RSECT 212<br />

SPACE 213<br />

START 214<br />

TITLE 215<br />

USING 218<br />

WXTRN 229<br />

XATTR 230<br />

conditional assembly<br />

ACTR 394<br />

AGO 392<br />

AIF 390<br />

ANOP 395<br />

GBLA 344<br />

GBLB 344<br />

GBLC 344<br />

LCLA 345<br />

LCLB 345<br />

LCLC 345<br />

SETA 347<br />

SETAF 388<br />

SETB 362<br />

SETC 369<br />

SETCF 389<br />

machine<br />

examples 91<br />

OPTABLE option 285<br />

macro<br />

AEJECT 257<br />

AINSERT 108, 257<br />

ASPACE 259<br />

COPY 260<br />

MEXIT 260<br />

MHELP 397<br />

MNOTE 196<br />

integer attribute (I') 334<br />

internal macro comment statement format 18<br />

internal macro comment statements 261<br />

ISBIN (SETB built-in function) 365<br />

ISDEC (SETB built-in function) 366<br />

ISEQ instruction 190<br />

ISHEX (SETB built-in function) 366<br />

ISSYM (SETB built-in function) 366<br />

J<br />

J-type length constant 160<br />

K<br />

K' count attribute 335<br />

keyword parameters 255, 301<br />

L<br />

L' length attribute 332<br />

L-type floating-point constant 161<br />

labeled dependent USING<br />

as parameter of DROP instruction 172<br />

definition 226<br />

labeled USING 223<br />

as parameter of DROP instruction 172<br />

domain 226<br />

range 225<br />

labeled USING instruction<br />

difference from ordinary using instruction 224<br />

labels<br />

on USING instructions 223<br />

<strong>Language</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> xiii<br />

LB-type floating-point constant 167<br />

LCLA instruction 345<br />

alternative statement format 347<br />

LCLB instruction 345<br />

alternative statement format 347<br />

LCLC instruction 345<br />

alternative statement format 347<br />

length attribute<br />

(L') 332<br />

assigned by modifier in DC instruction 136<br />

bit-length modifier 137<br />

DC instruction<br />

address constant 154<br />

binary constant 141<br />

character constant 144<br />

decimal constant 151<br />

fixed-point constant 148<br />

floating-point constant 164<br />

graphic constant 146<br />

hexadecimal constant 147<br />

length constant 160<br />

offset constant 159<br />

duplication factor 133<br />

EQU instruction 333<br />

explicit length 129<br />

exponent modifier 140<br />

implicit length 129<br />

value assigned to symbols naming constants 129<br />

length attribute reference 38<br />

length constant (J) 160<br />

438 <strong>HLASM</strong> V1R5 <strong>Language</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>

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