HLASM Language Reference

HLASM Language Reference HLASM Language Reference

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Index A2C (SETC built-in function) 375 A2D (SETC built-in function) 375 A2X (SETC built-in function) 375 absolute addresses base registers for 220 absolute expression 47 absolute symbol defined 31 absolute terms 28 ACONTROL PUSH instruction 209 ACONTROL instruction 103 ACTR instruction 394 ADATA assembler option 108 ADATA instruction 107 address constants A-type 153 complex relocatable 153 J-type 160 Q-type 159 R-type 160 S-type 156 V-type 157 Y-type 153 addressability by means of the DROP instruction 172 by means of the USING instruction 218 dependent 67 establishing 64 qualified 66 relative 67 using base register instructions 66 addresses absolute 87 explicit 64 implicit 64 relocatable 87 addressing mode 64-bit 101 addressing mode (AMODE) 68 AEJECT instruction 257 AFPR assembler option 86, 103 AGO instruction alternative statement format 393 general statement format 392 AGOB as synonym of AGO instruction 394 AIF instruction 390 alternative statement format 392 AIFB as synonym of AIF instruction 392 AINSERT instruction 108, 257 ALIAS instruction 109 maximum operand length 110 ALIGN suboption of FLAG 105 ALIGN assembler option 129, 176 alphabetic character defined 30 alternative statement format 246 AGO instruction 393 AIF instruction 392 continuation lines 16 extended SET statements 387 GBLx instructions 344 LCLx instructions 345 macro instructions 298 prototype statements 246 summary 16 AMODE indicators in ESD 68 instruction to specify addressing mode 110 ampersands (&) as special character 308 DBCS ampersand not delimiter 197 in variable symbols 30 not recognized in double-byte data 145 paired in CA string 144 paired in MNOTE message 197 paired in PUNCH instruction 208 paired in Unicode data 144 pairing in character relations 335 pairing in DC 144 representation in character constant 143, 208 variable symbol identifier in PUNCH statement 208 AND (SETA built-in function) 353 AND (SETB built-in function) 365 AND NOT (SETB built-in function) 365 ANOP instruction 395 ANY AMODE instruction 111 RMODE instruction 211 ANY31 AMODE instruction 111 ANY64 AMODE instruction 111 apostrophes paired in CA string 144 AREAD instruction 257 CLOCKB operand 258 CLOCKD operand 258 arithmetic (SETA) expressions built-in functions 353 evaluation of 359 rules for coding 358 SETC variables in 359 using 347 arithmetic external function calls 388 arithmetic relations in logical expressions 367 array 322 dimensioned 319 subscripted 319 430 HLASM V1R5 Language Reference

Index ASCII character constants 144 type extension 135 ASCII translation table 14 ASPACE instruction 259 assembler instruction statements base register instructions 66 data definition instructions 126 exit-control parameters 187 listing control instructions 215 operation code definition instruction 198 program control instructions 189 program sectioning and linking instructions 51 symbol definition instructions 184 assembler language assembler instruction statements 4 coding aids summary 9 coding conventions of 14 coding form for 14 compatibility with other languages 4 conditional assembly instructions 318 introduction to 3 machine instruction statements 4, 78 macro instruction statements 4, 297 statements summary of 405 structure of 21 summary of instructions 402 assembler options ADATA 108 AFPR 86, 103 ALIGN 129, 176 BATCH 341 CODEPAGE 144 COMPAT 12, 103, 278, 304, 307, 308, 314, 322, 386 controlling output using 6 DBCS 12, 15, 34, 36, 145, 197, 208, 217, 247, 249, 251, 253, 284, 298, 301, 302, 309, 360, 404, 413 DECK 188, 289, 290 EXIT 188 FLAG 16, 103, 198, 247, 373 FOLD 14 GOFF 37, 62, 72, 108, 111, 112, 124, 125, 160, 216, 274, 275 LIBMAC 103, 241 NOAFPR 86 NOALIGN 129 NODECK 209, 210 NOGOFF 37, 62, 72 NOLIST 207 NOOBJECT 209, 210 NOXOBJECT 72 OBJECT 274, 275 OPTABLE 285 PROFILE 55 assembler options (continued) RA2 103, 155 RENT 212, 285 SECTALGN 113, 194, 201 specifying with PROCESS statements 102 SYSPARM 286 TYPECHECK 103 USING 222 XOBJECT 72, 108, 110, 112, 274, 275 assembler program basic functions 6 processing sequence 7 relationship to operating system 8 assembler type returned by SYSATTRA built-in function 380 assembler type value assigned by EQU instruction 186 associated data file ADATA instruction 107 contents 6 EXITCTL instruction 187 writing to 107 association of code and data areas 232 asterisks (*) as location counter reference 37 as multiplication operator 358 as relocatable term 37 defining comment statements 18 attribute reference notation 325 attributes assembler EQU instruction 186 count (K') 335 data 324 defined (D') 337 definition mode 340 in combination with symbols 326 integer (I') 334 length (L') 332 lookahead 340 number (N') 336 of expressions 47, 326 of symbols 326 operation code (O') 337 program type EQU instruction 186 reference notation 309 relocatable term 47 scale (S') 333 summary of 409, 415 type (T') 328 XATTR operands 230 Index 431

Index<br />

A2C (SETC built-in function) 375<br />

A2D (SETC built-in function) 375<br />

A2X (SETC built-in function) 375<br />

absolute addresses<br />

base registers for 220<br />

absolute expression 47<br />

absolute symbol<br />

defined 31<br />

absolute terms 28<br />


PUSH instruction 209<br />

ACONTROL instruction 103<br />

ACTR instruction 394<br />

ADATA assembler option 108<br />

ADATA instruction 107<br />

address constants<br />

A-type 153<br />

complex relocatable 153<br />

J-type 160<br />

Q-type 159<br />

R-type 160<br />

S-type 156<br />

V-type 157<br />

Y-type 153<br />

addressability<br />

by means of the DROP instruction 172<br />

by means of the USING instruction 218<br />

dependent 67<br />

establishing 64<br />

qualified 66<br />

relative 67<br />

using base register instructions 66<br />

addresses<br />

absolute 87<br />

explicit 64<br />

implicit 64<br />

relocatable 87<br />

addressing mode<br />

64-bit 101<br />

addressing mode (AMODE) 68<br />

AEJECT instruction 257<br />

AFPR assembler option 86, 103<br />

AGO instruction<br />

alternative statement format 393<br />

general statement format 392<br />

AGOB<br />

as synonym of AGO instruction 394<br />

AIF instruction 390<br />

alternative statement format 392<br />

AIFB<br />

as synonym of AIF instruction 392<br />

AINSERT instruction 108, 257<br />

ALIAS instruction 109<br />

maximum operand length 110<br />

ALIGN<br />

suboption of FLAG 105<br />

ALIGN assembler option 129, 176<br />

alphabetic character<br />

defined 30<br />

alternative statement format 246<br />

AGO instruction 393<br />

AIF instruction 392<br />

continuation lines 16<br />

extended SET statements 387<br />

GBLx instructions 344<br />

LCLx instructions 345<br />

macro instructions 298<br />

prototype statements 246<br />

summary 16<br />

AMODE<br />

indicators in ESD 68<br />

instruction to specify addressing mode 110<br />

ampersands (&)<br />

as special character 308<br />

DBCS ampersand not delimiter 197<br />

in variable symbols 30<br />

not recognized in double-byte data 145<br />

paired in CA string 144<br />

paired in MNOTE message 197<br />

paired in PUNCH instruction 208<br />

paired in Unicode data 144<br />

pairing in character relations 335<br />

pairing in DC 144<br />

representation in character constant 143, 208<br />

variable symbol identifier in PUNCH statement 208<br />

AND (SETA built-in function) 353<br />

AND (SETB built-in function) 365<br />

AND NOT (SETB built-in function) 365<br />

ANOP instruction 395<br />

ANY<br />

AMODE instruction 111<br />

RMODE instruction 211<br />

ANY31<br />

AMODE instruction 111<br />

ANY64<br />

AMODE instruction 111<br />

apostrophes<br />

paired in CA string 144<br />

AREAD instruction 257<br />

CLOCKB operand 258<br />

CLOCKD operand 258<br />

arithmetic (SETA) expressions<br />

built-in functions 353<br />

evaluation of 359<br />

rules for coding 358<br />

SETC variables in 359<br />

using 347<br />

arithmetic external function calls 388<br />

arithmetic relations in logical expressions 367<br />

array 322<br />

dimensioned 319<br />

subscripted 319<br />

430 <strong>HLASM</strong> V1R5 <strong>Language</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>

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