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CURRICULUM VITAE Gi-Hyung Ryu General Information Address (Office) Dept. of Food Science & Technology, College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University, Yesan, Choongnam 340-803 South Korea, Tel. +82-41-330-1484, Fax. +82-41-335-5944 E-mail: (Home) Hanyang Apt. 804-1301, Sanbon-dong, Kunpo, Kyungkido, Korea Tel. 031-397-5614 Professional Interests Areas of research interest are nutraceuticals in cereals and plants, food extrusion-cooking (snack-type food, extrusion forming and pelleting, extrusion-cooking with supercritical carbon dioxide), release control of nutraceuticals in extruded pellet, puffing mechanism of cereals, RVA and NIR for extrudate quality control and extrusion reaction for bioconversion. Education Ph. D. in Grain Process Engineering, Kansas State University, KS Graduation date May 1992 Major professors Drs. Charles E. Walker and Keith C. Behnke Dissertation Extrusion of Wheat Flour: Effect of Extrusion Conditions, Some Baking Ingredients and Emulsifiers M.S. in Food Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea Graduation date Aug. 1988 Major professor Dr. Cherl Ho Lee Dissertation Effects of Types of Feed Materials and Operation Conditions on the Heat Generation Pattern in Single-Screw Extruder and Product Characteristics of Rice Extrudates B.S. in Food Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea Graduation date Feb. 1985 Experience Professor in Dept. of Food Science & Technology, Kongju National University, Korea (Sep. 2002-present) Adjunct Associate Professor in Food Science & Human Nutrition, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada (March 2001-present) Associate Professor in Dept. of Food Science & Technology, Kongju National University, Korea (Sep. 1998-Sep. 2002) General Manager of Food Engineering Progress (Korean Society for Food Engineering) (Jan. 2007-present) Chief Editor of Food Engineering Progress (Korean Society for Food Engineering) (Jan. 2001-Dec. 2003) Assistant Professor in Dept. of Food Science & Technology, Kongju National University - 1 -


Gi-Hyung Ryu<br />

General Information<br />

Address (Office) Dept. of Food Science & Technology,<br />

College of Industrial Science, Kongju National University,<br />

Yesan, Choongnam 340-803 South Korea,<br />

Tel. +82-41-330-1484, Fax. +82-41-335-5944<br />

E-mail:<br />

(Home) Hanyang Apt. 804-1301, Sanbon-dong, Kunpo, Kyungkido, Korea<br />

Tel. 031-397-5614<br />

Professional Interests<br />

Areas of research interest are nutraceuticals in cereals and plants, food extrusion-cooking<br />

(snack-type food, extrusion forming and pelleting, extrusion-cooking with supercritical carbon<br />

dioxide), release control of nutraceuticals in extruded pellet, puffing mechanism of cereals, RVA<br />

and NIR for extrudate quality control and extrusion reaction for bioconversion.<br />

Education<br />

Ph. D. in Grain Process Engineering, Kansas State University, KS<br />

Graduation date May 1992<br />

Major professors<br />

Drs. Charles E. Walker and Keith C. Behnke<br />

Dissertation<br />

Extrusion of Wheat Flour: Effect of Extrusion Conditions, Some<br />

Baking Ingredients and Emulsifiers<br />

M.S. in Food Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea<br />

Graduation date Aug. 1988<br />

Major professor Dr. Cherl Ho Lee<br />

Dissertation<br />

Effects of Types of Feed Materials and Operation Conditions on<br />

the Heat Generation Pattern in Single-Screw Extruder and Product Characteristics of Rice<br />

Extrudates<br />

B.S. in Food Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea<br />

Graduation date Feb. 1985<br />

Experience<br />

Professor in Dept. of Food Science & Technology, Kongju National University, Korea<br />

(Sep. 2002-present)<br />

Adjunct Associate Professor in Food Science & Human Nutrition, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg,<br />

Canada (March 2001-present)<br />

Associate Professor in Dept. of Food Science & Technology, Kongju National University, Korea<br />

(Sep. 1998-Sep. 2002)<br />

General Manager of Food Engineering Progress (Korean Society for Food Engineering)<br />

(Jan. 2007-present)<br />

Chief Editor of Food Engineering Progress (Korean Society for Food Engineering)<br />

(Jan. 2001-Dec. 2003)<br />

Assistant Professor in Dept. of Food Science & Technology, Kongju National University<br />

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(Sep. 1994-Aug. 1998)<br />

Visiting Associate Professor in Dep t. of Food Science & Human Nutrition, Michigan State<br />

University<br />

(Jan. 1999-Dec. 1999)<br />

Postdoctorial Research Associate in Food Engineering Lab. (Dr. S. J. Mulvaney), Dept. Food<br />

Science Cornell University (July 1992-Aug. 1994)<br />

Research Assistant in Dept. of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State University<br />

(July 1990-May 1992)<br />

Research Scientist in Korea Food Research Institute (KFRI), Korea (Sep. 1988-July 1989)<br />

Professional Societies<br />

AACC (American Association of Cereal Chemists)<br />

IFT (International Food Technologists)<br />

AICE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers)<br />

WAS (World Aquaculture Society)<br />

KSFST (Korea Society of Food Science and Technology)<br />

KSFE (Korea Society for Food Engineering)<br />

Publications<br />

Junki Kim, Beom Ho Jo, Kyung Lyong Lee, Eui-Soo Yoon, Gi Hyung Ryu, Ki Hwa Chung.<br />

Identification of new microsatellite markers in panax ginseng. Molecules and Cells 24(1)<br />

60-68(2007. 8. 25)<br />

Han JY, Koo DU, Han MS, Ryu GH. Comparison of fermentability and characteristics of fermented<br />

broth for white ginseng, red ginseng, and extruded white ginseng. Food Engineering<br />

Progress 11(2) 119-126 (2007. 5. 30)<br />

Budiasih W. Solihin, Mi Hwan Kim, Byung Soon Im, Tae Yoon Cha, and Gi Hyung Ryu. Effects of<br />

food moisture content on enzymatic hydrolysis of cornstarch in twin screw extruder and<br />

saccharification of the dried extrudates. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 16(3) 111-118(2007.05)<br />

Kim MH, Wanna Tungjaroenchai, Ryu GH. Effect of germination time and extrusion temperature<br />

on properties of germinated brown rice. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutri . 36(5)<br />

636-642(2007. 05)<br />

Tie J, Lee ES, Hong ST, Ryu GH. Manufacturing of Goami flakes by using extrusion process.<br />

Korean J Food Sci. Technol. 39(2) 146-151(2007. 04)<br />

Ryu GH. Recent trend in red ginseng manufacturing process and characteristics of extruded red<br />

ginseng. Food Engineering Progress 11(1) 1-10 (2007. 02)<br />

Tie J, Ryu GH. Analysis of traditional injulmi manufacturing process I: Steeping process. . Food<br />

Engineering Progress 11(1) 45-53 (2007. 02)<br />

Jae-Yoon Han, Mi-Hwan Kim, Jine Tie, Budiasih W. Solihin, Gi-Hyung Ryu. Extrusion of ginseng<br />

root in twin screw extruder: pertreatment for hydrolysis and saccharification of ginseng<br />

extrudate. J Food Sci Nutr 11 318-322 (2006. 12)<br />

Lee MS, Ryu GH. Optimization of hot water extraction conditions for cod byproduct by response<br />

surface methodology analysis. Food Engineering Progress 10(4) 248-255 (2006. 11)<br />

Lee JK, Ryu GH Effect of extrusion process variables on rutin content in buckwheat. Food<br />

Engineering Progress 10(2) 280-285(2006. 11)<br />

An, NK, Ryu, GH. Release and sterilization characteristics of extruded red pepper. Food<br />

Engineering Progress 10(2) 77-82(2006. 05)<br />

Lee, GK, Im, BS, Ryu, GH. Change in paste viscosity of extruded buckwheat by extrusion process<br />

variables. Food Engineering Progress 10(2) 92-99(2006. 05)<br />

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Park, JY, Ryu, GH. Effect of steaming pressure and time storage period on quality characteristics<br />

of Baeksulgi. Korean J. Food Preserv. 13(2) 174-179(2006.04)<br />

Ryu, GH. Microstructure and antioxidative activity of red, white and extruded ginseng. Journal of<br />

Food Science and Nutrition 11(1) 61-66(2006. 03)<br />

Ha, DC, Lee, JW, Ryu, GH. Change in ginsenosides and maltol in dried raw ginseng during<br />

extrusion process. Food Science and Biotechnology, 14(3) 363-367(2005. 6)<br />

Kim, JH., Ahn, HJ., Lee, JW., Park, HJ., Ryu, GH., Kang, IJ. and Byun, MW. Effects of gamma<br />

irradiation on the biogenic amines in pepperoni with different packaging conditions. Food<br />

Chemistry, 89 199-205 (2005. 2)<br />

Kim, C, Park, HY, Ryu, GH. Characteristics of cereals prppared by extrusion-cooking and<br />

freeze-drying. Korean J Food Sci. Technol. 37(5) 757-762(2005. 10)<br />

Kim, BS, Ryu, GH. Effect of extrusion temperature on puffing of white and red ginseng. J Korean<br />

Soc Food Sci Nutri 34(7) 1109-1113(2005. 08)<br />

Ha, DC, Lee, JW, Kim, NM, Ryu, GH. Effect of barrel temperature and screw speed on<br />

characteristics of extruded raw ginseng. Journal of Ginseng Research 29(2)<br />

107-112(2005. 6)<br />

Kang, DC, Ryu, GH. Extraction rate and quality characteristics of extruded coffee green bean.<br />

Food Engineering Progress 9(2) 118-124 (2005. 5)<br />

Kim, BS, Ryu, GH. Effect of die temperature and dimension on extract characteristics of extruded<br />

white ginseng. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutri 34(4) 544-548(2005. 04)<br />

Ha, DC, Ryu, GH. Chemical components of red, white and extruded root ginseng. J Korean Soc<br />

Food Sci Nutri 34(2) 247-254(2005. 2)<br />

Kim, BS, Ryu, GH. Properties of extracts from extruded root and white ginseng at different<br />

conditions. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutri 34(2) 306-310(2005. 2)<br />

Kim, J.H., Ahn, H.J., Lee, J.W., Park, H.J., Ryu, G.H., Kang, I.J. and Byun, M.W. Effects of gamma<br />

irradiation on the biogenic amines in pepperoni with different packaging conditions. Food<br />

Cmemistry, 89 199-205 (Elsevier Ltd., 2005. 1)<br />

Koksel, H., Ryu, G.H., Basman, A., Demiralp, H. and Ng, P.K.W. Effects of extrusion variables on<br />

the properties of waxy hulless barley extrudates. Nahrung/Food, 48(1) 19-24<br />

(Wiley-VCH Co. 2004. 4)<br />

Lee, K.E. and Ryu, G.H. Change in chemical components of bamboo leaf powder extracts at<br />

different extraction condition. Food Industry and Nutrition, 9(1) 42-52 (2004. 8)<br />

Ryu, G.H. and Remon, J.P. Extraction yield of extruded ginseng and granulation of its extracts by<br />

cold extrusion⁃spheronization. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr. 33(6) 899-904 (2004. 6)<br />

Kim, D.S., Ng, P.K.W. and Ryu, G.H. Effect of extrusion conditions on release of NaCl in<br />

High-amylose Cornstarch Extrudates). Food Engineering Progress, 8(2) 111-118 (2004.<br />

5)<br />

Choi, H.D., Suck, H.M., Choi, I.W., Park, M.W., Ryu, G.H. Preparation of flakes by extrusion<br />

cooking using barley broken kernels. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 36(2) 276-282 (2004.<br />

4)<br />

Lee, K.E., Oh, N.S., Park, W.J. and Ryu, G.H. Changes in extraction pattern and yield of bamboo<br />

leaf powder at different extraction conditions. Food Industry and Nutrition, 9(1) 42-52<br />

(2004. 4)<br />

Ha, D.C., Lee, J.W., Do, J.H., Park, C.K. and Ryu, G.H. Drying rate and physicochemical<br />

characteristics of dried ginseng root at different temperature). Korean Soc. Food Sci.<br />

Nutr. 33(4) 741-746 (2004. 4)<br />

Chang, Y.S. and Ryu, G.H. Characteristics of puffed Sunsik snacks by extrusion process. Industrial<br />

Science, 3(1) 15-21 (2003. 12)<br />

Kim, J.H., Ann, H.J., Yook, H.S., Kim, K.S., Rhee, M.S., Byun, M.W. Color, flavor, and sensory<br />

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characteristics of gamma-irradiated salted and fermented anchovy sauce. Radiation<br />

Physics and Chemistry, 69 179-187(2004. 2)<br />

Koksel, H., Ryu, G.H., Ozbas, O.O., Basman, A. and Ng, P.K.W. Development of a bulgur-like<br />

product using extrusion cooking. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 83<br />

630-636 (2003. 4. 15)<br />

Ryu, G.H. Texturization of plant protein by extrusion process. Food Engineering Progress, 7(2)<br />

73-79 (2003. 5).<br />

Ryu, G.H. Process development of red ginseng by using extrusion process. Food Nutrition and<br />

Industry, 82 38-42(2003. 8)<br />

Ryu, G.H., Yoo, G.C., Park, H.Y. and Lee, H.K. Changes in paste viscosity of corn starch<br />

extrudates by moisture and post-extrusion variables. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 11(5)<br />

435-443 (2002. 10).<br />

Ryu, G.H., Kim, B.S. and Mulvaney S.J. Optimization of extrusion process for dairy ingredient<br />

fortification of cornmeal puffed via CO2 gas injection. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 11(5)<br />

552-556 (2002. 10).<br />

Kang, S.H. and Ryu, G.H. Analysis of traditional process for Yukwa making, a Korean puffed rice<br />

snack(II): Pelleting, drying, conditioning and additives. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol.<br />

34(5) 818-823 (2002. 10).<br />

Ryu, G.H., Yoo, G.C. and Kim, D.S. Effect of moisture content and post-extrusion variables on<br />

thermal properties of corn starch extrudates. Food Engineering Progress, 6(3) 228-237<br />

(2002. 8. 31).<br />

Kang, S.H. and Ryu, G.H. Analysis of traditional process for Yukwa making, a Korean puffed rice<br />

snack(I): Steeping and punching processes. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 34(4) 597-603<br />

(2002. 8).<br />

G.H. Ryu and P.K.W. Ng. 2001. Effects of selected process parameters on expansion and<br />

mechanical properties of wheat flour and whole cornmeal extrudates. Starch/Starke 53<br />

147-154.<br />

G.H. Ryu and S.H. Kang. 2001. Changes in paste viscosity of waxy rice during steeping time. Food<br />

Engineering Progress 5(4) 240-244.<br />

J.H. Kim, K.H. Lee, K.S. Kim, G.H. Ryu, J.O. Kim and M.U. Byun. 2001. Characteristics of taste and<br />

flavor compounds on salted and fermented anchovy sauce by gamma irradiation. Food<br />

Sci. Biotechnol. 10(5) 493-501.<br />

S.H. Kang, S.J. Lee and G.H. Ryu. 2001. Effects of steeping and mixing time on mixing energy<br />

input and properties of pellets and puffed pellets(Yukwa). Food Engineering Progress<br />

5(1) 19-24.<br />

S.H. Kang and G.H. Ryu. 2001. Improvement in the Yukwa manufacturing by extrusion process<br />

with CO2 gas injection. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 10(1) 1-6.<br />

J.H. Kim and G.H. Ryu. 2001. Effects of extrusion process parameters on puffing of extruded<br />

pellets. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 33(1) 55-59.<br />

H.J. Kee, G.H. Ryu and Y.K. Park. 2001. Physical properties of extruded snack made of dried onion<br />

and onion pomace. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr. 30(1) 64-69.<br />

G.H. Ryu, L.G. Obaldo, and W.G. Dominy. 2000. Extrusion processing and its effect on aquaculture<br />

diet quality and shrimp growth. J. Applied Aquaculture 10(2) 41-53.<br />

J.H. Kim, G.H. Ryu and M.W. Byun. 2000. Quality evaluation of commercial salted and fermented<br />

anchovy source. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 29(5) 837-842.<br />

J.H. Kim, G.H. Ryu and M.W. Byun. 2000. Sanitation and quality improvement of salted and<br />

fermented anchovy source by gamma irradiation. J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr. 29(6)<br />

1035-1041.<br />

K.H. Cho, G.H. Ryu and M.W. Byun. 2000. Improvement of the hygienic quality and shelf-life of<br />

- 4 -

Kwamegi from cololabis seira by gamma irradiation. J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr. 32(5)<br />

1102-1106.<br />

G.H. Ryu and P.K.W. Ng. 2000. Effects of extrusion process variables on paste viscosity profiles<br />

measured by Rapid Visco Analyzer of extruded wheat flour. Proceedings of<br />

Pre-Congress Conference (May 8-Dce. 31, 2000) 11th World Congress of Food Science<br />

and Technology<br />

E.Y. Lee, G.H. Ryu and S.T. Lim. 1999. Physical properties and process optimization of corn<br />

starch extrudates expanded with supercritical carbon dioxide injection. Cereal Chem.<br />

76(1) 63-69.<br />

G.H. Ryu, L.G. Obaldo, and W.G. Dominy. 1999. Growth, survival and diet utilization of pacific<br />

white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei fed dry extruded diets with different levels of shear and<br />

moisture. J. Applied Aquaculture 9(1) 47-57.<br />

G.H. Ryu and S.J. Mulvaney. 1997. Analysis of physical properties and mechanical energy input of<br />

cornmeal extrudates fortified with dairy products by carbon dioxide injection. Korean J.<br />

Food Sci. Technol. 29(5): 947.<br />

G.H. Ryu, B.J. Chae, I.K. Han, J.H. Kim, C.J. Yang, Y.K. Chung, Y.C. Rhee, and S.J. Ohh. 1997.<br />

Effects of extrusion conditions of corn and soybean meal on the physico-chemical<br />

properties, ileal digestibility and growth of weaned pig. AJAS. 10(2) 170-177.<br />

G.H. Ryu, S.H. Kang, E.Y. Lee and S.T. Lim. 1997. Effect of CO2 gas injection on properties of<br />

extruded corn starch. J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr. 26(3): 436.<br />

G.H. Ryu and C.E. Walker. 1995. Effects of extrusion conditions on physical properties of wheat<br />

flour extrudates. Starch 47(1): 33.<br />

G.H. Ryu and S.J. Mulvaney. 1995. Cornmeal puffing with CO2 gas: Effect of sucrose and glyceryl<br />

monostearate (GMS). Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 27(2): 251.<br />

G.H. Ryu. 1995. Treatment of Biji(ogara) by extrusion-cooking and its utilization. Soybean Digest<br />

12(2): 44.<br />

G.H. Ryu, P.E. Neumann, and C.E. Walker. 1994. Effects of emulsifiers on physical properties of<br />

wheat flour extrudates with/without sucrose and shortening. Lebensm. Wiss. Technol.<br />

27(6).<br />

G.H. Ryu and C.E. Walker. 1994. Cell structure of wheat flour extrudates produced with various<br />

emulsifiers. Lebensm. Wiss. Technol. 27(6).<br />

G.H. Ryu, P.E. Neumann, and C.E. Walker. 1993. Pasting of wheat flour extrudates containing<br />

conventional baking ingredients. J. Food Sci. 58(3): 567.<br />

G.H. Ryu, P.E. Neumann, and C.E. Walker. 1993. The effect of baking ingredients on physical and<br />

structural properties of wheat flour extrudates. Cereal Chem. 70(3): 291.<br />

G.H. Ryu and C.E. Walker. 1992. Physical properties of wheat flour extrudates produced with<br />

shortening and starch plus baking ingredients. Lebensm. Wiss. Technol. 25(6): 514.<br />

G.H. Ryu and C.E. Walker. 1993. Emulsifier effects on wheat flour-extrudate pasting properties<br />

with/without sucrose and shortening. Starch/Starke 45(2): 65.<br />

K. Shashikumar, J.L. Hazelton, G.H. Ryu, and C.E. Walker. 1993. Predicting sprout damage by<br />

near-infrared reflectance analysis. Cereal Foods World 38(5): 364.<br />

G.H. Ryu, C.E. Walker, and C.H. Lee. 1993. Prediction of extrudate properties using near-infrared<br />

reflectance (NIR) analysis. Foods and Biotechnol. 3(1):1.<br />

K. Shashikumar, J.L. Hazelton, G.H. Ryu, and C.E. Walker. 1993. Prediction mixing parameters by<br />

near-infrared reflectance analysis. National Note 1(2): 13.<br />

M. Sauane, G.H. Ryu, and C.H. Lee. 1988. The effect of prefermentation and extrusion cooking on<br />

the lactic fermentation of rice-soybean based beverage. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol.<br />

20(5).<br />

C.T. Kim. G.H. Ryu, D.C. Kim, and C.J. Kim. 1990. Comparison of physicochemical properties of<br />

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starch acetates prepared by dry heating and extrusion process. Korean J. of Food Sci.<br />

Technol. 22 (9).<br />

C.T. Kim, G.H. Ryu, D.C. Kim, and C.J. Kim. 1990. Comparison of physicochemical properties of<br />

starch acetates of starch acetates prepared by conventional, preheat treatment and<br />

extrusion process. Korean J. of Food Sci. Technol. 22(6).<br />

G.H. Ryu and C.H. Lee. 1988. The effects of the type of cereal powder and extruder operations on<br />

the barrel temp.-distribution. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 20(3).<br />

G.H. Ryu and C.H. Lee. 1988. The effects of moisture content and particle Size of rice flour on the<br />

physical properties of the extrudate. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol. 20(4).<br />

Presentations<br />

G.H. Ryu, D.S. Kim, S.Y. Lee and G.C. Yoo. 2002. Effects of extrusion conditions on release of<br />

sodium chloride from normal and high amylose corn starch extrudate (AACC 2002 Annual<br />

Meeting submitted).<br />

G.C. Yoo and G.H. Ryu. 2001. Changes in paste viscosity of cornmeal extrudate by moisture and<br />

post-extrusion variables. Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Food Sci. & Technol.<br />

Donggook Univ., Seoul, Korea.<br />

D.S. Kim, G.C. Yoo, H.S. Kim and G.H Ryu. 2001. Inactivation of vitamin C during cold extrusion<br />

process. Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Food Sci. & Technol. Jeju National Univ.,<br />

Jeju, Korea.<br />

Ryu, G.H. Extrusion process with gas injection. 2001. Pre-conference Symposium on Food<br />

Extrusion Technology, IUFoST, Seoul, Korea.<br />

Ryu, G.H. Application of extrusion-cooking on food process. 2001. International Workshop on<br />

Food and Biotechnology Transfer, KOICA (Koera University).<br />

H. Karacan, G.H. Ryu, H. Koksel, and P.K.W. Ng. 2000. Physicochemical properties of extruded<br />

waxy barley. AACC 2000 Annual Meeting Kansas City, Missouri.<br />

H. Koksel, G.H. Ryu, and P.K.W. Ng. 2000. Development of bulgur-like product using extrusion.<br />

AACC 2000 Annual Meeting Kansas City, Missouri.<br />

G.H. Ryu, Wei. S. and P.K.W. Ng. 1999. Characteristics of extruded product for instant drinks.<br />

1999 AACC Annual meeting Seattle, WA.<br />

G.H. Ryu, M.S. Chung, C.H. Bae, Mun, S.H. M.S. Shin. 1999. Effect of processing parameters on<br />

the yield of resistant starch from maize starch extrudates. 1999 AACC Annual meeting,<br />

Seattle, WA.<br />

G.H. Ryu, L.G. Obaldo and W.G. Dominy. 1999. Extrusion processing and its effect on feed quality<br />

and shrimp growth. 1999 ASAE Annual meeting Toronto, Canada.<br />

G.H. Ryu and G.C. Yoo. 1998. The determination of puffing conditions of rice kernel under<br />

atmospheric pressure. '98 AACC Annual Meeting Minneapolis, MN.<br />

S.H. Kang and G.H. Ryu. 1998. Effect of steeping time on properties of waxy rice and Yukwa. '98<br />

AACC Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.<br />

E.Y. Lee, G.H. Ryu and S.T. Lim. 1998. Physical properties and process optimization of corn<br />

starch extrudates expanded with supercritical carbon dioxide injection. '98 AACC Annual<br />

Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.<br />

G.H. Ryu, S.J. Mulvaney, S.S.H. Rizvi, and A. Hamed. 1993. Effect of sucrose and glyceryl<br />

monostearate (GMS) on process variables and properties of cornmeal extrudates puffed<br />

with carbon dioxide gas. '93 IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.<br />

G.H. Ryu, P.E. Neumann, and C.E. Walker. 1992. Emulsifier effects on wheat flour extrudate<br />

properties. 77th AACC Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.<br />

G.H. Ryu, P.E. Neumann, and C.E. Walker. 1992. Effects of baking ingredients on physical and<br />

structural properties of wheat flour extrudates. 77th AACC Annual Meeting Minneapolis.<br />

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K. Shashikumar, G.H. Ryu, and C.E. Walker. 1992. Predicting flour mixing properties and sprout<br />

damage by near-infrared reflectance analysis. 77th AACC Annual Meeting, Minneapolis,<br />

MN.<br />

G.H. Ryu, P.E. Neumann, and C.E. Walker. 1992. The effect of baking ingredients on wheat flour<br />

extrudate-pasting properties as measured by the rapid visco-analyzer (RVA). '92 IFT<br />

Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

G.H. Ryu, C.T. Kim, and C.J. Kim. 1989. Production of starch phosphate using a twin-screw<br />

extruder. 42th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Food Sci. & Technol. Gyungbuk<br />

National Univ., Taeku, Korea May 1989.<br />

C.T. Kim, G.H. Ryu, and C.J. Kim. 1989. Production of starch acetate using a twin-screw extruder,<br />

42th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Food Sci. & Technol. Gyungbuk National<br />

University, Taeku, Korea.<br />

G.H. Ryu and C.H. Lee. 1978. Extruder operation condition and barrel temp. distribution of cereals.<br />

39th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Food Sci. & Technol. Konkook University,<br />

Seoul, Korea.<br />

G.H. Ryu. 1988. Application of extrusion-cooking technology for Korean traditional foods<br />

processing. 5th Annual Meeting of Korea Society of Food Extrusion Research Korea<br />

University, Seoul, Korea.<br />

M. Souane, G.H. Ryu, D.H. Shin, and C.H. Lee. 1988. Destruction of spores of bacillus cereus in<br />

rice-soybean by extrusion cooking. 40th Annual meeting of Korean Society of Food Sci.<br />

& Technol Jeonnam National University, Koangju, Korea.<br />

M. Sonane, G.H. Ryu, and C.H. Lee. 1987. Prefermentation and extrusion cooking for<br />

rice-soybean lactic fermentation. 39th Annual Meeting of Korean Society of Food Sci. &<br />

Technol. Konkook University, Seoul, Korea.<br />

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