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<strong>HUISGENOOT</strong> <strong>MUSIEKFEES</strong> <strong>BOOTVAART</strong><br />

na Portugese Eiland 21 – 24 Maart 2014<br />


Faksnommer (011) 886-9548 Telefoonnommer (011) 886-9545<br />

Dokumentasie sal nie uitgereik word voordat Megatrav nie in besit is van ‘n volledig voltooide en getekende<br />

besprekingsversoekvorm asook paspoort afskrifte.<br />

Dokumentasie word uitgereik na aanleiding van die inligting wat u verskaf. Foutiewe inligting sal ekstra kostes tot gevolg hê<br />

Van<br />

1ste Geboortenaam<br />

Soos per paspoort<br />

Titel bv.<br />

Mnr<br />

Geboortedatum<br />

Nasionaliteit<br />

van paspoort<br />

Paspoortnommer<br />

Vervaldatum<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />


NAASBESTAANDE (iemand wat nie saam reis nie)<br />

NAAM:<br />


TEL(W):<br />

TEL(H):<br />


TEL(W):<br />

TEL(H):<br />

FAKS:<br />


E-POS:<br />


E-POS:<br />

Verskaf asseblief toepaslike telefoonnommer indien gaan verskil die aand voor vertrek ______________________________________<br />




18h30 20h45<br />

BYKOMENDE VERSOEKE: (Gebruik die ruimte vir spesiale versoeke bv. wil aan dieselfde tafel sit gedurende aandete saam met ander vriende/ familie wat reis,<br />

dieët, liggaamlike gebreke, swangerskap, ens.)<br />

LET WEL: Passasiers ouer as 71 jaar benodig ‘n mediese sertifikaat wat bevestig dat hulle mag reis. MSC Cruise kan nie besprekings van passasiers wat meer as<br />

23 weke swanger is aanvaar nie.<br />

Ek benodig vervoer vanaf Durban lughawe / Durban hawe @ R120 R<br />

per persoon per weg<br />

Ek benodig “Fast Track” @ R125 per persoon<br />

JA<br />

JA<br />

NEE<br />

NEE<br />

Ek benodig ‘n voorafbetaalbare pakket – Naam:<br />

Verpligte reisversekering: Hollard Travel Insurance is ‘n produk van The Hollard Insurance Company, 'n gemagtigde finansiële-diensverskaffer. Admninistrasie<br />

en bestuur word verskaf deur Oojah Travel Protection (Pty) Ltd, 'n gemagtigde finansiële-diensverskaffer.<br />


Voordele<br />

Vaart 8 dae of minder<br />

Vaart 9 dae of meer + na Madagaskar<br />

Mediese uitgawes R750,000 R5,000,000<br />

Persoonlike Ongelukke R 50,000 R50,000<br />

Kansellasie (Bybetaling R500) R10,000 R15,000<br />

Persoonlike Bagasie (Bybetalings R500) R10,000 R15,000<br />

Jou polis bevat bepalings en voorwaardes en ons wil jou aandag spesifiek vestig op die volgende: ouderdomsbeperkinge, persoonlike besittings, swangerskap<br />

en bestaande mediese kondisies. Algemene Advies Waarskuwing: die bogenoemde skedule van voordele is ‘n uitreksel uit die polis kontrak, wat die volledige<br />

terme, bepalings en voorwaardes bevat. MSC Cruises mag slegs inligting rakende jou polis aan jou verskaf, maar mag nie enige advies oor die voordele,<br />

bepalings of voorwaardes met jou bespreek nie. MSC Cruises mag ook nie bepaal of die polis van toepassing is op jou persoonlike situasie nie. Maak seker jy<br />

verstaan alles, en lees die polis kontrak voordat jy betaal vir jou reis. Kontak Hollard Travel Insurance as jy enige finansiële advies benodig rakende die<br />

reisverskering: (011) 351 4532 (kantoor ure). Jy kan ‘n afskrif van die volledige kontrak aflaai vanaf die MSC Cruises webwerf: www.msccruises.co.za<br />

“Ek is bewus daarvan dat geldige paspoorte, visums, ID-dokumente en mediese dokumente benodig word en dat die verkryging van hierdie dokumente my<br />

verantwoordelikheid is. Ek bevestig dat ek gemagtig is om hierdie Besprekingsvorm te teken namens al die bogenoemde persone en dat ek die aangehegte<br />

termes en voorwaardes, voorwaardes vir vervoer en algemene vrae namens almal gelees, verstaan en aanvaar het.”<br />

NAAM _____________________________________________ HANDTEKENING __________________________________ DATUM ____________________<br />



Faks asseblief u volledige voltooide besprekingsversoekvorm per kajuit en duidelike afskrifte van alle<br />

le paspoorte na (011<br />

011) ) 886-954<br />

9548. Indien u nie<br />

in besit is van ‘n geldige paspoort nie, dui asseblief op die besprekingsversoekvorm aan dat u vir ‘n paspoort aansoek gedoen het.<br />

Korrek 10 Mei 2013 Page 1 of 19

Booking Terms and Conditions<br />


1.1 MSC Crociere S.A. ("MSC<br />

MSC")<br />

of Geneva, Switzerland, provides ocean cruises ("Cruises<br />

Cruises")<br />

aboard ships departing and/or returning to ports within South Africa<br />

1.2 MSC sells tickets ("Cruise Tickets") for the Cruises. It does so in South Africa through the local offices and sales staff of MSC Cruises. MSC also sells other<br />

services ("Additional Services")<br />

which may be purchased in addition to a Cruise Ticket, such as excursions, flights and hotel accommodation provided by third<br />

parties ("Service Providers")<br />

").<br />

1.3 In providing such Cruises on ships operated by it, MSC does so as the carrier ("the Carrier"), on the Terms and Conditions of Carriage and Passage of<br />

Passengers ("the Contract of Carriage"), which follows after these Booking Terms and Conditions and can be accessed at www.msccruises.co.za The Contract<br />

of Carriage terms and conditions will be attached to and form part of the Cruise Ticket which will be issued and the carriage of any passenger on board the<br />

cruise ship, will be undertaken subject to the terms and conditions of the Contract of Carriage.<br />

1.4 All bookings made and Cruise Tickets and Additional Services which you purchase, whether directly from MSC or through a Travel Agent are made and/or<br />

sold to you on these standard terms and conditions ("STC's") read together with the Contract of Carriage and the answers to the "Frequently Asked Questions<br />

("FAQ's") together with any other terms and conditions which you agree with MSC in writing.<br />

Please make sure you read and understand these STC's, the<br />

Contract of Carriage, the FAQ's and any other terms and conditions agreed with MSC, especially the provisions which are typed in bold print and/or have been<br />

specifically drawn to your attention.<br />

1.5 If you book a Cruise, or purchase a Cruise Ticket and/or any Additional Services, through a Travel Agent, you agree that the Travel Agent is your Agent and<br />

not the Agent of MSC. Accordingly money handled by the Travel Agent is handled on your behalf and not on MSC’s behalf. The risk of loss of and/or theft of<br />

the money will be borne by you until the money has been received by MSC. In the event of the Travel Agent signing the Booking Reservation Form on your<br />

behalf, you confirm and warrant the authority of the Agent to do so and you agree to be bound by all the Terms and Conditions thereof. In addition the Travel<br />

Agent in so signing the Booking Reservation Form warrants his/her authority to do so on behalf of the passenger and that the Terms and Conditions were<br />

drawn to the attention of the passenger.<br />


2.1 In addition to your Cruise Ticket, you may wish to purchase Additional Services such as air tickets, hotel accommodation and shore excursions, which<br />

Additional Services are provided by Service Providers. The Additional Services may be provided before, during and/or after your Cruise.<br />

2.2 By purchasing any Additional Services through MSC, you appoint MSC as your agent to arrange, book and collect payment for such Additional Services.<br />

2.3 The Additional Services are supplied by the Service Providers as independent contractors and not by MSC. MSC only books the Additional Services and<br />

collects and pays the cost of the Additional Services ("Additional Service Costs") to the Service Providers on your behalf.<br />

2.4 The Additional Services are provided by the Service Providers on their terms and conditions. By purchasing any Additional Services through MSC you agree to<br />

be bound by the terms and conditions of the Service Providers who provide those Additional Services to you. Such terms and conditions are available on<br />

request from MSC.<br />

2.5 Although all Additional Services are provided by reputable Service Providers, MSC has no control over the way in which the Service Providers perform the<br />

Additional Services and so MSC is not liable for any loss, damage or harm which you suffer from or as a result of any Additional Services which any Service<br />

Providers provide to you, or if the Additional Services are delayed or not provided by the Service Provider. This means that you will have to claim directly<br />

against the Service Provider for any such loss or damage which you suffer.<br />

2.6 Although MSC might not be able to state the identity of the Service Provider at the time when you book an Additional Service, all Additional Services will to<br />

the best of MSC's knowledge and belief, be provided by reputable Service Providers.<br />

2.7 MSC may be required to pay the Service Providers in advance for the Additional Services which you have booked.<br />

2.8 If you cancel your Cruise Booking after such payment has been made to the Service Provider, you will have to contact the Service Provider directly to attempt<br />

to recover any payment which has been made for your requested Additional Services.<br />

2.9 If you change your Cruise booking after any payment for Additional Services has been made to the Service Providers, although MSC may assist you to change<br />

the Additional Services which you have booked:<br />

2.9.1 you will be responsible for ensuring that the Additional Services which you have booked are changed to meet your requirements;<br />

2.9.2 MSC is not responsible for any changes to the Additional Services which you have booked and which any Service Providers cannot accommodate; and<br />

2.9.3 you will be liable to pay to the Service Providers any extra costs which the Service Providers may charge to accommodate your requested change.<br />


3.1 You have requested MSC to provide you with the Cruise Ticket and any Additional Services indicated in the booking confirmation ("Booking Confirmation") to<br />

which these STC's are attached (and also available on our website www.msccruises.co.za).<br />

3.2 The Booking Confirmation is an offer by MSC to provide the Cruise to you and to book the Additional Services on your behalf, for the dates, times and at the<br />

price ("Package Price") indicated in the Booking Confirmation.<br />

3.3 The Booking Confirmation is only open for acceptance by you for a period of 72 hours (“Purchase Period”) after the date on which it is sent to you. (48 Hours<br />

if booked within 60days of sailing.)<br />

3.4 To book the Cruise Ticket and any Additional Services set out in the Booking Confirmation, you must within the Purchase Period, pay the non-refundable<br />

deposit ("Deposit") indicated in the Booking Confirmation to MSC in cash or by electronic funds transfer into the bank account set out in the Booking<br />

Confirmation, or available on request from the Branch where your Cruise booking was made<br />

3.5 If you do not pay the Deposit to MSC within the Purchase Period, the offer contained in the Booking Confirmation will lapse and to book a Cruise and any<br />

Additional Services, you will have to request a new Booking Confirmation from MSC. MSC cannot guarantee that the same cruise departure date / cabin<br />

category or cabin number and/or Additional Services will be available to you.<br />


3.6 If you want to book a Cruise Ticket and any Additional Services less than 60 days before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to commence, you must within<br />

48 hours ("Late Payment Period") after receiving the Booking Confirmation from MSC:<br />

3.6.1 complete and submit to MSC the booking form ("the Booking Form") available online at www.msccruises.co.za<br />

3.6.2 pay the full amount of the Package Price to MSC.<br />

3.7 If you do not submit the Booking Form and pay the full amount of the Package Price to MSC within the Late Payment Period, the offer contained in the<br />

Booking Confirmation will lapse and to book a Cruise and any Additional Services, you will have to request a new Booking Confirmation from MSC. MSC<br />

cannot guarantee that the same cruise departure date/ cabin category or cabin number and/or Additional Services will be available to you.<br />


Please note that if MSC approaches you in person, by post or electronic communication to offer to sell you a Cruise Ticket and as a result, you purchase a<br />

Cruise Ticket from MSC, within 5 business days after the date on which you pay the Deposit, you may cancel your Cruise booking (without any charge) by<br />

Korrek 10 Mei 2013 Page 2 of 19

giving MSC a written notice of cancellation. MSC shall within 15 business days after receiving your notice of cancellation, refund to you the Deposit and<br />

any other amount which you have paid to MSC for your Cruise Ticket.<br />


5.1 Except for late bookings referred to in clause 3.5, you must complete and submit the Booking Form to MSC by the Payment Date referred to in clause 0.<br />

5.2 You warrant that all information which you provide to MSC in your Booking Form is true and correct at the time when you submit the Booking Form to MSC.<br />

5.3 You agree that MSC may use the information which you have provided in your Booking Form to provide you with marketing material relating to the Cruises<br />

and Additional Services which MSC has on offer from time to time.<br />


By booking Cruise Tickets and any Additional Services for other people, you confirm that such other people have authorised you to accept these STC's on<br />

their behalf.<br />


7.1 The Deposit is non-refundable and will be retained by MSC if after the date on which MSC receives your Deposit you cancel your Cruise Booking.<br />

7.2 Subject to the cooling off period in clause 4, any refunds referred to in these STC's exclude the Deposit.<br />


8.1 The Package Price set out in the Booking Confirmation includes:<br />

8.1.1 the cost of the Cruise Ticket ("Cruise Fare");<br />

8.1.2 Service Costs for Additional Services requested to be provided by Service Providers as outlined in Point 2 ;<br />

8.1.3 A hotel service charge ("Hotel Service Charge"). (During your cruise you will meet staff throughout the ship, who provide you with an excellent service.<br />

They are supported by just as many staff and crew who work behind the scenes to ensure you enjoy every moment onboard.)<br />

8.1.4 port and baggage charges ("Port Charges") levied for the use of port facilities and the handling of your luggage; and<br />

8.1.5 a travel insurance premium ("Insurance Premium") for the travel insurance arranged by MSC as explained in clause 12 below.<br />

8.2 The Hotel Service Charge is:<br />

South bound Grand Cruises (18-21 days) to South<br />

Grand Cruises (18-21 days north bound from<br />

Africa<br />

South Africa<br />

All other cruises from South Africa<br />

Adults (18 and over) R65 per night Adults (18 and over) R50 per night Adults (18 and over) R50 per night<br />

Child (14 – 17) R32.50 per night Child (3 and over) R25 per night Child (3 and over) R25 per night<br />

Child (under 14) No Hotel Service Charge Child (under 3) No Hotel Service Charge Child (under 3) No Hotel Service Charge<br />

8.3 If you book the Cruise Ticket and any Additional Services set out in the Booking Confirmation, you must pay the balance of the Package Price to MSC by the<br />

date specified in the Booking Confirmation ("Payment Date"), in cash or by electronic funds transfer into the bank account set out in the Booking<br />

Confirmation, or available from the MSC Cruises office where your cruise booking was made.<br />

8.4 If you fail to pay the balance of the Package Price to MSC by the Payment Date, MSC may cancel your booking and may retain a Service fee for administrative<br />

costs<br />


When you buy beverages on board the ship during your Cruise, an amount of 15% of the cost per purchase will be added to your bill as a gratuity for the<br />

staff who serve you your beverages.<br />


10.1 During the Cruise you may wish to make purchases from the on board shops, restaurants, bars and other outlets. All purchases made on board the Cruise<br />

Ship are made in United States Dollars ("USD") (save for the first cruise of the season heading Southbound from Europe to South Africa where all purchases<br />

will be made in Euros).<br />

10.2 When you board the Cruise Ship you will receive an identity card ("Cruise Card") which is also used to pay for your on board purchases. The ship is a cashless<br />

environment and when making onboard purchases, you will do so using your “Cruise Card”. (The onboard casinos only accept cash for gambling purposes)<br />

10.3 All of your on board purchases are recorded on an on board account opened in your name. The full amount due for onboard purchases made is required to<br />

be paid before being permitted to disembark the Cruise Ship at the end of the Cruise.<br />

10.4 You may link the Cruise Cards of other passengers to your on board account.<br />

10.5 Before you can start making purchases using your Cruise Card, you must go to the relevant counter on the Cruise Ship to open your on board account. To do<br />

this you must give MSC your credit card account details and sign a receipt permitting MSC:<br />

10.5.1 to request your bank to authorize MSC to charge your on board purchases to your credit card up to an amount of USD250; and<br />

10.5.2 if your on board purchases exceed USD250, for every USD100 or part thereof which you spend thereafter, to request your bank to authorise MSC to<br />

charge USD100 or part thereof to your credit card.<br />

10.6 On the last night of your Cruise, MSC will deliver 2 copies of an invoice for your on board account transactions to your cabin. You must check the on board<br />

purchases recorded in the invoice and sign and return one copy of the invoice to the accounting office onboard. You may keep the other copy for your<br />

records.<br />

10.7 Please note that the only amount which is deducted from your credit card is the amount reflected in the invoice. The amounts which the bank authorizes<br />

MSC to charge to your credit card referred to in clause 10.55 are not deducted from your credit card account but are put on hold by your bank for a period of<br />

up to 15 to 20 days after the Cruise has ended so that there are funds available to pay to MSC the amount of your invoice.<br />

10.8 If you would rather use cash to activate your account, you must deposit a minimum amount of USD200 per person (and USD300 per family) into your on<br />

board account and should your onboard purchases exceed the deposit paid, the balance due on your account must be paid in cash before you leave the<br />

Cruise Ship<br />

10.9 You may not use your Debit Card, Cheque Card or Cash Passport to activate your onboard account. Where you have used any one of the above cards to<br />

activate your on board account (contrary to this prohibition) MSC will not be liable for any loss suffered by you as a result of your use of any of these cards<br />

and the onus will rest with you to recover any funds due to you from your bank,<br />

10.10 You may not use your Cruise Card to pay for any activities which you participate in when you leave the Cruise Ship at any Port.<br />


11.1 The Cruise Fare may increase in response to any increase in the applicable Rand/Dollar or Rand/Euro exchange rates or costs of fuel. Any increase in the<br />

Cruise Fare will be in direct proportion to the increase in such exchange rates and/or fuel costs.<br />

Korrek 10 Mei 2013 Page 3 of 19

11.2 The Cruise Fare will not change in the last 20 days before the date on which your Cruise is scheduled to begin, as long as MSC has received full payment of<br />

your Cruise Ticket.<br />

11.3 If the Cruise Fare increases by more than 10% before the date on which MSC receives full payment of your Package Price, you may either:<br />

11.3.1 pay the increase in the Cruise Fare to MSC by the Payment Date; or<br />

11.3.2 cancel your Cruise Ticket booking by giving MSC a written notice of cancellation no later than 3 days after the date on which MSC notifies you of the<br />

increase in your Cruise Fare.<br />

11.4 If you cancel your Cruise Ticket booking because of an increase in the Cruise Fare, MSC will refund to you the Cruise Fare, the Hotel Service Charge and the<br />

Port Charges which you have paid, less the amount of the Insurance Premium and the non-refundable Deposit.<br />

12. INSURANCE –( Not Applicable to South and Northbound cruises where all passengers MUST obtain their own insurance)<br />

12.1 In return for payment of the Insurance Premium, MSC shall arrange Oojah Travel Protection (Pty) Ltd to insure you for the events listed in the table below.<br />

Such insurance only covers you for the duration for which you are on a Cruise.<br />

Insured event<br />

Cruise 8 days or less<br />

Cruise 9 days or more<br />

Medical & Related Expenses R750,000 R5,000,000<br />

Personal Accident R 50,000 R50,000<br />

Cancellation & Curtailment R10,000 (excess R500.00) R15,000<br />

Baggage loss R10,000 (excess R500.00) R15,000<br />

12.2 The Insurance Premium is non-refundable and subject to the cooling off period in clause 4, any refunds by MSC referred to in these STC's exclude the<br />

amount of the Insurance Premium.<br />

12.3 You shall not be allowed on board a Cruise unless you have the insurance cover referred to above. (Excludes South and Northbound cruises where passengers<br />

are REQUIRED to obtain their own insurance and present proof of insurance to MSC Cruises.) You must read the terms and conditions of the insurance cover<br />

attached to your Booking Confirmation and also available at www.msccruises.co.za.<br />


13.1 If after the Booking Date, you wish to change the name in which the Cruise Booking has been made and/or the Ticket has been issued and/or the Cruise<br />

dates for which you have booked, you must notify MSC of your requested change in writing.<br />

13.2 You will be liable to pay to MSC any difference (if applicable) in the Cruise Fare of your current Cruise Booking and requested Cruise Booking as well as any<br />

administrative fees applicable<br />

13.3 MSC may charge you the following administrative fees for changing your Cruise Booking<br />

If you request a change:<br />

Change in i<br />

n name in which<br />

Change in date of and/or<br />

Booking is made<br />

Cruise<br />

60 days or more before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to begin Free Free<br />

45-60 days before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to begin Free R400.00 per person<br />

30-44 days before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to begin Free R600.00 per person<br />

21-29 days before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to begin R200.00 per person R750.00 per person<br />

8-20 days or less before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to begin R400.00 per person R1000.00 per person<br />

7 Days or less before the date when the cruise is scheduled to begin No Changes permitted No changes permitted<br />


14.1 The operation of the Cruise Ship is affected by factors beyond MSC's control, such as weather and sea conditions, mechanical problems, the duty to assist<br />

ships in distress, instructions of the Port authorities relating to departure and/or arrival and/or stoppages, and the availability of Port facilities. As a result, it<br />

may be necessary for MSC to change the date or time of your Cruise for operational, commercial or safety reasons.<br />

14.2 MSC will notify you (or if you have booked the Cruise Ticket through a Travel Agent -that Travel Agent) as soon as reasonably possible of any changes to your<br />

Cruise booking.<br />

14.3 If MSC makes a change to your Cruise booking, you may:<br />

14.3.1 accept the new booking;<br />

14.3.2 book another Cruise offered by MSC for the same or a higher Cruise Fare (subject to clause 14.5 below);<br />

14.3.3 book another Cruise offered by MSC, for a lower Cruise Fare (with a refund of the difference between the Cruise Fare which you have paid and the Cruise<br />

Fare of the cheaper Cruise); or<br />

14.3.4 cancel your booking and receive a refund of the Cruise Fare, the Hotel Service Charge and the Port Charges which you paid.<br />

14.4 You must notify MSC in writing of the choice which you have made within 3 days after the date on which you receive notice from MSC of the change in your<br />

Cruise booking. If you do not do so, MSC shall assume that you agree to the new Cruise booking.<br />

14.5 If you decide to change your Cruise booking for a Cruise which has a higher Cruise Fare, you must pay to MSC the difference between the Cruise Fare of the<br />

Cruise which you have booked and the Higher Cruise Fare.<br />


15.1 You may at any time on written notice to MSC, cancel the Cruise booking which you have booked.<br />

15.2 If you cancel your Cruise Booking after you have received your Cruise Tickets - Rreferred to in clause 19, you must return any documentation which you have<br />

received back to MSC with your notice of cancellation.<br />

15.3 If you cancel your Cruise Booking- MSC may charge you a cancellation penalty calculated as follows:<br />

Date of Cancellation<br />

Cancellation Penalty<br />

60 days or more before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to begin The non-refundable deposit<br />

45 to 60 days before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to begin 25% of the Cruise Fare<br />

30 to 45 days before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to begin 50% of the Cruise Fare<br />

Less than 30 days before the date when the Cruise is scheduled to begin<br />

100% of the Cruise Fare<br />

15.4 Subject to the other provisions of these STC's, you will not be entitled to any refund if:<br />

15.4.1 you do not board the Cruise Ship on the date when it leaves the port at which you were scheduled to board the Cruise Ship;<br />

Korrek 10 Mei 2013 Page 4 of 19

15.4.2 you board the Cruise Ship at a port other than the port at which you were scheduled to board the Cruise Ship; or<br />

15.4.3 for any reason you leave the Cruise before it ends.<br />


16.1 MSC may cancel your Cruise at any time by giving you written notice of cancellation.<br />

16.2 If before or during a Cruise, MSC cancels your Cruise for any reason, MSC may:<br />

16.2.1 refund you the amount of your Cruise Fare in proportion to the part of the Cruise which has not been performed; or<br />

16.2.2 transfer you to another Cruise of a similar, but not necessarily identical, class and type, sailing substantially the same route with substantially similar<br />

accommodation and facilities as on the Cruise for which you booked.<br />

16.3 Subject to the provisions of clause 16.2, MSC shall not be liable for any loss or damages which you may suffer if for any reasons beyond MSC's control; MSC is<br />

required to cancel your Cruise.<br />


17.1 The Cruise Ship is scheduled to travel the route ("Travel Route") and stop at the ports of call ("Ports") specified in the Cruise which you have booked.<br />

17.2 The operation of the Cruise Ship is affected by weather and sea conditions, mechanical problems, duty to assist ships in distress, instructions of the Port<br />

authorities relating to departure and/or arrival and/or stoppages, the availability of Port facilities, and other factors which may be beyond MSC's control.<br />

17.3 For these reasons, the date and/or time at which the Cruise Ship is scheduled to sail are approximate only and may be delayed for reasons beyond MSC's<br />

control.<br />

17.4 MSC does not guarantee that the Cruise Ship will stop at the Ports at which it is scheduled to stop, and/or that the Cruise Ship will travel along the scheduled<br />

Travel Route. MSC may change the Travel Route and/or Ports at which the Cruise Ship stops if the master of the Cruise Ship ("the Master") considers it<br />

necessary to do so for any of the reasons set out above.<br />

17.5 If for any reason, the Cruise Ship is unable to sail the Travel Route, MSC may transfer you to another ship or to any other mode of transport bound for the<br />

destination of your Cruise.<br />

17.6 If the Port from which you are scheduled to board the Cruise Ship is changed by MSC, MSC will at its cost arrange for you to be transported to the Port at<br />

which you are required to board the Cruise Ship.<br />

17.7 MSC shall not be liable for any loss or damages which you may suffer if for any reasons beyond MSC's control:<br />

17.7.1 you have to board the Cruise Ship at a different Port;<br />

17.7.2 the time or date on which the Cruise Ship is scheduled to leave a Port is delayed;<br />

17.7.3 the Cruise Ship is unable to stop at a scheduled Port or once stopped at a Port, you are unable to go ashore; or<br />

17.7.4 the Cruise Ship is substituted by another ship or mode of transport.<br />


18.1 You must have a valid and appropriate passport and if necessary, a valid and appropriate visa or permit (collectively "Travel Documents"), for all scheduled<br />

Ports at which the Cruise Ship is scheduled to stop for the duration of your Cruise.<br />

18.2 MSC is not responsible for ensuring that you have all necessary Travel Documents. You must present the necessary Travel Documents for inspection as<br />

required on entering and exiting any Port.<br />

18.3 You shall be liable to MSC for any fines or penalties imposed on MSC by any authority at any Port if you do not present the necessary valid Travel Documents<br />

for inspection.<br />

18.4 MSC may at any time request to inspect your Travel Documents.<br />


Provided that MSC has received full payment of the applicable Package Price, at least 14 days before the date on which your Cruise is scheduled to begin,<br />

MSC will send you “Cruise Tickets” - containing all necessary tickets for your Cruise and any Additional Services which you have booked, and setting out<br />

the applicable dates of your Cruise and Additional Services.<br />


20.1 Your attention is specifically drawn to the provisions of the contract of carriage and cruise ticket conditions which follow and which will be attached to and<br />

form part of your Cruise Ticket once issued. Those terms and conditions ("Contract of Carriage of passengers to or from South African Ports") can also be<br />

found at www.msccruises.co.za,<br />

20.2 You must carefully read all of those term and conditions as you will be bound by them once you have booked for the Cruise, paid and the Ticket is issued.<br />

What are particularly important are the provisions related to the liability of MSC and to their entitlement to limit that liability. Some of the relevant clauses<br />

that affect you are the following and once you have read them and accept those terms and conditions, you will have to check the box as indicated below, to<br />

signify that you have done so :<br />

20.2.1 Clause 9 – Luggage on Board a Cruise;<br />

20.2.2 Clauses 12 to 14 – Medical issues and Fitness to Travel<br />

20.2.3 Clause 19 – MSC's Liability where the Athens Convention does not apply. This will be the liability clause that will generally be effective where a booking has<br />

been made in South Africa, for a cruise to or from a South African Port, so if applicable, you need to take careful note of its content and the limitations of<br />

liability.<br />

20.2.4 Clause 20 – MSC's Liability where the Athens Convention does apply. This will generally only be the liability clause that will be effective where the booking<br />

or contract of carriage has been concluded elsewhere than South Africa, or where a port to or from which the cruise will travel has local laws that make that<br />

Convention, including its limitation provisions applicable.<br />

20.2.5 Clauses 24 & 25 – These clauses deal with Claims and Notice as well as time limits for filing suit.<br />

21. CHOICE OF LAW<br />

These STC's shall be governed by the law of the Republic of South Africa.<br />

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Conditions of carriage<br />

These Conditions of Carriage set out the terms that govern the relationship, responsibilities and liabilities as between the Passenger and the Carrier and are BINDING<br />

ON THE PARTIES. The Passenger has entered into a Passage Contract with an Organiser and these conditions have been incorporated into the Passenger’s contract<br />

with the Organiser.<br />

These Terms and Conditions of Carriage will also apply where the vessel is being used as a floating hotel whether or not there is a Passage Contract and whether or<br />

not there is any carriage.<br />

You must carefully read the Conditions of Carriage which set out your rights, responsibilities and limitations to make claims against the carrier, its servants and/or<br />

agents. The Carrier’s liability is limited as set out in Clause 24.<br />

Conditions of Carriage<br />



"ADDITIONAL SERVICES" mean services other than the provision of the passage on board the cruise vessel, provided by third party Service Providers other than the<br />

Carrier or MSC, such as, but not limited to, air flights, transfers, hotel accommodation, road or rail shore transport, excursions ashore during the cruise and all other<br />

services provided by third parties, who act as independent contractors and for whose actions (including their negligence or that of their servants and agents) the<br />

Carrier and/or MSC have no responsibility or liability.<br />

“CARRIER” means the Owner and/or Operators and/or Charterer whether Bare Boat/Demise Charter, Time Charterer, or Sub-Charterer of the vessel to the extent that<br />

each of them acts as Carrier or performing Carrier and includes MSC.<br />

“LUGGAGE” means any baggage, packages, suitcases, trunks or other personal items belonging to or carried by any passenger, including cabin luggage, hand luggage<br />

and articles worn by or carried on the persons of the passenger or deposited with the purser for safe custody.<br />

The "MASTER" is the Captain or person in charge of the carrying Vessel at any given point and commanding of the Cruise Ship.<br />

“MINOR” means any child under the age of 18.<br />

“MSC" is MSC Crociere SA which is the party with whom the Passenger has entered into the Passage Contract and this Contract of Carriage for the cruise and/or<br />

carriage on board the Vessel.<br />

“PASSAGE CONTRACT” means the contract which the Passenger has entered into with MSC, the terms of which are evidenced by the Booking<br />

Conditions together with the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQ's") and these terms and conditions of the Contract of Carriage, which together all form<br />

part of the Passage Contract.<br />

"PASSENGER" is the person or persons named on the relevant passage ticket including Minors, the purchaser of the Passage Contract and any travel agent or other<br />

person who has booked the cruise and/or who is authorised to receive the Cruise Ticket and to contract on behalf of the Passenger. All references to the singular<br />

shall include the plural.<br />

“SHORE EXCURSION” means any excursion offered for sale by the Carrier for which a separate charge is payable to either the Carrier or a Service Provider, although<br />

such charge may be included in the passage fare as part of a lump sum cruise package, whether booked prior to commencement of the cruise, or onboard the vessel.<br />

“VESSEL” means the Vessel named in the relevant passage contract or any substituted vessel owned or chartered or operated or controlled by the carrier.<br />


MSC as the named contractual carrier, agrees to transport the person named in the Ticket ("the Passenger") on the specific voyage ("the Voyage") on named or<br />

substitute vessels. The Passenger agrees to be bound by all the terms, conditions and limitations of this and the Passage Contract as well as all Rules made and<br />

applied on board the Vessel by the Master and/or the performing carrier (if applicable) . Any prior oral and/or written agreement is superseded by these conditions.<br />

These Conditions of Carriage cannot be amended without written and signed consent from the Carrier or its authorised representative. The Passage Ticket (which<br />

incorporates these terms and conditions) issued by MSC is valid only for the Passenger or Passengers for whom it is issued, for the date and Vessel indicated therein,<br />

or any substitute vessel and is not transferable.<br />


3.1 The operation of the Cruise Ship is affected by factors beyond MSC's control, such as weather and sea conditions, mechanical problems, the duty to assist ships in<br />

distress, instructions of the Port authorities relating to departure and/or arrival and/or stoppages, and the availability of Port facilities. As a result, , it may be<br />

necessary for MSC to change the date or time of the Passenger's Cruise for operational, commercial or safety reasons.<br />

s.<br />

3.2 MSC will notify the Passenger (or if the Passenger has booked the Cruise Ticket through a Travel Agent -that Travel Agent) as soon as reasonably possible of any<br />

changes to the Passenger's Cruise booking.<br />

3.3 If MSC makes a change to the Passenger's Cruise booking, the Passenger may:<br />

3.3.1 accept the new booking;<br />

3.3.2 book another Cruise offered by MSC for the same or a higher Cruise Fare (subject to clause (3.5 below)<br />

3.3.3 book another Cruise offered by MSC, for a lower Cruise Fare (with a refund of the difference between the Cruise Fare which the Passenger have paid and the<br />

Cruise Fare of the cheaper Cruise); or<br />

3.3.4 cancel the Passenger's booking and receive a refund of the Cruise Fare, the Hotel Service Charge and the Port Charges which the Passenger paid.<br />

3.4 The Passenger must notify MSC in writing of the choice which the Passenger has made within 3 days after the date on which the Passenger receive notice from<br />

MSC of the change in the Passenger's Cruise booking. If the Passenger does not do so, MSC shall assume that the Passenger agree to the new Cruise booking.<br />

3.5 If the Passenger decides to change the Passenger's Cruise booking for a Cruise which has a higher Cruise Fare, the Passenger must pay to MSC the difference<br />

between the Cruise Fare of the Cruise which the Passenger has booked and the Higher Cruise Fare.<br />


4.1 MSC may cancel the Passenger's Cruise at any time by giving the Passenger written notice of cancellation.<br />

4.2 If before or during a Cruise, MSC cancels the Passenger's Cruise for any reason, MSC may:<br />

4.2.1 refund the Passenger the amount of the Passenger's Cruise Fare in proportion to the part of the Cruise which has not been performed; or<br />

4.2.2 transfer the Passenger to another Cruise of a similar, but not necessarily identical, class and type, sailing substantially the same route with substantially similar<br />

accommodation and facilities as on the Cruise for which the Passenger booked.<br />

4.3 Subject to the provisions of clause 4.2, MSC shall not be liable for any loss or damages which the Passenger may suffer if for any reasons beyond MSC's control,<br />

MSC is required to cancel the Passenger's Cruise.<br />


5.1 The Cruise Ship is scheduled to travel the route ("Travel Route") and stop at the ports of call ("Ports") specified in the advertised Cruise which the Passenger has<br />

booked.<br />

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5.2 The operation of the Cruise Ship is affected by weather and sea conditions, mechanical problems, the duty to assist ships in distress, instructions of the Port<br />

authorities relating to departure and/or arrival and/or stoppages, the availability of Port facilities, and other factors which may be beyond MSC's control (termed<br />

"force majeure" incidents).<br />

5.3 For these reasons, the date and/or time at which the Cruise Ship is scheduled to sail are approximate only and may be delayed for reasons beyond MSC's control.<br />

5.4 The Carrier or the Master shall have the liberty to comply with any Order or Directions as to departure/arrival routes, ports of call, stoppages, transshipment,<br />

discharge or destination or otherwise given by any government or any department or by any person acting or purporting to act with the<br />

authority of any government or any department thereof or by any war risks insurance association working under any government scheme in which the<br />

Vessel may be entered. Nothing done or not done under such orders or directions shall be deemed a deviation in law.<br />

5.5 MSC does not guarantee that the Cruise Ship will stop at the Ports at which it is scheduled to stop, and/or that the Cruise Ship will travel along the scheduled<br />

Travel Route. MSC may change the Travel Route and/or Ports at which the Cruise Ship stops if the master of the Cruise Ship ("the Master") considers it necessary to do<br />

so for any of the reasons set out above.<br />

5.6 If for any reason, the Cruise Ship is unable to sail the Travel Route, MSC may transfer the Passenger to another ship or to any other mode of transport bound for<br />

the destination of the Passenger's Cruise.<br />

5.7 If the Port from which the Passenger are scheduled to board the Cruise Ship is changed by MSC, MSC will at its cost arrange for the Passenger to be transported to<br />

the Port at which the Passenger are required to board the Cruise Ship.<br />

5.8 MSC shall not be liable for any loss or damages which the Passenger may suffer if for any reasons beyond MSC's control:<br />

5.8.1 the Passenger have to board the Cruise Ship at a different Port;<br />

5.8.2 the time or date on which the Cruise Ship is scheduled to leave a Port is delayed;<br />

5.8.3 the Cruise Ship is unable to stop at a scheduled Port or once stopped at a Port, the Passenger are unable to go ashore; or<br />

5.8.4 the Cruise Ship is substituted by another ship or mode of transport.<br />


6.1 The Passenger senger must have a valid and appropriate passport and if necessary, a valid and appropriate visa or permit (collectively "Travel Documents"), for all<br />

scheduled Ports at which the Cruise Ship is scheduled to stop for the duration of the Passenger's Cruise.<br />

6.2 MSC is not responsible for ensuring that the Passenger have all necessary Travel Documents. The Passenger must present the necessary Travel Documents for<br />

inspection as required on entering and exiting any Port.<br />

6.3 The Passenger shall be liable to MSC for any fines or penalties imposed on MSC by any authority at any Port if the Passenger do not present the necessary valid<br />

Travel Documents for inspection.<br />

6.4 MSC may at any time request to inspect the Passenger's Travel Documents.<br />


A passenger shall not have the right to exclusive occupancy of a cabin with two (2) or more berths unless he has paid the Supplement applicable for exclusive<br />

occupation. The Carrier reserves the right to transfer the passenger from one cabin to another and may adjust the fare accordingly. The Master or the Carrier may if it<br />

becomes advisable or necessary at any time, transfer a passenger from one berth to another. Final Cabin numbers may be amended up until departure date. MSC will<br />

guarantee the same or a higher type of Cabin Category should it be necessary to move cabins.<br />


8.1 The Passenger must be present at the Port from which the Passenger's Cruise is scheduled to depart at least 2 hours before the scheduled time of departure to<br />

complete any pre-boarding procedures and security inspections.<br />

8.2 The Passenger may not without MSC's prior written consent, take any articles on board the Cruise which MSC reasonably believes could endanger the security of<br />

the Cruise Ship or passengers, including firearms, ammunition, explosives or flammable, toxic or dangerous substances. The Passenger may not take on board any<br />

beverages or foodstuffs. Any such items (including foodstuffs which the Passenger purchase at any Port at which the Cruise Ship stops) will be retained by MSC and<br />

returned to the Passenger at the end of the Cruise, unless any such foodstuff is perishable, in which event it may be destroyed without compensation.<br />

8.3 To ensure that the Passengers comply with these restrictions, before the Passenger boards the Cruise Ship, MSC may search the Passenger and the Passenger's<br />

luggage.<br />

8.4 MSC may at any time during a Cruise, search any cabin, berth or other part of the Cruise Ship for security reasons.<br />

9. LUGGAGE ON O<br />


9.1 Each person may take on board the Cruise Ship 4 pieces of luggage consisting of 2 suitcases and 2 pieces of hand luggage.<br />

9.2 The Passenger's luggage must be securely and properly packed and distinctly labelled with the Passenger's name n<br />

and contact details. MSC shall not be liable for<br />

any loss, damage or delay in the delivery of any of the Passenger's luggage on board a Cruise if it is not securely and properly rly packed and labelled.<br />

9.3 MSC is not liable for any loss or damage to the Passenger's luggage or the contents of the Passenger's luggage whilst on board the Cruise or in the custody or<br />

under the control of any Port or Service Provider.<br />

9.4 Unless instructed otherwise by the staff on board a Cruise Ship ("Cruise Staff")<br />

the Passenger must not at any time leave the Passenger's luggage unattended. If<br />

the Passenger does so, the Cruise Staff may remove and/or destroy such luggage.<br />

9.5 Unless the Passenger's Cruise Schedule provides otherwise, the Passenger must collect the Passenger's s luggage at the end of the Passenger's Cruise. If the<br />

Passenger fails to do so, the Passenger's luggage will be stored by MSC at the port at which the Passenger's Cruise ended, for a period of 30 days, after which it will<br />

be disposed of. Any proceeds of the disposal of the Passenger's luggage will be kept by MSC as compensation for storage costs.<br />

10. MINORS<br />

10.1 A person under the age of 18 years ("Minor"<br />

Minor") may not board any Cruise Ship unless accompanied by an adult ("Responsible Adult"). The Responsible Adult shall<br />

be fully responsible for that Minor’s conduct and behaviour.<br />

10.2 Minors may not order or drink alcoholic beverages or participate in gambling activities on board a Cruise Ship. If the Cruise Ship is scheduled to stop at a Port<br />

located in the U.S.A (or any Port having similar laws), the same conditions will apply to any passengers under the age of 21.<br />

10.3 At all times when on board a Cruise Ship, a Minor must be supervised by the Responsible Adult and may participate in on board activities provided that the<br />

Minor is accompanied by the Responsible Adult.<br />

10.4 The Responsible Adult shall be liable to MSC for any loss or damage suffered by MSC, including damage to the Cruise Ship and/or damage to and/or loss of any<br />

furnishings, equipment and other property belonging to the Cruise Ship, which loss or damage is caused by the Minor who is under the care of the Responsible e Adult.<br />

11. ANIMALS<br />

A Passenger may not bring any animals and/or pets on board any cruise vessel without the written consent of MSC given at the time of the booking having been<br />

made. Any such animals or pets brought onboard by the Passenger will be taken into custody and arrangements will be made for the animal to be landed at the next<br />

port of call at the Passenger’s sole expense. Whilst the Carrier and/or its servants and/or agents will take such care as is reasonable in all the circumstances in<br />

relation to the pet or animal, neither the Master or Carrier is liable to the Passenger in respect of any loss or injury to the pet or animal whilst in the Carrier’s<br />

possession/custody in the above circumstances. The only exception to the above prohibition shall be with regard to assistance dogs licensed to Passengers<br />

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with disabilities providing MSC has given its separate consent in writing at the time the booking was made and prior to the Ticket being purchased. The<br />

Passenger shall have full responsibility for such dogs.<br />


12.1 MSC will not supply the Passenger with wheel chairs or other medical assistance devices (collectively "Medical"<br />

Devices")<br />

on board any Cruise.<br />

12.2 If a Passenger wishes to take any Medical Device on board a Cruise Ship or if the Passenger is mentally or physically disabled, the Passenger must have advised<br />

MSC of the Passenger's requirements at the time of completing the Cruise Booking Form so that MSC can have taken steps to ensure as far as is possible, that the<br />

accommodation on the Cruise is suitable for the Passenger's needs.<br />

12.3 If the Passenger needs to use a Medical Device on board a Cruise Ship, or the Passenger is mentally or physically disabled, the Passenger may not board the<br />

Cruise Ship unless:<br />

12.3.1 the Passenger is accompanied by another person who will assist the Passenger throughout the Cruise; and<br />

12.3.2 the Passenger has signed the written addendum- available from the MSC office where the Passenger's booking was made<br />

12.4 MSC may refuse to allow the Passenger to board a Cruise Ship if:<br />

12.4.1 the Passenger has not given MSC sufficient notice of his or her requirements and signed the addendum before boarding the Cruise Ship;<br />

12.4.2 in MSC's opinion and within its sole discretion or that of the Master, the Passenger is unfit for travelling on board the Cruise Ship for the duration of the<br />

Passenger's Cruise; or<br />

12.4.3 in MSC's opinion and within its sole discretion or that of the Master, the Passenger's condition may endanger the Passenger or any other passengers if the<br />

Passenger boards the Cruise Ship. MSC may request a medical specialist's or practitioner's letter declaring that the Passenger is fit to travel before agreeing that the<br />

Passenger may embark the ship.<br />

12.5 If the Passenger is mentally or physically disabled or requires the use of a Medical Device, the Passenger may not be allowed to go ashore at certain of the Ports<br />

at which the Cruise Ship stops. A list of such Ports is available on request from MSC.<br />


13.1 Limited medical services for minor medical conditions are available on board a Cruise Ship.<br />

13.2 The Passenger acknowledges that the Cruise Ship is not equipped as a hospital and the medical personnel are not specialists.<br />

MSC and the medical personnel shall not be liable to the Passenger for any loss or damages which the Passenger may suffer because they are unable to treat the<br />

Passenger's medical condition. The Passenger is liable to pay for any medical services and medicines provided to the Passenger on board the Cruise Ship, at a Port or<br />

in any other place during the Cruise. It is the Passenger's responsibility to check with the Passenger's Medical Aid Scheme prior to departure whether they will<br />

reimburse the Passenger for any visits to the Doctor onboard realizing that the Doctor may not be a South African registered medical practitioner and therefore may<br />

not have a practice number, and that the Passenger will be within international waters at the time of visiting the Doctor onboard.<br />

13.3 The medical facilities and standards vary at the Ports at which the Cruise Ship stops. MSC does not warrant the suitability of the medical facilities at any Port at<br />

which the Cruise Ship stops and is not responsible for the quality and/or standards of the medical facilities available at such Ports.<br />


14.1 The Passenger warrants that the Passenger er is physically and mentally fit to travel on board the Cruise Ship for the duration of the Passenger's Cruise.<br />

14.2 MSC may at any time require the Passenger to provide it with a doctor's certificate certifying that the Passenger is fit to travel on board the Cruise Ship.<br />

14.3 The Passenger must make sure that the Passenger has received all necessary inoculations prior to the Cruise.<br />

14.4 Any passenger who is pregnant shall be obliged to inform MSC on making the booking and the ship's Doctor on boarding of o<br />

f the vessel, of that fact. The Cruise<br />

Ship does not have on board facilities for childbirth. MSC shall not allow the Passenger on board the Cruise Ship if the Passenger will be at least 24 weeks pregnant by<br />

the date on which the Cruise ends.<br />

14.5 If the Passenger will be up to 23 weeks pregnant at the end of the Cruise the Passenger will not be allowed on board the Cruise Ship unless the Passenger<br />

provides MSC with a medical certificate from a medical specialist or practitioner confirming that the Passenger is fit to travel on board the Cruise Ship for the duration<br />

of the Cruise. Failure to inform the Carrier and the Vessel’s doctor of pregnancy will release the Carrier from any liability to the pregnant Passenger.<br />

14.6 If in MSC's opinion and within its sole discretion or that of the Master, the Passenger is for any reason unfit to travel on board the Cruise Ship for the duration of<br />

the Passenger's Cruise, likely to endanger the Passenger's safety or the safety of others on board the Cruise, or likely to be refused permission to land at any Port at<br />

which the Cruise is scheduled to stop, then MSC may:<br />

14.6.1 refuse to allow the Passenger to board the Cruise Ship;<br />

14.6.2 refuse to allow the Passenger to leave the Cruise Ship at any Port at which it stops; or<br />

14.6.3 transfer the Passenger to different accommodation on the Cruise Ship.<br />

14.7 The doctor on duty on board the Cruise Ship shall be allowed to administer first aid and any medicine or therapy or other medical treatment he considers<br />

necessary. If the Passenger refuse to cooperate with the doctor, MSC may require the Passenger to leave the Cruise Ship at the next Port at which the t<br />

Cruise Ship<br />

stops.<br />

14.8 MSC will not be liable to the Passenger for any loss or damage which the Passenger may suffer as a result of not being fit to travel on board the Cruise Ship for<br />

the duration of the Passenger's Cruise, not being allowed by MSC to board the Cruise Ship because the Passenger are not fit to travel on board the Cruise Ship for the<br />

duration of the Passenger's Cruise, or being required to leave the Cruise Ship at a Port other than the Port at which the Cruise ends.<br />

14.9 MSC recommends that the Passenger seek medical advice before booking any Cruise Tickets for children up to 12 months of age<br />


15.1 The Passenger may purchase alcoholic beverages on board the Cruise Ship.<br />

15.2 MSC shall not sell any alcoholic beverage to a Minor during the Cruise. If the Cruise Ship stops at a port located in the U.S.A (or another Port having similar laws),<br />

the same conditions will apply for any passengers under the age of 21 years.<br />

15.3 MSC may refuse to serve the Passenger an alcoholic beverage if in MSC’s opinion, the Passenger may be a danger and/or nuisance to the Passenger him-orherself<br />

or other passengers on the Cruise Ship.<br />


16.1 The Passenger may not smoke when entering or exiting the Cruise Ship, on any balconies or in any public or private areas other than the designated smoking<br />

areas located throughout the Cruise Ship.<br />

16.2 MSC recommends that the Passenger do not smoke in the Passenger's cabin because of the risk of fire. Smoking on cabin balconies is not allowed.<br />

16.3 Throwing cigarettes or cigarette butts over the side of the Cruise Ship is not allowed.<br />


17.1 MSC may refuse to allow the Passenger to board the Cruise Ship if in MSC's opinion and within its sole discretion or that of the Master, the Passenger's conduct<br />

may endanger the Passenger's safety and security, or the safety and security of others on board the Cruise Ship, or negatively affect their enjoyment of the Cruise.<br />

17.2 When on board a Cruise Ship, for the sake of the Passenger's own safety and the safety of others, the Passenger must pay attention to and comply with all rules<br />

and regulations regarding the safety of the Cruise Ship and passengers, the Port facilities and the requirements of any Port authorities. The Passenger must not<br />

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ehave in any way which may endanger the safety of the Cruise Ship and/or any passengers on board the Cruise Ship and the Passenger must listen to and comply<br />

with all instructions given to the Passenger by the Cruise Staff.<br />

17.3 If the Passenger causes any damage to the Cruise Ship and/or any damage to and/or loss of any furnishings, equipment and other property belonging to the<br />

Cruise Ship, the Passenger will be liable to reimburse MSC for such damage or loss.<br />


The Carrier shall not be liable for any loss, injury, damage, or inability to perform any Voyage arising from any Force Majeure circumstances such as, but not limited<br />

to: war, terrorism (actual or threatened), piracy, collision, grounding, fire, typhoon or cyclonic weather, natural disasters, , Tsunami, acts of God, labour strikes, port<br />

closures, bankruptcy, failure of subcontractors to perform, or any other events beyond the Carrier's or MSC's actual personal control and/or any events which are<br />

unusual and/or unforeseeable.<br />


19.1 Where in terms of the provisions of Article 2 of The International Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their luggage by Sea, adopted<br />

in Athens on 13 December 1974, that Convention does for any reason NOT apply to the carriage covered by this Contract of Carriage, then the following<br />

provisions as to liability shall apply in all respects, to the exclusion of any provisions of the Athens Convention and/or any or the Protocols thereto.<br />

19.2 Subject to the other provisions of this clause, MSC is not liable for death, injury or illness caused by the negligent acts and/or omissions of any Service Provider<br />

providing Additional Services which the Passenger have purchased through MSC, or otherwise.<br />

19.3 Subject to clause 19.4, any liability which h MSC may have to the Passenger or to his or her dependants and/or executors or assigns, for death or personal injury<br />

is limited to a maximum of R500 000.00 in respect of each incident or event.<br />

19.4 Subject to clause 19.3, MSC's is only liable for the Passenger's senger's death, injury or illness if caused by a negligent or intentional and unlawful act or omission of MSC<br />

or its employees and/or agents. If the Passenger has contributed to such death, injury or illness, MSC's liability shall be reduced r<br />

accordingly.<br />

19.5 Liability of the Carrier for loss of or damage to Passenger's luggage or other property shall not exceed R10,000 per Passenger. It is agreed that<br />

such liability of the Carrier shall be subject to a deductible of R160.00 per Passenger, such sum to be deducted from the loss or damage to luggage or<br />

other property.<br />

19.6 It shall be presumed that the Carrier has delivered luggage to a Passenger unless written notice is given by the Passenger within the following<br />

periods: (i) in the case of apparent damage before or at the time of disembarkation or redelivery (ii) in the case of damage which is not apparent or loss<br />

of luggage within fifteen days from the disembarkation or delivery or of the date that such delivery should have taken place.<br />

19.7 Subject to the other provisions of this clause, MSC is not liable for any loss, injury, death, illness or damage which the Passenger may suffer fer as a consequence<br />

of:<br />

19.7.1 the Passenger's own conduct or the conduct of other passengers on board the Cruise Ship;<br />

19.7.2 the e conduct of the Service Providers of the Additional Services which the Passenger have purchased through MSC; and/or<br />

19.7.3 any unforeseeable and unavoidable event or "force majeure" which is beyond MSC's control, including but not limited to actual or threatened<br />

war, invasion,<br />

hostilities, civil war and acts of terrorism, , natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, floods and inclement weather, and any riot, civil commotion,<br />

disorder, labour dispute, strike or lock-out out by persons other than the t<br />

employees of MSC.<br />

19.8 The Carrier shall not be liable for loss or damage to any valuables such as monies, negotiable securities, precious metal items, jewellery, art, cameras,<br />

computers, electronic equipment, or any other valuables unless they are deposited with the Carrier for safe-keeping, and a higher limit is agreed expressly and in<br />

writing at the time of deposit, and an extra charge is paid by the Passenger for declared value protection.<br />

19.9 Any liability which MSC may have to the Passenger and which w<br />

is not limited or excluded by the provisions of the above sub-clauses, is limited to twice the cost<br />

of the Cruise Fare which the Passenger has paid for the Cruise.<br />

19.10 The Carrier and Passenger agree not to demand any security from the other in connection with a claim of any kind. The Passenger waives the right to arrest the<br />

Cruise Ship or to attach any other asset owned, chartered or operated by the Carrier. If the Cruise Ship is arrested or attached, then the ship and the Carrier shall have<br />

the right to any limitation and all defences available herein.<br />

19.11 In addition to the restrictions and exemptions from the liability provided in these Conditions of Carriage, the Carrier shall have full benefit of any applicable<br />

laws providing for limitation and/or exoneration of liability (including without limitation, law and/or the laws of the Vessel’s flag in respect of/or the global limitation<br />

on damages recoverable from the Carrier). Nothing in these Conditions of Carriage is intended to operate to limit or deprive the Carrier of any such statutory or<br />

otherwise limitation or exoneration or liability. The servant and/or agents of the Carrier shall have the full benefit of all such provisions relating to the limitation of<br />

liability.<br />


20.1 Where in terms of the provisions of Article 2 of The International Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their luggage by Sea, adopted<br />

in Athens on 13 December 1974, that Convention does apply to the carriage covered by this Contract of Carriage, then the following provisions as to<br />

liability shall apply.<br />

20.2 The liability (if any) of The Carrier for damages suffered as a result of death or personal injury to the Passenger, or loss or damage to luggage shall<br />

be subject to the following limitations and shall be determined in accordance with the following:<br />

20.3 The International Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their luggage by Sea, adopted in Athens on 13 December r 1974 and its<br />

1976 Protocol, (the "Athens Convention") shall apply. Subject to the provisions of clause 20.1 and if applicable, the provisions of the Athens Convention<br />

are hereby expressly incorporated into the Terms and Conditions of Carriage. A copy of the Athens Convention is available on request and can be<br />

downloaded from the internet at www.imo.org. The Carrier shall be entitled to the benefit of all the limitations, rights and immunities provided by the<br />

Athens Convention including the full deductible under Article 8(4) of the Athens Convention. The liability of the Carrier for death, personal injury or<br />

illness to the Passenger shall not exceed 46.666 Special Drawing Rights ("SDR") as provided and defined in the Athens Convention 1976 Protocol.<br />

Liability of the Carrier for loss of or damage to Passenger's luggage or other property shall not exceed 833 SDR per Passenger. It is agreed that such<br />

liability of the Carrier shall be subject to a deductible of 13 SDR per Passenger, such sum to be deducted from the loss or damage to luggage or other<br />

property. The Passenger understands that the conversion rate of SDR's fluctuates daily and may be obtained from a bank. If any provision of these<br />

Conditions of Carriage is rendered null and void by the Athens Convention, such invalidity shall be limited to the particular clause and not to the<br />

Conditions of Carriage.<br />

20.4 The Carrier’s liability in relation to death and/or personal injury is limited and shall in no circumstances whatsoever exceed the limits of liability<br />

set out under the Athens Convention.<br />

20.5 Subject to the other provisions of this clause, MSC is not liable for any loss, injury, death, illness or damage which the Passenger may suffer as a consequence<br />

of:<br />

20.5.1 the Passenger's own conduct or the conduct of other passengers on board the Cruise Ship;<br />

20.5.2 the conduct of the Service Providers of the Additional Services which the Passenger have purchased through MSC; and/or<br />

20.5.3 any unforeseeable and unavoidable event or "force majeure" which is beyond MSC's control, including but not limited to actual or threatened war, invasion,<br />

hostilities, civil war and acts of terrorism, natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, floods and inclement weather, and any riot, civil commotion,<br />

disorder, labour dispute, strike or lock-out by persons other than the employees of MSC.<br />

20.6 The Carrier will only be liable in relation to death and/or personal injury and/or loss of or damage to luggage in the event that the Carrier and/or<br />

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its servants or agents are guilty of “fault or neglect” as required by Article 3 of the Convention. The limits of liability under the Terms of the Convention<br />

shall be applicable to the Carrier’s servants and/or agents and/or Independent Contractors in accordance with Article 11 of the Convention. Any<br />

damages payable by the Carrier shall be reduced in proportion to any contributory negligence by the Passenger as provided in Article 6 of the Athens<br />

Convention.<br />

20.7 It is presumed under the Athens Convention that the Carrier has delivered luggage to a Passenger unless written notice is given by the Passenger<br />

within the following periods: (i) in the case of apparent damage before or at the time of disembarkation or redelivery (ii) in the case of damage which is<br />

not apparent or loss of luggage within fifteen days from the disembarkation or delivery or of the date that such delivery should have taken place.<br />

20.8 If the carriage provided hereunder is not “international carriage” as defined in Article 2 of the Athens Convention or the Vessel is being used as a<br />

floating hotel, the remaining provisions of the Athens Convention shall apply to this/her contract and be deemed to be incorporated herein mutatis<br />

mutandis.<br />

20.9 The Carrier shall not be liable for loss or damage to any valuables such as monies, negotiable securities, precious metal items, jewellery, art, cameras,<br />

computers, electronic equipment, or any other valuables unless they are deposited with the Carrier for safe-keeping, and a higher limit is agreed expressly and in<br />

writing at the time of deposit, and an extra charge is paid by the Passenger for declared value protection. (ii) Extra charges are: 1 % of declared value for a Voyage 1<br />

to 7 days; 2% of declared value for a Voyage 8 to 21 days; 3% of declared value for a Voyage 22 days and over. If the value of any luggage or property is<br />

misrepresented, the Carrier's liability for loss or damage to the property shall not exceed U.S. $100. (iii) The Carrier and Passenger agree not to demand any security<br />

from the other in connection with a claim of any kind. The Passenger waives the right to arrest the Cruise Ship or to attach any other asset owned, chartered or<br />

operated by the Carrier. If the Cruise Ship is arrested or attached, then the ship and the Carrier shall have the right to any limitation and all defences available herein.<br />

20.10 In addition to the restrictions and exemptions from the liability provided in the Conditions of Carriage, the Carrier shall have full benefit of any applicable laws<br />

providing for limitation and/or exoneration of liability (including without limitation, law and/or the laws of the Vessel’s flag in respect of/or the global limitation on<br />

damages recoverable from the Carrier). Nothing in these Conditions of Carriage is intended to operate to limit or deprive the Carrier of any such statutory or<br />

otherwise limitation or exoneration or liability. The servant and/or agents of the Carrier shall have the full benefit of all such provisions relating to the limitation of<br />

liability.<br />

20.11 Any liability which MSC may have to the Passenger and which is not limited or excluded by the provisions of the above sub-clauses, is limited to twice the cost<br />

of the Cruise Fare which the Passenger has paid for the Cruise.<br />

20.12 Without prejudice to the provisions of 20.3 to 20.9 above, if any claim is brought against the Carrier in any jurisdiction where the applicable exemptions and<br />

limitations incorporated in these Conditions of Carriage are held to be legally unenforceable then the Carrier shall not be liable for death, injury, illness, damage,<br />

delay or other loss or detriment to any person or property arising out of any cause of whatsoever nature which has not been shown to have been caused by the<br />

Carrier’s own personal negligence or fault.<br />


No compensation is payable by the Carrier to any Passenger for any emotional stress, mental anguish and/or psychological injury of any kind save where legally<br />

recoverable against the Carrier as a result of any injury caused by an accident due to the fault or neglect of the Carrier. Under no circumstances shall the Carrier be<br />

liable for consequential damages.<br />


All excursions are provided by third party Service Providers whose own terms and conditions apply to any activity provided by them including all waivers, limitations<br />

of liability and/or transfer of risk. Should however those terms and conditions be held not to be applicable for any reason, then these Terms and Conditions of<br />

Carriage, including limitation of liability are applicable to the shore excursions purchased, whether in the form of a ticket coupon or voucher, whether prior to<br />

embarkation or from the Carrier after embarkation.<br />

23. COMPLAINTS<br />

If the Passenger has complaint relating to a Cruise which could not be resolved during the course of the Passenger's Cruise, the Passenger must report the<br />

Passenger's complaint to MSC in writing within 14 days after the date on which the Passenger's Cruise ends so that MSC can assist the Passenger with the Passenger's<br />

complaint as soon as possible.<br />


24.1 The Carrier shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of any claim arising from an accident which was not reported by the Passenger to the<br />

Master whilst onboard the Vessel.<br />

24.2 Notices of claim for death, illness, or personal injury, shall be given in writing with full particulars, to the Carrier and the Cruise Ship within six (6)<br />

months (185 days) after the date such death, injury, or illness occurring. Such notice shall be sent by registered mail to: CLAIMS DEPARTMENT, MSC<br />

Crociere, Via A. Depretis 31, 80133, Naples, Italy.<br />

24.3 If no such notice is given and/or received at the aforesaid address within that period, such claim shall be unenforceable.<br />

24.4 Notices of Claim for loss or damage to luggage or other property shall be given to the Carrier in writing before or at the time of disembarkation,<br />

or if not apparent, within fifteen (15) days from the date of disembarkation. Notice shall be sent by registered mail to the address in Clause 28 (B)<br />

above.<br />


25.1 All claims against the Carrier or the Cruise Ship for death, illness, or personal injury to a Passenger or for loss or damage to luggage or other<br />

property shall be time barred as follows: All claims shall be time barred after two (2) years from the date of disembarkation. For claims involving a<br />

Passenger under age 18 or an incompetent person, time shall be calculated from the date of the appointment of a legal representative. In such cases,<br />

such appointment must in any case be made within three (3) days after such injury or death.<br />

25.2 All other actions, including any claim based on an alleged delict/tort or breach of contract, against the Carrier and the Vessel, shall be time barred<br />

after six (6) months (185 days), from the Passenger's disembarkation.<br />

25. CHOICE OF LAW<br />

These CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE shall be governed by the law of the Republic of South Africa, unless a competent court seized of a dispute arising out of such<br />

conditions holds that it is more appropriate that the law of the country where the dispute is being adjudicated, be applied, in which case that law shall govern these<br />



Any claim against the Carrier or the Vessel arising out of this Contract of Carriage shall be brought before the Courts of Naples, Italy. Any claim by the Carrier against<br />

the Passenger may, within the discretion of the Carrier, be brought before a competent court in the jurisdiction where the contract was concluded or where the<br />

Passenger is domiciled.<br />

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Frequently Asked Questions<br />

CRUISE Frequently Asked Questions<br />

Careful planning will go a long way to ensuring this is your most memorable holiday so take a little time to go through our list of “Frequently Asked Questions” to let<br />

us help you create your own checklist.<br />

Q. Can my family and friends contact me when I am at sea?<br />

Both the Opera and the Sinfonia have a Satellite telephone on board. This service is VERY expensive and should be used for emergencies only.<br />

Opera Tel: Int. 00 870 335762710/335762720 Sinfonia: Tel: Int. 00 870 335671611/621<br />

Opera Fax: Int. 00 870 335762711/335762721 Sinfonia: Fax: Int. 00 870 335671614/23<br />

Q. What are the most important things to take with me?<br />

Your ticket, passport, spending money, camera, sun cream and essential medication are the most important things to carry with you. Note: Keep your passport on<br />

you as you need to present it to Immigration Officials before boarding ship. Keep your medication and all valuable items on you or locked safely in your hand<br />

luggage.<br />

Q. What Travel Documents do I need?<br />


Cruise tickets, along with any tickets for additional services are issued about 3-2 weeks prior to your departure. Your E-Documents will be e-mailed to you 2-3<br />

weeks prior to your cruise departure. You will be required only to print off the Cruise Ticket to present at the harbour for embarkation.<br />

NOTE:<br />

If you have not received your tickets 7 days before the date of departure please call us at the MSC Office where your booking was made.<br />

Special circumstances for collecting tickets on Departure:<br />

If you have booked close to departure and there isn’t enough time for us to e-mail your ticket, you will need to proceed to the information desk in the terminal and<br />

show your cabin number as stated on your booking invoice.<br />


Every passenger (adult and child) will need a valid passport to clear immigration at the Port.<br />


• South African citizens with dual nationality - MUST USE THEIR SOUTH AFRICAN PASSPORT TO EXIT AND ENTER SOUTH AFRICA.<br />

• Non-South African Citizens/Permanent Residents must have their permanent residence endorsed in their foreign passport.<br />

Exceptions:<br />

The only exception is for cruises that do not leave South African waters as in a “Cruise to Nowhere”; “Mossel Bay Cruise” and Cruises from Durban to Cape Town and<br />

vice versa. For these cruises an official photo Identification is required – your PHOTO ID, Passport, or in the case of children, an original birth certificate is required.<br />

Q. Do I need Visas and Vaccinations?<br />

Mozambique<br />

South African passport holders do not require visas or vaccinations for Mozambique. Foreign passport holders will need to obtain a visa at a cost of US$25. This can<br />

be obtained on board and does not have to be pre-arranged. (SADAC passport holders do not require a visa for Mozambique) (The following passport holders are not<br />

required to pay the Visa Charge for Mozambique: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania,<br />

Zambia, and Zimbabwe)<br />

Mauritius<br />

South African and British passport holders do not require visas for Mauritius.<br />

Madagascar<br />

South African passport holders require a visa for Madagascar. Visas can be obtained onboard through the passenger manifest. Madagascar has confirmed that there<br />

will be no fee payable for the visa.<br />

Mossel Bay<br />

For these cruises an official photo Identification is required – your ID Book, Passport, or in the case of children, an original birth certificate is required.<br />

Walvis Bay, Namibia<br />

South African and British passport holders do not require visas for Walvis Bay. All passengers require valid passports for Walvis Bay, Namibia.<br />

Q. Is there a cooling off period when I book a cruise and want to cancel?<br />

If MSC has approached you in person, by post or electronic communication to offer to sell you a cruise ticket and as a result, you purchase a cruise ticket from MSC,<br />

within 5 business days after the date which you pay the deposit, you may cancel your cruise ticket booking without any charge by giving MSC a written notice of<br />

cancellation. MSC shall within 15 business days after receiving your notice of cancellation, refund to you the deposit and any other amount which you have paid to<br />

MSC for your cruise ticket.<br />

Q. How much luggage can we take?<br />

There is no weight restriction for cruising, but only HAND luggage which can be carried over gangways and kept in a cabin is allowed on board. We recommend you<br />

take smaller bags so as not to clutter your cabin area.<br />

Please label your luggage very clearly with your Name / Surname and Cabin Number BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL AT THE CRUISE TERMINAL. Labels must be fixed to all of<br />

your main luggage items as you will be handing them over during check-in; for delivery to the ship. Please ensure that all bags are securely locked and that NO<br />


Safety and Security of luggage<br />

Please do not put any valuable or fragile items in your main luggage. (Please refer to insurance wording on www.msccruises.co.za for description of “valuables” in<br />

terms of cruise insurance policy). Items such as cameras, perfumes, video cameras, jewellery, medication, documentation such as passports and ID cards, money and<br />

credit cards should be carried in your hand luggage and kept with you at ALL times.<br />

Your luggage must be securely and properly packed and distinctly labelled with your name; contact details and cabin number. MSC shall not be liable for any loss,<br />

damage or delay in the delivery of any luggage onboard a cruise if it is not securely and properly packed and labelled.<br />

MSC is not liable for any loss or damage to your luggage or the contents of your luggage whilst onboard the cruise or in the custody or under the control of any port<br />

or Service provider. Unless instructed otherwise by the staff onboard a cruise ship you must not at any time leave your luggage unattended. If you do so, the cruise<br />

staff may remove and/or destroy such luggage.<br />

Your checked luggage will be screened and delivered to your cabin during the course of the afternoon on the day of sailing. Due to high volumes, please allow 2 – 3<br />

hours after boarding for your luggage to arrive at your cabin.<br />

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Checked luggage that is screened and found to contain alcohol will be set aside and passengers will be recalled to the terminal to identify their bags, from which the<br />

alcohol will be removed and disposed of. In order to avoid any delay in the departure of the ship, luggage found to contain alcohol and which is not identified by the<br />

owner will not be loaded on to the ship and will be held at the terminal for collection by the passenger on conclusion of their cruise.<br />

Q. What do I do if I find that my luggage has been damaged?<br />

On board: Should you find that your baggage has been damaged during the embarkation process, please approach Guest Services onboard and request a<br />

“Lost/Damaged Luggage Form”. A staff member from Guest Services is to sign and acknowledge that the damage has been viewed by them and has been reported to<br />

them.<br />

On disembarkation: Please approach the information desk inside N Shed where an MSC Representative will hand you a copy of a “Lost/Damaged Luggage Form” that<br />

the Representative will sign acknowledging damage to the luggage.<br />

It is important that these procedures are followed if passengers are considering instituting a claim from their travel insurance for loss or damage of luggage<br />

Q. How do I make sure I don’t “miss the boat”?<br />

All passengers must embark at least 3 hours prior to sailing, please check the embarkation times on your tickets to ensure that you embark timeously.<br />

For all WALVIS BAY departures check-in and embarkation closes 2HOURS prior to sailing and all passengers not on board 2 hours prior to sailing will risk missing the<br />

ship<br />

Q. Can my family and friends come on board to see me off?<br />

Regrettably no visitors are allowed past security control in the passenger terminal. The ship security staff is always present during embarkation and disembarkation<br />

and follow international security regulations in the monitoring of passengers and baggage. Our security is your security!<br />

Q. What is the best way to travel to Durban?<br />

You can fly to Durban Airport and take a shuttle service to the harbour or drive by car and leave your car in secure parking at the port.<br />

Q. What if I am flying from Port Elizabeth or East London?<br />

For passengers flying in from the coastal areas, especially Port Elizabeth and East London it is suggested that you book a flight the day before and enjoy the added<br />

excursions that we offer in Durban, as unfortunately we have witnessed many delays on the same day departures which have resulted in passengers missing their<br />

cruise.<br />

Q. What about Parking at Cape Town port?<br />

Parking facilities are not available at Duncan Dock, E-Berth; secure parking is available at the Clock Tower area. The cost is approximately R110.00 per car per 24<br />

hour period. This parking cannot be pre-booked and passengers are warned that it is some distance from Duncan Dock, E- Berth.<br />

Q. If I fly to Durban what flights should I book?<br />

Arriving in time for the ship’s departure:<br />

We recommend that you book flights to arrive no later than 4 hours prior to sailing as any delays in the flights could cause you to miss the ship. Please refer to the<br />

recommended check in times under “How do I make sure I don’t miss the boat”. Please check the embarkation times on your Cruise Tickets in order that you are at<br />

the port well in advance of sailing.<br />

Flying home after the cruise:<br />

The ships arrive back into the ports between 05h00 and 06h30 on the final day of your cruise. If you plan to fly home on the same day as your return to port, we<br />

recommend that you don’t book any flights out before 12h00 on that day.<br />

Q. How do I get from Durban Airport to the Harbour and back?<br />

There is a continuous transfer service between King Shaka International Airport and the Port when the ship is in harbour. Transfer tickets are on sale at the airport<br />

and the harbour at R110 per person each way, or give yourself peace of mind by phoning our Sales Offices and booking and pre-paying your transfers at least 7 days<br />

prior to departure in order to receive the tickets at the same time as your cruise tickets. Children under 3 travel free on the transfer – provided they do not take a seat<br />

(They would have to sit on parents’ lap). The driving time is 45-60 minutes per way.<br />

The first shuttle will depart from King Shaka International Airport for the port at O8h00 and the last will depart at 13h00.For the return shuttle from the port to the<br />

airport the first shuttle will depart the port at 07h30 and last shuttle will depart 09h30 for the airport. The shuttle from Ushaka to Airport will depart Ushaka at 13h00<br />

Q. How do I get between the Airport / Hotels in Durban and the Port and back?<br />

Taxis are plentiful and are a relatively inexpensive way to get around. We have negotiated Private Transfer Rates should you prefer to take advantage of these.<br />

King Shaka Airport to the Hotel (Hotels along the Marine Parade Only)<br />

1-7 Passengers – R190 per person per way<br />

Hotel (Hotels along the Marine Parade Only) to Durban Harbour (Pick up from Hotel 11h00)<br />

1 -7 Passengers – R100 per person per way<br />

The shuttle will depart the Hotel for the port at 11:00. For the return the shuttle will depart the port at 08h00 for the Hotel.<br />

Must be pre-booked at the time of Reservation<br />

Q. If I arrive by car can I park at Durban harbour while I am away?<br />

Car parking is available only in Durban on a first come first served basis. The fare is R80 per car per night (valid for all car types), which will be converted into USD at<br />

the actual exchange rate and will be added to your onboard account.<br />

VERY IMPORTANT All vehicles are parked at the owner’s risk and MSC Cruises will not be liable for any loss or damage to any vehicles or articles therein, through any<br />

cause whatsoever. Drivers are required to sign an indemnity at the Port.<br />

Q. How do I get from Cape Town Airport to the Harbour and back?<br />

There is a continuous transfer service between Cape Town Airport and the Port when the ship is in harbour. Transfer tickets are on sale at the airport and the harbour<br />

at R110 per person each way, or give yourself peace of mind by phoning our Sales Offices and booking and pre-paying your transfers at least 7 days prior to<br />

departure in order to receive the tickets at the same time as your cruise tickets. Children under 3 travel free on the transfer – provided they do not take a seat (They<br />

would have to sit on parents’ lap). The first shuttle departs the Airport for the port at 09h00 and the last shuttle will depart at 13h00. For the return shuttle from the<br />

port to the airport the first shuttle departs the port at 08h30 and at 10h30 (Walvis Bay Cruises) and the last shuttle departs the port at 13h00 for the airport.<br />

We are able to arrange Private Transfers between the Airport and the Harbour at the following costs:<br />

1-7 Passengers: R190 per person per way<br />

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Q. How do I get from my hotel to the port and from the port back to the hotel?<br />

We have negotiated Private Transfer Rates should you prefer to take advantage of these. The private rates are as follows:<br />

1-7 Passengers: R190 per person per way.<br />

The shuttle will depart the hotel for the port at 11h00. For the return the shuttle will depart the port at 08h00 for the Hotel.<br />

Must be pre-booked at the time of Reservation<br />

Passenger embarkation<br />

Embarkation in Durban takes place at N Shed – Durban Harbour<br />

Embarkation in Cape Town takes place at E Berth, Duncan Dock<br />

(Driving directions are on our website www.msccruises.co.za)<br />

Facilities at the Ports are VERY limited, and a lengthy wait at the Port is not necessarily the ideal way to start to a good holiday. As all cabins have been assigned prior<br />

to the day of departure, no real purpose is served in arriving at the Port prior to the embarkation times stated.<br />

Embarkation times do occasionally vary and are set and regulated by immigration officials and custom control authorities. We like to remind our guests that the Port<br />

facility is maintained and operated by the National Ports Authority (NPA) and not by MSC Cruises.<br />

Group Embarkation<br />

You will be advised of Group check-in procedures by the Groups Sales Agent handling your booking<br />

Q. Do I need to take precautions for Malaria?<br />

Mozambique and Madagascar are Malaria areas. It is best to speak to your doctor or pharmacist or a Travel Clinic if you have any concerns.<br />

Q. What if I am pregnant?<br />

The ship does not have onboard facilities for child birth. MSC shall not allow you onboard a cruise ship if you will be at least 24 weeks pregnant by the date on which<br />

the cruise ends. If you will be up to 23 weeks pregnant at the end of the cruise you will not be allowed onboard the ship. Passengers who are up to 23 weeks<br />

pregnant at the end of the cruise must obtain a medical certificate from a medical Dr. confirming their fitness to travel onboard the vessel taking into account the<br />

specific itinerary. Please take special note of the Insurance Policy Wording in respect of Pregnancy, available online at www.msccruises.co.za.<br />

Q. Does it matter how old I am?<br />

Children:<br />

A maximum of 2 children under 18 are permitted to share a cabin with 2 adults. When advising a child’s age, it must be the age that the child will be on the date of<br />

return from the holiday. In the Balcony Suites onboard a maximum of 2 Adults and 2 Children under 12 only are permitted. Travel may be refused or costing adjusted<br />

if the date of birth on the child’s passport differs from the age given on the ticket.<br />

Minors<br />

A person under the age of 18 years may not board any cruise ship unless accompanied by an adult. The Responsible adult shall be fully responsible for that minors<br />

conduct and behaviour. Minors may not order or drink alcoholic beverages or participate in gambling activities onboard a cruise ship. At all times when on board a<br />

cruise ship, a minor must be supervised by the responsible adult, and may participate in onboard activities provided that the minors are accompanied by the<br />

responsible adult. The responsible adult will be responsible to MSC for any loss or damage suffered by MSC, including damage to the cruise ship and/or damage to<br />

and/or loss of any furnishings, equipment and other property belonging to the cruise ship which loss or damage is caused by the Minor who is under the care of the<br />

Responsible adult.<br />

70 years and older:<br />

Passengers over 70 years of age do not need to provide a doctor’s certificate verifying their fitness to travel, however they are advised to study the Insurance<br />

brochure available on www.msccruises.co.za very carefully as there are very specific exclusions for passengers over 70 – whether pre-existing conditions exist or not.<br />

Q. Can my infant share my cabin with me?<br />

Infants are classified from 0-1.99 years of age and may share the existing bedding in the cabin. A release will need to be signed agreeing to these conditions of<br />

travel. If you need a cot for your infant please ensure that it is requested at the time of booking as there are limited cots on board. Alternatively you may bring your<br />

infant’s camp cot on board with you.<br />

Q. How do dinner sittings work?<br />

On most cruises, there are two sittings for dinner. An alternative Casual Dining Buffet is available for families or passengers who prefer more casual dining. Please<br />

check onboard as to which restaurant will be serving the Casual Dining Buffet (generally served from 18h30-20h00)<br />

Opera<br />

La Carevella and L’Approdo Restaurants are used for both dinner sittings. The first is at approximately 18h30 and the 2nd at 20h45.<br />

Sinfonia:<br />

The Il Galeone and the Il Covo Restaurants are used for both dinner sittings. The first sitting is at approximately 18h30 and the second at 20h45.<br />

Note: Your preference of dinner seating, either 1st or 2nd is a request ONLY at the time of booking, and your table number and allocated dining time is only<br />

confirmed to you upon embarkation. If you want to sit with friends and family, please request this at the time of booking. Lunches and breakfasts are generally open<br />

sittings and guests can choose between a casual buffet and the more formal restaurants for their meal.<br />

Q. Are we able to have Lunch on the day of embarkation and Breakfast on Disembarkation day?<br />

Lunch is served on the day of embarkation and passengers embarking by 12h00 be able to enjoy lunch on board on that day.<br />

Breakfast is served on the morning of disembarkation between 06h00 and 08h00. All passengers are required to vacate their cabins by 06h45 on the morning of<br />

arrival back into the Port.<br />

Q. Is the General Emergency Drill on board necessary<br />

A General Emergency Drill for all passengers and crew will be held shortly after the ship has set sail. Your attendance is compulsory according to International Safety<br />

Laws governing ships. Please listen very carefully to all announcements and read the emergency instructions posted behind the cabin door. During the Emergency<br />

Drill all the ship’s services are closed.<br />

Q. Do you cater for special dietary needs?<br />

A vegetarian choice is served at each meal time. The meat loaded onboard is certified Halaal and Halaal food is prepared separately from other foods. Kosher meals<br />

are catered at an additional cost per meal, and must be ordered at least 14 days prior to sailing.<br />

Q. Can we take liquor on board?<br />

In keeping with the policies adopted by cruise lines throughout the world, personal supplies of alcohol will be confiscated if found in your luggage or if observed in<br />

your cabin. Both your main luggage as well as your hand luggage will be thoroughly searched before embarkation. No exceptions will be permitted. AVOID<br />

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the duty free will be held until disembarkation. (Liquor confiscated will not be returned at the end of the cruise)<br />

Q. Are there regulations in respect of purchasing alcoholic beverages onboard?<br />

You may purchase alcoholic beverages onboard the cruise ship. MSC shall not sell any alcoholic beverage to a Minor during the cruise. MSC may refuse to serve you<br />

an alcoholic beverage if in MSC’s opinion you may be a danger and /or nuisance to yourself or other passengers on the cruise ship.<br />

Q. Consuming liquor on Port Authorities property<br />

The ports of both Cape Town and Durban harbour are “Alcohol free Zones”. The carrying and consumption of all alcoholic beverages on any port property or access<br />

road is an offence and any passenger failing to comply with these security regulations will be escorted from the property.<br />

Q. Can we take food on board?<br />

MSC follows the most rigid procedures to ensure food safety. For this reason and to prevent the introduction of food borne illness, guests and crew may not bring on<br />

board any beverage or food items.<br />

Q. What beverages, if any are included and are available 24 hours ?<br />

Ice; cold water; hot water; American coffee (by dispenser only); decaffeinated coffee & selection of teas (at dispenser area)<br />

Breakfast Buffet<br />

Ice, cold water; hot water; American coffee by dispenser; concentrated juices; instant coffee; decaffeinated coffee; tea; milk.<br />

Breakfast Dining Room:<br />

Products offered as per “Dining room breakfast menu”: Selection of teas and infusions; American coffee; decaffeinated coffee; instant coffee; hot chocolate; whole or<br />

semi-skimmed milk; fruit juices (orange/pineapple/ACE/grapefruit, tomato)<br />

Lunch Buffet:<br />

Ice; cold water; hot water; America coffee by dispenser; decaffeinated coffee; instant coffee; tea; milk<br />

Lunch Dining Room:<br />

No free beverage service<br />

Tea time/ afternoon snack:<br />

Ice; cold water; hot water; American coffee by dispenser; decaffeinated coffee; instant coffee; tea; milk<br />

Dinner Buffet (when in place):<br />

Ice; cold water; hot water; American coffee by dispenser; decaffeinated coffee; instant coffee; tea; milk<br />

Dinner Dining Room:<br />

No free beverage service<br />

Midnight buffet (when in place)<br />

Ice; cold water; hot water; American coffee by dispenser; decaffeinated coffee; instant coffee; tea; milk<br />

Q. Can I take my fire arm on board?<br />

Cape Town and Durban harbour are gun-free Ports. Firearms, weapons and sharp objects are not permitted in the Port area or on board. Any passenger failing to<br />

comply with security regulations will not permitted to board the ship.<br />

Q. How can I stay in touch with friends and family back home?<br />

Mobile phone<br />

Mobile phones rely on signal received from cell phone towers, thus cell phones have no signal at sea. Occasional signal is picked up while cruising along the coast.<br />

Many foreign Ports do have signal, but your phone will need to be enabled for International Roaming so please consult with your service provider before you leave.<br />

On board communication facilities<br />

There is an onboard satellite telephone and fax facility but this is expensive and should be reserved for emergencies only. Internet facilities are available onboard at a<br />

charge.<br />

Q. Will my South African electrical appliances work on board?<br />

The ships run on both 110v and 220v. The plug sockets are American (110v) and European round 2 pin (220v). The South African 3 pin plug will require a European 2<br />

pin round adapter.<br />

Hairdryers are available in the cabin.<br />

Q. Is there a Doctor onboard?<br />

The ship has a medical facility staffed by a Doctor and nursing personnel. This is a private service and all consultations are charged for. Please note that the medical<br />

facility does not operate as a pharmacy and a consultation with the Doctor is required prior to any medicine being dispensed. We highly recommend that you take all<br />

necessary medications onboard with you.<br />

Please note the mandatory cruise insurance included in your cruise fare does not cover this Doctor. Please also be advised to check with your Medical Aid Scheme<br />

prior to departure whether they will reimburse you for any visits to the Doctor on board realising that the Doctor is not a South African Doctor and does not have a<br />

practice number, and that you will be within International waters at the time of visiting the onboard Doctor.<br />

Q. What if I get sea-sick?<br />

sick?<br />

There is so much to do that most passengers don’t even think about getting seasick. However, a very small percentage of people are susceptible to motion sickness,<br />

which is caused by the confusion of the senses, mainly sight and balance. If you are predisposed to motion sickness, several excellent non-prescription drugs (eg:<br />

Stugeron, or Avonmine) and various homeopathic remedies (eg: Pegasus) are available on the market. It is best to start taking this medication 24 hours prior to<br />

cruising. Fresh air and being on deck are excellent natural remedies. Movement of the ship is also reduced with stabilisers.<br />

Q. What if I have a disability or o<br />

r have Special Needs<br />

If you or any member of your party has any medical condition or disability that need special travel, accommodation or dietary requirements please phone our<br />

reservations team BEFORE you book your holiday to ensure that we can adequately provide for you onboard.<br />

Limited medical services for minor medical conditions are available onboard a cruise ship. The ship is not equipped as a hospital and the medical personnel are not<br />

specialists. MSC and the medical personnel shall not be liable for any loss or damages which you may suffer because they are unable to treat your medical condition.<br />

You are liable to pay for any medical services and medicine provided to you onboard the cruise ship, at a port or in any other place during the cruise. It is your<br />

responsibility to claim such amounts from the insurance policy provided.<br />

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Q. What if I need help on board?<br />

The information / reception desk is open 24 hours.<br />

There are several heads of department who can also attend to your queries depending on what assistance you require.<br />

Q. What if I require a medical device or have a disability?<br />

If you need to use a medical device onboard a cruise ship or you are mentally or physically disabled, you may not board the cruise ship unless you are accompanied<br />

by another person who will assist you throughout the cruise and you have signed and submitted the relevant special needs form to the MSC Cruises office where your<br />

booking was made.<br />

MSC may refuse to allow you to board a cruise ship if you have not given MSC sufficient notice of your requirements and signed the necessary special needs form<br />

before boarding the ship; In MSC’s opinion you are unfit for travelling onboard the cruise ship for the duration of your cruise; or in MSC’s opinion your condition may<br />

endanger you or any other passengers if you board the cruise ship.<br />

If you are mentally or physically disabled or require the use of a medical device you may not be allowed to go ashore at certain of the ports at which the cruise ship<br />

stops.<br />

Q. Fitness to travel<br />

When booking you warrant that you are physically and mentally fit to travel onboard a cruise ship for the duration of the cruise. MSC may at any time require you to<br />

provide it with a Dr’s letter certifying that you are fit to travel aboard the cruise ship.<br />

Q. What if I have a complaint whilst onboard?<br />

Any Passenger with a complaint whilst on a Cruise must bring it to the attention of the Cruise staff onboard as soon as possible. If the Cruise staff are unable to<br />

resolve the problem, any complaint must be notified in writing to the Company within 14 (fourteen) days of the termination of the Cruise. Failure to report the<br />

complaint within this time may adversely affect the Company’s ability to deal with it. Complaints relating to any other part of a package must be made promptly to<br />

the Company or the supplier.<br />

Q. What if I am celebrating a special occasion?<br />

Congratulations! If you are celebrating a birthday, an anniversary or a special occasion we will try and help make it truly memorable! Simply advise reception as soon<br />

after embarkation as possible to give them time to prepare your special cake or treat. Note: A charge will be involved. A ‘Special Moments Package” can be prebooked<br />

at the time of your cruise booking – To book or for more information on prices and inclusions call our Reservations Department.<br />

Q. Purchasing Photos and DVD’s of our Cruise<br />

There will be many photo opportunities onboard and the Ship’s photographer captures many special moments on film. These photographs are put on display and are<br />

available for purchase on board. A DVD of your cruise is also available for purchase on board. Please note that at the end of each cruise the photos and DVD’s that<br />

have not been sold are destroyed, we are therefore unable to obtain any copies of Photos or DVD’S for you once you have disembarked the ship.<br />

Q. Is there an activity programme for youngsters?<br />

A fun and exciting activity program for children aged between 4 and 12 years takes place every full day at sea from 09h00 – 12h00 & 14h00 – 17h00. An evening<br />

activity program is also available from 20h00 until 23h00.<br />

A children’s play area is also available for children aged 2 - 4 years of age, however a supervising parent must be present at all time. An orientation meeting for all<br />

parents and children is held on the first afternoon onboard. See your daily program delivered to your cabin for details of activities which range from treasure hunts to<br />

fun sports, creative activities and games.<br />

Q. Is there babysitting on board?<br />

Due to Insurance Regulations, private babysitting is not available onboard.<br />

Note: Infants aged from 12 - 24 months old are not permitted in the child care centre as there are no sleeping facilities separated from playing areas.<br />

Q. How much money do we need?<br />

Meals and entertainment are included in your cruise fare. You will need spending money for drinks (15% bar service charge is levied on all bar and on all restaurant<br />

bills); Duty Free Shopping, Photos, Gambling – including Bingo; Laundry, Beauty Salon and any optional shore excursions you would like to book. All prices onboard<br />

are in Euros on Cruises Southbound from Europe to S.A and in US Dollars on all cruises in and around S.A and from S.A back to Europe.<br />

Q. Cruise Card / How do we pay for goods & services?<br />

For the convenience of all guests, the ship uses a cashless system. Every passenger (including children) will receive a personalised ID cruise card. This card may be<br />

used for all your purchases onboard, and is also your own personal identification onboard, and for that reason you will be required to show it to the gangway security<br />

team whenever you go ashore and return to the ship.<br />

Do not lose this card! In the event that you do misplace your card, you must proceed to Reception as soon as possible to have it replaced and to have your old card<br />

voided to avoid possible unauthorised charges being made to the card. On request, any cards (for a family for example) can be linked to a master account.<br />

Q. How do I pay my expenses onboard using my cruise card?<br />

You are required to activate your cruise card/s (only 1 member per family need do this) once you have embarked the ship. This then opens up your onboard account<br />

and your cruise card can be used for onboard purchases. For all onboard purchases you will present your cruise card and sign for these purchases which will then be<br />

added to your onboard bill to be settled in full on the night prior to arrival back in the port at the end of your cruise.<br />

It is important to note that it is required that you activate your cruise card before anything can be purchased onboard<br />

Q. How do I activate my Cruise card using my bank Credit Cards?<br />


It is very important the you DO NOT use a DEBIT CARD / CHEQUE CARD or CASH PASSPORT to activate your on board account. Where passengers have used a DEBIT /<br />

CHEQUE CARD or Cash/Forex PASSPORT to activate your onboard account (contrary to our prohibition thereof) MSC and / MSC Cruises will not be liable for loss<br />

suffered as a result of the use thereof and the onus will rest solely with the passenger to recover funds from their own bank.<br />

The following credit cards are accepted on the ship:<br />


At the accounting desk onboard where you will go to activate your cruise card, you will be required to sign a receipt authorizing MSC Cruises to utilize the credit card<br />

number for the total payments onboard. The credit card on-line system will request an initial pre-authorization of USD150 (the currency in force onboard) (Euros on<br />

Ships sailing from Europe to S.A) The on-line system will then automatically ask for incremental USD100 single authorization as soon as your expenses exceed the<br />

amount of the pre-authorization. On the night before disembarkation 2 copies of your onboard bill will be delivered to your cabin. You will be required to verify and<br />

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sign only 1 copy of the bill that you will receive in your cabin, and deliver that signed copy to the reception desk before disembarking the ship. The 2nd copy will be<br />

your passenger copy to take with you.<br />

It is important to note that the pre-authorization is only an estimate of the amount that could be utilised during your time onboard. This pre-authorisation is not an<br />

actual debit and the amount is BLOCKED on your credit card for the period of 7-15 working days after your disembarkation. After this period has lapsed your bank<br />

automatically releases the pre-authorised amount. The only amount actually debited to your credit card will be the amount that corresponds with the invoice signed<br />

prior to disembarkation.<br />

Should you have any concerns about this, we recommend you use CASH to activate your account.<br />

Q. How do I activate my Cruise card using Cash?<br />

At the accounting desk onboard where you will go to activate your cruise card, you will be required to make a minimum deposit of USD200 per person / USD300 per<br />

family.<br />

On the night before disembarkation 2 copies of your onboard bill will be delivered to your cabin. You will be required to proceed to the Accounting desk to settle your<br />

bill. Where there is money outstanding you will be required to pay this in cash, and where there is a credit balance you will be refunded according to the currency in<br />

force onboard: USD<br />

Example: If your deposit on your account was paid in S.A Rands, then the credit balance will be refunded in US Dollar.<br />

Q. What happens when I pay my original deposit in cash, but don’t have enough cash to settle the entire bill and so have to settle s<br />

the difference with my bank credit<br />

cards?<br />

The on-line system will ask automatically for a USD100 single authorization, regardless of the actual amount that is due. This must be done the night before<br />

disembarkation<br />

Example: I owe USD35 – The system will request an automatic USD100 single authorization.<br />

This pre-authorisation once again is not an actual debit and the full USD100 is BLOCKED on your credit card for the period of 7-15 working days after your<br />

disembarkation. After this period has lapsed you will be able to see on your bank statements that only the amount authorised i.e.: USD35 as used in the example<br />

above, has been debited and the authorisation or BLOCK on the remaining funds has been released.<br />

Q. Can I use my cruise card for purchases at the ports of call?<br />

No. The cruise cards are only used to charge expenses and purchases to your onboard bill, and have no value besides for purchases and expenses onboard the ship.<br />

For these destinations you would require credit cards/ cash / travellers cheques etc as you would normally when travelling.<br />

What money do I use in the Casino?<br />

The Casino only accepts CASH<br />

The Casino does not accept credit cards or cheques – only cash.<br />

Q. Are there ATM’s (Automatic teller machines) onboard?<br />

There are no ATM’s on board the ships or in the ports. It is therefore important that if you wish to draw cash that you do so prior to arriving at the port and/or<br />

embarking the ship.<br />

Q. Is there a bank onboard?<br />

The Accounting office does not work as a bank. Small amounts of European currencies and Travellers Cheques can be changed on board at the Accounting Office –<br />

commission charges apply. Credits on your cruise card may not be “cashed out” during the cruise. Any credits on your cruise card are paid back only at the end of the<br />

cruise when each guest settles their onboard bill. * Reminder cash is paid back only against cash deposits made and not where credit card pre-authorizations have<br />

been authorized.<br />

Q. What about a service charge?<br />

During your cruise you will meet staff throughout the ship who will provide you with excellent service. They are supported by just as many staff and crew who work<br />

hard behind the scene to ensure that you enjoy every moment onboard. Hotel Service Charges will be prepaid at the time of booking based on the below amounts:<br />

Southbound Cruises - From Europe to South Africa<br />

Adults 18 years and over R65 per person per day<br />

Children 14 years and over R32.50 per person per day<br />

Children under 14 years No Service charge applied<br />

Northbound Cruises - From South Africa to Europe<br />

Adults 18 years and over R50 per person per day<br />

Children 3 years and over R25 per person per day<br />

Children under 3 years No service charge applied<br />

All other Cruises<br />

Adults 18 years and over R50 per person per day<br />

Children 3 years and over R25 per person per day<br />

Children under 3 years No service charge applied<br />

(Example of charges – A 3 night cruise is calculated as 3 DAYS)<br />

Note: A 15% bar service charge is automatically added to all purchases in all Bars and all Restaurants<br />

Q. What about tipping?<br />

No tips are requested onboard<br />

Q. UNICEF Donation<br />

MSC Crociere supports an innovative UNICEF program to combat poverty and inequality by helping ensure disadvantaged children in Rio de Janeiro and São Paolo gain<br />

quality education. Guests are invited to “get on board for children” and make a difference by offering a small donation. This can be as little as €1 (or $1.50), which<br />

will be added to the bill at the end of the cruise. However this small donation, valid on all ships in the MSC Cruises fleet, is of course optional. Therefore, passengers<br />

may freely decide whether to increase, decrease or cancel it, communicating their decision to the Accounting Office before 22.00 of the last day of the cruise. For<br />

more information please read the informational brochure left in every cabin or go to www.msc-unicef.org<br />

Q. Can we snorkel at the destinations?<br />

Yes, but please take note that there is no gear available onboard to hire, and if you intend to snorkel, it is advisable to bring your own. Barra Lodge and Portuguese<br />

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Island do offer a snorkel excursion with gear hire included from a local source although fin sizes and condition of equipment are not guaranteed. A limited range of<br />

snorkeling equipment will be available for purchase at Durban harbour prior to boarding the ship.<br />

Q. Are landings guaranteed where transfer to the destination is by zodiac?<br />

Landings are weather dependent and the sea conditions dictate whether a successful landing can proceed or not. The Captain has the final say as to whether a<br />

landing will proceed or not based on the information he has in regard to sea and weather conditions, and with the safety of the passengers and staff onboard as his<br />

primary concern.<br />

Q. What about shore excursions?<br />

Shore excursions cannot be pre-booked and are only available to be booked and paid for directly once on board. These excursions fill up very quickly so it is<br />

recommended that you go to Reception as soon as possible after boarding to see what shore excursions are on offer and to pre-book.<br />

Q. Do I need take bath and beach towels?<br />

Bath towels and pool / beach towels available on board<br />

Q. What is the Dress Code?<br />

During the day casual wear is encouraged although no bathing suits are permitted in the main restaurant. A buffet breakfast and lunch are available on deck should<br />

you prefer casual dining. Evenings are generally smart casual (from 18h00) with a formal night on any cruise 4 nights or longer. Every cruise has a PARTY NIGHT<br />

where guests are encouraged to dress up bright & bold and anything goes. Although the summer evenings are generally warm, it is advisable to bring a light jumper<br />

in case of a sea breeze or to wear indoors as most venues are fully air-conditioned.<br />

Q. Will there be time to visit uShaka Sea World after our cruise<br />

uShaka tickets are available for purchase on board only. It is recommended that uShaka tickets be purchased on board at the excursion desk in order to enjoy the<br />

excursion after the cruise.<br />

Q. Can I request Double / Single beds in the cabin<br />

The beds on board Sinfonia and Opera are generally convertible lower beds, which means that the cabin can be set up either as a double or as 2 singles as required.<br />

In some instances the cabins have a “wedding bed” (double bed) only and cannot be converted to 2 single beds.<br />

Q. Can we get married / Renew our Vows onboard?<br />

Weddings onboard are not legal and are merely “ceremonial”. You will therefore have to be legally married in a civil service prior to having your wedding onboard.<br />

There are 3 packages which can be pre-paid for Weddings/ Renewal of Vows onboard. Please refer to the website for further information on the packages on offer<br />

and the inclusions.<br />

Q. Can I take the Mandatory cruise insurance off of my cruise fare?<br />

MSC Cruises has a mandatory insurance charge which is designed exclusively for cruise passengers. This charge, which is very reasonable, is required for all<br />

passengers travelling on cruises in and around South Africa. The insurance covers the repatriation of passengers from the vessel as there are no ports of call in reach<br />

of the vessels on the routes which they sail. This insurance is not optional and we are required to pay the policy for ALL passengers travelling.<br />

Q. Is the Mandatory cruise insurance included for positioning cruises: ie South and Northbound cruises?<br />

This insurance is NOT included and all passengers on these cruises are to obtain their own fully comprehensive Travel Insurance and to provide such proof to MSC<br />

Starlight. No cruise documentation will be processed until such time as this proof has been received as no passengers will be accepted for travel without Travel<br />

Insurance in place.<br />

Q. What is the Prima Price Special and who qualifies?<br />

The Prima Price Special offers up to a 30% discount to passengers who book more than 6 months prior to sailing. The first 2 Adults in the cabin will enjoy up to a 30%<br />

saving on the Cruise fare. Any additional adults sharing the same cabin will pay the normal brochure 3rd and 4th passenger sharing rates. All passengers in the cabin<br />

will pay the full port charges, insurance and service fees. This special must be booked more than 6 months prior to sailing and must be paid in full more than 90 days<br />

prior to departure. A maximum of 2 Children under 18 (under 12 in Balcony Suites on Sinfonia) may share the same cabin as 2 Adults, and will pay only the Port<br />

Charges and services fees if applicable. It is important to note that specials are capacity controlled and can be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Specials are<br />

not necessarily assigned to all cruise departures, and it is therefore imperative to check with a Sales Agent to see on which departures this Prima Price Special applies<br />

and whether it is able to be combined with any other specials at the time of booking.<br />

Q. What is a Buy 2 Get 2 Free Special and who qualifies?<br />

This special is designed for 4 Adults sharing ONE cabin. The First 2 Adults in the cabin pay the full cruise fare, and the 2nd two adults enjoy a 100% saving on the<br />

cruise fare. All passengers in the cabin will pay the full port charges, insurance and service fees. A 4 Berth (bedded) cabin is required to be booked in order to qualify<br />

for this special as all 4 Adults will share ONE CABIN (Bunk Beds). This special must be booked and paid in full no later than 60days prior to sailing. It is important to<br />

note that specials are capacity controlled and can be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Specials are not necessarily assigned to all cruise departures, and it<br />

is therefore imperative to check with a Sales Agent to see on which departures this Buy 2 Get 2 Free Special applies and whether it is able to be combined with any<br />

other specials at the time of booking.<br />

Q. What is a Partner Special and who qualifies?<br />

The Partner Special is valid for 2 Adults sharing a cabin. The first Adult will pay the Full Cruise fare and the Partner will enjoy a 50% saving on the cruise fare. Both<br />

passengers in the cabin will pay Full port charges, Service Fees and Insurance charges. This Partner Special must be booked and paid in full no later than 90days prior<br />

to sailing. A maximum of 2 Children under 18 may share the same cabin as the 2 Adults, and will pay only the Port Charges and services fees if applicable. It is<br />

important to note that specials are capacity controlled and can be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Specials are not necessarily assigned to all cruise<br />

departures, it is therefore imperative to check with a Sales Agent to see on which departures this Partner Special applies.<br />

Q. What is a Student Special and who qualifies?<br />

Students must be between the ages of 18-35 years, with a minimum of 4 Students sharing ONE cabin<br />

Students will be berthed in the Lowest Category Available Inside/Outside available at the time of booking<br />

MSC Opera<br />

Inside cabin – R750 per person per night cruise fare<br />

Outside Cabin – R850 per person per night cruise fare<br />

MSC Sinfonia<br />

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Inside cabin – R650 per person per night cruise fare<br />

Outside Cabin – R750 per person per night cruise fare<br />

All 4 passengers in the cabin will pay Full port charges, Service Fees and Insurance charges. This Student Special must be booked and paid in full no later than 60days<br />

prior to sailing. The Student Special cannot be combined with any other specials. It is important to note that specials are capacity controlled and can be withdrawn at<br />

any time without prior notice. Specials are not necessarily assigned to all cruise departures, it is therefore imperative to check with a Sales Agent to see on which<br />

departures this Student Special applies. Student Specials are not applicable to travel on Peak or High Season Cruises or South/Northbound sailings.<br />

Q. What are Senior Citizen Specials and who qualifies?<br />

Passengers who are 60+ at the time of completion of travel will qualify for the Senior Citizen Discount.<br />

Senior Citizens enjoy a further 10% saving on the published cruise fare for all cruises 4 nights or less and 5% off on all cruises 5 nights or more. Senior Citizens will<br />

still pay Full port charges, Service Fees and Insurance charges Please note that this only applies where the Senior Citizen is the 1st or 2nd Adult in a booking – it does<br />

not apply to 3rd and 4th passenger sharing rates where there are four Adults sharing ONE cabin. This special must be booked and paid in full no later than 60days<br />

prior to sailing. Specials are not necessarily assigned to all cruise departures, it is therefore imperative to check with a Sales Agent to see on which departures this<br />

Special applies. Senior Citizen discounts will only apply to full brochure fares on South and Northbound sailings.<br />

Q. What is the Honeymoon Special?<br />

Honeymooners enjoy a 10% discount per person on the cruise fare, with a free one Category upgrade - subject to availability. The upgrades cannot be from an Inside<br />

cabin (without porthole) to an Outside cabin (with porthole) or from an Outside cabin (with porthole) to a Suite or Balcony Suite. Both passengers will pay Full port<br />

charges, Service Fees and Insurance charges. In addition to the one Category upgrade Honeymooners will receive an invitation to a Honeymooners’ Cocktail party; a<br />

bottle of sparkling wine in the cabin; and a certificate commemorating the event. This special must be booked and paid in full no later than 60days prior to sailing. It<br />

is important to note that specials are capacity controlled and can be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Specials are not necessarily assigned to all cruise<br />

departures, it is therefore imperative to check with a Sales Agent to see on which departures this Special applies.<br />

Q. Will I still get honeymoon benefits if I don’t book the Honeymoon Special?<br />

If you have elected not to book the Honeymoon Special, but you do ask the Sales Agent to advise the ship that you will be on your honeymoon, you will receive only<br />

an invitation to the Honeymooners’ cocktail party, and will not enjoy any of the other benefits which passengers booked on the Honeymoon Special will enjoy.<br />


Aboard:On board or on the ship. Used when referring to being or doing something on the ship<br />

About: To turn the ship around<br />

Abreast: To be alongside something – usually another ship or a dock<br />

Add-on:<br />

An additional charge to the cruise fare that usually refers to airfare, transfers or land tours<br />

Aft: Back of the ship<br />

Air/sea package: A package deal that includes the cruise price, airfare and transfers between the airports and the ship<br />

All hands: All the crew members working aboard the ship<br />

A la Carte: Dining by ordering items listed individually on a menu<br />

Amidships:<br />

The middle section of the ship<br />

Ashore: On land. The opposite of aboard<br />

Astern: Toward the back of the ship or behind the ship<br />

Balcony: A private balcony adjacent to the ship’s stateroom/cabin<br />

Balcony Suite: A stateroom/cabin with a small sitting area as well as a Balcony<br />

Beam: The width of the ship at its widest point, usually right across the middle section of the ship<br />

Bearing: The compass direction the ship is sailing, expressed in degrees<br />

Berth: A built in bed or bunk in the cabin; or the place where the ship is docked in the port<br />

Bow: The front part of the ship<br />

Bridge: The location where the captain and crew controls the ship; where navigation and steering occur<br />

Buffet: A meal at which passengers serve themselves from various dished displayed on a table or sideboard<br />

Bulkhead: The structural wall in the interior of the ship<br />

Buoy: A marker or float used to identify navigational landmarks or channels<br />

Cabin: A passenger room on board the ship- sometimes called a stateroom<br />

Cabin steward: The person who cleans the cabin<br />

Cast off: The release the ship from her mooring<br />

Category: The price level of a cabin based on location, size and amenities<br />

Channel: The deepest part of a river or harbour<br />

Coastal cruises: These are 3 or 4 night cruises from Cape Town to Durban and visa versa – down the S.A coastline<br />

Companionway: A stairway inside the ship that connects deck levels<br />

Course:<br />

The ship’s route from one port to the next<br />

Cruise card: Your on board cruise card which serves as both your ID and your on board charge card for purchases made on board which are billed back to your cabin<br />

Cruise Director: Head of the ship’s entertainment staff, often emcees events on board<br />

Cruise scam: Refers to the offer of a cruise trip of cruise holiday package under false pretences, and such an offer is designed to deceive in order to spam people or<br />

to swindle them<br />

Cruise to Nowhere: These are 2 night cruises from Durban out to sea and back to Durban and from Cape Town out to sea and back to Cape Town. Passengers do<br />

not disembark the ship at any point - it is simply a round trip out to sea and back to the originating port.<br />

Davit:A steel structure that hoists lifeboats over the side of the ship<br />

Debark: To go ashore<br />

Deck: Each level (floor) of the ship<br />

Disembark: To leave the ship and go ashore<br />

Dinner seating: The time a passenger is assigned to a particular dining venue on the ship<br />

Dock: A large structure or excavated basin for receiving ships, equipped with gates to keep water in and out; A place to moor the ship<br />

Double Occupancy: Refers to a cabin shared by 2 people<br />

Draft: The depth of water needed to sail so that the ship doesn’t touch the ocean floor (the draft is measured from the waterline to the lowest part of the ship,<br />

usually the keel)<br />

Embark: To go aboard the ship<br />

First seating: The earlier of the two meal servings (dinner seating) in the ship’s main dining room – also referred to as the main seating<br />

Fleet: A number of ships under the same ownership<br />

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Fore, Forward: The area towards the bow of the ship<br />

Funnel: The ship’s smokestack<br />

Galley: The ships kitchen<br />

Gangway: Ramp or stairway between the ship and the shore while the ship is docked<br />

Hand: Crew member<br />

Handicapped cabins: Cabins that have been especially designed for passengers with disabilities<br />

Head: Bathroom<br />

Helm: The ship’s steering equipment located on the bridge<br />

Hold: The ship’s cargo area<br />

Hotel Manager: Shipboard director of hotel operations such as housekeeping and passenger services<br />

Hull: The outside shell of the ship from the main deck down to the keel<br />

Inside cabin: A cabin/stateroom that does not have a porthole, window or balcony<br />

Keel: The chief structure of the ship that extends lengthwise along the centre of the ship’s bottom i.e.: the ship’s backbone<br />

Knot: The measurement of the ship’s speed. One knot is one nautical mile per hour<br />

Landing: The transfer of passengers from the ship to the shore via Zodiacs where there is no port or dock for the ship to come alongside such as for Portuguese<br />

Island and Barra Lodge<br />

Latitude: The distance North and South of the equator expressed in degrees<br />

Leeward: The side of an island or ship that is sheltered from the wind<br />

Life Boat: One of the small boats carried by the ship for use if the ship must be abandoned<br />

Life Jacket: A buoyant device for saving a person from drowning by keeping the body afloat.<br />

Lines: The ropes used to tie up the ship while it is at the dock<br />

Longitude: The distance East or West of prime meridian expressed in degrees<br />

Lower beds: Beds located at ground level in the cabin – not bunk beds which are recessed into the wall<br />

Lower berths convertible: Cabins on board Sinfonia & Opera all have 2 lower beds – convertible to double. This means that a specific cabin number does not need to<br />

be requested in order to have a double bed in the cabin. Housekeeping will make the beds up as a Double or 2singles as required.<br />

Maiden Voyage: The very first voyage of a new ship<br />

Maiden Call: The first port of call on a ship’s maiden voyage<br />

Master:<br />

The person who is in charge of the ship, the captain<br />

Moor: The hold the ship in place with lines at a berth<br />

Muster: To assemble all passengers and crew<br />

Muster station: A meeting place on board the ship that usually refers to the area where one would go to get into the lifeboats in case of an emergency<br />

Nautical mile: A unit of measurement equal to one-sixtieth of a degree of the earth circumference<br />

Ocean view cabin: An outside cabin/stateroom with a porthole or window<br />

On board: Located on the ship, carried or used on the vessel<br />

Open seating: A meal seating in which tables are not assigned<br />

Outside Balcony: A stateroom/ cabin with a Balcony<br />

Outside Cabin: A stateroom/cabin with a porthole, window also referred to as ocean view<br />

Passageway:<br />

A hallway inside the ship<br />

Passenger to crew ratio: The total number of passenger divided by the total number of crew members<br />

Pitch: The forward and backward rise and fall of the ship as it moves<br />

Port: The left side of the ship when facing forward; also the harbour where the ship docks<br />

Porthole: A round window on a ship<br />

Port of call: A port at which the ship anchors, moors, and the passengers are allowed to disembark<br />

Positioning cruise: A one-way itinerary that brings a ship from one region to another at the change of the cruise season<br />

Private transfer: Transportation from the airport to the port and vice versa that is not scheduled and must be requested and booked individually<br />

Promenade: An open deck that encircles a ship, often used for walking or jogging<br />

Purser: The officer on board who serves as a financial or administrative manager for guest services<br />

Pullman: A bunk bed that either folds away against the cabin wall or into the ceiling during the day, And is folded down at night to accommodate the additional<br />

passengers in the cabin<br />

Quad: A cabin that accommodated 4 passengers<br />

Roll: The side to side movement of the ship<br />

Screw: The ship’s propeller<br />

Second seating: The later of the two meal servings (dinner sittings) in the ship’s main dining room – also referred to as the late seating<br />

Separate Lower beds:<br />

Separate lower beds and are fixed and cannot be converted to a Double bed.<br />

Shore excursion: A tour guided activity in which guests participate whilst ashore<br />

Shuttle transfer: Transportation from the airport to the port and visa versa. Works on a rotation basis so as the one minibus/coach fills up and leaves so the other<br />

arrives to load passengers and transport them.<br />

Single Supplement: An extra charge solo travellers pay to have just one person in a cabin<br />

Sister Ships: Ships built of the same design- sometimes referred to as ships owned and operated by the same cruise line<br />

Sofa bed: A sofa/couch that is folded out to make up an additional bed in the evening<br />

Stabilizer:<br />

izer: A retractable arm located below the waterline mid-ship, which can be extended to help reduce the ship’s roll in rougher sea conditions<br />

Starboard: The right side of the ship when facing forward<br />

Stateroom: A cabin<br />

Stern: The back end of the ship<br />

Suite: The largest class of stateroom/cabin, features separate living and sleeping areas<br />

Tender: A small boat used to transport passengers from the ship to the shore. Tenders are used when the harbour is not deep enough for the ship to dock.<br />

Triple: A cabin that will accommodate 3 passengers<br />

Underway: The act of sailing<br />

Upgrade: A change in cabin assignment to a better category<br />

Upper berth: A bed similar to a bunk bed, often folded and recessed into the wall<br />

Wedding bed: This is a fixed double bed on board Melody<br />

Zodiac: A type of speed boat used to transport passengers from the ship to the shore. Zodiacs are used where there is no port and the ship has to throw anchor<br />

offshore and transfer passengers to the shore in this way.<br />

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